Chapter 551
The testers who signed up to participate in Tianxia Chess Game have basically arrived, there are more than 8000 people, and the noise is endless.

Together with You Lan, the four inspectors sent over together, without any hesitation, they directly sent the detailed introduction of the world chess game to the participating testers.

The whole square fell silent all of a sudden, and everyone looked up the information of Tianxia Chess.

Um?Um?ah? ...

The trialists frowned frequently, this is too difficult!
What?Teams that fail the preliminary selection will lose their qualifications for the Endless Tower Trial!Damn, you didn't say it earlier!This is clearly a big pit!But we have already jumped into the pit!

The testers made a lot of noise and asked the tower envoy for an explanation.

Supervisor You Lan snorted coldly, and said: "It's not that you trialists are too unconscious, wishing to live in the Tower of Infinity for the rest of your life! Do you think that the resources of the Tower of Infinity are endless! It's just a The testers have to run a tower, and the energy consumed is astronomical! You have eaten up everything, how will the next testers practice!"

Another supervisor echoed: "Teams that don't even pass the primary election don't need to stay in the Tower of Infinity anymore. There is no need to discuss it. If you want to withdraw from the competition, it is equivalent to automatically giving up the trial of the Tower of Infinity. There won't even be a penny reward, you can figure it out yourself."

The situation is stronger than the people!
No matter how indignant the testers are, there is nothing they can do. They have already signed up to participate. As long as they give up, they will have to leave the Tower of Infinity immediately. Then they can only participate in Tianxia Chess Game and try to pass the primary election!Hey, I have learned a lot from eating a pit, and I will never participate in such messy activities in the future!
Mo Xuan and his party didn't care, they carefully checked the information of Tianxia Chess Bureau.

To put it simply, today's chess game is to use the world as the board, and the contestants as various chess pieces to compete fiercely and compete in the world!

The chessboard is not fixed, it is closely related to the positive five elements and the partial five elements. The geographical location of the mountains and rivers is different, and the chessboard is naturally different. It can be said to be ever-changing. Every chess game in the world will randomly select a chessboard.

Then there are chess pieces, one side has a maximum of one hundred chess pieces!This also means that a party can have up to a hundred trial players participating at the same time, and one trial player can control several chess pieces at the same time.

The rules of Tianxia Chess Game are very complicated, and a detailed explanation of [-] words is not enough, but the principle remains the same, the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements is the major premise!
The types of chess pieces are also different, there are eighteen kinds.The directions and distances that different types of chess pieces can move are also different, and the same type of chess pieces are naturally the same!
Kings, queens, princes, prime ministers, governors, county chiefs, generals, generals, generals, chariots, horses, cannons, shields, horns, gold, silver, cavalry, infantry, a total of [-] kinds, all according to Moxuan Easy-to-understand names for the functions of chess pieces.

For example, there is only one king, because all kings sit in the base camp and cannot move rashly. They can only move at close range, and the position is not limited.

The queen is on the king's side, protecting the king's safety; the prime minister assists the king; the governor and the county chief guard the place;

According to the specific chessboard, adjust measures to local conditions, arrange troops, try to make each chess piece play the greatest effect, and then the chess pieces can cooperate with each other to play the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Both chess and shogi are judged by killing the leader of the enemy. Although there are kings in Tianxia Chess, if the king is not sacrificed, he will lose. There are also three princes and two queens. , the three princes all sacrificed, the queen chooses one to succeed, the queen sacrifices, the two prime ministers choose one to succeed, and so on, as long as they don't surrender, they can even fight until the last soldier!
In addition, when the two sides are fighting infantry against infantry, it is not that the infantry of the two sides can eat the opponent's infantry first, but the infantry of both sides compete according to the requirements of the first mover. It can be compared with each other, and the winner can eat the opponent in the end. It doesn't mean that it is intact, there will be some damage, and both parties can even die together.

In this way, it is easy to steal chickens without losing money, so the quality of chess pieces is very important.

Of course, because it is a chess game, before the game starts, the strengths of both sides will be neutralized.It's not that the Xuanxian infantry can definitely defeat the opponent's Celestial infantry, and it's not that they really want to fight to the death, but to conduct a quick mock battle.

