Interstellar Miner

Chapter 547 Endless Trial

Chapter 547 Endless Trial ([-])

Seeing that all the trainees had entered the gate, the inspector, You Lan, walked slowly into the gate with her hands behind her back, her eyes glowed blue and scanned around, making sure that one was not too many and the other was not, then she flicked her hands lightly Fingers, the door closed with another bang.

With the closing of the gate, this world seemed to be completely cut off from the fourth layer of time and space, and the gate that was still there just now seemed to have never appeared before.

Supervisor You Lan clapped her hands, and the two teams of Tower Envoys stepped forward in an orderly manner, and distributed a piece of blue jade talisman to the testers one by one.

Mo Xuan and his party still did simple homework and knew the general flow of the Endless Tower.

After entering the gate, the tower envoy will first distribute a representative identity and a jade talisman to contact the tower envoy to each tester. After simple refining, the identity can be bound, and the tower envoy can identify the tester.Mo Xuan smiled lightly, understanding it simply and simply, that is the difference between a player and an NPC.

It is said that it is possible to contact, unless there is an emergency where life is in danger, the tower envoy will ignore the contact of the tester.

This jade talisman is quite convenient. The contact instrument in the Endless Tower can only communicate at close range, and it will basically fail if it is separated from the tower.With this jade talisman, the testers can contact each other at will after adding friends. In addition, the jade talisman can also be used for timing and positioning.

Although Mo Xuan and his party had a contact jade plate specially refined by Xiaoyun, they still used the jade charms they received to add friends to each other, and then added friends to all the other practitioners of the Four Immortals Sect. When we are in danger, we must help.

Most of the Infinity Towers are safe areas. Violent conflicts are not allowed among the trialists, otherwise they will be driven out of the Infinity Tower by the Tower Envoy, but there are also dangerous areas. You can even kill each other, in short, safety first.

The first floor of the tower is actually a sham, and it is mainly responsible for sending the testers to the various tower floors for experience.

Supervisor You Lan clapped her hands, and ten teleportation arrays rose from the ground.

The ten golden immortal bosses boarded the teleportation array in twos and threes. You can do it alone or form a team, just talk to You Lan, the supervisor who leads the teleportation array.

After the ten golden immortal masters had all been transmitted, the inspector You Lan glanced at the rest of the trainees, then handed over the work to his subordinates, and went to the side with his hands behind his back to enjoy the scenery.

The rest of the trainees are secretly smacking their tongues. Just look at the attitude of the inspector You Lan. Obviously, Xuanxian is nothing in the high-level time and space. Only the great power of Jinxian can shake it. When will we become Jinxian Woolen cloth!

In other words, all the four masters of the Four Immortals are present, they are not weaker than the ten golden immortals, okay? Their future achievements will be even more limitless. Low too!
It is true that Jinxian is pulling back now, and will be able to pull in the future. This experience in the Infinity Tower is extremely precious, we must work hard, don't care about being shameless, it is a moment to stay longer, and we must become stronger Stronger stronger!
Xiaoyun curled his lips, but didn't say anything.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, bowed to the tower envoy who took over, and said, "Tower envoy, the five of us are all Xuanxians, and we plan to form a team to practice. Please help us choose a difficult tower floor."

The tower envoy responded blankly, signaling Mo Xuan and his party to stand on the legendary array, tapped ten fingers on the teleportation array several times, and then activated the teleportation array.

It was very soft, with almost no sense of vibration or dizziness, Mo Xuan and his party were teleported to another world.

A tower envoy with a round face and a sweet smile greeted Mo Xuan and his party in the teleportation formation, and said, "Welcome to the five testers."

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile.

The Tata Envoy immediately announced the task: "According to the report from the head of Stone Village, there is a group of powerful eagle monsters raging in the Longxiao Mountains, always harassing Stone Village. The five are willing to go to suppress the eagle monsters. The suppression will be completed within three years. The head of Stone Village You will be rewarded generously.”

Hawk monster?It doesn't sound like much. Will it take three years?However, Mo Xuan and his party still accepted the task.

The Tower of Infinity can't be tested casually. There are three tasks on each floor, and after completing three tasks, you can go to the next tower floor for trials. Whether it is a task or a tower floor, it is from easy to difficult.

Although each task is not mandatory, you can do it or not, but if you fail to complete two of the three tasks on the first floor of the tower, you will be forcibly kicked out of the Infinity Tower; Kicked out of the Tower of Infinity.Therefore, if you want to stay longer in the Infinity Tower, completing the task within the specified time limit is a major prerequisite.

Mo Xuan and his party found the remote Stone Village according to the map sent to Yufuli by the envoy.It's a really simple small village, the houses are all made of stones, no wonder it's called Stone Village.

The villagers are not real people, they are also puppets, but they are obviously not as high-end as the tower envoys, and they can only have the simplest conversations.

Mo Xuan and his party quickly found the village chief, an extremely ugly hunchbacked old woman.

It's also a puppet, even if the other villagers are a little stupid, at least they don't look ugly. Wonderful.

The village head, Luo Libasuo, talked about how a lot of eagle monsters harmed Shitou Village, and Luo Libasuo emphasized how powerful a large number of eagle monsters are. Mo Xuan and his group frowned slightly, feeling very impatient At that time, an ambiguous intelligence was finally given.

