Chapter 536

The entire Netherland turned into a huge energy source, providing the final energy for Qing Yuan's defensive array!

Pieces of tablets enshrined by the Qingyuan family for generations burst open!
"Old ancestor!" "Old ancestor!" "Grandfather!" "No!" "How could this be!"...

Every household in Qingyuan wore sackcloth and filial piety, and the sound of wailing was loud!

The souls of the ancestors of the Mo family live in exquisite small palaces made of soul-nourishing wood, but they are still connected to the underworld!When Mo Xuan didn't pay attention, many bloody ancestors of the Mo family rushed into the Netherland, contributing their last strength.

If Mo Xuan hadn't reacted quickly, grandpa and father would have rushed over!Mo Xuan directly cut off the passage between the Soul Cultivating Wood and the Nether Earth. He has not yet reached that desperate situation. Grandfather and father, you must calm down, grandson, come and find a way!

hateful!Mo Xuan gritted his teeth, since Super Heavenly Tribulation is so relentless and unwilling to let it go, then he can't help himself!If you don't let us live, then we will kill our own way!
Mo Xuan yelled loudly, soaring into the sky, and the red tears that had been stored for thousands of years in the snow came out again!


The brand-new big move that Mo Xuan had accumulated for many years suddenly broke out!
All the forces surrounding the Super Heavenly Tribulation were stunned to see a sky-reaching crimson beam of light piercing straight out of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and the terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation was abruptly pierced by the sky-reaching crimson beam of light A huge and terrifying gap that almost occupies one-twentieth of the Heavenly Tribulation!
This...isn't it true? !

So is he still human? !

We are dreaming!But the terrifying gap of the super angel in front of him is so real, the battleships around the gap are almost scared out of their wits, dead, dead, we are dead!Hey, not dead?
After returning to the soul, Mumu, the pale-faced and sweaty immortal, looked into the huge gap in the Super Heavenly Tribulation, only to see thunder that was constantly rumbling, jumping and flickering, and couldn't see too deeply.

How can it be?Who the hell is it that can do such an unimaginable scene!Even Mo Xuan might not be able to do it!
Huang Long, Bai Huan, Chi Xia, and Tian Ji looked at each other in astonishment, and finally understood why the rioting Super Heavenly Tribulation lasted so long, and what Tian Jie had to deal with was really not human!That person is about to rush out of that hole, right?Let's go back first!
Tie Dan and Er Wazi were also stunned. Be good, the red beam of light is Master's handwriting, how powerful Master is now!When he accepted us as apprentices back then, the master was a god, but in a blink of an eye, he has become so powerful, and we are left far behind by the master again!It seems that it is necessary to go to the fourth floor of time and space to experience earlier!
The forces of all parties waited and watched with trepidation, retreating again and again.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Tribulation gap outside has begun to close. The Super Heavenly Tribulation is still super powerful. It is not easy for the one who wants to rush out!

"What a boy!" Li Taishi also exclaimed, this big move is much more powerful than Lao Tzu's big move!Qi training is still more popular than body training!

As soon as Mo Xuan's shocking breakthrough came out, the tens of thousands of miles around Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm became calm, and even the immortals in Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm were able to see the stars in a small half of the sky again, although only for a moment!
Fuck, is this still a human?

The immortals of Qingyuan were also dumbfounded, staring blankly at Mo Xuan who looked like a god, and even forgot to hurry up and recover!

"Rush out!" Mo Xuan shouted.

Only then did Qingyuan wake up like a dream, and hastily manipulated Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to break out from the safe passage that Mo Xuan worked hard to open!

Super Heavenly Tribulation seemed to have stayed there for a while, and then recognized Mo Xuan. It turned out to be you, who had been hidden for so many years, and now appeared again!And just by taking the lead, you want to ruin my good business, heh heh, do you really think that I can't do anything about you!
It just so happens that a huge amount of energy has been used this time, so let's take this opportunity to destroy you and that big pest together!

Super Heavenly Tribulation went berserk again, swept violently, thickened again, and the entire three layers of time and space trembled slightly!

The forces of all parties were collectively dumbfounded once again, did Heavenly Tribulation go crazy this time?If we continue to go on like this, our entire third-level time and space may not be able to hold on!
Mo Xuan smiled bitterly, and it really caused a violent backlash. If this is the case, then he can only hold on!

