Chapter 537
Just a swipe!
A crimson light flashed away!
The Heavenly Tribulation area surrounding Mo Xuan was cut into two!Even the flickering thunder was cut into two and gradually annihilated!

Super Heavenly Tribulation couldn't help being stunned, um, did this guy do it on purpose?Are you deliberately challenging me?Boy, you have the guts!
The Super Heavenly Tribulation Thunderbolt was furious, ignored other things, and went all out to deal with Mo Xuan, just now I let you take advantage of the loophole, come again if you have the ability!The tsunami of thunder rushed towards Mo Xuan!

In front of that thunder and tsunami, Mo Xuan is not even an ant!However, with another light wave, the thunder and tsunami was cut into two again, whistling past Mo Xuan on both sides!The Taoist robe on Mo Xuan's body didn't even flutter.

It's unreasonable, this guy is too arrogant!Super Heavenly Tribulation became even more enraged, attacking Mo Xuan undead endlessly, frankly exhausting you to death!
Mo Xuan doesn't want to fight Super Heavenly Tribulation to the end, it's too cost-effective, but right now it's better to stimulate Super Heavenly Tribulation more, attract firepower, and cover the transfer of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie!
Although Moxuan has attracted the firepower of Super Heavenly Tribulation, the situation in Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is still not optimistic. Fairylands and fairylands are all over the sky, and they work on their own, trying to protect an important area as much as they can!
In fact, the immortals are almost exhausted, and they can only continue to overdraw their own efforts to support them. Once they encounter a relatively powerful thunder, the fairy garden, fairyland, and fairy sky will not be able to support it, and they will be smashed miserably .

On the ground, there are ordinary residents who are defenseless, even if they can't hold on, they have to hold on!Even if the immortals are constantly coughing up blood, their eyes are red, and they are in danger of falling, they will never back down!
Even so, there are still many positions that have not been defended, and many places on the ground have been cracked and suffered great damage!

At this time, the group of immortals who were the hostages of Hei Ming took the initiative to invite Ying. Qing Yuan's current situation is so critical that he can't care less about avoiding suspicion. Let us also help out!
Of course, Qingyuan can't wait for it, please.

We are grasshoppers on the same rope now, we should.The immortals of Heiming immediately released Xianyuan and Xianjing to help defend.Although the number of Hei Ming immortals is small, only 64, but they have plenty of immortal energy, and they still played a big role!
Qing Yuan is united in one mind, he must rush out!
Even if the Super Heavenly Tribulation does not take the initiative to do something, the size of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is still too huge, bathed in thunder, it will inevitably be attacked by the Heavenly Tribulation!
The losses in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm are still getting bigger, but no one in Qingyuan backs down, fighting to the end with Super Heavenly Tribulation, we must fight a bloody path for our Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!
Just when Qingyuan was in a mess and couldn't care about anything, the fairyland of the five immortals of Heiming formed a camp to resist the catastrophe.In private, the five immortals put together a common magic weapon that each carried with them and passed the Qingyuan security inspection. They quickly put together a mini signal transmission tower, and took advantage of the chaos to send out the signal tower. An encrypted message went out, and the cell tower immediately self-destructed!
Qingyuan Small Immortal World was in a mess, and no one noticed it.

The various forces outside the Super Heavenly Tribulation received this encrypted message. Although no one was able to crack it for the time being, it also caused quite a commotion!
Obviously, this message was sent from within Super Heavenly Tribulation, who sent it?What is the purpose of sending this message?
The forces of all parties have produced many associations!

Little Moxuan No. [-] frowned, Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm wished that the entire third-level time and space did not know about its arrival, and it was impossible to take the initiative to send a message. Presumably, only those hostages from Hei Ming would come. Hmph, these guys are really uneasy. He even chose to play tricks at this juncture!But are you here to be cute and funny? Sending this kind of encrypted message can't be cracked without corresponding decoding. What's the use of a bunch of garbled codes?

No, could it be that there were some dark hands left before Hei Ming fell?Well, I have to guard against it!
But right now, the base of immortals is too huge, and there is no way to check it if you want to. It is easy to backfire if you deal with it indiscriminately. Let's wait and see what happens.

In a remote corner, Jia Guantianxian, who has always been a single gang, is in the business of repairing and refitting warships. After receiving this news, he sighed slightly, and calmly deciphered the message with the decoding code he had carried with him for many years. : Qingyuan took the lead in advancing, interfering with its development at all costs!

This day has finally come!Tianxian Jia Guan secretly smiled bitterly. Back then, he was dispatched to the third layer of time and space as the dark hand of Hei Ming. There were seven groups of people successively. However, only two groups passed through the boundary membrane safely. My own group!
Jia Guan felt that he was really lucky. Facts have proved that he was indeed very lucky. Not long after reaching the third level of time and space, he successfully broke through the gap between heaven and earth and became a fairy.However, reaching these three layers of time and space is also my greatest misfortune!

