Chapter 534

The scouting fleet kept moving forward, but the catastrophe in front of them didn't increase much!The faces of the immortals in the reconnaissance battleship couldn't help but change!

How big is this catastrophe? !It is impossible for the Celestial Tribulation to be that big, could it be the Profound Immortal Tribulation?We are going to have one more mysterious immortal in our three female layers of time and space?

Who is it?

Bai Feng felt that Huang Wu's seniority as an immortal has basically been determined, and it is unlikely that he will become a mysterious immortal. The most likely ones should be Huang Wu's Huang Yi and Cheng Chuan immortals!

Huang Yi worked in Tianjianmen for thousands of years to pay off his debts. After returning to Huangwu, he became a god within a few years and became Huang Wu's recognized successor. Cheng Chuan has been buried in the labor camp since he was a miner in Tianjianmen. Cultivate hard, be a low-key person, after two times of experience in the fairy palace, he became a celestial being, and then he is still very low-key, and continues to work hard, and the few shots are extremely sharp, which should not be underestimated.

There is no doubt that Huang Yi and Cheng Chuan will be the pillars of Huang Wu's Xiaoxianjie in the future!
As for Huang Wu, he was the first to think of that legendary figure of Bai Feng, who is now Bai Feng's well-deserved second-in-command——Tie Dan Tian Xian, the most magnificent person in the new generation of the entire three-level time. , making Huang Wu deflated again and again, that is, the two supernovas Huang Yi and Cheng Chuan are so eclipsed in front of Tie Dan!

If it wasn't for Tie Dan being an outsider, Bai Feng has always been on guard against Tie Dan, restricting him everywhere, and being guarded by Xuanxian Bai Huandao, Tie Dan might already be Bai Feng's new master!
Once Tie Dan became a Profound Immortal, Daoist Bai Huan would be beaten everywhere, and might fight among himself.At that time, our Huang Wu can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Why?what's the situation?Why is the catastrophe still so great, we have already advanced for a long time!Even if it is Xuanxian Tribulation, it can't be so terrifying!What exactly is going on?

Bai Feng and Huang Wu's investigative immortals were all shocked, and they reported the situation to the headquarters with tingling hair, asking for support!
The reconnaissance battleship moved forward cautiously, and finally got closer to the super angel. Looking at the extremely terrifying super heavenly catastrophe, Bai Feng and Huang Wu's reconnaissance immortals were dumbfounded, and they were speechless for a long time!

We're not dreaming, are we? The Heavenly Tribulation can be so terrifying?This has already subverted their perception of Heavenly Tribulation, how is this possible?

Could it be that this Super Heavenly Tribulation is the legendary Golden Immortal Tribulation? !
The one who is most likely to become a golden immortal in the third layer of time and space, then there is no need to ask, of course it is the great power of Moxuan Xuanxian!Could it be that Mo Xuan Da Neng is really crossing the Golden Immortal Tribulation?

But it's not right, this is the border area between our Bai Feng and Huang Wu, even if Mo Xuan Da Neng wants to cross the Golden Immortal Tribulation, there is no reason to go to this remote place!

The detectives of Bai Feng and Huang Wu couldn't figure it out!They could only carefully watch the Super Heavenly Tribulation from a distance. Even if the support troops immediately felt that there was nothing they could do in the face of such a terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation, they had to wait and see!
Soon, the entire three layers of time and space knew about the existence of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and its influence continued to ferment as the Super Heavenly Tribulation lasted longer and longer!

It is impossible for the Super Heavenly Tribulation to run away for no reason, it must be dealing with something!
But what is it?

Tianjianmen has refuted the rumor for the first time, Mo Xuan Da Neng's main body is retreating and practicing, it is definitely not him who is crossing the Golden Immortal Tribulation!

