Interstellar Miner

Chapter 532 Qing Yuan Advanced

Chapter 532 Qing Yuan Advancement ([-])

"Hmph, that annoying fly is finally gone!" Mo Que'er snorted coldly, if Mo Xuan hadn't pulled her, she would have rushed over to clean up Feng Chang who was following her.

Mo Xuan comforted: "Que'er, we must focus on the overall situation. Since Hei Ming kept his promise and did not destroy it, then we can't cross the river and tear down the bridge."

Mo Que'er pouts her cherry mouth in disbelief, that guy Feng Chang actually managed to gain power after arriving in Hei Ming, and became a heavenly fairy steadily, and now he has already occupied a place in Hei Ming.It is a big disaster at all, so it should be removed as soon as possible to save worry!Xuan is just too good-natured, if he is kind enough to spare him time and time again, he may not appreciate it, maybe he will taste the taste of raising a tiger in the future!

Mo Xuan naturally knew what Que'er was thinking, so he just smiled lightly, "I am who I am, and I will never deliberately change anything!"
Cultivation is a long way, and when you become strong enough, your opponents will become less and less. Such opponents will make you feel very entangled from the bottom of your heart.

You appreciate him a lot when he's not in front of you.But when standing opposite you, you will hate him very much.

The older we get, in fact, looking around, there are not many such people.

Just like a mirror, you not only see yourself in it, but there are people beside you.

It is a blessing to have such a person!
Right now, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is inside the boundary membrane, and Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er don't have time to think too much, and are always on the lookout for possible dangers!
In other words, it's not the way to fly around like headless chickens in the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm. Are Taiyi Lord and the others sure to find the right way to advance!
Mo Xuan frowned and waited patiently, not idle, trying his best to comprehend the inner space of the boundary membrane.

Whoops, generally speaking, it is really a membrane. Of course, this membrane is used to isolate layers of time and space relative to the huge volume of the universe. It is naturally extremely tough, and the internal space is not really that It was chaotic, but the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm forcibly broke through, destroying the internal balance of the boundary membrane, triggering a series of fusions!
The inside of the boundary membrane is so chaotic, in fact, they want to drive Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie back, but Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is trying to break through to the opposite side!
It's really hard not to be confused when the two sides collide with each other in such a way!

Lord Taiyi and the others have also noticed something, stopped flying around, and wanted to find the law of the inner space of the boundary membrane.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, referring to the separation of the boundary membrane at the top of the Endless Tower, and found a certain pattern, but with the addition of an unstable factor like Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, it is still uncertain!It's imminent now, so let's try it first!

Mo Xuan immediately sent the next trajectory of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to Mr. Kong Jian.

Kong Jian immediately conveyed it to Lord Taiyi and the others.

Lord Taiyi and the others glanced at each other. Mo Xuan would never aim indiscriminately. Could it be that he had found a way so quickly? !
Anyway, there is no harm in trying, Lord Taiyi and the others started to work immediately, the trembling of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie was much smaller, but they still couldn't find a way out!Mr. Taiyi is not in a hurry, and believes in Mo Xuan's ability.

Mo Xuan then indirectly commanded the Little Immortal Realm to move forward, collect more information, conduct deduction with all his strength, and gradually figure out some internal rules of the boundary membrane.

Then it would be easier to handle, Mo Xuan gave a more feasible surprise attack.

Lord Taiyi and the others resolutely carried it out, manipulating Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to go left and right, like a roller coaster.

The people in Xiaoxianjie were all staggering, sitting down hurriedly or grabbing the supports beside them, feeling very bewildered, and then a lot of uneasiness arose.

Oh, there is a play!Lord Taiyi and the others cheered up, as expected of Mo Xuan, even the boundary membrane couldn't stop him!Lord Taiyi and the others didn't have the time to think too much, they were concentrating on the final sprint!

Go out in one go!Make it or break it!
Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm whistling and circling, shuttling through the boundary membrane with a strange curve, dodging extremely dangerous vortices and storms, and dexterously jumping like a flat stone on the rough sea, Then gradually accelerate, faster and faster!

Trembling violently, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm plunged obliquely into the boundary membrane, circling and forced to cut out, rushing into the third layer of time and space, and after a long distance, it suddenly became calm, the sea and the sky were bright!
Is it finally over?Did it work?
The people came to the surface from the basement, and when they looked up, wow, the bright stars all over the sky blinded the eyes of everyone in Qingyuan!
Gosh!Is this... is this the legendary three-layer space-time?So beautiful, so beautiful and so shocking!
The vast majority of people in Qingyuan saw this beautiful star-filled sky for the first time, and they couldn't help but burst into tears; even the old immortals of Qingyuan, who have gone through vicissitudes, looked back at this beautiful scenery, and couldn't help crying with joy. We have been forced for so many years , After suffering for so many years, finally came back!
What a wealth of resources, what a bright starry sky, we never want to go back to that layer of time and space where chickens don’t lay eggs and birds don’t shit!
The senior earth immortals who were stuck outside the gate of the celestial beings couldn't help but red-eyed, wishing to start attacking the celestials immediately!
Very good!
Success!We made it!
Qing Yuan cheered frantically, we finally bid farewell to bitterness and ushered in an extremely happy and beautiful life!

