Chapter 542

The giant three-eared cauldron erected on the Fairy Palace Square has only a small piece of century-old incense sticking in it. It is still unhurriedly emitting white smoke, and it floats up slowly. It looks like a white stick. rice noodles.

The Qingyuan Immortal Palace special operations team arrived at the Immortal Palace very low-key. There were no extra personnel, just five heavenly immortals, thirty earth immortals, and a hundred child-born immortal cultivators, all aboard a starship battleship.

If it weren't for the Qingyuan logo printed on the Star Warship, the forces in the three-dimensional time and space really wouldn't know that Qingyuan had arrived!All kinds of onlookers were immediately aroused!
Xi Tian, ​​Jiang Zuo, Ju Ye, Lin Chengbi, and Gao Shan led the members of the Qingyuan Immortal Palace special operations team off the starship.

Hey, are there only so many people?The five celestial beings lead the team, so why don't Qing Yuan and other celestial beings come?The immortals of the third layer of time and space whispered to each other.

The Qingyuan Immortal Palace Special Operations Team quietly found an open space on the Immortal Palace Square, released a small palace, and a group of people entered in a single file, divided into four small camps and closed their eyes to rest their minds.

Wow, do you want to be so low-key?The various forces in the three-level time and space quickly got the news and continued to pay attention.

In fact, Qing Yuan didn’t just come to the Qing Yuan Immortal Palace Special Operations Team. You must know that only the leaders in the Immortal Trench had the opportunity to come to the Immortal Palace on the third level of time and space to practice. Well, the three dao lords all became Xuanxians after they came to the fairy palace. May I ask which of the Qingyuan immortals is not jealous or fascinated?Now that I have the opportunity to see the true face of the fairy palace, of course I can't miss it!
Therefore, many immortals in Qingyuan have already visited the Gaosheng Small Immortal Realm in twos and threes, or formed a group to mine high-level Immortal Realm fragments, and they have already looked at the Immortal Palace from afar.

The square snow-white outer city wall is spotless, and there is a unique watchtower at each corner.Inside the city walls are lofty mountains, dense forests, huge lakes, magnificent palaces, endless prairie, galloping horses and animals, and seven little suns in the sky shining on the earth. It is a self-sufficient small world!
All the immortals of Qingyuan looked at the magnificent fairy palace like an ancient lighthouse in the sky in amazement, and it was better to meet each other than to be famous!If you don't really see it with your own eyes, you can't imagine its majesty and grandeur!
After all, without tickets, you can only look at it from a distance, but you can't visit it up close.Right now, the battle for the fairy palace is imminent, and the full opening of the fairy palace is also the biggest event in the third layer of time and space. After being bored for a long time, the Qingyuan immortals arrived at the fairy palace in a low-key manner through various channels, and even the celestial immortals A lot of people came, but of course they all pretended to be ordinary immortals, broke them into pieces, and kept a low profile.

After all, Qingyuan's Lower Immortal Realm has completely bid farewell to the second-level time and space, and no longer needs to be on guard against Hei Ming's tricks day and night. Now, he has to work hard to build a good relationship with all parties in the third-level time-space and collect more information. The third-level time-space is Qing Yuan's The main battlefield!

"The Heavenly Sword Gate is here!"

"Wow, Mo Xuan is here!"

"This time, it should be Mo Xuan's powerful deity who is dispatched!"

"The idol is finally here!"


As if a hurricane had blown suddenly, the huge Asgard Square suddenly burst into chaos, and everyone was looking forward to it.

The Qingyuan Immortal Palace special operations team was also alarmed, and they walked out of the small palace to wait and see.

I saw a full hundred of the latest Tianjian warships built by Tianjianmen fly over the fairy palace in a zigzag formation, which is so majestic!
Under the attention of everyone, Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, Kong Ling, Huali and his party led the energetic Tianjianmen Immortal Palace Special Operations Team to the Immortal Palace Square in a leisurely manner.

Other small powers wished they could come to the Fairy Palace Square two or three years ago to grab a better spot, so it would be more convenient for them to watch and participate in the competition.

Of course there is no need for Tianjianmen, the largest and best area on the Fairy Palace Square has been reserved by Tianjianmen long ago, and no one dares to touch it.

The immortals of Qingyuan smacked their tongues inwardly. The Heavenly Sword Sect is truly amazing with such power and arrogance!
An old senior Earth Immortal in the Qingyuan Immortal Palace Special Operations Team had an ugly expression on his face. It was none other than Qin Tai Earth Immortal.Back in the day, I was still a high-ranking Earth Immortal, possessed the only beast-controlling studio in the entire Little Immortal Realm, and was a high-spirited, rich and handsome man.

Mo Xuan, Gao Shan, Fang Wen, Long Ao, Ouyang Zhang, Dongfang Ping, Jin Lengyu, Mo Queer, Huali, they are just a group of poor students. , I pass by occasionally, and I don't bother to take a look with my straight eyes.

