Interstellar Miner

Chapter 549 Invitation Letter

Chapter 549 Invitation Letter
"Brother Hua An, your chess skills are really superb. You are worthy of being a high-level chess player in the Chess Academy. I haven't played chess for many years, and my level has dropped too much. This game doesn't count, let's play another game."

"Brother Hua An, you really don't show your face, you are at least three or four stages in level! Amazing!"

"Brother Hua An, let us play a few games so that I can recover my chess strength."

"Ahem, Brother Hua An, I'm not in good shape. I'll come back after a while."

"Brother Hua An, look at my eyes, why don't you give me a break."

"Brother Hua An, let me be the fourth son in this round, I won't believe it, I can't beat you if I let the fourth son!"

"Brother Hua An, tell me the truth, you must already have a fifth rank! Let me just say, let my four sons still win, and the rank will definitely not be lowered!"

"Brother Hua An, let's go down here. There will be plenty of opportunities to play chess again in the future. The task is important right now."


Mo Xuan smiled lightly, in fact Yan Yingwu's chess skills are not bad, 21-way Go is quite smooth, and there are many routines, and he can really fight for the ordinary one or two moves of the Chess Academy.

Mo Xuan is now a top 21-dan chess player, and his opponent is a professional chess player. The [-]-way chess is actually not very easy to make, it is too obvious and it is not interesting.

Mission continues.

Mo Xuan and his entourage kept leaping upwards, and unknowingly reached the first floor of the transfer station tower.

The reason why it is called a transfer station is that there are a lot of testers who are rarely encountered in ordinary times. Most of the testers have entered the Tower of Infinity in the past few hundred years. Only when they sprint to this floor can they take the initiative send.

The testers even created a stone city, which is mainly used as a trading market, where treasures obtained from the Endless Tower can be exchanged and traded.

In addition, there are several restaurants, craft workshops, and alchemy workshops in the city. Overall, they are relatively simple, and the current total population of the city is just over 600.

After all, the Tower of Infinity is mainly about trials, and it is not easy to have such a small town where the trialists gather.

There are so many people, Yan Yingwu was overjoyed, bid farewell to Mo Xuan and his party who were shopping for the time being, and ran here and there, really wanting to find the disciples of Pingfuting, but found nothing.

Yan Yingwu cleared up his mood, thinking that he hadn't enjoyed delicious food for a long time, so he went to the restaurant to prepare for the tooth-beating ceremony.As a result, after visiting several restaurants, Yan Yingwu was very speechless and found that the food in the restaurants was so expensive that he couldn't afford it!
Yan Yingwu had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​enjoying delicious food, so the Artifact Refining Workshop and the Alchemy Workshop did not intend to go there to make fun of themselves.

In the end, Yan Yingwu returned to Taobao Street, tsk tsk, the Taobao Street where Xuanxian and Tianxian set up street stalls can only be seen in the Endless Tower.

Sure enough, it was still a good deal to exchange things for things. Yan Yingwu calculated carefully and exchanged a few magic weapons that worked for him, and then just wandered around.

Then, Yan Yingwu saw that Mo Xuan and his party were chatting with some immortals. Did Brother Hua An meet an acquaintance?Yan Yingwu smacked his lips a little sourly, and followed Mo Xuan casually. Although it was just running errands, it was a peace of mind. After 3000 years of hard experience in the Endless Tower, it really wasn't so worry-free.

Although Brother Hua An is a professional chess player of the Chess Academy, and his combat power is not very good, but he is also the strength of Xuanxian.

If Brother Hua An and the others meet someone they know, they will probably have nothing to do with them in the future.Maybe I can only swipe it alone.

Hey, Yan Yingwu sighed and kicked the gravel on the ground to pass the time.

"Yingwu is back, haven't you found someone you know?" Mo Xuan and his party walked over.

Yan Yingwu smiled awkwardly, and replied, "I haven't met you, Brother Hua An, were those acquaintances of yours just now?"

"Actually, I'm not very familiar with it." Mo Xuan said truthfully.

Yan Yingwu blinked in surprise, looking at the extremely eager looks of those immortals, aren't they all acquaintances?
Yan Yingwu had nothing to do, so he went shopping with Zai Moxuan and the others, and complained about the price of the restaurant, it was too dark.

Mo Xuan analyzed: "Those who can enter the Infinity Tower are basically either rich or expensive, and people who have low-grade restaurants are not uncommon to enter." All of them went into battle without bigu, and Kong Ling had never been in charge of cooking.

That's right, Yan Yingwu smacked his lips sighingly, and sighed: "Brother Hua An, grassroots practitioners like us are rare."

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, that's right.

A group of people went all the way.

"Hua An Da Neng, you have come to practice."

"Master Shuiyue, you are well."

"Huo Qingling is so powerful. I was fortunate enough to lose to you back then. It's really my luck."

"Wu Nianxuan Da Neng, is it really you! Your genesis helped me break the barrier that has troubled me for tens of thousands of years. I have always wanted to find an opportunity to thank you in person."


Yan Yingwu became more and more surprised, what happened?Brother Hua An, why do they seem to be very famous?Those many testers all knew them, and greeted them eagerly, and even some immortals looked like they couldn't wait to pay their respects.

Walking to a corner where no one was around, Yan Yingwu finally couldn't hold back and asked: "Brother Hua An, you are wrong, there is no grassroots like you. I was very well informed at the time, and there was no such thing as you 3000 years ago." Ah, are you actually a descendant of a big family?"

