Interstellar Miner

Chapter 550 Team Up

Chapter 550 Team Up
The specific rules of Tianxia Chess Game are not yet clear, but I have heard from the tower envoy that a maximum of 100 people can form a team.Since the name is Tianxia Chess Bureau, it is natural that those with superb chess skills will lead the overall situation first.

Hua'an Da Neng is a [-]th-dan professional chess player in Chess Academy, need I say more!

To say that the world chess game is not Go, but since it is related to the world, the level of strategizing by the Four Immortals is obvious to all, so there is no need to say anything!
Everyone knows that it is good to enjoy the shade under a big tree.Taking advantage of the fact that the four masters of the Four Immortals have just left the teleportation formation, there must be vacancies. It is true to join their team by taking the opportunity. If it is too late, there will be no chance!
Mo Xuan and his party were also besieged inexplicably, what's wrong?After clarifying the situation, Mo Xuan waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down: "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. There is too little information about the world chess game at the moment. It is unavoidable to rush to form a team now. Let's see how the world chess game is played. .”

The four masters of the Four Immortals Sect were indeed very cautious, and the surrounding immortals smacked their lips, but they could only disperse, but they still stayed nearby intentionally or unintentionally, so that they could grab positions when forming a team.

Why are those immortals so sought after?What's the matter?

The trainees who didn't know Mo Xuan and his party inquired about it, and were immediately shocked, darling!What a bunker!It really is a talented person from generation to generation!
More and more testers were sent over by the teleportation array, and there were thousands of people bustling around, and the number continued to increase.After all, after a round of accumulation, there are always two brushes at hand who can enter the Infinity Tower to experience, and there are still quite a lot of excellent trialists.

The Golden Immortal bosses also arrived one after another. The Golden Immortal boss's own power is not small, and there are still quite a lot of testers under his sect, and everyone responded.

Yan Yingwu looked enviously at those golden immortal bosses, if we can also become golden immortals in the future, how wonderful it would be!Just thinking about it makes Hun'er feel a little flustered.

"Meet the sect master." Wei Jingshuo also received the invitation letter, came over and respectfully bowed to Mo Xuan and his party.

Oops, this one is also an Earth Immortal, Yan Yingwu happily nodded to Wei Jingshuo.

Wei Jingshuo gave Yan Yingwu a strange look, this is not an immortal from our Four Immortals Sect, why is he with the sect master and the others?Wei Jingshuo bowed politely, stood behind Mo Xuan and his party in an orderly manner, and acted cautiously.

Oh, brother Hua An is quite prestigious, Yan Yingwu raised an eyebrow at Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, not taking it seriously.

Wei Jingshuo blinked in surprise, what is the origin of this Earth Immortal?
Before I knew it, more than 6000 people had gathered to participate in the World Chess Game!
It's strange, why the little guys haven't come yet, it's impossible for them not to have received the invitation letter, Mo Xuan frowned, contacted the little guys, and got a reply soon.

Master, the chain mission we teamed up for has been completed, and we will teleport it immediately after receiving the reward.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly, there should be plenty of time for registration, so there is no rush.

Not long after, another golden immortal came to the scene, none other than Yun Yuanjia [-]th dan, the dean of the Chess Academy, and the sect master of Pingfu Pavilion.Yan Yingwu laughed happily, greeted Mo Xuan and the others, and rushed to Yun Yuanjia to say hello!
The disciples of Pingfuting who were scattered all over also rushed over.

It was only then that Yan Yingwu discovered that Pingfuting still had a dozen or so disciples, but he usually kept a low-key retreat and did not know many of them.

With the leader of Jinxian and the presence of Xuanxian and Tianxian, Yan Yingwu immediately gained a lot of confidence, and he happily flirted with his brothers and sisters.

Thinking about whether to recommend Hua An and the others to the sect master, and bring Hua An and the others into our team.Yan Yingwu thought about it and gave up, and he was soft-spoken, so it's better not to make fun of yourself!
Oh, Brother Hua An, why did they come here? Don't you want to rely on my relationship to form a team with the sect master?Please, I'm just a grassroots fairy, I don't have the right to speak, don't hurt me!Yan Yingwu hurriedly winked at Mo Xuanyi, don't come here again!Halo, didn't you see me winking?A little sharpness, okay?
What are you doing winking, Xiaoyun gave Yan Yingwu an angry look, you think you are cross-eyed!

Yun Yuanjia saw Mo Xuan and his party walking over, and hurried over.

Um?Yan Yingwu couldn't understand, what's going on?Could it be that Brother Hua An and the others know the sect master?Oops, how did I forget that, Brother Hua An is a professional chess player of the Academy of Chess, and the sect master is the head of the Academy of Chess, isn't it normal for the two to know each other!

"Dean." Mo Xuan smiled and bowed.

"Fellow Daoist Hua'an, you have also come to the Tower of Infinity to practice." Yun Yuanjia said cheerfully.

"Yeah, just started to practice."

"The chess game should be quite interesting today. How about we form a team?"

"Okay." Mo Xuan nodded.

Yan Yingwu blinked, and couldn't understand. Our sect master is a big brother of Jinxian. Brother Hua An is a Xuanxian, right? Why does the sect master still call Hua An brother as his peer?

At this time, Shi Binyuan, Peng Chengwang, Changsun Ancheng, Mi Yashuang, Zhuge Tianyou, Tao Wencheng, and Kong Wuming had already completed their tasks and sent them over together.

Wow, look at the generation of disciples of the Four Immortals Sect, he is so heroic, and he is really jealous!The whole square became noisy, pointing at Shi Binyuan and the others.

"Brother, who are they?" Yan Yingwu curiously asked the senior brother Tianxian beside him.