Master Lei Batian can be said to be a professional accountant of Heavenly Tribulation. He has survived countless Heavenly Tribulations in his life, and passing through Heavenly Tribulations is just like everyday life.

Therefore, Mo Xuan also knew that the catastrophes of each universe are actually different, not just the type of thunder and lightning, but also all kinds of unimaginable catastrophes, such as the catastrophes of the five elements and the five elements!There are even some great universes that have evolved more elements on the basis of the positive and negative five elements, and the catastrophe is even more terrifying and powerful.

Of course, most of the Heavenly Tribulations are powerful and labor-saving thunder attributes, which are the Heavenly Tribulations that Mo Xuan has come into contact with so far.

The outside world is really too vast!
At best, this super cataclysm is nothing more than a big catastrophe in the lower time and space of our small universe. If we can't even withstand this, how can we break out of the universe and find our way home in the future!

Mo Xuan took a deep breath, and did not follow Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie away, but stood with his sword, come on, let the thunderstorm come more violently!

Naturally, Mo Xuan can't be brave and foolhardy. To deal with this super catastrophe, he naturally needs to use the three mottoes of the Thunder School: Quiet as the void; hotter than the scorching sun; swifter than lightning!
In the past 1000 years, Mo Xuan and his party have worked hard to practice these three maxims, and they have achieved excellent results in martial arts competitions, but they have not been actually applied to crossing the catastrophe!
In fact, the last motto is the only magic weapon to deal with the thunder attribute catastrophe!When you are faster and faster than the thunder and lightning of the Heavenly Tribulation, no matter how large and powerful the Heavenly Tribulation is, it can only be reduced to a proving ground!

Mo Xuan took a deep breath, first of all, it was quiet!
Mo Xuan has been very lively and active since he was a child, but he can still calm down and study hard when he should be quiet.Ever since cultivating immortals, he has always had to meditate, and Mo Xuan was not used to the half-hour compulsory course every day. After years of meditating, he got used to it.

In the center of the frantic thunderstorm, Mo Xuan stood there quietly, so peaceful and peaceful.

Super Heavenly Tribulation is rather strange. What is this guy doing? He used to rely on the huge and flexible fairyland and fairyland to resist, but this time his brain is showing off?Want to fight me hand-to-hand?You risked your own death, no wonder me!

Super Heavenly Tribulation didn't bother to pay too much attention to the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, anyway, it's so huge, it won't go anywhere soon!Concentrate your firepower first and get rid of that extremely difficult guy!If he becomes popular, there will really be nothing to do with him in the future!
Super Heaven's Tribulation's attack was the killer's trump card. Countless thunderbolts covered seven killer lightning bolts and rushed towards Mo Xuan!
Mo Xuan didn't move at all, and let the countless thunderbolts pass through!

Hey, Super Heavenly Tribulation is a little dumbfounded, it is obvious that the seven killer lightnings have already hit Mo Xuan, why is there no effect at all!No, the energy of the Seven Killing Thunderbolts is still so sufficient, it should have just passed through Mo Xuan's phantom, and didn't really hit him!
Strange, so many thunder and lightning concentrated fire attacks, could it be that none of them hit him?what's the situation?
Super Heavenly Tribulation doesn't believe in evil anymore, you can hide, right? Then I will bombard you indiscriminately without stopping, so that you have nowhere to hide!
Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm rushed out a long way through the passage opened by Mo Xuan. Although it was still surrounded by the surging surge of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, it felt that the power of the Heavenly Tribulation was much weaker than before!Is it an illusion, but watching Jieyun surge wildly and the sound of thunder explosions can be heard endlessly, no matter how you look at it, it is much more violent than before!
Wait, this sound is wrong, is it behind?The immortals of Qingyuan looked back, their heartbeats were so frightened that they stopped!What caught their eyes was a terrifying scene that they could never imagine in their life, as if the entire starry sky was turned upside down and exploded densely, countless thunder bombs roared hysterically and tore apart the space, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

This... this is... the immortals of Qingyuan stared at that scene in a daze, and suddenly realized that it was Mo Xuan's power!This terrifying catastrophe is concentrating fire on Mo Xuan's power!That's why the pressure in our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm will drop sharply! does it seem that Mo Xuan Da Neng came forward, and the hatred value of the Super Heavenly Tribulation was snatched away by him, and he didn't care much about our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm.