Mo Xuan smiled and asked back, "Do you think I look like me?"

Yan Yingwuzai looked Mo Xuan carefully, up and down, and then recalled the details of the journey together, shook his head and said: "It's not like, Brother Hua An, you are really from a grassroots background? Don't scare me!"

Mo Xuan said with a faint smile: "Of course I am a grassroots, that is, I founded the Four Immortals from scratch, and I am somewhat famous."

I see!Yan Yingwu exclaimed: "It turns out that you are the suzerain of the Four Immortals. I thought you were a disciple like me. I am disrespectful and disrespectful. I have practiced for 3000 years, and the news has been blocked. I have to make up for it later. By the way. , Brother Hua An, how many golden immortals have been born in the past 3000 years? Has there been any change in the Xuanbang?"

Mo Xuan replied: "In 3000 years, it seems that only Zhi Academy has one more golden immortal. The words of the Xuanbang have changed a bit, and several Xuanxians have been on the list."

Yan Yingwu nodded, clapped his hands and said: "By the way, my idol Lei Batian Da Neng should have completely come out of the slump, has he rushed to the first place now?"

"Well." Mo Xuan smacked his lips and said, "Lei Batian is No. 11 in the Xuanbang for the time being." Brother Batian needs a lot of resources to cultivate. At the beginning, he went around everywhere and even sold the Xuanbang rankings privately to accumulate funds. grain.Since the Thunder Sect formed an alliance with the Four Immortals Sect, although Brother Batian is busy all day long, he can still earn a lot of money. There is no need to privately sell the Xuanbang rankings, but he is too lazy to check his rankings.

Yan Yingwu's face suddenly collapsed, and he wondered: "Ah? No way! Why did you fall out of the top ten? What's the situation? Could it be that Lei Batian was injured?"

Mo Xuan smacked his lips and said, "It's just a ranking, and it can't represent real strength."

Yan Yingwu was in a hurry: "Why doesn't it represent strength? Every ranking in the Xuanbang is a big step. Do you think that anyone can rank in the top [-] as soon as they enter the Xuanbang? How is it possible! The Xuanbang has never You can only start from the top and slowly climb up one by one. Even those who can jump and advance like Lei Batian are rare, and there are very few in the past and present!"

Xiao Yun gave Yan Yingwu a white look, curled his lips and said, "You speak with a nose and eyes, as if you have entered the Xuanbang."

"I'm the Earth Immortal. The Tianbang has not been played yet. Of course it's impossible to enter the Xuanbang! Could it be that you have already entered?" Yan Yingwu also gave Xiaoyun a white look.

Xiaoyun snorted and snorted, I have never entered, but Mo Xuan and the three of them are genuine powers of the Xuanbang.

"Okay, there's nothing to argue about." Mo Xuan, a professional peacemaker, helped to smooth things over.

Yan Yingwu nodded, and said, "That's true. The future will last forever, and sooner or later I will be on the Tianbang, or even the Xuanbang!"

just you?Xiaoyun glanced at Yan Yingwu, then I'll have to watch carefully.

Mo Xuan and his party took a brief rest in Stone City for a few days, and were about to go out to practice again. It was like a hurricane sweeping through the entire Stone City, and the testers in the city suddenly became noisy!
After a few beeps, Mo Xuan and his party also received the news, but it was an invitation letter, an invitation letter from Tianxia Chess Game!

Excellent tester, are you eager for passion?Do you long for an evenly matched opponent?Are you eager to go one step further?

World Chess is waiting for you to fight!

Those who are interested in the invitation letter can apply to the tower to participate in the competition!

There will be rewards for participation, the higher the ranking, the rewards will be beyond imagination!

What are you waiting for, let's have a good fight!

Not all the testers could receive this invitation letter, only a very small number of the testers received it.It is also the first time that many practitioners have experienced such a large-scale event as the theme of the Infinity Tower, which must be very unusual!
Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, playing chess, it seems quite interesting.

Mo Que'er and the others are also interested, it's really boring to keep doing tasks all the time.

Xiaoyun squinted his eyes, secretly thinking about something.

Yan Yingwu also received the invitation letter, and he was very happy. It seems that he is still very good, and ordinary practitioners don't have an invitation letter!
Participate, must participate!Didn't the invitation letter say that as long as you participate, you will be rewarded, so why not participate!Yan Yingwu was gearing up excitedly, ready to fight.As for what the world chess game is and how to fight, Yan Yingwu didn't think about it. Anyway, we just follow Brother Hua An. Brother Hua An eats meat, and we drink soup.

"Shall we participate?" Mo Xuan asked the four girls for their opinions.

The four girls exchanged glances and nodded, then join in.

Mo Xuan and his party signed up together, and then teleported to the tower on the first floor. Thousands of trialists had already gathered around the teleportation array, and the number was still increasing.The whole hall was full of excitement.

"Hua'an Da Neng, you have come to practice. It should be quite difficult to play chess today, let's form a team."

"Master Shuiyue, are you well, can I join your team?"

"Huo Qingling is powerful, you have been separated for thousands of years, and your style is still the same. Your team is not full yet, count me in."

"Wu Nianxuan is great, is it really you! Your Genesis has really benefited me a lot, is there any shortage of people in your team?"


Yan Yingwu was dumbfounded, hey, why are Brother Hua An so popular?
(End of this chapter)

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