At first, Jia Guan was full of ambition, and wanted to do something earth-shattering, paving the way for Hei Ming's future advancement. If Qing Yuan advances first, then he would encourage all forces in the three layers of time and space to fight against Qing Yuan. Never let Qing Yuan feel better!
However, soon Jia Guan and his party were struck by two shining names in the third layer of time and space: Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er!
What's the matter?We are not dreaming!Mo Xuan, Mo Queer? !The third layer of time and space actually has these two demonic names, what kind of jokes are you making about the void!

It should just be the same name!It must be the same name!Don't be the two of them!
After repeated verifications by Jia Guan, he finally confirmed that Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er in the third layer of time and space are none other than the nightmare of the entire Hei Ming!God, don't play us like this!With these two great powers around, let's be a dick!
Sure enough, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er are also nightmare-level existences in the entire third-level space-time. When Mo Xuan was an earth immortal, he would hang and beat the heavenly immortals. He advanced to the heavenly immortals under the eyes of everyone, and he resisted such horror After the Celestial Tribulation, he captured the Celestial Immortal and was invincible during the Immortal War. Even if he was seriously injured by Huanglong Xuanxian's sneak attack, he escaped safely. It didn't take long for Mo Xuan to heal his wounds and become a Xuanxian again!
Since then, the four old mysterious immortals Huanglong, Baihuan, Chixia, and Tianji of the third layer of time and space have to stay away from Mo Xuan when they see Mo Xuan!Afterwards, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er captured Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and three high-ranking Xuanxians, and became the big brothers and big sisters recognized by the three layers of time and space.

But Jia Guan was only an Earth Immortal at that time, nothing but staring blankly!How many years are we all behind!

It turns out that it's not just that we Hei Ming have a long-term vision, but Qing Yuan has already started to make arrangements, and Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er are the two superpowers who came out personally. Show up!
What the hell are we doing with chicken feathers!Jia Guan and his party couldn't stop laughing wryly, they wished they could find a piece of tofu and smash their heads to death!
Xuanxian, Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er are already Xuanxians, don't you want to be so heavenly wizards, Tianjianmen is so powerful, our little people are not enough to be a subsidiary of Tianjianmen The power is stuck between the teeth!

The three real high-level Xuanxians were all captured by Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er. What kind of concept is this? We Hei Ming only have two Xuanxian Daojun left, why should we fight with Qing Yuan again? ah!
After a narrow escape, he finally came to the third layer of time and space, so he couldn’t just do nothing. Jia Guan and his party also tried to contact other forces, but they spoke lightly and were not taken seriously at all. Many times they were regarded as liars!Moreover, those forces don't care where Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er came from, even if they advanced from the lower time and space or even came down from the upper level, Mo Xuan's power is already the big brother of the entire fourth-level time and space, even if you don't agree It can't be turned over!
Discouraged, Jia Guan and his entourage found a small planet to live in for the time being, so as not to get involved in all kinds of disputes in the third layer of time and space.

It was also a coincidence that Jia Guan successfully became a celestial being, and the group finally gained a firm foothold in these three layers of time and space, and had a place, and started the business of repairing and refitting warships with their own skills. Expand your network and prepare a lot.

Hei Ming paid such a high price to send us to the third layer of time and space. If we don't do anything, we will have no face to face Jiangdong's elders in the future!
Jia Guan has already guessed about this Super Heavenly Tribulation, but it is not sure whether it is Qing Yuan or Hei Ming who advanced. Although the probability of Qing Yuan advanced is much higher, but Hei Ming is not completely likely to advance. , Jia Guan could only wait and see first, patiently waiting for the agreed contact.

It has to be said that the executive power of Tianjianmen is really strong. It only seized the position after Huang Wu and Baifeng, intentionally or unintentionally guiding the speculation of various forces to Jinxian's advancement and encountering catastrophe, which can be described as a step. Take the lead.

That sky-reaching crimson beam of light pierced straight out from the inside of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and the terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation was forcibly pierced by the sky-reaching crimson beam of light to create a huge terrifying gap that almost occupied one-twentieth of the Heavenly Tribulation!The forces of all parties thought it was the work of the Golden Immortal Almighty who crossed the catastrophe, and they secretly guessed that Mo Xuan might not be the opponent of the Golden Immortal Almighty. Could it be that the third level of time and space is going to change again?
However, Jia Guan knew that there was no such thing as the so-called Golden Immortal, and that the crimson beam of light was most likely the handiwork of the fire attribute Mo Xuan, and it was really extremely powerful!Fortunately, when Hei Ming fought with Qing Yuan Xian, Mo Xuan was trapped for a thousand years and missed the immortal battle. Otherwise, we Hei Ming would have lost early and become Qing Yuan's subordinates!Fortunately!
Now, Jia Guan has finally received the definite news that Qing Yuan really has advanced ahead!However, Hei Ming has already signed a formal peace agreement with Qing Yuan, so deliberate targeting on the surface is definitely not enough. If Hei Ming wants to advance, he can only rely on the treasure mine heavily funded by the third layer of time and space, so he can only go Shame!Try to limit Qing Yuan's vigorous development as much as possible, and buy Hei Ming precious time!
Jia Guan sighed quietly, Hei Ming didn't know that Mo Xuan Da Neng had long been king in the third layer of time and space, and we Hei Ming could not make it anymore!
After all, what is the responsibility, Jia Guan should act immediately!