Occasionally, although I knew the concept of heaven being jealous of talents before, it is only now that I truly understand it!Even God is jealous of Mo Xuan Da Neng, wanting to kill them all!
"Xiaoxuanzi, can you stand up to it?" Taishi Li, wearing a cloth striped attire, stood up against countless thunderbolts, bubbling black steam all over his body and buried himself in the most dense explosion of thunderclaps, all eyes were distorted and shining thunderbolts, There was no trace of Mo Xuan at all, only roaring.

Whoops, the Heavenly Tribulation here is so violent, and the cloth strips on the body were blown into powder after just touching each other!Li Taishi gritted his teeth, purely resisting the ravages of the catastrophe with his tempered body, his whole body felt tingling pain, and his scalp felt numb.Fuck, this is not a place for people to stay at all!

"It's okay, I've attracted the firepower of Heavenly Tribulation, old man, go and protect the Little Immortal Realm." Mo Xuan's clear voice came into Li Taishi's mind.

"Okay!" Grand Master Li nodded fiercely, and rushed out of the most violent area of ​​​​Heavenly Tribulation!Hey, the inside and the outside are really a world apart!It's really lucky that Xiaoxuanzi can stand it!
Grand Master Li took a deep look back, put on a Taoist robe, and rushed to the surrounding area of ​​Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.

The defense array of Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has been damaged to the point of disrepair, and if it continues to maintain it, it will only consume too much energy, and the gain will outweigh the loss.Therefore, the four Taoist monarchs resolutely gave up maintaining the defensive formation, and instead, the immortals of Qingyuan manipulated the fairy garden, fairyland, and fairy heavens to fill the sky, and each worked as his own battalion, defending an important area as much as he could!
Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xindaojun have completely liberated the fairy world that has been hidden for many years, and their volume has increased dramatically, like three big umbrellas that have been opened to protect a large central area of ​​Qingyuan!

Kong Jian's Celestial Heaven, as the sun of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, has been helping to resist the catastrophe since it entered the stage, and it consumes a lot of energy, and it is somewhat powerless.

Kong Ling took over from Kong Jian's squad at the right time, and released a huge fairy world no less than the three Taoist monarchs, to defend Kong Jianmen against the catastrophe!
Although Mo Que'er was a little worried about Mo Xuan being hysterically targeted by the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and wanted to rush over to fight against the Heavenly Tribulation together with Mo Xuan, but she also knew that her most important mission now was to protect the entire Mo Family, and she could not afford to lose anything!Mo Que'er also released a huge celestial world, which directly protected the entire Mojia Lingdao under her body, and at the same time provided proper lighting for the Mojialing Island.

Residents on Mojialing Island almost thought that the Super Heavenly Tribulation was over, but the trembling ground from time to time clearly told them that the Super Heavenly Tribulation was still going on, and being guarded by Grandma Mo Queyer made them feel more at ease!
In the most violent Heavenly Tribulation area, the Super Heavenly Tribulation really didn't give Mo Xuan any chance to breathe, it just exploded like a rascal!
Mo Xuan gradually became strenuous, his forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat unknowingly, but Mo Xuan still didn't take any measures, he just dodged blindly, taking this rare super catastrophe as the most precious testing ground, constantly honing Practicing swiftness beyond lightning!
Time goes by day by day!

Mo Xuan just stood there as if he hadn't moved, but the Taoist robe on his body was still intact, and he was so firm that he didn't look like a human being!

Super Heavenly Tribulation really lost his temper, and he couldn't hit that guy no matter what. Isn't this a waste of energy and energy!

Forget it, ignore this guy for now, such an inattentive person is about to be escaped to the outer area by the big pest, that guy is already at the end of his battle, first deal with the big pest first, and then slowly deal with this little guy!

Mo Xuan raised his thick eyebrows, twitched the corner of his mouth, and gently waved red tears. This was the first time he used red tears after Shattering!
(End of this chapter)

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