Interstellar Miner

Chapter 543 Qingyuan Yangwei

Chapter 543 Qingyuan Yangwei ([-])

It's the last quarter of an hour!
The Asgard Special Operations Team of all parties in the Asgard Square is gearing up for a big fight.Whether to eat meat or drink porridge for the next hundred years depends entirely on the next ring battle!

The bigwigs from various forces showed up one after another, and the four mysterious immortals Huanglong, Baihuan, Chixia, and Tianji also appeared together, and Moxuan's power was not enough!
After a long call, Mo Xuan smiled faintly and appeared on the special high platform in the Fairy Palace Square, and waved his hand to the audience, which caused a tsunami!

Mo Xuan's face was serious, and with an order, the battle for the quota for this year's Immortal Palace officially started.

According to the usual practice, at the beginning of the hour, the up-and-coming stars of various forces will appear on the stage, showing their strength and showing their faces, which can be regarded as an appetizer.

Qingyuan's child-born immortal cultivators did not hide it, and several of them appeared on the stage, showing their strength openly.

The forces of all parties quickly came to a conclusion. Qingyuan's immortal cultivators are indeed very solid. They are by no means ordinary immortal cultivators. It's just that immortal cultivators are not immortals. No matter how high their cultivation is, they can't handle others. In the sea tactics, Qing Yuan only dispatched a total of one hundred child-born immortal cultivators, which is nothing to worry about.

The highlight of the Asgard battle is always on the big ring!
An hour passed, and the real battle for Asgard began!

All forces have started a real battle between dragons and tigers, which is really exciting.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the Fairy Palace Square became more and more dignified, and the anger in the arena also became more and more intense. Many forces fought real fire and fought desperately.

Seeing this messy scene, the Qingyuan immortals couldn't help but secretly frowned. As Mo Xuan Da Neng said, the battle in the fairy palace ring is just a random word, and the most important thing is to grasp the timing.

Qingyuan really wants to stand still and watch the tigers fight, but it is obviously impossible. If you don't move here, others will also stand still. The scene will only become more chaotic. If you stay still, you will have no chance to play from the beginning to the end.

Therefore, the battle of attrition in the early and mid-term is also very important, everything is to win the ring service smoothly in the end!
Qingyuan's thirty Earth Immortals stepped onto the ring one after another and began to warm up.

The forces of all parties are focusing on it, and it seems that they are very obedient, Qingyuan's earth immortals are so powerful!The celestial power is strong, and the Taoism is profound and skilled, which is obviously very different from those earth immortals who push the seedlings and encourage them!

However, no matter how powerful the Earth Immortal is, it is still an Earth Immortal. Mo Xuan is the only one who has been able to defeat the Heavenly Immortal with the Earth Immortal in the third level of time and space for so many years.Let's use the crowd tactics to deal with it. The trouble is that the five celestial powers that Qing Yuan has not played yet, I don't know if they are so powerful!
In other words, Qingyuan's Celestial Immortal feels a bit different.

A chubby fat man all over the body; the female fairy is not tall, but very cute, especially the pair of stalwarts on her chest, which made countless male fairies look straight at her, it is really big; another fairy is They are short, small, and unattractive; the other two angels are good-looking talents, quite normal.

Twelve hours passed, the three immortals Xi Tian, ​​Jiang Zuo, and Ju Ye looked at each other, nodded, each found a ring guarded by the earth immortals and started to fight, easily won the ring, and began to defend the ring.

Whoops, Qingyuan's angels have finally dispatched!

The forces of all parties are waiting to see, there is nothing wrong with the victory of the heavenly immortals over the earthly immortals, and the battle between the heavenly immortals is the real highlight.

The forces of all parties look at me and I look at you. No fairy took the initiative to try the details of Qingyuan Tianxian.But you can't just let Qing Yuan defend the ring to the end so easily, you still have to fight!As for the big forces, you have many angels, so hurry up and get one, but don't let Qing Yuan underestimate us!
Since none of you are on it, then I am on it!Huang Wu's Nangongwang Tianxian stepped onto the ring of Xitian Tianxian calmly, bowed, please.

