Interstellar Miner

Chapter 535 The Last Card

Chapter 535 The Last Card

In a flash, it is thousands of years!

Tiedan and Erwazi finally reunited, but after all, they are in different camps, so they can only greet each other with their eyes for the time being. Fortunately, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has advanced, and our experience has come to an end. It's time to come back!

Huang Yi, Cheng Chuan, and Nan Gongwang, the three Huangwu Celestial Immortals, seemed a bit restrained when they got together. After all, they were all captured by Mo Xuan and reformed through labor. Yes, I am really flustered!
Nan Gongwang once got drunk and yelled at his younger brothers: When I was dreaming in the labor camp, I whipped Mo Xuan a hundred times in my dream, a hundred times, who dares!
The little brothers immediately flattered like a tide.

The newly-promoted celestial beings of Tianjianmen were responsible for the reception, which is strange to say, after Che Xiangchen's newly-promoted celestial beings, the Tianjianmen had been disconnected for a long time, and then a group of newly-promoted celestial beings sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. The martial artists specially set up by Moxuan!
Ye Chen, Zhang Junyan, Huo Ba, Huang Honglang, Ah Da Ah Er, they have become immortals after one or two experiences in the fairy palace!Afterwards, Housing Department, Tian Li, Song Shi, Zuoqiu Yezhi and other veterans brought up by Mo Xuan himself finally turned their daughters-in-law into wives and immortals.

The number of celestial beings in Tianjianmen has become the most in the third layer of time and space!

Everyone in Tianjianmen had to sigh once again, how wise and far-sighted the master of Moxuan is.

In fact, Ye Chen and the others are really incredible!
Back then Zhang Junyan chose the "Sunflower Heart Sutra", Ye Chen chose the "Three Sighs of Early Spring", Ah Er chose the "Flame Knife"...

They are all simple and easy-to-understand methods of cultivating immortals. At the beginning, I didn’t expect to achieve much. I just lived in Moxuan’s fairyland for a while. If there is anything I don’t understand, I can ask Moxuan Da Neng for advice. , and then practice and practice, you will become a fairy, then an earthly fairy, and even a heavenly fairy!
The humble miner back then, now the great power of the god, is really like a dream!

The bosses looked at Ye Chen and the others, and they could only sigh secretly. The Tianjianmen, who used to be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, and beat the autumn wind everywhere to make a living, is now the real big brother of the third layer of time and space!
Few people would doubt that the Heavenly Sword Sect has the powerful strength to unify the three layers of time and space. Even if they encounter many obstacles, they will definitely succeed in the end!
But Tianjianmen didn't do that. After so many years, they just guarded their own territory and kept the magic circle steadily. They didn't expand much. In the next layer of time and space, people are once again in the misery, and the real credit lies in the country!

Only Mo Xuan knows in his heart that peace is of course one aspect, and letting the disciples practice is the second, and the most important thing is not to want to fight among themselves.

Once Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie advances, it will definitely fight for its own territory. If Tianjianmen dominates the three layers of time and space, there will definitely be various conflicts at that time, and it is very possible to turn against each other!Therefore, Tianjianmen has always adopted a conservative policy. Now that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has advanced, after dealing with the catastrophe, it is time to consider the next step.

The bosses had almost arrived, and the four Xuanxians Huanglong, Baihuan, Chixia, and Tianji also arrived together.As long as there is a meeting with Mo Xuan Da Neng, the four mysterious immortals who have deep grievances will always get together.

After the greetings, the venue gradually fell silent.Everyone is waiting for the arrival of Mo Xuan Da Neng.

Without keeping the bosses waiting, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] quickly arrived at the venue.

The bosses frowned secretly, why is it a clone again, where is Mo Xuan's powerful deity?At such a critical juncture, it's time for the deity to show up!Even if it was just Mo Xuan's avatar, all the bosses hurriedly bowed and saluted.

No. [-] made an apologetic bow, and said, "Everyone, the deity and the three Taoist companions have been practicing in seclusion for so many years, and I have sent several messages. The deity replied that it is at a critical moment in the retreat. Let me preside over it first. When the situation is critical, they will break through and come out."

