Chapter 538

Mo Xuan wanted to show his face, but right now he was fighting Super Heavenly Tribulation, so he really had no time to distract him.

Under the cover of Mo Xuan's best efforts, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie arduously and persistently broke through the Super Heavenly Tribulation!

However, the Super Heavenly Tribulation is constantly controlling the position, and the Qingyuan Small Immortal World is always surrounded by heavy robbery clouds. It is impossible to distinguish east, west, north, south, and can only rush towards one direction with determination.

Before you know it, another month has passed!The immortals of Qingyuan were panting, not to mention the hole cards, the last underwear was eager to be converted into energy, it was really unsustainable!Super Heavenly Tribulation is still relentless, and will never stop dying!
Although Taishi Li is still brave, but after all, he is only one person, and there is nothing he can do to protect the entire Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm!

Many Qingyuan immortals were so exhausted that they couldn't even raise their hands. Looking at the raging catastrophe, they could only close their eyes and wait for death!Is the sky really going to kill us?

It's time, Mr. Taiyi slightly turned the snow-white wrench worn on the thumb of his right hand, and suddenly a large amount of top-quality resources surged out of the snow-white wrench like a volcanic eruption, turning into dazzling rainbows covering the entire Qingyuan The sky of Little Fairyland.

Gosh!That is clearly a dazzling rainbow built up of top-grade fairy stones!
The immortals of Qingyuan are used to hard work, and they are already terrified and excited when they unearth a sky-level meteorite. Earth-level meteorites have only been seen at some trade fairs, and sky-level meteorites are only in legends. Seeing this overwhelming fairy stone, my heart almost stopped suddenly!Even many immortals don't know that this is a fairy stone, but just from the messy appearance, it can be judged that it is absolutely superb, so many, it's too exaggerated, we are not dreaming!
Lord Taiyi’s resolute voice spread throughout the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm: “This is a precious resource that the ancestors of Qingyuan donated to us for emergencies. Everyone quickly take what they need to recover themselves. Come on! Perseverance is victory! We will definitely be able to break through of!"

Survival from a desperate situation!The morale of Qingyuan's immortals was immediately boosted, and they shot quickly with red eyes, and within a few blinks, they divided up the overwhelming number of top-quality immortal stones!
Holy crap, what the hell is this superb product? Just throw a few of them into the bottomless Linghu Lake in the fairy garden, and all of them will melt in a blink of an eye, turning into a rich fairy aura, which quickly blows away the dried up spirit like a fountain. The lake is full, oh oh oh, it's almost overflowing, quickly absorb and transform!
What's the situation? This is it!It's too good!I can't bear it!

For a long time, the Qingyuan immortals have relied on digesting and absorbing those extremely difficult meteorites to ingest the resources of cultivating immortals. It is already very happy to encounter a few large second-level meteorites. Now in comparison, we really are a bunch of beggars , relying on scavenging for a living, the past is unbearable!This is life, this is the correct way to cultivate immortals!
The immortals of Qingyuan spat out super-unsteady tone words, and their spirits became more and more excited. This is the resource of high-level time and space, such a huge amount, such a superb product!What kind of broken life did we live before, tears rushing!
rush!We must rush out!After so many years of hard work and success in advancing, I still haven't been able to enjoy the prosperity of high-level time and space. How can I fall so easily!Absolutely not, isn't it just a catastrophe, what's the big deal, let's see you smashed into your head and bloody!
The morale of Qingyuan's immortals is high, and the crowd is excited, rush out!
Grand Master Li sighed and smacked his lips, that boy Huang Hongzhuo is still the usual calf protector!
Super Heavenly Tribulation also found that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, which was about to fail, suddenly became more violent. Is this a counterattack on the verge of death?Hmph, where to run, see if I don't kill you big pest!Super Heavenly Tribulation turned its gun again, chasing and beating Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.

The pressure in Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm increased sharply, and it struggled to support it, and the damage to the surface became more and more serious.

Mo Xuan frowned, but it's really not worrying, the catastrophe is trouble.Since he wanted to cover the retreat of the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm, Mo Xuan didn't care to hide it. With a wave of his sleeves, he wrapped up a large group of berserk Heavenly Tribulation, sealed it into the purple gold talisman paper, and stored it as a Heavenly Tribulation bomb. up.

