Interstellar Miner

Chapter 540 Long Live Peace

Chapter 540 Long Live Peace
Just when the scene was about to get out of control, a faint sigh spread throughout the audience.

The deity of Moxuan, whose life and death are unknown, appeared in front of Xiao Moxuan No. [-] just like that. The Taoist robe on his body was a little black and a little wet, but nothing else.

The forces of the three layers of time and space were once again shocked!
Although the main body of Mo Xuan and the avatar are almost printed out of the same mold, when the main body of Mo Xuan appears, people can immediately recognize it even if it is just the back view, and this is the real Mo Xuan power Deity!No one can imitate Naba's elegant demeanor, the outstanding heroic posture that shines in the starry sky, and the incomparable detached temperament!

After all, it is the great power of Moxuan. Such a terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation can be entered and exited as soon as one wants, and I can't even wait for a mortal in this life.

It's great that Mo Xuan is safe and sound.Qingyuan heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time his heart was filled with horror!I have always known that Mo Xuan Da Neng is super powerful, but Mo Xuan Da Neng is too low-key, and only made one or two shots in total. I don't even know how powerful he is. Now I finally know it!The super cataclysm that almost wiped out the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, Mo Xuan Da Neng was held back by himself. We were able to escape by luck, and Mo Xuan Da Neng definitely contributed the most!
Mo Xuan looked at the Super Heavenly Tribulation area with his hands behind his back, it was really a rare and extreme beauty!There is always hope after desperation, after destruction there will be a new life!
Speaking of which, Super Heaven's Tribulation's last trump card is really powerful, and I was also blown up, very embarrassed, and I still have a long, long way to go.

"Greetings to the deity." "Greetings to the sect master." "My lord."... People kept bowing to each other as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Mo Xuan waved his hand casually, no need to be polite.

The five elders of Qingyuan eagerly flew to Mo Xuan and bowed deeply.

Mo Xuan returned his bow lightly, and sighed slightly: "Everyone, I have tried my best, but the final explosion of the Super Heavenly Tribulation was too sudden, and I can barely protect myself."

You have to do a full set of acting.

Mr. Taiyi and the others quickly entered the role, with mournful faces on their faces, the dead are dead, and I wish them all the best.

Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan understands righteousness and a chivalrous heart, and is willing to lend a helping hand. He is really a role model in the fairy world!
The various forces in the third-level time and space are watching eagerly, and their hearts are very anxious. The bosses of the two sides have formally met, and the next few words will determine the main tone of the entire third-level time-space in the future!It's really hard not to worry!

Jia Guan, who had already seen through all this, shook his head secretly and sighed, that's all, there is nothing he can do!Jia Guan sighed and left directly, leaving the melon-eaters who didn't know the truth to continue to worry and worry.

Mo Xuan said a few words politely, and said directly: "Since all fellow Taoists in Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie have successfully advanced to our third-level time and space, they are naturally a part of our third-level time and space. I have to say some ugly things first. .”

"Fellow Daoist, it's okay to say." Lord Taiyi nodded.

Mo Xuan then said: "You old Qingyuan patted your ass and advanced to high-level time and space, and left the entire third-level time-space and ignored it, causing our third-level time-space to be chaotic for many years. Xing. Fortunately, the Black Underworld Immortal Realm suddenly emerged and once again unified the three-level time and space. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Hei Ming met the conditions and patted his ass to advance. Our third-level time-space has become chaotic again. Our third-level time-space is really It has been tossing for too long, and although there are many frictions between the various forces, they will not go to war, and the main tone of peace is certainty and certainty!"

Qing Yuan was a little embarrassed, and some old senior immortals blushed for a while. At that time, they patronized to advance to high-level time and space to enjoy the blessings. They really didn't think about what would happen to the third-level time and space after Qing Yuan left. To put it bluntly, who would have thought that there would be a day when he would be questioned face to face!

Mr. Taiyi coughed awkwardly, and said: "Ancestor Qingyuan really didn't consider it back then, we juniors really don't have much to say about the elders' affairs, but after our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm fell to the second level of time and space, we have been sticking to peace. We have never provoked a fight. We have advanced to the third layer of time and space, and our original desire to pursue peace will never change!"

