Interstellar Miner

Chapter 531 Qing Yuan Advanced

Chapter 531 Qing Yuan Advancement ([-])

Countless spirit stones and immortal stones were poured into the sea and rivers of Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, and all the immortals of Qingyuan released fairy palaces, fairylands, fairy heavens, and even fairy realms, densely covering the entire sky of Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, trying their best to raise Qingyuan The size of Yuan Xiaoxianjie!
A large enough quantity has finally produced a qualitative change!
Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is like a gigantic super machine running at full speed, rumbling and emitting an incomparably bright light!

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er did not release Xianhuan, the main reason is that it is too huge, so as not to frighten others, and wait until the most critical moment to reveal it, the shock will be much smaller, but it can calm people's hearts and boost morale!

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie trembled slightly, and there was an obvious upward trend!

Advanced, advanced, I have heard countless times since I was a child, this time I really want to advance!

Mo Xuan and the others really don't have experience in this area. Even in the fourth level of time and space, that is, the Qingyuan Immortal Realm, they have successfully advanced.

Before that, it was said that some people had advanced in the fairy world, but they were directly smashed by the Heavenly Tribulation, so there was no experience left.

After all, Xiaoyun is just a clone, with a limited amount of information, and he doesn't know very clearly.

After tens of thousands of years of hard work, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has finally reached today, success or failure depends on it!
Mo Xuan took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er grabbed Mo Xuan's fist from left to right, and leaned on Mo Xuan's shoulder. It doesn't matter whether there is a mountain of knives or a sea of ​​fire in front of us, as long as we face it together, there is nothing to fear!

Mo Xuan's dignified face suddenly softened a lot, and he smiled lightly, isn't it the advancement of the fairy world, isn't it the great catastrophe, and it just happens to gain insight.

The advancement of the fairy world is actually similar to the principle of water droplets passing through soap bubbles. Of course, this is just a metaphor. The real advancement of the fairy world through the boundary membrane is much more difficult and difficult!
The most difficult thing is the process of crossing the boundary membrane. The boundary membrane is not a soap bubble, it has a considerable thickness. Inside the film!

Therefore, in order to achieve the best effect of water passing through soap bubbles, the body of the fairy world must be sufficient, and the speed must be just right!
However, none of you has the experience of advancing from the second-level time-space to the third-level time-space in the fairy world. This speed cannot be accurately grasped. We can only refer to the experience of Qing Yuan Lao Xianjie when he advanced from the third-level time-space to the fourth-level time-space and the emptiness of the second-level time-space. To deduce this speed.

However, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has not been running at full capacity for energy saving, so this speed is not so easy to control, there are too many uncertain factors!
When things come to an end, we can only bite the bullet!

Mo Xuan and the others thought that this advancement would only take a few months. Who would have thought that the time-consuming to advance to the fairy world would be much longer than expected!
Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has been promoted for two full years, but there is still no sign of advancing.Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm has spent a lot of reserves, and Qingyuan can't calm down anymore!

Although the public has known about the advancement of the fairy world for a long time, and they have started to stockpile food early, they never imagined that it would take so long. If there is a lack of food, you can eat dried vegetables and sweet potatoes for three meals a day for two full years, even the gods can't bear it!How long will it take?

This... This... Could it be that the second floor of time and space is too empty and empty, and there is no way to advance?
I thought that the extremely sufficient resources were already a bit stretched. If the Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie hadn't advanced yet, and wasted all the time, it would be too thankless!
Moreover, Hei Ming was always on the sidelines watching coldly, and the Qing Yuan wasted too much. Maybe Hei Ming, who had a kind face, was about to tear off his disguise to reveal his sharp fangs and pounced fiercely on him!
Urgent!Will it work?
Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er have been guarding the Mo family's Lingdao. The Mo family is not an ordinary family. They eat fresh vegetables and fish every day, but they haven't been able to see each other well.

Even Mo Shi and Mo Tian often asked Mo Xuan when he would be able to advance to the end.

Mo Xuan secretly smiled wryly, he could only advance step by step and not rush to get past it, to be honest, Mo Xuan was a little bit at a loss.

But Mo Que'er doesn't care, if there is really something, just use the transport spirit ship to pack up and take all the Mo family to the third layer of time and space!Mo Que'er has already secretly asked Xiaoyun, is it okay?

Xiao Yun giggled, and made an OK gesture that Mo Xuan would occasionally use.

Mo Que'er immediately felt relieved, the loss of Mojia Lingdao will be lost, anyway, now we belong to Tianjianmen and the Four Immortals, which one is not ten thousand times stronger than Mojialing Island, if the old people are not used to living in it, then The entire Mojia Lingdao can only come out, it will only take a few months!
Mr. Taiyi and the others were not calm anymore, and asked for help from Xiaoyun Daneng, a know-it-all and inquirer from high-level time and space.

Xiaoyun curled her lips and said casually: "What's the hurry, the dead state of the second-level space-time, of course, takes more time. When the fairyland reaches the critical point, it will naturally start to advance."