Saving energy and resources is Mo Xuan's consistent style. He has been struggling to resist the catastrophe but is losing money. Although there is no shortage of resources and food, it is a little bit of savings. Take the opportunity to get some catastrophe bombs, which will always be used in the future get on.

This guy is too daring!Super Heavenly Tribulation was irritated by Mo Xuan again, is it me dealing with you or are you playing me?How unreasonable!
Super Heavenly Tribulation was furious again, ignored Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, and went all out to deal with Mo Xuan. If he can't handle this guy this time, he will definitely be even more unable to handle it in the future!One word - do it!

Mo Xuan was also struggling, and when he couldn't dodge, he could only wave red tears,
Before you know it, another month has passed!
The surrounding forces of Super Heavenly Tribulation are a little numb. Such a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation has lasted for so long, and there is no intention of stopping at all!The one who crossed the catastrophe was even more fortified to the extreme, and Mo Xuan's power would most likely have to stand aside!It feels like we have lived in vain in this life, we are too helpless!

A large area of ​​Super Heavenly Tribulation suddenly protruded, and the thunder flickered continuously, and the surrounding fleets that were actually quite far away retreated one after another to avoid harming Chiyu.

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, which was wrapped in thunder and was emitting black smoke all over, came out so abruptly!
So... what is that?Wonderland?It's really fairyland!What a huge fairyland!Is this fairy world going through the catastrophe?How long have you resisted?

out!We finally got out!Qing Yuan couldn't help crying with joy!

The forces of all parties couldn't react for a while, but fortunately, they had already prepared a preliminary plan, and fleets of fleets swarmed away immediately, and it didn't take long to intercept Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm densely and overwhelmingly, countless black cannons The mouth is aimed at Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.No order has been issued yet, and no one dares to fire the first shot!
Qingyuan couldn't laugh anymore, we finally escaped from the desperate situation, and now we have encountered a huge crisis, God won't play us like this!
Taishi Li snorted coldly with a cold face, and glanced around, how can there be so many idiots, dare to surround us, are they impatient to live!But this number is really a bit scary, so many ants kill elephants!
Lord Taiyi and the others couldn't help sighing secretly, but there are really wolves and tigers behind them, even the Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie in full bloom can't compete with the entire third-level space-time!What's more, now that the fuel is exhausted, there are a large number of battleships, but the energy of the battleships has been exhausted, and there are not many ships that can take off. Alas!
Only the five Qingyuan masters Li Taishi, Taiyi, Qianzao, Gu Xin, and Kong Jian came to the forefront, facing the forces of all parties in the third layer of time and space and countless warships without fear.

Seeing the five fearless Qingyuan bosses, the immortals from all sides were a little bit confused. These five mighty ones looked like dragons among the immortals, and they were by no means waiting for nothing!

Afterwards, the fairy world of Taiyi, Qianzao, and Gu Xindao Lord ascended into the void.

God, is the huge one Xianhuan, or three? !Don't you want to be so exaggerated, Xianhuan, it's not like we haven't seen it before, and we have glanced at Mo Xuan's powerful Xianhuan from a distance, but I really haven't seen such a huge Xianhuan!Scared to death!
Afterwards, Daoist Kong Jian's huge fairy led hundreds of Qingyuan's immortals up into the void!

That huge group of immortals and heavens that formed into pieces blinded the eyes of the immortals of all forces in the three layers of time and space. How many gods are there, too many to count!

It's impossible for the lower time and space to have so much power, could it be that old Qingyuan really fell from the upper time and space?Then let's play chicken feathers in the future!
Many bigwigs in the third level of time and space are secretly ruthless. Right now, the other party is obviously at the peak of exhaustion, so let him take advantage of his illness to kill him. The third level of time and space is our world, you have come to the wrong place!

Swords are on the verge of breaking out, and the atmosphere is extremely tense!
At this time, as long as the fire escapes, it will be a super big fight!
Neither side dared to act rashly!