No matter how good the talent is, there is a chicken feather for it?This is the era of cultivating immortal resources!

More than 3000 years have passed, and I am still an earth fairy. The Yushouzhai, which is making money every day, is long gone, and the scenery is no longer.

Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er are already the mysterious powers that I can't even imagine, and Gao Shan and the others have long been the gods that I can only look up to!
The all-powerful Mo Xuan team stomped their feet a little, and the whole Qingyuan Little Immortal World trembled three times!

Feng Shui turns around!
What is the use of more resources now?I, who was not talented enough, was always stuck outside the gate of the celestial being!After all, talent is king!

Recalling back then when I looked down on people with dog eyes, I regret it!Back then, if I could have lowered my profile and exchanged a few more words with Mo Xuan and the others, and made contact with each other, maybe I could have gone through the back door and obtained one or two pieces of fairy palace treasures at a preferential price.
Now, just for the sake of being qualified to compete in the Taiyi Sect, I can't wait to sell everything. If I can cooperate to win a ring, I will make money. If I can't win a ring, I will have nothing to lose.It's just that resisting the Super Heavenly Tribulation consumes too much, and it hasn't fully recovered until now. If it encounters too powerful opponents, it will be enough.

Qin Tai secretly gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, he had to fight hard, if he couldn't advance to the Heavenly Immortal any longer, his vigor would be exhausted, and he might just be a senior Earth Immortal for the rest of his life!
Tianjianmen area.

Pu Yixue, sisters Murong, Zhai Tianwei, and Gong Shangchuan, who were masked, walked like flying, turned eastward and westward, and finally entered a simple hut, slowed down and walked around a landscape screen, a smiling and graceful A familiar figure came into view.


"Sister Shangguan."

"Sister Si Ling."


The five beauties cheered and rushed over, surrounding Shangguan Siling.

"Sister, what have you been doing all these years, there is no news at all!"

"It's impossible to stay in closed doors all the time!"

"We thought you were under house arrest!"

"Ah, big sister, you are already a fairy! You are worthy of being our big sister."


The five girls chattered and chatted lively.

Shangguan Siling's smile became sweeter and sweeter, and he couldn't say it clearly for the time being, so he prevaricated by saying that he didn't know the years of retreat.

Reunited after a long absence, the sisters have too many thoughts and too many topics, and they can't stop talking.

Shangguan Siling was so noisy that she nodded her head, rolled her eyes at the sisters, and said angrily: "Okay, I have already left the customs, and there will be many opportunities to get together in the future, please take it easy and keep your mouth shut." Are you not tired?"

The eldest sister's female power is still the same as before, Pu Yixue and the others smiled embarrassedly, looking at the mature and intellectually beautiful Shangguan Siling, is it because time has changed!
Unexpectedly, our eldest sister who turns her hands into clouds and turns her hands into rain, who is the only one in the sky and earth, has a family. Indeed, only the great Mo Xuan can cover her head!Moxuan's Taoist couples are already Xuanxian. The eldest sister must not want to be a vase, so she devoted herself to cultivating hard, and now she has become a fairy, and she can hold her head up wherever she goes.We also have to work hard to keep up with the eldest sister.

Moxuan Palace.

It is customary for Luo Xiang and his wife to come to visit. This time, after all, they are visiting the deity of Moxuan, and Tengfei Palace carefully prepared a great gift.

Along, Ahu and Xiaomei also accompanied him naturally, time flew by, and the three of them also became immortals one after another after Luo Xiang, no longer a follower, but a big boss.

There are now six great immortals sitting in the Tengfei Hall, and it is also a famous No. [-] power!

Mo Xuan looked at Luo Xiang, Along, Ahu, and the younger sister with relief. Although they had gone through ups and downs after they broke up in the God of Medicine Valley, they still struggled to this day.

I remember that Luo Xiang was still a young girl back then, but now she is so mature and stable that she almost can't recognize her, but her face is always sweet and the same.Although Mrs. Luo Xiang is a bit small-minded, but after so many years of ups and downs together, there is nothing to be jealous of.The young couple has advanced into an old couple, the husband sings and the wife follows, loving each other.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, he was still generous as usual, and he sprinkled the fairy-level treasures casually as if he didn't want money.

Luo Xiang and the others were all embarrassed. We were the ones who came here to thank Mo Xuan Da Neng for his support and guidance back then, but how come it turned out to be like we came here to take advantage of it? How embarrassing it is!

Aaron and Ahu kept looking around, where is Big Brother Sanmao?Really haven't seen it for many years!where?

I'll see it later, Mo Xuan smiled lightly, but didn't point it out immediately.

At this time, the Yaozu Asgard Special Operations Team also arrived at Asgard.

The various forces of the human race are still more or less hostile to the Yaozu, and they are clearly divided, and they look at the Yaozu coldly.Now it is a time of peace, and Yaozu has also signed the peace agreement and is protected, and no one dares to mess around.