Lord Taiyi and the others calmed down and issued a death order. In the final stage, whoever dares to lose the chain will be killed!
Qing Yuan couldn't help but trembled, he could only grit his teeth and persist and persist!

Before I knew it, another half year had passed!
Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie finally reached the critical point, it trembled violently, and the speed of its ascent suddenly dropped, but it was officially in contact with the boundary membrane!
Tremors came in waves!

Qing Yuan couldn't help raising his heart, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, success or failure depends on it!Little Immortal World, you must hold on!
A Heiming miniature battleship has been silently following Qingyuan's Little Immortal Realm, watching Qingyuan's entire advancement process with cold eyes.

It is none other than Hei Ming's Tianxian Feng Chang who is driving this miniature battleship and doing the work of the Death Squad.

Different from Qing Yuan's high tension like suffocating up and down, Feng Chang is very leisurely, leisurely tasting immortal tea, watching Qing Yuan's promotion in the small fairy world, and doing nothing, this mini battleship will record Qing Yuan completely. The process of Xiaoxianjie's advanced promotion is a valuable reference material for Hei Ming's future advancement.

Oh, it's finally started!Feng Chang put down his teacup, stood up, and stared at the trembling Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm with burning eyes. Visible to the naked eye, a faintly huge gray membrane wall kept blocking the rise of Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.

Is that the boundary membrane? It really is no small matter!Feng Chang squinted his eyes, clenched his fists, and waited and watched.

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie made use of its own inertia, trembling violently and constantly squeezing the boundary membrane, insisting on rising against the boundary membrane!

To put it lightly, it is actually a head-to-head confrontation at the macro level, and there are many crises!

As long as Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is a little weaker, it will be bounced away immediately, or even crushed into powder!And this is only the first step in the advancement of the fairy world!
Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm has painstakingly prepared for so many years, of course it will not lose at this first step!

It's now!Daoist Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xin waved their hands violently, and the super large formation that spread throughout the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm was in full swing.

Although Kong Jian is also a Taoist Lord, after all, his age and experience are far less than the three Taoist Lords, so at this moment of life and death, he only supports him wholeheartedly and does not dare to intervene indiscriminately.

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie suddenly exerted force, piercing through the outer layer of the boundary membrane, and entered the inside of the boundary membrane!And the real test has just begun!
Even if Feng Chang's mission is over here, he can return safely in the mini battleship and accept the rewards from the two Daoist Hei Ming with ease and joy.

But Feng Chang didn't do that, but shot out from the mini battleship, followed Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie through the hole in the boundary membrane, and entered the inside of the boundary membrane!

If the two Dao Lords Hei Ming saw this, they would also shout that Feng Changzhen is so fucking dead. Although they are Xuanxians who can penetrate the boundary membrane, they dare not try to cross the boundary membrane.

Feng Chang broke into the boundary membrane in disbelief, and soon discovered that the boundary membrane is not a thin layer of membrane, but actually has a huge inner space, which is extremely chaotic, and the space seems to be distorted!
Feng Chang frowned, and looked back at the hole in the boundary membrane that was slowly healing. There is still plenty of time, and the opportunity is once in a lifetime. Now, if you explore for a while, you will have more confidence in the future!
The Qingyuan Xiaoxian interface is not very good at facing such a chaotic inner space of the boundary membrane. It floats like duckweed, trying to find a way out, but the fist always hits the empty space, feeling powerful but unable to use it. !

In such a chaotic space, time seems to have become chaotic.Feng Chang raised his eyebrows, closed his eyes and sensed it carefully!

Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm was obviously greatly disturbed, several rampages tried to find a way out, but they all returned in vain.

The hole in the boundary membrane is gradually shrinking, and the healing speed is getting faster and faster!

Feng Chang opened his eyes, stepped back to the edge of the boundary membrane hole, and continued to pay attention to the movements of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm. At this time, the boundary membrane hole has only shrunk to one-tenth the size of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie must make an immediate decision, either advance or retreat!If one hesitates, then there is no way out!
Enter!This time, we must work hard and advance successfully!

Qingyuan is united as one, breaking all the boats, not considering any way out, going forward bravely, we must advance!

The hole in the boundary membrane shrinks rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, the diameter is only about [-] meters!

Feng Chang couldn't help but nodded secretly, and finally took a deep look at Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie who gave birth to him and raised him, and let's go all the way!
Feng Chang sighed slightly, took a step back, and retreated to the second layer of time and space.

In the next instant, the boundary membrane was completely healed, and a large number of energy waves surged in all directions.

Feng Chang swayed slightly, avoiding all the energy waves lightly, and returned to the mini battleship leisurely, embarking on the return journey!
Feng Chang stood with his hands behind his back, smiling lightly, from now on, the second layer of time and space will be our world of Hei Ming!It's time to go over to the first layer of time and space!Mo Xuan, the future is long, let's wait and see!
(End of this chapter)

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