Interstellar Miner

Chapter 548 Endless Trial

Chapter 548 Endless Trial ([-])

Ten years flew by in a hurry.

The [-] testers who entered the trial of the Infinity Tower this round have completed at least three tasks, and many have completed more than a dozen tasks.Even if someone fails to complete the task within the specified time limit, the difficulty of the next task will be lowered. As long as it is successfully completed, it will not be forced out of the Tower of Infinity by the Tower Envoy, which is still very humane.

By the side of a clear stream, the inspector made Youlan sit on a big rock by the stream, bored, with a pair of pink bare feet soaked in the stream, swaying from time to time.

It's not that Youlan is really idle and has nothing to do, her blue eyes are faintly shining, and she is tracking the real-time situation of the [-] trainees.

You Lan curled her lips and complained: "This group of trainees is not good at all. The ten golden immortals are all wooden fish heads, and the guys from the lower planes are really weak. If I knew it, I wouldn't bet casually. Impulse is the devil!"

You Lan pays attention to the five-person Xuanxian group that is temporarily ranked first. To be honest, the results of this group are not very outstanding, but the task of forming a team is still much more difficult than that of a single person. Maybe you can look forward to it.

Hey, what are they doing?Youlan watched it for a long time before realizing it. My good fellow, the other trainees were desperately doing the missions, but this five-member team traveled all the way and didn't know much about the missions. Careful!
You Lan frowned secretly, focusing on following the five-person team, only to find that this team was indeed very different from other practitioners, always taking it easy and not caring.

Youlan gritted her teeth and took the initiative to intervene in the quest chain of the five-person team, adding more ingredients, but found that they were the same whether adding ingredients or not, and completed the task easily.

This team is a bit interesting, You Lan squinted her eyes, and deliberately adjusted the rewards for completing the task to inferior products, to see their reaction.

A rotten medicinal herb, not very old, Mo Que'er curled her lips, it's not worth it!

Xiaoyun's eyes flickered slightly, and he remained calm.

Kong Ling and Huali cared more about the surrounding scenery and culture than the herb.

Mo Xuan smiled indifferently, and put away the herbs casually.

The corner of You Lan's mouth slanted, it seems that the difficulty of the task is too small, so let's make a few difficult tasks, and you will know if it is a mule or a horse when you go out for a walk!

Have!You Lan smiled badly, that pair of precious Benshan beasts had never been able to successfully conceive offspring. Over the years, there have been countless testers stepping forward and exhausting their energy, but they have never been able to succeed!

Will this task be too difficult for them?But who made them pull so hard, You Lan clapped her hands, that's all!
The three missions of this floor of the tower have been completed, Mo Xuan and his party teleported to the next floor, and came to an endless prairie.

In the distance, there were two huge figures like hills moving slowly, Mo Xuan looked familiar, ouch!Isn't this the Benshan Beast that is also found in the Immortal Palace? Unexpectedly, there is also a pair in the Endless Tower, and this pair is much larger than the pair in the Immortal Palace.

Xiaoyun blinked in surprise, but remained calm.

Mo Que'er and the others looked at each other in amazement, and couldn't hold back their smiles. They were blindsided by Xiaoyun, and they hurriedly turned serious, but we didn't know anything.

Although the three tasks went in a big circle, in the end they still had to breed the pair of Benshan beasts.

Mo Xuan didn't have much to say, anyway, he was doing his job well, so let's send all the girls away for now, and then it's easy to get rid of it.

ha?You Lan, who was waiting to see a good show while the old god was here, was dumbfounded, it still possible?Can this be done?
After waiting for a month, the female Benshan beast confirmed that she had successfully conceived, and Youlan was at a loss for words.

This time You Lan didn't interfere any more, and gave Mo Xuan and his party the generous reward they deserved, but they still didn't respond, and put it away casually.

This team of testers is really extraordinary, You Lan really realized this point, the difference between the ten Golden Immortal testers and this team is not 01:30!

You Lan couldn't help but feel energetic, maybe she really let herself dig a treasure!Then the bet might have a chance!

You Lan continued to pay attention to the Moxuan team, and increased the difficulty of the task from time to time. The result was obvious, and the Moxuan team could not be difficult at all.

The teleportation of the tower is not random, but depends on the scores of the three tasks. If the score is high, you can jump several floors in succession. If the score is low, you can only go up one level.

As for the Infinity Tower, naturally, the higher the floor, the higher the level, the better the training effect, and naturally the richer the rewards!
After many years, Mo Xuan and his party finally met the first living person in the Tower of Infinity.

Even if the Infinity Tower has 100 trainees entering the experience every 3000 years, it has been more than [-] years, and it has been entering and leaving, how can there be hundreds of thousands of trainees!But the Tower of Infinity is too huge, and it is no pressure to accommodate hundreds of millions of people on one floor, let alone so many tower floors!
"My God, it's been 3000 years, and I finally saw a living person! Dear friends, I miss you so much!" The horse-faced fairy buddy burst into tears, so excited that he couldn't help himself, roaring directly rushed over.

Xiaoyun and the others rolled their eyes and all dodged away.

Mo Xuan smiled wryly and was hugged by the horse-faced buddies, hey hey, don't rub your nose and tears!Mo Xuan gently pushed the buddy away.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I lost my temper." The buddy whimpered for a while, turned to look at Xiaoyun and the others, they were too far away, it seemed that they couldn't hug them, and regretfully wiped their nose and tears, and then complained Opened, "Let's practice it. If I knew I would never meet anyone, I would also form a team! For 3000 years, I can't see anyone. It's killing me..."