Mo Xuan nodded solemnly, turned around, slowly scanned the circle of all forces in the third layer of time and space, clenched his right fist, and said decisively: "We have shed too much blood in the third layer of time and space, and too many lives have been burned. , joys and sorrows, from now on, we will never fight again, and everyone will maintain peace together! Whoever dares to destroy peace willfully, we will destroy it together! Maintain peace and put an end to war!"

"Maintain peace! Put an end to war!"

"Peace! Peace!"

"Long live peace."


At first, it was only Moxuan's fanatical fans who shouted and responded, and then Tie Dan and Er Wazi took the lead in roaring and shouting!Maintain peace and prevent war!

Tie Dan and the others secretly sighed, it seems that this posture should not be able to fight, Master and we have worked so hard for so many years, but in the end, we have to rely on our voices!The main reason is that the master is too brave and mighty. He shook the super heavenly tribulation by himself, and once again shocked the entire third layer of time and space.This could not have been a better ending, and it can be described as a happy ending.

The forces of all parties in the third layer of time and space responded loudly, we want peace, not war!

In the end, Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm also responded loudly.

The tense and tense atmosphere quickly disintegrated completely!Long live peace!
Now that the main tone of peace has been laid, the following peace conference is just a formality.

Mo Xuan modified the peace strategy of the fourth-level time and space to better fit the current situation of the third-level time-space, and proactively launched the peace master contract.

To put it simply, from now on, all the previous grievances, right and wrong between the various forces will be wiped out!Private fighting is strictly prohibited from now on!
Although there are voices of opposition from some forces, the overall situation is the most important right now, and a few people can only choose to obey the majority!Don't worry about the word count.

All forces in the three-dimensional time and space, including the upstart Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, have signed the peace agreement, and the peace of the three-dimensional space-time is so firmly established—it is definitely determined!

The following meeting on the distribution rights of Asgard was more harmonious and relaxed.

In the past, the strategy of the seven major forces has always been the guarantee strategy, but with the rise of new forces, the guarantee amount of the seven major forces has become less and less. It is impossible to guarantee the bottom line!

The 370 special arena is unshakeable, so there are [-] seats in the big arena, and each arena has [-] Immortal Palace seats, a total of [-] seats.

The bigwigs from all sides fought hard with their eloquence, and they definitely wanted to restrict and then restrict Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie.

Even if Xuan Xian defaulted not to fight, after all, Qing Yuan has so many great powers of celestial beings. If there is a fair competition, it is impossible for the forces of the original three-layer time and space to compete, and they must be restricted to death!

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has also been fascinated by the Immortal Palace for a long time, and he can't wait to book out the Immortal Palace, of course, he can only think about it.Right now, we, Qing Yuan, have just arrived, and our heels are not yet firmly established. If you can bear it, bear it, if you can let it, let it go!
In the end, it was Mo Xuan who made the final decision. All forces in the three layers of time and space worked together to make room for Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, but relatively, Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm will strictly restrict participation in fairyland for the next 1 years. Palace quota competition.Qing Yuan dispatched up to five heavenly immortals and thirty earth immortals to participate in the competition for the number of fairy palaces, and a special ring was set up at will.

To be honest, the quota is too limited, after all, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie didn't want to be the target of public criticism, so after weighing it over and over again, he still agreed, and Lord Taiyi officially signed his name.

So far, this peace conference has come to a perfect conclusion, and it will be permanently recorded in the history of the three-dimensional time and space!

Under the escort of the fleets of various forces, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie came to a new territory pieced together by various forces.Compared with the forces of all parties in the third layer of time and space, this territory is not small, nor is it prosperous.

Fortunately, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie has long been used to poverty and is very content.

Time passed year by year.

Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie continued to mine meteorites and mineral planets in the site, obtained a large amount of resources, and quickly filled the thousands of holes.

Then, the four Taoist monarchs jointly abolished the ban on cultivation. From now on, all children in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm can practice immortality. The time limit is temporarily limited to one hour a day, and the time limit will be gradually increased depending on the situation of the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.

Qingyuan's countless children wept with joy, it's great, we finally let us wait until this day!
Many gray-haired old children who can only lie in bed have long been unable to bear the torment. It is already a miracle that they can survive through the boundary membrane and the super catastrophe. They just want to have a glimpse of these three layers of time and space, and wait until the day when the prohibition order is abolished!Even if you have to use crutches to walk, at least your body should be stronger, and you can prolong your life by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth gently.They were so pale that they couldn't bear the impact of a little spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

However, without exception, those old children laughed and absorbed a few mouthfuls of heaven and earth spiritual energy wantonly, and breathed out their last breath contentedly, great!