Xi Tian bowed back, please.

Don't worry, the two angels will fight together immediately!
As expected of Huang Wu, Nangong Wang had just become a celestial being back then, and fought recklessly with Mo Xuan Da Neng. As a result, "both sides were hurt". In fact, he was almost paralyzed by the self-explosion by Huang Long's black hand, and he recovered after a full thousand years.

Back then, he was imprisoned in a labor camp and he was paralyzed, so he lost all his face. Nangong Wang didn't care about his record or face. further.

Not to mention, Nangong Wang's practice is smooth sailing, and his strength is also growing steadily. In the fairy palace ring station, the record against the gods is quite impressive. He has won many rings for Huang Wu. Now he is also famous, ranking first among the gods echelon.

The forces of all parties are waiting to see, Nangong Wang's strength is obvious to all, and it is definitely enough as a touchstone to find out about Qingyuan, the plump fairy!
A master's move, unequivocally!
As soon as Nangong Wang made a move, he was best at the Surging Waves Palm, even when he was sick in bed, he did not forget to study and polish, and now this Stormy Waves Palm has been perfected.

There are two things, Xitian Tianxian couldn't help squinting, and dealt with it carefully.

The area around the other arena was already overcrowded.

But it was Tianxian Gao Yurou, who was also a female fairy, who took the initiative to pick Tianxian Jiang Zuo.The duel between the two female fairies is quite eye-catching. Every time Jiang Zuo's body moves and the pair of stalwarts on his chest dangle, the male fairies around the ring with staring eyes will exclaim incessantly. Above are two powerful immortals who cannot be underestimated, maybe even some male immortals whistled frivolously!
Noisy!Immortal Jiang Zuo and Immortal Gao Yurou couldn't help but secretly frowned, and still focused their attention on the competition as much as possible.

The arena of Ju Ye Tianxian was deserted for a while, and a heavyweight opponent ushered in, Wuma Jingzhou Tianxian of Tianji Pavilion stepped onto the arena.

The time limit of the big arena is one hour, it is slow and fast!Before you know it, it's over.

Nangongwang, Gao Yurou, and Wuma Jingzhou Tianxian who challenged the Qingyuan arena all ended in failure. In fact, they were not considered losers, but they failed to win the arena within the specified time limit and ended in a tie.

Judging from this record, Qingyuan's three angels are definitely not fuel-efficient lamps, and they should not be underestimated.

Soon, another angel went up to challenge Xitian Tianxian and the others. Whether they can win the ring is the second priority, and the real thing is to compete with real masters.

Halfway through the ring battle, Lin Chengbi and Gao Shan stepped onto the ring at the right time, won a ring each, and began to defend the ring.

Unknowingly, the special ring has come to an end.

There are 25 arenas for Immortals, 180 arenas for Mahayana stage, [-] arenas for Yuanying stage, [-] arenas for Jindan stage and [-] small arenas for cultivators.

Compared with the fierce fighting in the big arena, Mo Xuan, who sits on the high platform and has an overview of the whole situation, pays more attention to the struggle of the new generation in the special arena.

It's fine to be a fierce and brave little guy, if you don't change your temperament, you won't be able to make a fortune after all. Mo Xuan's cold eyes scanned the audience, and he cast his eyes on a special arena set up by immortals.

The audience on the edge of the ring watched anxiously, breaking out in cold sweat.However, Mo Sijin on the ring was always so unhurried, slowly fighting against his opponent.

Mo Sijin's opponent was secretly anxious, what is this guy doing, this is already the last moment, but he is still so leisurely, is he so confident?Thinking about it this way, Mo Sijin's opponent became more uncertain. Seeing that the time limit was running out, if it dragged on, it would be impossible to complete the interval relay.

