Interstellar Miner

Chapter 541 Preparations before the war

Chapter 541 Preparations before the war
Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie had just entered the advanced stage and hadn't gained a firm foothold in the third layer of time and space, Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three couldn't wait to quietly rush to the surrounding of the fairy palace, and jointly broke through the boundary membrane to send a message to the fourth layer of time and space.

After receiving the news, Qingyuan Immortal Realm urgently held a meeting.

Patriarch Qingyuan sighed: "It turns out that Taiyi fell into the second-level space-time. No wonder there has been no news. The second-level space-time was swallowed up by a super monster. Fortunately, it was blocked by the battleship of the high-level space-time and temporarily trapped in time. The three of Zhuan Sun Hongsheng did a good job and assisted Xiaoxianjie to successfully advance to the third level of time and space. Although they encountered many difficulties, they started off high. I'm sorry you had to wait a few more years."

Gong Shichang bowed indifferently.

Patriarch Qingyuan smiled and said: "Sure enough, the times make heroes, Taiyi has become a Xuanxian, and that old man has also become a Xuanxian. In addition, several outstanding people have been born in the Little Immortal Realm. Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling should all have their own. With the strength to hit the Xuanbang, Gao Shan, Fang Wen, Long Ao, Ouyang Zhang, Dongfang Ping and other newly promoted celestial beings can definitely hit the Tianbang."

Gong Shichang blinked in surprise, Mo Xuan?Ink sparrow?Kong Ling?Why? !
Don't Hua An, Huo Qingling, and Wu Nianxuan call each other "Xuan, Que'er, Ling'er" in private?Is it a coincidence?It can't be such a coincidence!Mo Xuan, Wu Nianxuan?Gong Shichang couldn't help rolling her eyes, this is clearly the same group!It's not that the three of them can attack Xuanxian, but they have already entered the Xuanbang!Hua'an Da Neng and Huo Qingling Da Neng, everyone knows who doesn't know who doesn't know in the fourth layer of time and space!
No wonder Que'er and Ling'er have always regarded me as one of their own, always consoling Taiyi and Gu Xin that they are sure to be safe and sound, so that's how it is!

By the way, it is extremely difficult to cross the boundary membrane. The lower layers of time and space are better, but how did they come to these four layers of time and space? It seems that they can still often pass through the boundary membrane. In my heart, I didn't show it.

Since Que'er and Ling'er never regarded themselves as outsiders, of course I couldn't demolish them.

When the meeting was over, Gong Shichang did not leave, and asked Qingyuan Patriarch to read the message sent back by Zhuan Sun Hongsheng and the three of them carefully. The space is limited, and Qianzao and Gu Xin were only briefly mentioned. Instead, they introduced Mo Xuan and the three of them. some more.Wow, it's really amazing.

Patriarch Qingyuan was very satisfied with Gong Shichang, the granddaughter-in-law with both virtue and skill. Fortunately, Taiyi has also become a Xuanxian, and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, otherwise she would really be a bit unsuitable.

Patriarch Qingyuan encouraged Gong Shichang with a few words.

Gong Shi made a salutary bow, and took her leave.Gong Shichang sent a message to Huo Qingling and the others as soon as she returned to the palace, but she only got an automatic reply: I am in retreat and practicing, I will contact you after you leave the retreat.

Gong Shichang nodded secretly, it seems that there is really nothing wrong, Huo Qingling and the others are currently in the third layer of time and space, so naturally they can't get in touch, hmph, when they come back, they have to ask what's going on!

Time flies, and before you know it, it's the once-in-a-hundred-year battle for the seat of the Immortal Palace on the third level of time and space.All forces are gearing up and preparing for a big fight.

Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling had just finished the pre-war meeting of Tianjianmen, and then rushed to Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm to participate in the pre-war meeting of Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm.

After all, this is the first time to participate in the battle for the Immortal Palace, and Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie attaches great importance to it.

The bigwigs who attended the meeting were all looking at Mo Xuan and his party who walked in. From the collected information, it can be seen that Tianjianmen is completely the Thunder Tiger in the battle for the Immortal Palace. I dare not say that it is always the same. There are still big winners eight or nine out of ten times. After all, Tianjianmen is always targeted by various forces.