Jia Guan didn't immediately go to find other big bosses to explain the situation, that's for death, Mo Xuan's avatar is guarding here, if he reveals his identity, Mo Xuan's avatar will definitely be cleared immediately Own!
It was Jia Guan's accompanying immortal who performed the actual operation!After all, it has been prepared for so many years, and Jia Guan and his party have already accumulated enough contacts. This explosive operation is like a storm!

"The encrypted message has been cracked! It was the old Qingyuan Immortal Realm who couldn't survive in the high-level time and space, and fell down on his own initiative. He wanted to regain control of the third-level time and space, but unexpectedly encountered a super catastrophe."

"The three high-ranking Xuanxians of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng were sent by the old fairy world of Qingyuan to explore the way!"

"Old Qingyuan Immortal World is back!"

"It's not the Golden Immortal who is going through the Golden Immortal Tribulation, but the entire fairy world is going through the Heavenly Tribulation!"


A series of explosive gossips were like blockbuster news bombs that detonated the entire three-layer space-time!
The forces of all parties immediately became vigilant. Although the reliability of these rumors has yet to be verified, what if it is true?What shall we do?
Although the old Qingyuan fairy world has been advanced for so many years, but the old Qingyuan has ruled the third layer of time and space for so many years, there are still a lot of residual prestige left, that powerful golden fairy, so many mysterious immortals, now The forces of all parties, even today's Tianjianmen, compared with old Qingyuan, there is no comparison at all!
It is conceivable that once old Qingyuan returns, from now on, the Immortal Palace will have nothing to do with us, it must be surrounded by old Qingyuan!
Xiao Moxuan No. [-]'s face was ashen, and he slapped the coffee table hard, causing the teacup to jump high, and cursed: "Where did the gossip come from, check it out, check it out thoroughly!"

As expected, Hei Ming had a dark hand, but Hei Ming made a move in the end!But it is still such an important juncture!

Xiao Moxuan No. [-] gritted his teeth secretly, and knew that the matter had come to an end, even if a thorough investigation was made, it would not help the matter, the forces of all parties had already become suspicious, and his previous hard-working layout was suddenly messed up!

No matter what, the situation cannot be allowed to develop so arbitrarily. Right now, we can only deliberately confuse the public!True and false news are mixed together, and everyone can't tell the difference.

Tianjianmen's all-out operation was not comparable to the little Jia Guan's power, and all kinds of weird gossip suddenly appeared.

"Old Qingyuan has been advanced for so many years, and there is also the ancestor of Qingyuan Jinxian, how could he fall down? Hei Ming, who advanced later, is almost the same."

"The high-level time and space are so good, even if they pick up leaks, they are better than ours. Maybe it's because the fairy world of the lower time and space has advanced, and it's probably not a big deal."

"Actually, a big monster from high-level time and space broke through the lower boundary of the boundary membrane!"


All kinds of gossip were mixed together, and people's audiovisuals in the third layer of time and space were confused at once. No one knew what was going on. In the end, they still felt that the Golden Immortal's ability to overcome the Golden Immortal Tribulation was the most reliable!Maybe it's actually Mo Xuan who is crossing the catastrophe!It's not completely impossible, Mo Xuan's ability to do things is always unexpected!

Around the Super Heavenly Tribulation, the big boss meeting was held again.

Xiao Moxuan No. [-] didn't want to be noticed by the big guys of various forces. Combined with the strength and duration of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, after a detailed analysis of the many gossips, the final conclusion cannot be ruled out. The possibility of falling and encountering catastrophe!It's still the same policy, let's wait and see.

The bosses from all sides nodded secretly. The analysis and judgment of Mo Xuan's powerful avatar is very detailed and perfect. Whether it is Jinxian or Immortal Realm who are going through the catastrophe, we can only wait and see what happens. No fool dares to rush into the catastrophe now Go check it out and wait patiently!
In other words, since the situation is so urgent, it's time for your true self, Mo Xuan Da Neng, to show up!Relying on us alone, I really don't know what to do!

(End of this chapter)

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