The bosses nodded, so that's the case, with the words of Mo Xuan Da Neng, we can feel more at ease!

But what happened to this super heavenly tribulation?
No. [-] looked at Super Heavenly Tribulation with his hands behind his back for a while, and analyzed objectively: "This scale of Heavenly Tribulation has almost used the idle energy of the entire three-layer time and space. It's at the Golden Immortal level!"

There was a commotion among the bosses, what kind of horse, the Golden Immortal?Could it be that some Xuanxian who has been in seclusion for many years has made a breakthrough and is hitting the legendary Golden Immortal Supreme Realm?
The bosses couldn't help but think of the Qingyuan Immortal Realm that once ruled the third layer of time and space for thousands of years, isn't it because of that powerful Qingyuan Jinxian!
Fortunately, today is different from the past, with the great power of Mo Xuan, even if the newly promoted Jinxian survives the catastrophe by chance, it will not be too much trouble. After all, the power of Mo Xuan has the final say on our three layers of time and space !But it will be difficult to say what will happen in the future, the big guys are thinking secretly.

Huang Long, Bai Huan, Chi Xia, and Tian Ji frowned secretly, and looked at each other a few times. Originally, we were already very upset when Mo Xuan Da Neng rode on our heads. Then our life will be even more difficult in the future. The best thing is of course that whoever fails to cross the tribulation will die, but if he survives by chance, the best choice is naturally to wipe him out in one fell swoop while he is weak and tired, once and for all.

But Mo Xuan is a great old man by nature, so I'm afraid he won't be able to say anything.If he doesn't ride, the four of us don't have enough confidence, and none of us want to be dragged behind.It seems that Mo Xuan can only be forced to act with the safety and righteousness of three layers of time!
For the time being, let's wait and see what happens. This is the first time we have seen such a terrifying super cataclysm, so we can take this opportunity for reference.

A year has passed!

The Super Heavenly Tribulation is still going on, and the forces of all parties are a little frightened. Who is it that can resist such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation for a full year!
In short, it should not be human!

The Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is indeed not a human being, but it has resisted the Super Heavenly Tribulation for a year. The Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is also very difficult. The layer upon layer of defensive formations have become potholed, and many places on the surface have suffered from the aftermath of the Heavenly Tribulation. , became riddled with holes.Fortunately, the people were all hiding in the basement, and after all, they did not cause too much damage.

It's just that the resources accumulated in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm have been exhausted. If the Super Heavenly Tribulation is still entangled, then the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm may not last long!
I really regret it!
Qing Yuan now recalled Mo Xuan Da Neng's warnings over and over again, and only hated himself for being eager for quick success and quick benefits, so he didn't make more preparations. Who can blame him for falling into this situation now!Woah!
There is no other way at all, but to fight the Super Heavenly Tribulation to the end, if we make it through, we will survive, but if we can't make it, our entire army will be wiped out!This is a war with no retreat, a war that can only be won and never lost!Once defeated, it's all over!
Fight!Fight with Super Heavenly Tribulation!

All Qing Yuan's blood was aroused!
Blood alone is not enough, Qingyuan deployed urgently, and the people moved as much as possible to the lightning protection caves deep in the ground, while the residents of Lingdao were transferred to several large spirit islands, which were transformed into key regional defenses!

Every day feels like a year, every minute and every second is such a torment!

The Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is struggling more and more to deal with it, and the defense formation that is already riddled with holes is gradually weakening with the gradual lack of resources!There are more and more disasters slipping through the net!

You big pest, you can't take it anymore!Super Heavenly Tribulation is full of energy, let's make persistent efforts!
The rampage of Super Heavenly Tribulation has affected all the forces surrounding Super Heavenly Tribulation more or less, and many warships failed. Fortunately, they retreated in time, otherwise it would be miserable.

Is this the end?Or a new round of attacks from Super Heavenly Tribulation?For a time there were different opinions.

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has really been cornered!

Tai Yi, Qian Zao, Gu Xin, and Kong Jian all had livid faces, looked at each other a few times, and nodded helplessly. Now that things are up to us, we can no longer control them!If the home is gone, it can be rebuilt; but if the people are gone, then everything is gone!