Those who are newcomers to the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm will most likely become the target of public criticism. It is really necessary to learn from the Heavenly Sword Sect, not to mention that the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Mo Xuan, is right in front of him.Mo Xuan is powerful, please help me out!In this battle for the Immortal Palace, whether our Qingyuan Little Immortal Realm eats meat or soup, it all depends on you!
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, but also did his part, and told in detail about the experience of Tianjianmen in the fairy palace group arena for so many years.In the final analysis, if you have the strength, you are not afraid of challenges. At the last moment, you will probably mess up, and nothing will work. Big fists are the last word!

Back then, Asgard still had three treasures for one quota, which was so beautiful, but later it became a mix of three treasures for one quota and two treasures for two quotas, and then two treasures for each quota, and now it is one quota and one treasure. A treasure, such a quota of [-], has changed a lot.

Well, in fact, it was all Xiaoyun's black-box operation, and now it is also because of the power of the three levels, there are many forces, large and small, there are not many places, and there are not many time limits.That's why it was specially changed to [-] places, and one treasure will be released for each place. Of course, the fairy palace experience has also changed from the original six tasks to three tasks.And Xiaoyun hacked [-] fairy palace treasures every round, that would be unstoppable!

Mo Xuan coughed, and continued to narrate. There are a total of 370 big arenas set up for this fairy palace competition, and each big arena has 36 fairy palace quotas, and the time limit is 25 hours. In addition, there are 180 immortal arenas, forty There are 24 arenas for the Nascent Soul Stage, [-] arenas for the Jindan Stage and [-] small arenas for immortal cultivators. The time limit is [-] hours, adding up to a total of [-] Immortal Palace quotas.

It is inevitable that the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm will be targeted by the various forces of the three layers, there is nothing to tangle with, either rise up, or keep a low profile, with the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm's own strength, is it necessary to keep a low profile, just go straight up.

The bosses of Qingyuan were a little speechless, we really want to join, but we are newcomers, unfamiliar with the place, and the number of participants is limited. Can't live.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, and said: "You don't need to worry too much. My Jianmen was always the target of fire that day. Qingyuan was suppressed severely, and our Tianjianmen will definitely take the lead. Even if the forces want to focus their fire, there is no way to implement it according to the script, so we just need to grasp the timing of our efforts."

The Qingyuan bosses were all stunned when they heard that, yes, this is the third level of time and space, and the Heavenly Sword Sect is the super bowl. Although our Qingyuan has excellent high-end combat power, after all, there can only be five heavenly immortals, three Ten Earth Immortals participated in the competition for the quota of Immortal Palace, which is too restrictive, and it feels like a clever woman can't live without rice.

Mo Xuan added: "The combat power of the celestial beings in the third layer of time and space is not very outstanding. Many celestial beings are half-baked products that have been boosted by taking the treasures of the fairy palace. At best, they are more powerful earth celestial beings."

The angels present at Qingyuan who also took the treasures of the fairy palace to advance were embarrassed. It is true that our combat power is weaker than those angels who broke through and advanced on their own.

Mo Xuan coughed, and said: "I'm talking about the current situation of the third-level time-space. The higher the time-space, the easier it is to advance. We Qingyuan, the senior earth immortal who was stuck in the second-level time-space, has reached the third-level time-space, and consolidated After a while, it will be much easier to attack the angels."

The big brothers of Qingyuan smiled wryly, it’s you, how can it be so easy for a fairy to advance, even if the third level of time and space is easier, only one senior fairy has succeeded in advancing to the level of a fairy after our Qingyuan’s advanced stage these years , and a genius disciple of Mo Xuan.

But, the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm resisted the Super Heavenly Tribulation, all the immortals were exhausted, and they haven't fully recovered yet!

This battle for the quota of Immortal Palace is a good opportunity. Those senior Earth Immortals who are stuck will enter the Immortal Palace for experience, and it will no longer be a dream to advance to Celestial Immortal!
The big strategy has been decided, and the next step is which five heavenly immortals and thirty earth immortals should be sent!

All kinds of wonderful benefits of the Fairy Palace. The angels in the Qingyuan Xiaoxian Realm have long been eager to see through it, looking forward to the stars and the moon until today, so they have to go in and experience it no matter what!Nowadays, there are more and more immortals, and they are no longer worth much. Only Xuanxian can be regarded as a real big shot!
As a result of the final discussion, two of the five heavenly immortals came out from Taiyi Gate, one from Qianzao Gate, Gu Xin Gate, and Kong Jian Gate; Eight, the final results will naturally belong to each sect.