Jia Guan quietly moved forward with a warship, preparing to play a good show that a careless escape would trigger a super fairy battle, but just halfway forward, he was stopped intentionally or unintentionally by a warship from Tianjianmen.

Jia Guan's complexion changed slightly. When most of the battleships were quietly retreating, it was a bit conspicuous that he deliberately moved forward.If he moved any further, his identity would be exposed in all likelihood.After all, Jia Guan still didn't dare to move forward!

Just when the atmosphere was extremely depressing and tense, the dignified Xiao Moxuan No. [-] appeared in the center of the two sides, coughed lightly, and raised his right hand to signal everyone to be calm.

The immortals of the third level of time and space saw Mo Xuan Da Neng's clone, and felt a little more at ease in their hearts. Even if the sky fell, Mo Xuan Da Neng would still be able to bear it first!We're right behind it.

Seeing that Mo Xuan's avatar had appeared, Huang Long, Bai Huan, Chixia, and Tianji also appeared together, floating on both sides of Mo Xuan's avatar, to help Mo Xuan's avatar.

They have always been all kinds of iron eggs who fish in troubled waters. They, the demon king of the world, hide behind, so as not to be recognized by the immortals of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie. Even if they will reveal their secrets sooner or later, it can't be now!
The five big bosses in Qingyuan have received the message sent by Xiao Moxuan No. [-], and understand the ins and outs of the current situation.

Hmph, Hei Ming is really calculating!The five big brothers in Qingyun squinted their eyes with gloomy faces, but they also knew that even if there was no darkness to make trouble in the dark, Super Heavenly Tribulation would have shaken the entire third layer of time and space with such a great fanfare. Where to go.

Fortunately, Mo Xuan took every step of the way, seized the opportunity early, and responded in a timely manner, so that the situation did not deteriorate to the point of no return, but it is still quite bad right now!
After all, Xiao Moxuan No. [-] represents the entire third-level time and space, and it still has to be done in a business-like manner, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

No. [-] Shi Shiran bowed to the five big men of Qingyuan, and said, "Welcome to our third level of time and space. Can you introduce yourself first?"

Lord Taiyi bowed back, and solemnly introduced himself: "Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, Huang Taiyi."

Qingyuan Little Immortal World!Oh my god, it's really Qing Yuan!All forces in the three layers of time and space were shocked!What we are most afraid of is Qingyuan!
Hey, why is the Super Heavenly Tribulation still going on?Didn't the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm have already rushed out?Isn't Little Immortal Realm Qingyuan Immortal Realm?Could it be that the Qingyuan Immortal Realm has disintegrated into many parts, and this Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is one of them?The main body of Qingyuan Immortal Realm is still fighting against Heavenly Tribulation in Super Heavenly Tribulation?
Xiao Moxuan No. [-] directly asked everyone's doubts: "Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm? Isn't it Qingyuan Immortal Realm? Where did you come from?"

"It's up to us to answer this question." Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the other three came from behind the Qingyuan Celestial Immortals to become the chef god star.

Hey, aren't the three of them just... Many immortals in the third level of time and space still remember Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them. Could it be that the three of them are really exploring the way for old Qingyuan to go down to the lower realm?

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng bowed to the third-level time-space immortals, cleared his throat, and narrated what happened when he advanced to the Qingyuan Immortal Realm.

As he spoke, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng took out the soul lamp of Young Master Taiyi as a proof.

Who ever thought that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie was not in the third-level time and space, but fell directly to the second-level time and space.Therefore, the three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng went to great lengths to order a tortoise-shell battleship from Black Star Gate, and forcibly traveled through the boundary membrane to the second layer of time and space. Finally met the advanced conditions, and advanced to these three layers of time and space.

Zhuan Sun Hongsheng still concealed a lot of things, such as Hei Ming also fell into the second layer of time and space, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles!

Why!Is that so?It's not that old Qingyuan can't get along in the fairy world and wants to live in the lower realm, but that old Qingyuan's fragments of the fairy world that fell to the second level of time and space advanced to our third level of time and space!The immortals of the third level of time and space were whispering and discussing, but they still felt that this statement was more credible.

(End of this chapter)

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