Mo Xuan frowned, the crisis has not been completely overcome, now is not the time to be happy!
Mo Que'er shouted coldly: "Silent!" The shock made the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm tremble, and fell silent!

Yes, there is such a big catastrophe!
Qingyun was silent like a cicada, blinking his eyes, waiting silently.

Qingyuan's bosses are carefully looking around, whether the great catastrophe will come, our Qingyuan small fairy world consumes a lot to cross the boundary membrane, but it is still within the tolerable range, and we still have enough confidence to come Welcome to the illusory great catastrophe!

Mo Xuan compared the star maps, and finally confirmed the location of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie. It was not bad, it was located at the remote border between Baifeng and Huangwu, and there was no danger of leakage for the time being!

The wind is calm, the entire void is so quiet!
Time passed by one minute and one second, a quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour had passed, and it was still so calm!

Qing Yuan's heartstrings that had been tense up and down gradually loosened as time went by!
It seems that there is no such big catastrophe. We have been terrified for so many years, it is really unnecessary!But we finally succeeded in advancing, and a better tomorrow is waiting for us!

Mo Xuan couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was worrying too much, it would be really good if the catastrophe didn't come!

Great!We finally broke through, and we finally succeeded in advancing!

Qingyuan was all smiling, and began to celebrate Qingyuan's advancement!
The people have been in fear for so long, huddled in the basement for so long, eating dried vegetables, sweet potatoes, etc., and the birds are almost fading out of their mouths!Now it's finally free!

Many people happily carried out the Taoist firecrackers from the basement, placed them, and lit them one by one!

All of a sudden, Taoist firecrackers rushed into the sky roaring, and exploded, dyeing the sky of Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm colorful!
The people beat gongs and drums, sang and danced, and were beaming!
There are also various celebrations in the fairy garden, fairyland, and fairyland of the Qingyuan immortals.

Mo Xuan frowned, maybe it's not good to be so high-profile, Mo Xuan was still a little uneasy.

Mo Que'er didn't think there was anything wrong, since the catastrophe that he had been worrying about didn't come, it was time to celebrate and relieve Qing Yuan's nerves that had been tense for so many years!
Although the immortals were extremely happy, they were not overwhelmed by the joy, and soon turned their attention to the bright stars in the sky!So what a huge amount of cultivation resources, it's unbelievable, I really dare not even dream about it!
Not far from the surrounding area is a large area of ​​rich meteorite belt!Many immortals have never seen a meteorite belt in their life, let alone such a large and rich meteorite belt!

What are we waiting for, go mining quickly, the eyes of the poor and crazy immortals suddenly turned red, and they can't wait!

And the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has indeed consumed a lot, and needs to make up for it in order to meet the various challenges from the third layer of time and space.

The four Taoist monarchs each dispatched a mining team, roaring and rushing towards the meteorite belt over there.

It’s true that locusts cross the border and no grass grows, so a large meteorite belt can’t stand the crazy mining of wolves and tigers, and even a piece of debris has been cleaned up!

The quality of this meteorite belt is really too high, there are many Grade A meteorites, and even several Earth-level meteorites, it is too rich!
So cool!It's so cool, this is the real interstellar miner!When we were on the second floor of time and space, we were simply picking up waste and rubbish!The past is unbearable!

Just when Qingyuan's four mining teams were looking for the next meteorite belt that could be mined with great enthusiasm, the endless void suddenly experienced a subtle change!
Mo Xuan frowned suddenly, no good!Come back soon!Danger!
What's the matter?We just had a good time, so we let it go back. The large meteorite belt that has been mined is of course very powerful, but it can’t stand the number of us. If it is divided equally, each person can only be divided into a few dozen. A meteorite is far from enough!We need to mine more meteorites and get more resources!

However, it was an order from Mo Xuan Da Neng, even if the four mining brigades were reluctant, they returned immediately.

However, it was still a step too late!
It was too late and then it was too fast, the originally empty and calm void suddenly became violent. After blinking a few times, black thunderclouds rolled out, and a series of chain reactions occurred in an instant. The more they gathered, the endless thunderclouds surrounded the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!There were bursts of dull roaring noises from inside the thunder cloud, shaking the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm trembling!

The Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, which was originally still daytime, suddenly turned into night, and it was still a dark night of thunderstorms!

The joyous, singing and dancing Qingyuan people suddenly couldn't laugh anymore, holding the dark sky flickering with thunder in a daze, their hearts sank!

The immortals of Qingyuan also turned into bitter faces, didn't they, they really came!Could it be that extreme joy begets sorrow? !

Mo Xuan secretly sighed, what was supposed to come has finally come!

(End of this chapter)

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