After the meeting was over, each sect returned to their respective Daojun halls to continue the meeting to discuss the specific candidates for the battle.

Lu Zhi, the second senior brother of Kong Jianmen, wanted to fight, but he also knew how much he was, so he wisely kept silent.

The six Gaoshan people look at me and I look at you, they are all very excited. As long as they play and win a big ring, at least they can get the hard work fee of several fairy palace places. This is a big fat difference!
Mo Xuan discussed with Teacher Kong Jian and made a final decision.

Mo Xuan said with a smile: "Brother Gao Shan, this first round of battle for the Immortal Palace is up to you."

"No." Gao Shan smiled lightly, wrapping his arms around me.

Mo Xuan said to Ouyang Zhang and the others: "In the next few sessions, the virtuous brothers will take turns to go out. It's really itchy, so I will compete as my Jianmen that day."

Ouyang Zhang chuckled and rubbed his hands. His hands were really itchy, but in order to deal with the super catastrophe, it was quite exhausting, so the bloody debt should be taken slowly.

After the meeting was over, Mo Xuan had a small gathering with Gao Shan and the six people, drinking and chatting.

When the drink was about the same, Mo Xuan toasted Ouyang Zhang three glasses of wine, and said solemnly: "Brother Ouyang, you should not refuse now. You replaced me in charge of Tianjianmen for 500 years. Tianjianmen laid down a large area of ​​mountains and rivers, and was almost destroyed by the sneak attack of Huanglong Xuanxian. Later, the main purpose of returning to Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie was to be able to rest well. Now you have returned to the third layer of time and space to resist the consumption of immortal yuan by the super catastrophe The strength has also recovered to seven or eighty-eight, and it is time to return."

Ouyang Zhang refused, shook his head and said: "Brother, we have already agreed, I am just acting as a substitute, and the benefit fee has already been paid by myself. Tianjianmen has nothing to do with me."

Mo Xuan gave Ouyang Zhang an angry look, and said, "You have spent 500 years in vain. I still keep the team you brought out. It doesn't matter if you don't return to Tianjianmen. They all have to be taken away."

Ouyang Zhang is in a hurry, can this be the same!I have only been a substitute for 500 years, but you have worked hard for thousands of years. You have contributed a lot to Tianjianmen's success today. I just wear your tiger skin to help beat the side drums. How can we generalize.

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Don't push back and forth between us brothers and sisters. You all know who I am, and whoever deserves it. And I have to be busy with the Four Immortals in the fourth level of time and space. I really can't care about the third layer of time and space. After all, the second avatar is single and weak, and there is always something that I can't take care of. I just change the way to invite you to come out of the mountain. Brother Ouyang, don't refuse anymore. .”

Gao Shan and the others also helped to persuade, Ouyang Zhang pursed his lips and had to agree.

Mo Xuan chuckled, nodded, and said: "Last time, the sisters of Shangguan's younger siblings blocked me and kept asking about their recent situation. I managed to cope with it. If the younger siblings are free, please contact them. When the situation stabilizes, Brother Ouyang Xian, your identity should be officially announced to the public, otherwise the storytellers in the third dimension always like to make a fuss about my siblings and me, which is not good."

Ouyang Zhang pondered and said: "There's no rush, we Qingyuan are newcomers, so it's better to reduce hatred."

This is true, Mo Xuan nodded.

The battle for the quota of Immortal Palace is coming!

All forces in the third layer of time and space gathered in the Asgard Square, and it was very lively.Now it is an era of peace. Immortals no longer need to shy away from visiting relatives and friends. They gather happily in groups of three or four.

There is no need to repeat the wonders of the fairy palace anymore, a three-year-old child in the third level of time and space can recite dozens of them.

Originally, the competition for the places in the Immortal Palace was already extremely fierce, but now there are more Qingyuan Xiaoxianjies. Although the number of Qingyuan entries is strictly limited, the battle for the places in the Immortal Palace this year will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.The fighting power of those angels in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm will naturally become clear after the comparison!All forces are waiting to see!
(End of this chapter)

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