Interstellar Miner

Chapter 533 Super Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 533 Super Heavenly Tribulation
Mo Xuan urged ten thousand times, be careful and careful, the heavenly tribulation at the level of the fairy world is no joke!However, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has not experienced the Heavenly Tribulation for a long time. The immortals seriously lack vigilance and awareness of the Heavenly Tribulation, and they are generally lucky. The catastrophe will not come to the door.

But right now the facts are in front of our eyes, the great catastrophe has really come!It is so terrifying, far beyond imagination!horrible!

Mamma Mia, the four mining brigades were instantly submerged by thunderclouds. The warships and transport spirit ships were rickety and seriously malfunctioning. The gods were scared to death!
"Don't worry about those battleships, immediately withdraw to Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie." Mo Xuan gave the order anxiously.

However, after all, Mo Xuan's identity is only the elder brother of Kong Jianmen, and only the immortals of Kong Jianmen immediately carried out Mo Xuan's order and decisively abandoned the ship and evacuated!
And the other three sects really don't want to part with those precious battleships, it's fine to abandon the transport spirit ship, but the battleships can't be lost!Ever since, Sanmen's warship, which was still barely functioning, rushed to the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm with the disabled warship.

Mo Xuan slammed his thigh hard. When is this time? No matter how precious the battleship is, no one cares!
Generally speaking, the bigger the catastrophe, the longer it takes to brew, but now the catastrophe has found a group of lone pests, and those pests were about to escape back, so they launched it casually!

Tens of thousands of golden thunderbolts and thunderballs with a thickness of several meters, or even tens of meters, suddenly formed and struck towards the four mining brigades!
The defense of the battleship in Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is still very strong, resist it, and continue to rush towards Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!Hurry up!

Tian Jie was a little irritated, if he couldn't even deal with this single pest, how could he deal with that super pest!With Tianjie's anger, the four mining brigades immediately suffered disaster!
More thunderbolts and thunderballs struck towards the mining team, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, wave after wave, without stopping at all!
The defense system of the battleship has a limit. It is still possible to resist one or two waves of thunderbolts at intervals, but such dense and massive thunderbolts are impossible to resist!
Battleships exploded one after another, and the frightened immortals turned pale with all their strength to protect themselves, trying their best to want the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.

With such a terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation, how could Qu Qu's second- and third-rate defense magic weapons produced in the second-level space-time be able to withstand the raging thunder of Heavenly Tribulation, and they were damaged one after another!Immortals without protection were exposed to Heavenly Tribulation for the first time after the Spring Festival. They were like naked babies who had no power to resist, and were chopped into void dust. During the catastrophe, it made the catastrophe even more ferocious!
Although Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie approached immediately and wanted to rescue the mining team, but the size was too huge, and it couldn't get up quickly!Qing Yuan can only watch one after another immortals fall helplessly!And Heavenly Tribulation is getting stronger and more terrifying!
Mo Xuan hesitated whether to come forward to save people, not because he was worried about his own safety, but because he was worried that the appearance of himself, who had been blacklisted by Tian Jie long ago, would add fuel to the fire, causing Super Tian Jie to become even more violent. Yuanxiao Immortal Realm is even more dangerous!
There are a few people on one side, and the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm on the other. If it was Mo Xuan back then, he would definitely save people first regardless of 21. But now that he has gone through so much, he is too aware that a single impulsive move or a wrong decision may lead to innocence. Reversible serious consequences!
Mo Xuan's footsteps had subconsciously moved forward, but his rationality prevented him from rushing out!

Mo Xuan remembered a question given by his junior high school politics teacher.

The train was traveling at high speed on the tracks but the brakes failed.At this time, there are five children playing on the normal track of the train, and there is an abandoned sub-track three meters away from the five people, and a worker is working on the sub-track. Excuse me, if you stand in front of the track control switch , how would you choose?

Most of the students chose to let the train go to the separate track, sacrifice one person, and save the lives of five people. This is also the choice of the vast majority.

The teacher said, some bricks raised doubts, the five children deliberately played in the dangerous area where the train should run normally, and the worker on the sub-track was working in accordance with the rules, so not diverting and hitting five people is abiding The prescribed force majeure, but diverting and bumping into a person is a deliberate act!It was murder!In terms of the fairness of life, it stands to reason that those who do not obey the rules will be punished.

Mo Xuan scratched his head, raised his hand, stood up and said, "Teacher, there are many loopholes in this question. First of all, the train horn should not be broken. You can honk the horn to make the five children leave the track. This should be easy to do." To; and since the brakes of the train are broken, if the train changes lanes and is abandoned on the sub-track, wouldn’t the lives of the entire train be seriously threatened? If so, then the train must only go straight.”

The teacher was embarrassed and coughed, just talking about this topic alone, those loopholes are not counted.

Mo Xuan smacked his lips and said: "Well, on this topic alone, in my opinion, it's not a question of sacrificing a few people to save a few people, but a question of saving one or five people. It must be five people. Saving a person is not that person's relatives, but there is a brain hole. If possible, I still hope that everyone can be saved."