An immortal arena can hold a full twenty places, and its cost performance is almost as good as a big arena. If you can win one, you will definitely make a fortune!
Mo Sijin's opponent gritted his teeth viciously, exploded suddenly, and attacked fiercely. Seeing that he couldn't take Mo Sijin, he immediately withdrew from the ring.

An opponent from another faction couldn't wait to rush onto the ring, bombarding Mo Sijin indiscriminately.

But Mo Sijin still seemed to have a muscle missing in his brain, he was so slow and unhurried.The audience under the ring were almost dying of anxiety, oh, who the hell can stand up to Qing Yuan?
Mo Xuan smiled lightly, Sijin was still the same, Jiaojiao, who was born a long time after him, was now ready to attack the immortal, and he was still wandering around the immortal stage.Of course, this is not bad, the more solid the foundation is, the higher the ability to achieve. Just look at Si Jin's performance in the ring. The foundation has been laid very solid, and winning this ring is a sure thing!
Mo Xuan looked at the performance of the other good seedlings in the special arena, and nodded approvingly. Although he couldn't compare with the good seedlings in the fourth layer of time and space, they were not bad, and they were pretty good.

The 24-hour time limit of the special arena is all over!
The forces of all parties have been preparing for the war for a hundred years, and they have more or less achieved something, but the most eye-catching one is Qingyuan!

Only one hundred contestants in Qingyuan participated in the special ring battle, and in the end they won three arenas for Immortals, five arenas for Mahayana stage, six arenas for Nascent Soul stage, three arenas for Jindan stage and eight small arenas for cultivators. In total, there are 150 and nine fairy palace quotas, which is enough to hold three big rings!

This record is really amazing!

Although the forces of all parties were mentally prepared, they never imagined that the child-born cultivators of Qingyuan Xiaoxian would be so powerful. Fortunately, the number of participants in Qingyuan was strictly limited, otherwise we would be fools!

No, the strict restrictions are on the participating heavenly and earthly immortals, and there is no restriction on the special ring.In this way, these 100 people should be the most outstanding new generation of Qingyuan, and it is only natural that they are more powerful.

It's also our fault that we didn't pay enough attention and underestimated the enemy. That's why Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie emerged alone and took advantage of it. There won't be such a good thing next time!
The highlight of the Immortal Palace arena battle is always the big arena, and the forces of all parties quickly turned their attention to the big arena.

A lesson from the past is a guide for the future, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is definitely a big tiger level, you must not underestimate it because of the small number of people participating in the battle, let's fight him together!
The arena occupied by Qing Yuan was immediately upgraded.

The arena guarded by the five heavenly immortals in Qingyuan first ushered in a wave of tactics from senior earth immortals. This is an almost rogue style of play. Take it easy!
This wave of tactics used to be all the rage, that is, the senior earth immortals went to the ring one after another, released a few big moves in one breath, and then directly withdrew from the ring without looking back, letting the next senior earth immortal continue to enter the ring to zoom in Trick, just like this constantly consumes the immortal energy of the celestial beings, and what you fight is consumption!
Under such a rogue tactic, if Tianxian wants to procrastinate and pretend to be reissued, he will be exhausted.At the beginning, many angels were selected in this way.

After all, this kind of tactics can only be used occasionally, and it is a surprise attack. Once there is a precaution, Tianxian can also relay and change shifts, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

However, there are only five heavenly immortals and thirty earth immortals fighting in Qingyuan's big arena. This wave of tactics can be said to be perfect!
We just have too many people bullying the few people, what the hell, who made you have fewer people!All forces in the three-level time and space secretly sneered, don’t think that you Qingyuan is the big brother of the past, so whatever, but now is our era, the three-level time and space is the power of Mo Xuan!

You are tigers, you have to lie down obediently; you are dragons, you have to curl up neatly!

(End of this chapter)

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