Mo Xuan and his entourage have found out that this buddy will talk nonsense as soon as he starts talking, no wonder no one wants to form a team with him, and he is not annoyed to death by him.

"Everyone, how long has it been since you met anyone?" The earth celestial brothers looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, looking at his appearance, wishing that Mo Xuan and his party would be like him for thousands of years without meeting anyone!

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "We have just entered the Endless Tower for training, and it has only been about ten years."

Ah, only ten years!The horse-faced fairy buddies were very hurt, very hurt, and immediately reacted, and hurriedly introduced themselves: "Sorry, I was so excited that I forgot, I am a disciple of Ping Futing, my surname is Yan and my name is Yingwu."

Mo Xuan nodded and said, "So I'm a disciple of Ping Futing. I happen to be from the Chess Academy. My surname is Hua and my name is An."

"So it's fellow Taoist Hua'an! Disrespect and disrespect!" Yan Yingwu hastily saluted, and then looked at Mo Que'er and the others eagerly. They were all peerless beauties, really seductive.

Mo Que'er and the others walked aside, ignoring Yan Yingwu.

Yan Yingwu smacked his lips, trying to get close to Mo Xuan: "Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan, your dean, the master of our Yunyuanjia sect in Pingfu Pavilion, is he okay?"

Mo Xuan smiled and said: "Very good, the old man also entered the Infinity Tower to practice before, maybe we will meet again if we have the chance."

Yan Yingwu shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed, "I don't have any hope. It took me 3000 years to meet you, and I'm drunk too! Tsk, Fellow Daoist Mo Xuan, I have a merciless request. I've been alone for too long, can I form a team with you temporarily? Of course I don't mean to take advantage of you. I have been in this Tower of Infinity for 3000 years, and I still have a good way of doing tasks. If you think I'm lagging behind, you can let me go at any time!"

Mo Xuan nodded indifferently, and said, "Fellow Daoists don't mind the trouble, so let's go together."

Very good!Yan Yingwu was overjoyed, Leha patted Mo Xuan on the shoulder, and praised: "You are so interesting, fellow Taoist! I haven't asked for advice yet, which sect do you belong to?"

"We are all from the Four Immortals."

Four Immortals?Where is Gada from?I haven't heard of it, Yan Yingwu nodded, looking forward to it for a long time!

As soon as the subject changed, Yan Yingwu asked again: "Fellow Daoist is from the Chess Academy, do you have a rank?"

Mo Xuan smiled faintly and nodded, yes.

"That's a good thing. Although I didn't get into the Chess Academy, I'm still a good player in Pingfuting. I'm not a builder. Even professional chess players are not my opponents. If we have time, let's play a few games. "

Okay, Mo Xuan nodded casually in response.

Yan Yingwu laughed happily, and he was also preconceived. Even if the chess players of the Chess Academy were immortals or Xuanxians, their combat power was the same; and he knew all the powerful chess players in the Chess Academy, no matter how powerful this Hua An was. Mostly at the third or fourth level, with my own chess skills, it is enough to play a game!

Yan Yingwu is born with a familiar personality, and he has not seen anyone for a long time, so he can't keep the chatterbox off, but he is really good at doing tasks, and he is very patient. every tiny detail.

Not to mention, Mo Xuan and his party completed the task much faster.

The first time he was born and the second time he was acquainted, Yan Yingwu soon called Mo Xuan brother and brother, talked about everything, or revealed all his old background.

Yan Yingwu's talent is mediocre, and he has nowhere to ask for a teacher.But luckily, at that time Ping Futing was in urgent need of disciples, so he recruited him.

Yan Yingwu didn't have any ideas, so he kept his head down and worked hard. Although he was always at the end of the crane, he successfully cultivated to become an immortal, and then became an earth immortal after a long time, and then the endless tower appeared.

Yan Yingwu is very aware of his own weight, and he didn't want to participate at first, but was dragged over by the excited brothers. As a result, all the hard work of the brothers was in vain, and the ring that Yan Yingwu was watching happened to be a loser for both of them. .

After a group of onlookers came back to their senses, they hurriedly rushed forward. Yan Yingwu was squeezed up because he was in the front, and it happened that the time limit was about to end. Inexplicably won a ring.

The brothers and sisters were all dumbfounded. Is it true that fools are blessed with fools?

There is only one Earth Immortal quota in Pingfuting, and Yan Yingwu can only complete the mission alone. Who would have thought that this mission will last for a full 3000 years, and if you say too much, you will be in tears!
Although Mo Xuan was a bit annoying, Yan Yingwu didn't put on any airs, said whatever he wanted, was serious and careful, and had extraordinary perseverance, so it was worth dating.

Yan Yingwu finally found a gap, Leha put down the chessboard and two futons, raised his eyebrows at Mo Xuan, the weather is beautiful, Brother Hua An, let's play a game!
Mo Xuan smiled and sat on the futon opposite Yan Yingwu.

"Let's put them in order." Yan Yingwu grabbed a handful of sunspots directly.

The kindness is hard to turn down, so Mo Xuan had no choice but to pick up a white piece.

Yan Yingwu counted the sunspots, even number.

Hey, it's me who goes first!Yan Yingwu made the first move immediately, Tian Yuan!It is the most central point on the chessboard, and few people usually play like this.

Mo Xuan blinked his eyes, a little interesting, then let's try the depth of Yan Yingwu's chess skills!

(End of this chapter)

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