Interstellar Miner

Chapter 544 Qingyuan Yangwei

Chapter 544 Qingyuan Yangwei ([-])

Minutes passed by.

The one-wave tactics have been implemented continuously for more than four hours!

One by one, the senior earth immortals climbed onto the ring of the five Qingyuan celestial beings one after another, like tsunamis constantly impacting and consuming the five Qingyuan celestial beings.

It's just... the effect is not obvious, Qingyuan Five Heavenly Immortals are all motionless like a mountain!No matter how hard the tsunami hits, it can only deal with the low dikes, but it will have little effect on the towering and towering mountains!
The five heavenly immortals of Qingyuan gave the forces of all parties the feeling that they were towering and towering mountains, no matter how they beat them, they couldn't move them!

Are they actually so strong?

I still can't believe it, they can keep going like this!The wave of tactics continues. Our third-tier space-time angels are not too many, but there are a lot of senior earth immortals. All forces gather one or two one by one, which is enough to support the continuation of the wave of tactics!
Let's see how long you five angels of Qingyuan can last!
Nishida Tianxian squinted his eyes and snorted secretly, this must be a bit boring and rascal!Using those senior Earth Immortals to consume us all the time, even if we can withstand it, it is thankless and not worth it!

It’s not that you don’t have angels in the third layer of time and space. Even if you want to consume us in a wheel war, you should send out angels. It’s nothing to use cannon fodder and earth immortals!
Lin Chengbi also had a violent temper, and his anger was getting bigger and bigger. When he saw another senior fairy rushing up to the ring, he didn't wait for the fairy to make a move, and directly swung his fist around Thunder.

There was a thunder on the ground!
Before the Earth Immortal could react, he was hit by Lin Chengbi's punch, spouting blood and flying out of the ring, almost exploded into a firework.

Lin Chengbi waved his fist and shouted coldly at the surroundings: "Don't just use cannon fodder, bring some experts if you have the ability!"

The forces around the arena couldn't help but be intimidated. After looking at each other a few times, they decided to carry out the tactics to the end!

Lin Chengbi snorted coldly, watching the last two or three hours, he no longer blindly defended, took the initiative to attack, and beat up one by one, not to mention, this is much easier than passive defense!

Xi Tian and the others saw it, and they were not defending, and adopted the main attack strategy.

Seeing that a wave of tactical tactics has been blocked, all forces have no choice but to send Celestial-level combat forces to the ring to continue to consume Qingyuan Celestial Immortals.

And the Qingyuan Earth Immortal faced even greater resistance!

Even if there is a gap between the Earth Immortal and the Earth Immortal, it is only half a catty.

Qingyuan's Earth Immortal team is still not quite used to such a fast-paced arena battle on the third level of time and space.

It is normal to fight a battle between earth immortals for several months, but now it takes only an hour or even a stick of incense to decide who is superior. It is inevitable to be in a hurry, and the risk factor is really high. Being bombarded indiscriminately by Earth Immortals with similar attributes is really thankless!
Seeing that the situation was not good, the earth immortals of Qingyuan had to greatly reduce the number of concentrated attacks and the number of people who defended the ring.

Mo Xuan, who was sitting on the high platform, slightly raised his hand as a gesture.

The players of Tianjianmen immediately acted according to the established plan.

Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo, as the founding masters of Tianjianmen, actually don't need to participate in the fairy palace arena at all, but the long-term informal martial arts competition is not good for practice, and the sudden appearance of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, so this This time, the two big shots also came here specially to join in the fun.

Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo each took over the arena of Tianjianmen and began to guard the ring.

Although some newly-promoted hair-headed angels had heard of Xuanyuan Sword and Helian Liangbo's illustrious reputation, they didn't take it seriously.Once a tiger is very old, it is just an old dog. Let's take this opportunity to bully him and earn his reputation.Still have to be careful not to go too far, so as not to offend Mo Xuan Da Neng, then bad luck will happen!

The two hair-headed angels rushed to the ring and started fighting.

Soon, the two fairies bumped into each other until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and only then did they realize that they had made a big mistake!Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo are not old tigers, they are male lions in their prime!
Just kidding, you have to know that Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo held the fairy sword bit by bit to fight for the property of Tianjianmen back then!
Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo even started their careers in the world since the foundation building period. It is commonplace to roll in blood and fire. After becoming a fairy, they can't idle at all. There are tough battles to be fought every three days, even if they are achieved later. Tianxian is still playing autumn wind everywhere.After Mo Xuan joined Tianxianmen, Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo became a little more relaxed, that is to say, they were still busy and fighting endlessly.It wasn't until Mo Xuan became Xuanxian that Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo gradually retreated to the background to cultivate themselves.

However, the two bosses were not completely idle, they would pull Ye Chen and Zhang Junyan to discuss a few games from time to time, after all, their minds were much calmer, and they were ready to attack Xuanxian.

How can Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo be compared to those new gods, they are not at the same level at all!
Whoops!I can't stand it anymore!The two hairy-headed angels fled down the ring in disgrace, gasping for breath, pinching their fingers, dizzy, they couldn't even last a stick of incense, they lost all self-esteem!

The other hairy angels clicked their tongues secretly, and rationally went to pick another arena.

Xuanyuanjian and Uncle Helian looked at each other and smiled from a distance, quite reminiscent of Mo Xuan's breezy charm.

In addition, Che Xiangchen, Ye Chen, Zhang Junyan, Huo Ba, Huang Honglang, Ada Aer, Housing Department, Tian Li, Song Shi, Zuoqiu Yezhi, a large number of Tianjianmen Tianxian group also worked together.

