Interstellar Miner

Chapter 539 Killer

Chapter 539 Killer
Huanglong, Baihuan, Chixia, and Tianji made eye contact with Mo Xuan's avatar, and they all nodded slightly. What Zhuan Sun Hongsheng said should be true.

However, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie currently has six Xuanxians and hundreds of heavenly immortals on the surface, which is more than our total high-end combat power in the third layer of time and space.

Why don't you pay some price and wipe it out in one fell swoop while Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is exhausted?
Mo Xuan Da Neng, your deity and several Taoist companions should also be dispatched. If they escape and get enough supplements, it will be almost impossible to deal with them again. Mo Xuan Da Neng, make up your mind quickly, machine Don't miss it and never come again!

Qing Yuan saw that Mo Xuan was only a clone, and he was already the leader of the entire third-level time and space. The four Xuanxian great powers all had to watch Mo Xuan's clone's winks, and they couldn't help but click their tongues secretly. It seems that we can If they can't get along well, it all depends on what Mo Xuan can do!If Mo Xuan is unwilling to share the benefits, we Qingyuan can only fight recklessly with the third-level time, no matter what the final result is, there will be no good fruit to eat!
Mo Xuan's avatar pondered for a while, then he thought about it, and asked: "My fellow Taoists in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, the catastrophe has not dissipated at this moment, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm should be more than just your part!"

What?The powers of all parties in the third layer of time and space look at the Super Heavenly Tribulation that is still raging crazily, and they can't help but turn pale with horror, isn't it, such a powerful and powerful Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is only a part of it, my God, it's too scary, they It must have advanced from the lower time and space, but it made us look like the lower time and space!
There are already six Xuanxians and hundreds of heavenly immortals in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm. If it is only half of them, then we can pack up and go back to our hometown to farm in the future. There is no place for us to mess around!
Huang Long, Bai Huan, Chi Xia, and Tian Ji watched the non-stop Super Heavenly Tribulation and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, a little startled, and they wanted to retreat.If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood, so let's think about it in the long run!
That's not right, aren't all the great powers of Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm here? Jia Guan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that it was clearly Mo Xuan who was doing double reeds with Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm!It was really a good idea to fight, to deter all the forces of the entire three-layer time and space, and dare not act rashly!
Jia Guan secretly gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do, he had lost his chance, even if he jumped out to correct Mo Xuan and Qing Yuan and others at this moment, he would still be too soft-spoken, and he would be killed on the spot!Jia Guan sighed for a while, after all he could only watch from afar.

Lord Taiyi bowed back and said: "To tell you the truth, the catastrophe of this day was beyond our expectations, but the strong man broke his wrist and gave up part of it, so he rushed out! Hey~ I don't know if that part can escape from the sky!" "It's not really nonsense, it's recognized by everyone in Qingyuan that Mo Xuan alone is enough to hold up half of Qingyuan's small fairy world!

The forces of all parties in the three layers of time and space were all shocked, what the hell, it really is!How powerful is Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie's strength?
Mo Xuan's avatar gave a nonchalant sigh, and said, "I hope your part can get out of trouble safely. Now that everyone has advanced to our third-level time and space, what specific plans do you have?"

The forces of all parties in the three layers of time and space couldn't help feeling tense, knowing that the most critical moment is now!Whether it is war or peace, it all depends on the next few sentences!

Taiyi Jun smiled modestly and said: "Although we were once immortals of the third level of time and space, after all, time has passed and the third level of time and space has long been your world. We have no intention of competing in the world at all, and we just want to return to the fourth level of time and space as soon as possible, and the old man Qingyuan confluence."

"Is that so?" Mo Xuan's clone was silent.

The forces of all parties in the third level of time and space are also in a hurry. It is a good thing that Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has no intention of competing in the world, but it is not so simple to advance to the fourth level of time and space. We have struggled for so many years, including three veterans and immortals Including Tianjianmen, there is no force that has reached the standard of advanced fourth-level space-time!
One can imagine the huge resources needed to advance to the fairy world!

And judging from what happened in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, if you advance to the Immortal Realm, you will encounter super catastrophe. The higher the level, the more terrifying the catastrophe will be. Layers of time and space will die!

"It's absolutely true." Taiyi Jun frankly faced the forces of all parties in the three layers of time and space.

What should we do?The forces of all parties in the third layer of time and space looked at Mo Xuan's avatar eagerly, saying, when will Mo Xuan's powerful deity show his face, when is this!If we don't show up again, we won't be able to stand up to the massive amount of celestial and mysterious beings in the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm!

Mo Xuan's avatar pondered for a long time, and said: "After all, I'm just an avatar, and I can't make the decision. My real deity is already on the way. You all come from a long way, please rest for a while."

Lord Taidao and the others nodded and stepped back a little.

The various forces in the third layer of time and space also consciously retreated a certain distance, maintaining vigilance.

The two sides live in peace for the time being.

For most of Qingyuan, the angels turned back to Qingyuan to help rescue the ground.

After being bombarded indiscriminately by the Super Heavenly Tribulation for so long, the surface of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is already riddled with holes, which is too horrible to look at.As soon as they rushed out of the range of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, the immortals immediately dragged their exhausted bodies to rescue the civilians on the ground.

