Interstellar Miner

Chapter 546 Endless Trial

Chapter 546 Endless Trial ([-])

The Asgard is about to open, and the square is already full of testers waiting to enter the Asgard.

After all, it has not been three or five hundred years since Asgard appeared. It has been a long time. Although no force dares to say that it has explored all the areas of Asgard, at least most of the area of ​​Asgard is no longer foggy.

Now there are enough books related to Asgard to fill three large libraries!

From the beginning of "Asgard Process Encyclopedia", "Six Swords of Asgard", "The Story I and Asgard Have to Tell", "Asgard's Love Is Unfinished", to the later "Asgard", "Asgard" Fairy Palace Taobao Ceremony", "Three Loves Between Me and Fairy Palace", and now compiled "Cheats of Quick Clearance of Fairy Palace", "Half Moon Stream of Fairy Palace", "Have you gone to Fairy Palace", "Yesterday's Fairy Palace" ", enough for people to have a considerable understanding of Asgard.

It's already so overcrowded before it even started. It's been a long time since I saw it. The main reason is that the Qingyuan Small Immortal Realm suddenly appeared. All forces in the three layers of time and space are under great pressure, and they are racing against time to grow themselves.

First come first served!No one can jump in line!

Qin Tai hurried to the Immortal Palace with his two outstanding children from his family, only to find that he was already ranked outside the thousand.

Qin Tai simply settled down in the Immortal Palace, and flipped through the best-selling Immortal Palace books every day when he was free to practice. He felt itchy in his heart, and couldn't help sighing. Our Qingyuan Little Immortal World is still late. The fairy palace quota can get three treasures, and then reduced to two, and now there is only one left. It can be said that the probability of getting the best is low and low, alas.

Qin Tai made his grand finale appearance and fought his injuries to hold on to the big ring until the last moment. He got a total of three fairy palace places, which is still very good.

Today is not the same as in the past, Qin Tai can only pray secretly now, hoping that there will be some gains from the trial of the fairy palace, or that one of the three treasures exchanged for the three quotas can increase the success rate of advancing to the rank of immortal, so that he can After thousands of years of hard work, the earth immortal can get his wish and become a heavenly immortal.

Qin Tai has nothing else to look forward to in this life, a fairy is enough, God, you just let me become a fairy, I have nothing else to ask for!He has always been an earth fairy, and he really has no face to hang around.

The century-old incense stuck in the giant three-eared cauldron erected on the Fairy Palace Square, the white smoke that was still rising unhurriedly finally broke!
The time limit is up!Great, let's get started!

Shocking cheers erupted from the Fairy Palace Square, and the trainees holding tickets hurriedly lined up, full of expectations.

In an orderly manner, one after another, the trialists entered the fairy palace, and soon it was full, and they could only wait for the trialists to complete the trial and leave the fairy palace before anyone could enter.

Tower of Infinity.

It's the last twelve hours.

The testers came to the square outside the gate of the Infinity Tower with excitement, and waited patiently in a line.

Of course, the best position in the front row is reserved for the ten golden immortals!
In the past, the Golden Immortals were all very busy people, or they were not in a hurry to enter the Infinity Tower to practice. It would be good to have half of the ten places, but now they are rushing to enter the practice.

It's no wonder that the cultivation bases of the powers on the Xuanbang are soaring upwards one by one like a rocket. The Jinxian powers who are relatively weak are really under a lot of pressure. If they want to be able to enjoy themselves in the future, they can only do their best Quickly improve your own strength.

After that, there will naturally be the positions of the fifty mysterious immortals, and then the positions of the five hundred heavenly immortals!

Although there were only 560 people in total, half the square was completely empty.

The square is still very large, and the remaining 9000 or so trainees stayed in most of the square without being crowded. They gathered together in twos and threes, with happy smiles on their faces and longing in their eyes.

Needless to say, the tickets for the Endless Tower are so precious. As long as you have participated in the tournament of the Endless Tower, you will know that many trainees have participated more than ten times. Are you unhappy?The tester seems to have seen a bright future waving to himself.

Mo Xuan really wanted to rush to the square of the Endless Tower early to feel the atmosphere of the scene, but Xiao Yun was procrastinating, as if he was not busy yet.

"Xiao Yun, hurry up, the Tower of Infinity is about to open!" Mo Xuan urged.

"Wait a minute, I'll be ready soon." "Whatever the rush, I'm sure there will be time."

That being said, in the end, Xiao Yun didn't even have time to tidy up the refining furnace and odds and ends, and left the room in a hurry. Although he changed into a new Taoist robe, his little face was still dark.

Mo Xuan was very speechless and took out a handkerchief to wipe Xiaoyun's face.

Um?Mo Xuan suddenly realized that such an action seemed too intimate!Oops!
But neither Xiaoyun nor Kong Ling, Que'er, Huali, or even Xiaoba or Baxiao felt any sense of disobedience.

Mo Xuan expected that Rumang was on his back and the vise did not come, but Mo Xuan was a little surprised. Could it be that Xiaoyun is also my backyard before I know it?It's said that Xiaoyun's ass was spanked when he was in a hurry, so it's not too much to wipe his face.

Xiaoyun took Mo Xuan's handkerchief by himself, quickly wiped his face clean, put away the handkerchief casually, smiled sweetly at Mo Xuan, and urged: "It's getting late, let's set off quickly."

Mo Xuanmu nodded, oh oh.