The senior brother sighed, and whispered: "Brother, you have stayed in the Tower of Infinity for too long, the new generation outside the tower has turned upside down! They are the most shining new stars in the entire fourth-level time and space. One is Shi Binyuan, who rushed to No.8 on the list; the other is Peng Chengwang, who rushed to No.11 on the list, and then became Xuanxian one after another."

"The next five from left to right are Changsun Ancheng, Mi Yashuang, Zhuge Tianyou, Tao Wencheng, and Kong Wuming. Except for Kong Wuming who is currently an earth immortal, the rest are ranked No.6 and No.19 respectively First name, No.10, No.20 one."

Obediently!Yan Yingwu couldn't help being amazed, it turned out to be a supernova with a lot of votes!No wonder other people reacted like that, hey, how did they come to us?
"Master, we are here." "Greetings to Master, Master."...

The little guys respectfully bowed to Mo Xuan and his party.

Mo Xuan and his party smiled and nodded, and waved their hands to indicate that there is no need to be polite.

The little guys happily surrounded Mo Xuan and his party, complaining that the task of the Infinity Tower was troublesome enough.

Uh... Yan Yingwu opened his mouth wide in astonishment, enough to stuff a big goose egg!

This... what's the situation?Those super novas call Brother Hua An their master?Did my ears hear me right?Or am I dreaming?

Yan Yingwu only felt that his worldview was a bit subverted, what happened?

Yan Yingwu pinched his thigh hard, it hurts, it's not a dream!Yan Yingwu could only look at his senior with extremely puzzled eyes.

The senior brother blinked, came to his senses, grinned, and added: "I forgot to mention just now, they are all the first generation disciples of the Four Immortals."

Four Immortals?Brother Hua An and their Four Immortals?Why!Yan Yingwu died again.

"I also participated in the Xianyuan Conference of the Four Immortals Sect back then with several senior brothers. In the end, they were all eliminated in the second round. I really can't compare them! They are all monsters!"

The senior brother took a deep breath, and introduced with great admiration: "And their master, the four masters of the Four Immortals Sect, are all the most shining superstars in the fourth layer of time and space! He is the sect master of the Four Immortals Sect, he had a peak duel with Lei Batian Da Neng and won the final victory, he became Lei Batian's big brother, currently ranked tenth in the Xuan list, Hua An Da Neng, a ninth-dan professional chess player of the Chess Academy!"

Yan Yingwu's eyes widened and widened until they were as big as copper bells, almost jumping out of their eye sockets.Mamma Mia!

The master of that supernova, who defeated Lei Batian Da Neng, Lei Ba Tian Da Neng's big brother, is now ranked tenth in the black list, a ninth-level professional chess player!These names are so frightening to death!Is that really Brother Hua An?
Such an outstanding legendary power actually called himself a grassroots fairy, Yan Yingwu couldn't help but suspect that he was in a dream again, and all of this was so unreal.

"The female Xuanxian on the left hand side of Hua'an Da Neng is Huo Qingling Da Neng of the Four Immortals Sect. She defeated Jing Xi, who was ranked 26th in the Xuan Bang at that time, after only two battles. He is a great figure in the Xuanbang, and even defeated Mi Zhi Jinxian in a formal competition, and now he is ranked 21 in the Xuanbang!"

Yan Yingwu groaned, already a little numb.

"The beautiful female Xuanxian on the right hand side of Hua'an Da Neng is Wu Nianxuan Da Neng of the Four Immortals Sect, the champion of the last Wanchu, the creation of the creation during the decisive battle has benefited countless immortals and immortal cultivators present. Qian, who created Enlightenment Cuisine, defeated Niu Xuxuanxian, entered the Xuanbang, and temporarily ranked first."

Good guy, another great power in the Xuanbang!Yan Yingwu swayed a few times and remained silent.

"The female celestial being on Huo Qingling's left is Master Shuiyue, the elder sister of the crafting world. As soon as she debuted, she repaired the yin and yang mirror and repaired the Qiankun fan. All the super auction houses have to cry and beg. great power."

It's no wonder that the eldest sister is always pulling like two to five or eight thousand yuan. Yan Yingwu glanced at Xiaoyun in amazement, but Xiaoyun gave him a big white eye.

What are you aiming at, have you never seen a beautiful woman!
Yan Yingwu couldn't help being embarrassed when he remembered that he was bragging that he was going to enter the Tianbang Xuanxian or something. There were three Xuanbang plus a large number of Tianbang disciples!
In other words, it really is the familiar big white eyes, I have been used to being smashed all these years.

Yan Yingwu scratched his head, looking at Mo Xuan and his party at this moment, except for those names who blinded the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, they are still the same group of people who walked with him all the way. In fact, there is not much change.

Thinking about it, the brothers and the others were all hearsay, and had no chance to really have close contact with Brother Hua An and the others. They could only be blinded by those names and didn't know what Brother Hua An and the others were really like.

Peace of mind, peace of mind!
Yan Yingwu took a deep breath, recovered his throbbing heartbeat, and couldn't help asking: "Senior brother, Hua'an Da Neng and the others are all grassroots?"

The senior brother lowered his voice and said, "It's said to be grassroots, but there are also gossip that Hua'an Da Neng and the others were actually cultivated secretly by a certain superpower, and the most likely one is the Qingyu Immortal Realm."

Yan Yingwu let out a groan, and didn't believe the gossip. Since Brother Hua An said that, it must be grassroots!Tsk tsk, Brother Hua An is really amazing!I am so lucky to be able to know Brother Hua An and accompany me along the way!

Hehe, if I tell the truth, senior brother and the others will be shocked to death!
(End of this chapter)

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