The Yaozu found a remote corner to station in a very low-key way, and then Bai Meier, Zhang Desheng and Sanmao went to visit Mo Xuan together.

Although Luo Xiang and his wife were surprised that Mo Xuan and the big bosses of the Yaozu also received them together, they didn't think too much about it. They took a closer look at the three big bosses of the Yaozu on the opposite side, tsk tsk, that is Bai Meier, the saint of the Yaozu, sure enough The beauty of the country, the beauty of the country, the beauty of the country; that Zhang Desheng is a confidant of identity, no matter how close he looks, he looks more like a human race. Could it be a human master who was recruited by Bai Meier by sacrificing his luster, but Zhang Desheng is also the veteran of the monster race. , Is it some kind of primate that looks like a human being? Hey, that slender fairy is the He Tianxian from the Yaozu, so why does it look familiar?
Why!Aaron and Ahu stared blankly at Sanmao in human form, really familiar, could it be...

Sanmao winked at Aaron and Ahu, and kept quiet.

Aaron and Ahu understood immediately, and looked at each other suspiciously, feeling a little bit stunned in their hearts, so that's it!No wonder our human race failed to encircle and suppress the Yaozu three times and four times. The feeling is that Mo Xuan can cover the Yaozu in the dark!
Mo Xuan Da Neng is really kind-hearted, and he has such great love for the Yaozu!That's right, there is no distinction between high and low in life, and the monster race is also a living being, and it is not much different from our human race.

Luo Xiang, his wife and Xiaomei saw that it was not too early, and they didn't dare to waste too much time on Mo Xuan, so they got up and said goodbye.

Along and Ahu quietly stayed behind, and as usual, they went to the side hall with Sanmao to talk to each other, and they would not return if they were not drunk.

Linglong and Zheng Ling also came to visit Mo Xuan as usual, and they also brought Qi Haoxuan and Qiu Yemeng together.

Qi Haoxuan's identity is top secret, mainly because Linglong and Zheng Ling belong to the type of big mouth, so he has never revealed it, and he has not joined in the fun before, this time it is rare to see the master's body, Qi Haoxuan passed along with Linglong and Zheng Ling.

Qi Haoxuan has long been a celestial being, and Qiu Yemeng has a good talent, and has already become a celestial being.Linglong and Zheng Ling are still far from the Celestial Immortal, but with Qi Haoxuan's assistance to fill in the gap, there is still hope to hit the Celestial Immortal.

To be honest, Mo Xuan is still not very familiar with Fenghuo Academy. He and Linglong and Zheng Ling had just met each other once, but after all, they have known each other for thousands of years. Now Qiuyemeng, Linglong and Zheng Ling are disciple Qi Haoxuan's companions , Mo Xuan can still be stingy, continue the fairy trench mode, and sprinkle the fairy-level treasures casually as if they don't need money.

The three daughters Qiuyemeng, Linglong, and Zheng Ling were all smacking their tongues, this... this is really too hot!Mo Xuan Da Neng must not have other thoughts, husband, what should we do?The three women looked at Qi Haoxuan for help.

Of course, Qi Haoxuan knew that this was the master's good intentions, pretending to be ignorant with understanding in his heart, he declined, and asked the three women to give the gift from the master. Although he didn't need these, the combat power of the three Taoist couples was still weak After a while, with the top-grade magic weapon to protect me, I can feel more at ease in my heart, no, Master is so kind!

Today is different from the past, not everyone can casually visit Mo Xuan!Except for those old friends who had friendship, the others waited for Mo Xuan to be too lazy to meet, and just closed the door to thank the guests.

Passing by the side hall, Mo Xuan saw the drunken Sanmao showing his original form, hooking shoulders with Aaron and Ahu, singing and dancing, in a dissolute manner, he couldn't help but shook his head with a cheerful smile, and went back to rest.

A quiet hut in the Baifeng Camp.

I thought it would only be a few hundred years apart, but I didn't expect that it would be thousands of years, and they could only reunite today. Zhenzhen and Miaomiao pear blossoms rained down, beating Tiedan's chest hard.

Tiedan's eye sockets were also wet, and Ren Zhenzhen and Miao Miao vented their emotions that had been accumulated for thousands of years.

It's a rare reunion, and the time is so limited, Zhenzhen and Miaomiao vent their anger and it's over.A long absence is better than a newlywed, let alone such a long separation. The two women looked at each other, and immediately threw the iron egg on the bed like a wolf.

The Longevity Sect camp.

Linghujiao snuggled into Hao Changsheng's arms with a contented face. It was worth waiting for so many years, and fortunately Niu Niu has been by her husband's side, so that he has no time to distract himself.

It's true that a good man has ambitions everywhere, but he can't be careless of his family at all!Linghu got out of breath slowly, turned over again and rode on Hao Changsheng's body, riding~
The battle of Asgard Palace entered the final countdown.

(End of this chapter)

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