Because of the full protection of Mo Que'er on Mojia Lingdao, that is, because of the violent vibration, some houses collapsed, and the people on Lingdao did not lose even a single one!
Minutes passed by.

The Super Heavenly Tribulation not far away is still raging, shaking everyone's hearts!
Qingyuan knew that it was Mo Xuan who held back the Super Heavenly Tribulation all by himself, and tried his best to cover us from the encirclement. Now we have successfully broken through, but Mo Xuan is still trapped inside by the Super Heavenly Tribulation!
Although everyone knew that Mo Xuan was super powerful, this super cataclysm was really terrifying, Qing Yuan couldn't help worrying secretly, and there was nothing he could do right now, so he could only silently pray for Mo Xuan's power.

At this time, Mo Xuan also felt helpless. Facing the endless super catastrophe, it felt like he had gone too far!
Fortunately, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has successfully rushed out, and the Super Heavenly Tribulation finally gave up and chased after him fiercely, only staring at himself, and unfortunately became himself.

Mo Xuan secretly sighed, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to think too much, he can only drag the Super Heavenly Tribulation away from the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, and die to the end!Hope it doesn't take too long, there's still a lot of mess out there waiting to be cleaned up!

Time passed day by day, and half a month passed in a flash.

Mo Xuan Da Neng, whom everyone was waiting for, never showed up. What's going on?Could it be that Mo Xuan Da Neng lost his way?How can it be!The super cataclysm in such a huge area is constantly raging, and even the blind can feel it. What is going on?

Soon the news spread, it turned out that Mo Xuan Da Neng directly entered the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and wanted to rescue the remaining part of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.Be darling, as expected of Mo Xuan's power, such a terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation dared to rush in.If it were us, who would rush to die!
There is no way to deal with Moxuan all the time, and the Super Heavenly Tribulation is also a bit difficult. The big pest that could be wiped out has already run away, and now this little guy is really too difficult to deal with. If it continues like this, the energy consumed will be too huge , not worth it!

In this case, then use the final killer!
Hey hey, why did the Super Heavenly Tribulation suddenly shrink sharply, is it going to dissipate?But it doesn't look like it, the black cat suddenly turned into white, is this also a catastrophe?

Everyone outside Tianjie was stunned. What's going on?

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, oh, Super Heavenly Tribulation has been transformed into a water attribute!Tsk tsk, although this universe is small, its ability is not small!Mo Xuan frowned. After all, he had only heard about it, and had never really come into contact with other attributes and forms of Heavenly Tribulation. He still had to experience it for himself!
Mo Xuan took a deep breath, of course there is no air in the void, what Mo Xuan breathed was the dissipated thunder energy in the Super Heavenly Tribulation, a little electric arc stimulated Mo Xuan's lungs, and his spirit immediately lifted up a lot.

The Super Heavenly Tribulation has quickly converted its attributes and forms!
The white robbery clouds cluster together, looking from the outside like a huge cotton candy that is constantly being compressed.Hey hey, what is this?The immortals of the third level of time and space and the immortals of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm were all dazed, staring at the unbelievable white cotton candy catastrophe.

But inside the Heavenly Tribulation, what Mo Xuan saw was thick fog, and he couldn't tell the east, west, north, south, and there were obviously countless dangers lurking in the fog!
Mo Xuan was also at a loss, not knowing how to deal with it!

In this instant, the Marshmallow Super Heavenly Tribulation suddenly exploded!There are no clever tricks, just the simplest bang bang bang!
The white clouds of calamity turned into highly concentrated water vapor bombs and exploded, and all the energy exploded collectively in those few moments!
The extremely dense group of explosions shook the entire three layers of time and space!Compared with the super-intensive big explosion of the previous Super Heavenly Tribulation's thunder attack, it is not too gentle!

The forces of all parties were already far away, but they were still staggered by the aftermath of the big bang, and panicked for a while!
It is impossible to imagine who can survive such a terrifying super water vapor explosion!
After the explosion, the endless white water vapor quickly solidified into tiny crystal-clear ice crystals in the extremely cold void, illuminated by the surrounding starlight, refracted by countless colored lights, It has become the most beautiful scene in the history of the three layers of time and space!
The Super Heavenly Tribulation naturally disappeared, as if it had never appeared before!
People didn't care to watch the unbelievable and extreme beauty. What happened to the remnants of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm?What happened to Mo Xuan Da Neng?
Such a terrifying super big explosion, it is impossible for anyone to survive it!
Those refracted colored lights are really an eyesore, and I can't see anything clearly!Oh, I'm so anxious!

The immortals of the third layer of time and space looked at Xiao Moxuan No. [-]. The status of the main body, the avatar can always sense one or two, what's the matter?Don't always keep a cold face, you should give me a word!

Could it be that Mo Xuan's power has already fallen into this terrifying water vapor explosion?

Xiao Moxuan No. [-] was also in a panic. The Super Heavenly Tribulation had such an unimaginable change and produced such terrifying power. What happened to this deity?Two had to worry.

Tie Dan and the others also turned slightly pale, Master, please don't worry!We haven't been able to catch up with you yet, you can't just disappear so easily, we still want to listen to you for a few more lessons!
(End of this chapter)

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