The last hole cards of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie were turned over one by one, and they made the final resistance!

However, Super Heavenly Tribulation has always been steadfast, and will never leave the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm until it is wiped out!

"Damn it, what's the point of killing all of this Heaven-breaking Tribulation?" Grand Master Li yelled, waving his iron fist and rushing into the endless Super Heavenly Tribulation, fuck you!
So what about the catastrophe, God let me die, I am old and immortal, but I am immortal, what can you do to me!I've been upset to see you for a long time. I've been on the road for so many years, and I've only received Huang Hongzhuo's birdy, that's my own fault, no wonder others!But now, you are still blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!See if I don't stab you to the bottom of this catastrophe!
Taishi Li roared again and again, punching out one punch after another, blasting out a huge open space after another inside Tianjie!
It was this guy again, Super Heavenly Tribulation was completely angry, and countless thunder and lightning struck towards Grand Master Li!
Chop, I will stand here and let you chop, see what you can do to me!If you can't kill me, you are a coward!What kind of bullshit, heavenly tribulation, I don't care about you!
Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie took advantage of Taishi Li attracting Super Heavenly Tribulation's attention, fled in a hurry, rushed to an area where Tianlei was relatively rare, and was finally able to breathe.

This gasp is the endless exhaustion that swept over, no, the Super Heavenly Tribulation is still there, and it is far from the time to relax!Hold on, as long as you don't die, keep on holding on!

Mojialing Island is located in a relatively remote surrounding sea area, and has long lacked the protection of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm's defensive array. It is entirely relying on Moxuan's sufficient layout earlier, which has been solid, not only protecting the Mojia, but also protecting the surrounding area. Residents of hundreds of spirit islands!
This is also because Mo Xuan's resources and capital are strong enough, and he keeps pouring immortal stones into the defensive formation, which is purely a waste of money!

The other Daling Islands are not as rich and powerful as Mo Xuan, with limited resources and increasingly stretched defenses, so they can only resign themselves to fate. If they are lucky, they will not be hit by such a powerful catastrophe and survive; if they are not lucky, they can only survive. Resign to fate!

Mo Xuan frowned, this super cataclysm is too messy, it has already consumed a huge amount of energy in the third layer of time and space, but he still clings to it like crazy, as for it!
Mo Xuan's heart was bleeding as he saw with his eyes that thunders continuously broke through Qingyuan's riddled defense formation, wantonly destroying Qingyuan's small fairy world!

Want to attack?Mo Xuan is at war with heaven and man.

If you don't attack, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie won't be able to last long; but attacking is likely to be counterproductive, and it will infuriate the Super Heavenly Tribulation even more, and it will become a situation of endless death!
"Brother, our Lingdao is about to be overwhelmed."

"Brother, what should we do?"


Brother Gao Shan and the others anxiously sent messages.

"Xuan, how long will it take for the catastrophe to end? My side is about to be overwhelmed!" Kong Ling, who was guarding Kong Jialing Island, couldn't take it anymore.

"Xuan, I can't hold on here for a few days." Huali was extremely anxious.

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has run out of fuel, and as the hole cards are opened one by one, the available hole cards are getting less and less!
In desperation, Lord Taiyi and the others used the energy of the Netherland!

The body of Netherland is a super magic weapon, which stores the souls of half-immortals, children, and wise men who have fallen in Qingyuan for tens of thousands of years!
In fact, the energy of the roaring souls of ordinary children is negligible, even the monks at the lowest level of Qi training period are far inferior, but Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is currently extremely short of energy, and there is really no way out!
Most of the souls in the Netherland retain their wisdom in life, and they have always seen the dangers encountered by the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm!
"I never thought that our old bones that have been buried in the soil will come in handy!"

"We deceased old guys have enjoyed so much incense from the descendants in vain, and have been unable to repay it. Finally, we can play our role!"

"The younger generations are almost dying, we deceased have no face to linger!"


One after another, souls were thrown into the core furnace of Netherland, to do their last bit for Qing Yuan and the family!Passionate, no regrets!
(End of this chapter)

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