Immediately, hurricanes blew up in Asgard Square!

Tie Dan, Erwazi, and Hao Changsheng also took the opportunity to stir up the wind and rain. With their current strength, even Xuanyuanjian and Helian Liangbo may not be able to cover them.

It didn't take long for the entire Asgard Square to become wild and chaotic.

Hey hey, what's the matter?And let no one have a good martial arts competition!The forces of all parties were a little stunned, and then they came back to their senses. It turns out that they have reached the last moment of this group arena without knowing it!

Dizzy, we are still sniping Qingyuan vigorously, don't take the lead and just focus on sniping, in the end we can't even grab one or two big rings, then it's not a loss to grandma's house!

The forces from all sides acted as if they had been slapped with chicken blood, all kinds of rampage and force, and their eyes were red, no matter which force occupied it, they took the lead!
Wolves eat meat, dogs eat shit!If you grab it, you earn it. If you don’t grab it, you can only drink northwest wind for the next 100 years, and you can only watch others drink and eat meat.Fight, fight with them!
Wow!The immortals of Qingyuan were a little dumbfounded, this one is too crazy!In other words, our pressure is much less, hurry up, let's hurry up, grab one more is one!
Just when almost everyone's eyes were red, a melodious bell rang.

Mo Xuan stood up and shouted: "Stop! Everyone stop! This round of the Fairy Palace competition is over!"

The red-eyed immortals trembled and shuddered, and suddenly woke up, looking around in a daze, hey, where is this, what are they doing?Oh, it's the arena battle in Asgard!
The final results will be counted soon!
There is no suspense about the biggest winner. Once again, it is Tianjianmen, which won a total of 62 big arenas. The special arena is almost untouched by practice, with a total of 3112 fairy palace places.

Followed by Baifeng Xiaoxianjie, which won a total of 1832 fairy palace places; followed by Chiyu Xiaoxianjie, which won 1517 fairy palace places; Huangwu Xiaoxianjie won 1163 places.

There are only these four companies that can break a thousand!

There are 833 fairy palace quotas in Black Star Gate, 787 fairy palace quotas in Tianji Pavilion, 699 fairy palace quotas in Qianlong Mountain, and 601 fairy palace quotas in Fenghuo Academy.

Black Star Gate, Tianji Pavilion, and Qianlong Mountain wanted to develop vigorously, but the resistance was huge. After all, the gap was gradually widened by Tianjian Gate, Bai Feng, Chi Yu, and Huang Wu, barely still in the first echelon.

After the Fenghuo Academy was broken, it returned to the first echelon again, and the number of places won in the Xiangong arena was getting more and more each time.

And the faction that ranks next surprised everyone, it turned out to be Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, who won a total of 559 fairy palace places!
Excluding the 159 fairy palace places obtained from the special arena, the five angels of Qingyuan all defended the arena until the last moment, and successfully won five big arenas, while the thirty earth immortals of Qingyuan formed a group to win three big arenas , a total of eight big arenas, 559 fairy palace places, so a total of [-] fairy palace places.

This... this... no!

Almost all the forces in the third layer of time and space participated in the sniping of Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie, but in the end, there was almost no effect!The five heavenly immortals of Qingyuan all successfully defended the ring, and the earth immortal also won three big rings, and the special ring was also a bumper harvest!

Add up a full 559 Asgard quotas!Gosh!

You must know that only five heavenly immortals, thirty earth immortals, and one hundred child-born immortal cultivators in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm participated in the fairy palace quota battle!

If there is no strict limit on the number of participants in the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm, so many heavenly and earthly immortals in Qingyuan can participate in the ring battle, then it is the best policy for us to pack our bags and leave as soon as possible!
All forces in the three layers of time and space were silent, staring blankly at the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm camp, are they really that powerful?

Xi Tian, ​​Jiang Zuo, Ju Ye, Lin Chengbi, and Gao Shan are neither arrogant nor impatient, and face the forces of the three layers of time and space almost indifferently.

The Earth Immortals still couldn't hide their joy, especially Qin Tai Earth Immortal, tears filled their eyes!
Qin Tai was the last one in the small team to fight. He withstood the desperate fights of several Earth Immortals. Even if he was injured, he gritted his teeth and persisted until the last moment. Finally, he succeeded in winning a big ring. It was not easy up!The quota of Immortal Palace is guaranteed, and you can win two or three, that's great!Not only can I go to the Immortal Palace to experience and challenge the immortals, but the most outstanding newcomer in the family can also experience it. There is hope for the rise of the family!
Except for Mo Sijin who was a child-born immortal cultivator, who was as calm as ever, or two beats slower, everyone else was beaming, eager to beat the gongs and drums, take out hundreds of Taoist firecrackers and order them all in one go.

The hearts of all parties are heavy, even if Qingyuan is fighting against the most powerful master among them, but with such a brilliant record, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie is really not a vegetarian!

The peace agreement only limited Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie to 1 years. At first I thought it was a long time, but looking at it now, 1 years is too short!In other words, one hundred battles in the Asgard Arena, 1 years have passed in a flash!At that time, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie will be just a giant dragon who has broken free from the cage. If we haven't improved, then the fairy palace will have nothing to do with us!I'm afraid that even the Heavenly Sword Gate may not be able to cover the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm!
Erwazi, Hao Changsheng and their forces took most of the remaining places in the Immortal Palace; the rest of the forces made more money, and the [-] places were just divided up!
After this battle, Qingyuan Xiaoxianjie's prestige resounded throughout the three layers of time and space. Everyone already knew that the son of the tyrannosaurus rex once grew up and returned!
(End of this chapter)

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