When Mo Xuan and his party arrived at the square, the other testers, including the ten golden immortals, had already arrived, and they were the only ones left.

Seeing Kong Wuming and the others, Mo Xuan and his party flew over.

"Greetings to Master, Master, Master Uncle."...

Mo Xuan and his party nodded with a smile, and said a few words of encouragement, try hard, safety first.

There was a crowd in the square. Mo Xuan looked at the group of imposing immortals looking at him eagerly, and said hello: "Everyone, which sect do you belong to?"

Uh... not only the immortals who were questioned by Mo Xuan, but also the immortals from all surrounding forces were speechless.

Immortal Wei Jingshuo, the leader of the team, smiled wryly at Mo Xuan, and replied, "Master, we belong to the Four Immortals."

Uh... now Mo Xuan and his party are also speechless.

The girls angrily smashed Mo Xuan's hygienic eyes, how did you become the head of the sect, you don't even know people from your own sect, well, we don't know either.

Mo Xuan, the hands-off shopkeeper of Tianzi No. [-], gave a dry laugh, and nodded to Wei Jingshuo, um, so it was you guys, even though I knew that the Four Immortals Sect had won quite a few places in the Endless Tower this time, I also watched it Named, but did not meet the real person, and ended up with such a farce.

The leader of the other faction secretly smacked his lips. If there are so few disciples from our sect who win the tickets to the Infinity Tower, the teacher will have to meet him, encourage him, reward him, and even celebrate him.

Look at the Four Immortals Sect, Hua'an Da Neng has been the shopkeeper all year round, and the Four Immortals Sect is still full of talents and thriving like that, I really envy and hate it!

In fact, the Four Immortals are not exactly what other people imagined, and the shopkeeper is sure. Wei Jingshuo and the others won the arena of the Infinity Tower, and they still received a lot of rewards, but they have never seen the four of them. Just the doorkeeper.

And only the immortals in the Four Immortals Sect really understand that there is a big difference between the Four Immortals Sect and other forces, and that is the distinction between public and private.

The high-level immortals or second-generation immortals from other forces won the Infinity Tower arena in high spirits. In all likelihood, it was the immortals in the sect who fought hard at the front. In the end, it was those high-level and second-generation immortals who won the glory. Not enough to heal the wounded.But the Four Immortals are completely different, it is completely the ability to take the top position, the ring you won by yourself is yours, no one can take it from you, and the rewards you should get are quite a lot, the closest to the Four Immortals. Those disciples of Guanghui's generation are no different.

This time, the Four Immortals Sect rarely used the power of the Mystic Immortal contestants, concentrated their superior strength to secure a Mysterious Immortal arena, and allowed Hua'an Da Neng, the Taoist companion, to get the ticket to the Endless Tower.It can't be said that it is rare, it is the first time at all, no one will think there is anything wrong, the rewards given by the sect master to those mysterious immortals who have made great efforts are not much worse than entering the endless tower to experience!
It can only be said that although it is always unflattering to be a shopkeeper, but following the Four Immortals, it is really the right choice, worthwhile, and has a future!
Mo Xuan quickly checked and said, "I'm sorry, Wei Jingshuo, I've already remembered."

Wei Jingshuo is sincere and fearful, how dare he dare.

Mo Xuan patted Wei Jingshuo on the shoulder, and said happily, "You are not familiar with me for the time being, but once you are familiar with me, you will know that there is no need to be so polite."

Looking at Mo Xuan's gentle and sunny smile, Wei Jingshuo and the others felt warm from the bottom of their hearts. This is our sect master, completely different from the unattainable image in the rumors, he is the big brother next door!

The time was coming, Xiaoyun urged Mo Xuan with his eyes.

Mo Xuan and his party came to the front row, and greeted the ten golden immortals and the surrounding Xuanxians. There are no acquaintances, just make a point.

With a loud bang, the gate of the Endless Tower opened at once.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, bathed in colorful rays of light, two teams dressed in novel pagodas stepped out of the gate unhurriedly, and lined up neatly on both sides of the gate.

Wow, Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help looking at them curiously. These are the legendary puppet tower envoys. They are really tall, almost exactly like real people!

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, what a mess.

A tall, melon-faced, beautiful tower envoy walked out of the gate slowly with her hands behind her back, glanced at the [-] testers in the square, coughed lightly, and her soft voice spread throughout the square: "I am the inspector of the endless tower. You Lan, you are in charge of your group of testers. The Tower of Infinity is a bit overloaded, please get out as soon as you are done with the trials, and don't stay in the Tower of Infinity like a country bumpkin to waste resources in vain .”

The [-] trainees were all a little bit embarrassed by Youlan's words.Really speechless, cultivation in the Tower of Infinity is much faster than that of the fourth floor of time and space. Of course, everyone wants to stay in the tower to practice as much as possible.

Mo Que'er rolled her eyes, we are very busy, can we talk less nonsense.

You Lan seemed to hear Mo Que'er's heartfelt voice, and said directly: "Hurry up and line up, let's go in."

Mo Xuan and his party followed the ten golden immortals into the gate of the Endless Tower.

From the outside, the Endless Tower looks like a gigantic tower, but once you enter the gate, it is a completely different world!
The sky is so blue, the air is so fresh, the aura of heaven and earth is so rich, the scenery is picturesque, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, what a wonderful world!
The new chapter begins here!

(End of this chapter)

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