That's strange, who or what can trigger such a terrifying super catastrophe?Obviously, no matter what it is, it is absolutely extraordinary!
If the Super Heavenly Tribulation wipes it out, everyone will be happy, but if there is nothing to do with this Super Heavenly Tribulation, then our entire three-dimensional space-time will suffer a great crisis!
The forces of all parties, large and small, in the entire three-layer space-time are in emergency operation, and fleets of fleets are heading to the surrounding area of ​​​​Super Heavenly Tribulation, ready to fight!

Even the Monster Race, which is not well received by the Human Race, has received an invitation letter, imploring the Monster Race to do their part for the third layer of time and space.

After Bai Meier, Zhang Desheng, and Sanmao combined, they still dispatched a considerable fleet, which is considered to be half of the family property of the Monster Race. At such a critical juncture, the Human Race should not go back on their promises to encircle and suppress our Monster Race.Even if there is an eventuality, Tie Dan and Er Wazi are all there, self-protection is still no problem.

In recent years, the human race has changed its attitude towards the monster race. This time may be a rare opportunity, which must be seized!Moreover, others don't know what is going on with this super heavenly tribulation, how could they, as disciples of Moxuan, not know, isn't it just for this day that we all come to the third level of space-time experience collectively!

Raising soldiers for thousands of years, and using them for a while, is now!
San Mao and the Wolf Demon King are in charge of staying behind the monster clan. Bai Meier and Zhang Desheng personally lead the fleet to feel the surroundings of the Super Heavenly Tribulation. My dear, this is the Super Heavenly Tribulation at the level of the fairy world. It really didn't come out!Could it be that Master has been so cautious all the time, is it true that the slightest sloppyness may lead to the annihilation of the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!

The various forces of the human race have been fighting for so many years, and after all they have a grudge, so they did not get together, but kept a certain distance from each other and worked independently.

The arrival of the Monster Race fleet caused a commotion in the Human Race camp. It turned out that the Monster Race already had their own fleet before they knew it, and the scale was really not small.

At the beginning, we were encircled and suppressed repeatedly, but we were all escaped by the demon clan, and two new angels were born. Could it be that the demon clan is really exhausted, the human race secretly thought.This time the Yaozu was able to come over, but they were also courageous and responsible.The human race did not embarrass the monster race.

The Yaozu fleet found a relatively free area and settled down.

Now that everyone who should come has come, the big boss meeting will be held immediately, and the place will be on the newly built starship of Tianjianmen.

The bigwigs from various forces boarded the open starship carrier one after another, and they were amazed. The warship technology of Tianjianmen is getting more and more high-end. This starship carrier is not inferior to the Black Star Strategy of Black Starmen Ship!

Look at them, we are still using the old star warships as the mainstream, they are both mother ships and strategic ships, hey, they can't keep up with the times!
Everyone knows that the new type of warship is powerful and powerful, but the resources required to invest are immeasurable, and it is very likely that the technology successfully developed with painstaking efforts will not be of great use at all, and will lose everything in the end, so most people still buy the technology directly to compare Mature star warships, then use star warships as blueprints, modify and improve some functions, so-called tailor-made.

Those who can participate in this big boss meeting are naturally big bosses from various forces, most of them are angels, and a few senior immortals are sitting in the corner in a well-behaved manner, watching the angels who gather in twos and threes to chat and laugh secretly sighing secretly.

Back then, angels were still a rarity, but since the appearance of Asgard, there have been more and more angels. After nearly 1000 years, they really sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain!
Moreover, the powerful angels followed one after another, and the glory of the old angels was almost robbed by these new angels!

For example, Bai Feng's Tie Dan, Chang Shengzong's Immortal Master, Qi Haoxuan from Fenghuo Academy, Flower Fairy from Qinghuamen...all of them are amazing!

Hey, that's Bai Meier, the saintess of the Yaozu. She really lived up to her reputation and beauty, and she was able to lead the Yaozu to where she is today.

Hey, when will we be able to fulfill our wishes and become immortals!