The village head casually pointed in one direction, that's where the hawk came from every time, so go find it.

Halo, you might as well just say it is the entire Longxiao Mountain Range!Mo Xuan and his party looked at each other a few times, sighed slightly, what else can they do, let's look for it together.

Suppressing the Eagle Monster is just a piece of cake. It seems that the difficulty of this task is to find the Eagle Monster's nest in the Longxiao Mountains stretching for tens of thousands of miles. It is really a meticulous job.

Mo Xuan and his party followed the ambiguous direction pointed out by the village chief, until they rushed to the top of the mountain without seeing a eagle monster.

There was no other way, the five of Mo Xuan could only disperse, looking for the traces of the eagle monster, and then followed the clues to find the eagle monster's lair.

Before I knew it, three days had passed, and I couldn't even see a shadow of a eagle monster.

This is strange, isn't it said that eagle monsters often wreak havoc?Mo Xuan has already covered the entire Longxiao Mountain Range with his thoughts, and he can sense the wind and grass, but he really didn't find any trace of the Eagle Monster.

One, the so-called eagle monster does not exist at all; two, the eagle monster is not a real spirit monster, it belongs to the category of puppet beast.

It is not Mo Xuan's style to fly around like headless flies, and the group returns to Stone Village for the time being to see if they can find enough information in the village.

Mo Xuan walked around the entire stone village, talked with each villager, and finally found a useful clue. In the name of the village, a hunter once fought with the eagle monster, but unfortunately he was outnumbered and was blinded by the eagle monster. , can only be confined to bed.

Mo Xuan went around and found the Orion. It was completely different from the expected desolation. The Orion was lazily lying on the wicker chair in the backyard basking in the sun.

After some bargaining, Mo Xuan bought a piece of relatively accurate information from the Orion: Hawk monsters usually go out collectively once a month or so, and when they catch food, they will go to a fixed mountain stream to drink water.

The next step will be easy, stay on that mountain stream, watch the stream and wait for the eagle.

Of course, it is impossible for Mo Xuan to just keep guarding like that, set up a secret tent, and go for what he should do.Xiao Ba hides at the bottom of the mountain stream to do the squatting.

I thought this task could be solved easily, but I didn't expect that three months had passed, and there was still no turning point.

Mo Xuan suspended his double cultivation, and asked Xiao Ba strangely, what's going on?

Xiao Ba was not lazy at all, and tried his best to squat at the bottom of the mountain stream, but he never found the eagle monster.

Could it be that the information was wrong, and it wasn't this mountain stream?

Mo Xuan found the Orion again, and was told that maybe he was too old and had misremembered, and he should be able to remember it after drinking some wine.

Ouch!Mo Xuan rolled up his sleeves, but still held back, mainly because he knew that the envoys in the Tower of Infinity were not very reliable and would often drop chains, otherwise Mo Xuan would definitely have to deal with this Orion.

Since it was a mission, it could only be carried out according to the mission process. Mo Xuan patiently served him with wine and meat, and finally got the exact location of the mountain stream.

However, it's not over yet!

In a flash, another three months passed, and Xiao Ba, who was staying at the camp, still got nothing.

Mo Xuan found Orion with a gloomy face, and began to roll up his sleeves unhurriedly.

Orion was in a hurry, so he tried his best to ensure that the location was absolutely right!

Mo Xuan couldn't be bothered to play any more, so he nodded his nose to the Orion and said, "Come with us, don't say you are sick, I think you are very happy."

Orion didn't agree at first, so Mo Xuan didn't bother to talk about it, so he just mentioned it and left.

The truth soon came to light.

The so-called eagle monsters were just a group of sparrow-sized monsters, not what the village chief and the villagers boasted about. When they lacked food, they would go to Shitou Village to do some sneaky things in the dark and windy night.They come and go without a trace, and the villagers spread rumors, and the result became more and more exaggerated.

Recently, there is enough food in the mountains, so the sparrows no longer go to the stone village to steal chickens and dogs, but come to the mountain stream to drink water normally.

If Mo Xuan hadn't brought Orion over, how could he have known that the so-called eagle monsters were actually a group of sparrows!
If the task flow is dragged on like that, there is no telling when the truth will be revealed!Without enough information, three years may not be enough!
Mo Xuan and the others knew why those books about the Infinity Tower always loved and hated the Tower Envoy.

Over the years, the trainees have been tossed by the tower envoys a lot. It can be said that they have been tossed to death countless times. They really have the heart to strangle the tower envoys!However, the tower envoys are generally very kind, and in the end they will not treat the testers badly, so that the testers love and hate a lot.

Mo Xuan and his party swiftly suppressed the so-called eagle monsters, but encountered trouble when receiving the reward. The village chief and the villagers did not admit that these sparrow spirit monsters were the eagle monsters they expected.

Originally, they should have to wait patiently for a year or so until the villagers confirm that there will be no more eagle monsters to get the reward.

Mo Xuan already knew the unreliable tricks of the tower envoy, so he turned his head and went to the mountain range to catch a group of eagles. He just fooled around and received the reward.

It took half a year for such a stupid task!Mo Xuan and his party were also dumbfounded.Fortunately, the rewards are quite generous, otherwise it would be really worthless!
Everything is difficult at the beginning, keep going!

(End of this chapter)

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