This... The teacher waved his hand, indicating that Mo Xuan can sit down, and explained this topic with the discussion of Zhuanjia: "Actually, there will be no standard answers to this kind of questions. In the final analysis, they are absolutists and utilitarians." choice difference."

"Absolutist ethics believe that certain moral principles need to be absolutely obeyed and cannot be surpassed in any way. People with this kind of moral belief will think that he has no right to take the life of someone on another track, so he Will choose to do nothing. Based on this background perspective, the lives of those five people were not taken by him, but the brakes failed, and it was just a train accident."

"Utilitarian ethics believes that pursuing the greatest interests of the majority is justice or kindness. It is better to die one person than five. Therefore, people who hold this view will choose to cut off the track and sacrifice one person. Save five people. Based on this background perspective, one death is the same as five deaths; but from the perspective of profit, one death is much more cost-effective than five deaths.”

"The vast majority of people are utilitarians. It can be said that everyone is basically, and I am too. I hope to save five people. Only a small number of people will be absolutists. But the operation and development of the world, this small number of absolutists The author often contributed a lot. Well, this topic is discussed here, and everyone will write a [-]-word paper based on this topic when they go back."

There was a wailing in the audience.

Times have changed. Back then, helping the elderly was still a good traditional virtue. Now that the elderly are on the ground, it is not a question of whether to help them, but a question of whether they can afford them.

Just like the judge asked: Since you didn't knock it down, why did you help it?
Ridiculous and pathetic!

Such an astonishing change has to arouse the vigilance, deep thinking and introspection of the world!
Thousands of thoughts flashed by, and Mo Xuan was no longer entangled. He would never see death without saving him.

"A bunch of elm heads! Xiao Xuanzi told you to evacuate quickly, dawdle to die!" A bald immortal rushed into Jieyun cursingly, and blasted Jieyun out of a large empty area with one punch. He rushed over to grab an immortal and threw it into the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm. His speed was extremely fast, his figure flickered, and he threw all the surviving immortals back without falling. The relatively intact battleships were also sent back.

Taishi Li is mighty!
Qing Yuan rejoiced, Grand Master Li was so brave!

The immortals of Qingyuan united as one, and joined hands to catch the immortals and battleships thrown back by Taishi Li!
Except for Kong Jianmen, the losses of the four mining brigades were relatively small, and the other three teams suffered considerable losses. Fortunately, Taishi Li personally took part in the process, and the losses were minimized as much as possible.

Whoops, so horizontal!Super Heavenly Tribulation was angry, but he didn't launch an attack immediately. Instead, it was brewing, and the Jieyun continued to grow, covering the Qingyuan Small Immortal World layer by layer. The terrifying Jieyun refreshed the perception of Qingyuan Immortals time and time again. .

The faces of the Qingyuan immortals are pale, this super catastrophe clearly wants to kill them all, and completely destroy our Qingyuan small fairy world!We just provoke someone, why is this!

Mr. Taiyi and the others also looked heavy, looked at each other helplessly, and nodded resolutely!Since you can't avoid it, let's fight!

Our Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has made a lot of preparations to deal with the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and the layer upon layer of super defensive formations immediately started to operate!

The people hurriedly hid in the basement again, trembling with fear, they really fell from heaven to hell in one fell swoop, and the ups and downs of life are too fast!Woah!
The immortals are running the fairy garden, fairyland, and fairy sky with all their strength, emitting dazzling light, and as nodes, they have been integrated into the super defense array of the Qingyuan small fairy world, greatly enhancing the effectiveness and defense of the defense array!
The preparation of the Super Heavenly Tribulation is complete, and there will be a riot immediately!Thunder roared crazily, shaking the entire three layers of time and space!

Mo Xuan took a deep breath, since it's already here, let's make the thunderstorm come more violently!Our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm is not a soft persimmon that we pinch casually, even if it is a super catastrophe, we have to bravely break through it!

Countless thunderbolts crazily rushed towards the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, and bombarded the super defensive formation of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.The flat sky in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm suddenly became choppy, with countless ripples, like a stormy sea!
Super Heavenly Tribulation changed various forms, constantly attacking the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, trying to find a way to break through its defensive formation.

Qing Yuan is also constantly adjusting the super defense formation, trying to use the minimum consumption to resist the super catastrophe!The speed of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is also getting faster and faster. Although he can't escape the scope of the Super Heavenly Tribulation no matter what, he can at least dodge a lot of mighty thunders, avoid the most serious and take the lightest, and fight sports with the Super Heavenly Tribulation.

Both sides are trying their best!

It can be predicted that this is a protracted battle beyond imagination!
Bai Feng and Huang Wu, who were closer to the Super Heavenly Tribulation, quickly sensed the fluctuations of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and hurriedly dispatched scout warships to investigate the situation.

what is that?Catastrophe?What a catastrophe!Could it be the Celestial Tribulation?It doesn't seem right!
(End of this chapter)

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