Even Mojialing Island is no exception.

The time of thousands of years, one generation in 20 years, a full five or six hundred generations!There will be a large number of children born in each generation, and the backlog is accumulated. Even today's wealthy Mo family can't support so many children, so they can only choose the best to keep.

Not to mention other families.

Standing on the top of Jinzhu Peak, Mo Xuan had a bird's-eye view of the entire Mojialing Island, and smiled with relief. After so many years of hard work, he finally waited for this day!With the current wealth of the Mo family, it can be guaranteed that every child will become a child, that is to say, from now on, everyone in the Mo family can cultivate immortals!A childhood dream has finally come true!
Mo Que'er, who was snuggling next to Mo Xuan, was straightforward, and asked directly: "Xuan, what should we do next?"

Yeah, what should I do next?Mo Xuan sighed slightly, people are like this, it is easy to share adversity, but it is difficult to share blessings.Right now, Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm is still a discus on the surface, but in fact there is a hidden crack.

Taiyimen, Qianzaomen, and Gu Xinmen have been fighting openly and secretly for many years because of the emotional entanglement of the three big bosses, but the overall situation is the most important thing in the second layer of time and space, and they dare not cross the red line easily.Later, with the addition of Kong Jianmen, the relationship became more complicated.

And Li Taishi's power is interspersed among the four gates. No one is sure who is Li Taishi's subordinates. It was not because he didn't want to investigate and clean up the internal department before, but he was afraid that the backlash would be too huge. Internal friction.Now there are not so many taboos.

Mo Xuan smiled teasingly, perhaps in the eyes of Lord Taiyi, himself and the Mo Family Lingdao were the biggest factors of instability!Sitting firmly in the top spot of Tianjianmen, with high authority in the third layer of time and space, the entire Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has to act according to his winks, which has become a factor of instability.

Mo Xuan shook his head helplessly. When he first came to these three layers of time and space, he simply wanted to earn a lot of merit and send it to the time-sealed area, and save some money for his own use.Who would have thought that after so many things happened, he would be kicked out and become the head of Tianjianmen, and it would be enough to send him to the time-sealed area for a small change.

Mo Que'er shook Mo Xuan's arm, and urged: "Xuan, the infighting between the four sects is a foregone conclusion, Grand Master Li doesn't know when to reveal the card, and our Mo family Lingdao is caught in the middle, so we must plan as soon as possible. That’s fine. Just move directly to the Heavenly Sword Gate Little Immortal Realm, don’t get involved in those crap things, just let them fight!”

Kong Ling who was snuggling on the other side of Mo Xuan gave Mo Que'er an angry look.

Mo Que'er giggled, and hastily added: "Of course Kong Jianmen will move there too."

How could Mo Xuan not know, and sighed slightly: "Queer, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm has just finished tossing, and it looks like it has been repaired, but in fact, the vitality is far from restored, and there are many hidden dangers left. It's unwise. Our Mohists will stay put for now, and the four sects are afraid of each other, so we won't fight each other immediately. After the detente period is over, it won't be too late for us to move."

Mo Que'er pursed her lips, Xuan was always such a nice guy, so she agreed.

Kong Ling asked: "Xuan, now that the Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm has gained a firm foothold, what about the little guys like Tie Dan and Er Wazi? Let them come back?"

Mo Xuan shook his head slightly, and said, "There's no rush, they've already worked hard to earn their fortunes, and they've distributed them properly. The third level of time and space has ushered in a period of peace, and it's a good time for them to vigorously develop their forces."

Mo Que'er curled her lips and said: "It's not right, if you let it go for too long, those little guys who don't care will all lose their tempers."

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "In peacetime, they don't dare to act recklessly, and their temperament gradually calms down. If they dare to be wild, they should beat them hard."

That's true, both Mo Que'er and Kong Ling nodded, so be it.

Kong Ling asked, "Xuan, when shall we return to the fourth layer of time and space?"

Mo Xuan pondered: "At least wait until the competition for the next Immortal Palace quota is over, and I have to come forward to host it."

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er glanced at each other, indeed only Xuan could hold on to the situation, there were still 20 years, and it passed in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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