It is rare for angels to gather together, and many angels have good friendships in private, or they have worked together before, but they have no choice but to disperse.

Representatives of them are Yan Bohan, Zi Peishan and his wife from Medicine God Valley, and Gao Yurou from Yanyulou.

Poker face Dugu Liangzhi had a rare smile when he saw Yan Bohan and Zi Peishan. It's been a long time since they got together!

Huang Tengfei, Huang Anshun, and Luo Xiang also went to say hello to Guzhu and his wife.

After Yaoshengu disbanded, Dugu Liangzhi joined the Black Star Gate, and Yan Bohan and Zi Peishan joined Baifeng, who were not very popular. After resolutely joining the camp of Tie Dan Tianxian, life became more nourishing.Huang Tengfei led the Tengfei Palace to run the Shan Gang, and had a hard time. Later, he got in touch with Mo Xuan Da Neng, and gradually became a powerful force.

In a flash, Xiaoxiang is so big, she is already a fairy, Yan Bohan and Zi Peishan's couple sighed endlessly. Back then, Xiaoxiang, the lucky star, brought Moxuan back to Shengu, but we had no eyes, and pushed Moxuan and his party to the sky. On the other side of Jianmen, every time I think about it, I can't help sighing, regretting the beginning!

Yan Bohan and Zi Peishan sincerely wished Luo Xiang and his wife, and taught the young couple how to get along with each other as an old couple.

Luo Xiang and his wife were taught humbly.

Gao Yurou of the Yanyu Tower reunited with the three friends of the heavenly fairy after a long absence, and they all sighed.Back then, the Yanyu Building was still too loose, and as soon as the fairy war broke out, it became the target of public criticism and was divided up by various means.

There used to be six of the top ten beauties in Yanyulou, but beauty is also a double-edged sword. Once the Yanyulou was scattered, all parties fought fiercely around these six beauties.

Pu Yixue married Ouyang Bao, and after experiencing three times in the fairy palace, she finally became a fairy.

Sister Murong Hua was taken into Wang Hu's room, but she has not yet become a fairy, and is preparing for her third experience in the fairy palace, hoping to get her wish.

The number one beauty, Shangguan Siling, was rescued by the powerful Moxuan Tianxian from Tianjianmen, and became a Taoist companion.Ahem, of course, this Mo Xuan is actually Ouyang Zhang, and he has already become a celestial being.

It's a pity and alas, Bu Xirui couldn't bear the humiliation, she cut off her own heart, and her fragrance disappeared; Ziqin was not much better, and disappeared from sight, and her life and death are unknown.

On the contrary, Zhai Tianwei and Gong Shangchuanling, the top ten beauties, have been unable to retreat since they lost the election, practiced hard, and are self-reliant. Both of them have become immortals, and women do not give up to men.

Now, only Pu Yixue, Murong sisters, Zhai Tianwei and Gong Shangchuanling are the only ones who can get together. The five beauties and good sisters look at each other, tears gradually come down, and Lihua hugs each other tearfully.

Wiping away the tears, the five good sisters are full of expectations. The eldest sister Shangguan Siling has disappeared for so many years. This is a rare gathering. Even if the eldest sister does not show up, it should be possible to get together with us in private!Why is there still no news!

Could it be that the eldest sister was really put on the shelf by Mo Xuan's power as rumored, and reduced to a sad bird in a cage!

How is it possible!That's because other people don't know what big sister is capable of. We can all get along well, and big sister will definitely not be worse than us!

But it is true that the elder sister has not heard from her for so many years. Pu Yixue and the others are inevitably still a little worried.

In addition, Qiu Yemeng, Luo Xiang, Xia Hanyao, and Gongsun Luomeng, who are among the top ten beauties, are also extremely eye-catching.

The old celestial beings are still in style, and the new celestial beings are full of heroism, which is really a crowd!
(End of this chapter)

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