We must know that there are many battles between heavenly immortals and mysterious immortals that take hundreds of years, and it is almost impossible not to get injured. Just recuperating the wounds cannot be done in a year or a half.The simulated battle is much more convenient. After a round, you can take a short break and quickly proceed to the next round!
Mo Xuan touched his chin, and countless thoughts were flowing in the sea of ​​consciousness at an unimaginable speed, as if streamers were woven into a dense, layered optical network, deducing and simulating with computing power that completely surpassed the superimposition of millions of supercomputers connected together Playing a game of Chess.

Tsk tsk, it's really difficult to move the whole body with one hair!Mo Xuan grinned, I like challenges.

It's so troublesome, Mo Que'er pouted, hoping it wasn't just a waste of time.

Kong Ling and Huali found it quite interesting, and they were full of anticipation for the hidden reward.

Xiaoyun just smiled lightly, looking unpredictable.

Kong Wuming and the others groaned incessantly. As expected of a large-scale event organized by the Tower of Infinity, it really is extraordinary!Fortunately, Master and the others are here, let's help beat the side drums, and just reward the gangsters behind.

Mo Xuan asked Xiao Yun in a low voice: "Xiao Yun, what do you think of this world's chess game?"

The corner of Xiaoyun's mouth slanted, and he said indifferently: "That's all, it's not a piece of cake for you."

Mo Xuan said modestly: "No, no matter how good one person is, he still can't win the world chess game. Everyone has to work hard together. To get a good result, you still have to gather 100 people!"

Mo Xuan first counted the players on his side.

The Four Immortals Sect has our three first-rank Xuanxians, Huali is currently a third-rank Xuanxian, Shi Binyuan and Peng Chengwang are new Xuanxians; the eldest grandson Ancheng, Mi Yashuang, Zhuge Tianyou, Tao Wencheng are the four heavenly immortals; Kong Wuming and Wei Jingshuo are two. Dixian.

In Pingfu Pavilion, there are seven rank golden immortals, Yun Yuanjia, five senior Xuanxians, seven heavenly immortals, and one earth immortal, Yan Yingwu.

There is a total of one golden immortal, ten profound immortals, eleven heavenly immortals, and three earth immortals. There are only 25 people in total.The faction is still good, but the five elements are a little out of balance, mostly fire and earth, few metal and wood attributes, and none of the water attributes.

But it doesn't matter, Mo Xuan's acquaintances gathered over by coincidence.

"Fellow Daoist Huaan, count me in." Immortal Shankang Yuxuan from Ruisiyuan walked over cheerfully.It's not that there are no testers in Ruisiyuan, but it's just that they are not strong enough, so Shan Kangyu left them to form a team by themselves.

"Welcome." Mo Xuan nodded with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Hua'an, would you like us sisters?" Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu from Gaoshuanggu walked over with smiles and a pun.

"Of course our team wants what the two sisters said." Kong Ling and Mo Que'er rolled their eyes at the two girls, walked over and pulled the two girls aside to chatter about homework.

We were in a hurry, and we really didn't know that the two of you had also entered the Infinity Tower to practice.

It's not that your family is stirring up wind and rain, Jin Xian is scrambling to enter the Tower of Infinity to practice, we can't always lag behind, right!
"Hua'an Da Neng, would you like the three of us?" Yan Zhengxin, Wen Renjian and Fang Yang from the Taifan Society walked over together.

"Welcome." Mo Xuan smiled cheerfully, the more acquaintances the better.

Many Xuanxians and Heavenly Immortals nearby recommended themselves one after another, we will definitely not hold back, Hua An Da Neng, you want us too!

Mo Xuan, an outsider, is more strict, choosing the best to fill in the vacancies.There are already enough fire attributes, there is no need, there are quite a lot of earth attributes; a few more gold and wood attribute Xuanxians; the more water attributes, the better.

In the fourth layer of time and space, there are relatively few water attributes. For the time being, only two sisters, Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu, have water attributes in the team, which is embarrassing.

Mo Xuan could only yell: "Water attribute powers are sincerely invited to join, are there any water attribute powers willing to form a team?"

Although there are golden signboards of Hua'an Da Neng and Four Immortals, but there are not many people who come to sign up, and most of them are earth immortals and heavenly immortals. Water attribute Xuanxian is a super hot item at the moment!Mo Xuan smacked his lips. If you really can't recruit strong water attributes, then recruit more people who are partial to the five elements. Tsk, most likely you won't recruit either.

At this time, Wei Zilan Golden Immortal of Hundred Flowers Sect came over to negotiate with Mo Xuan, and he had already pulled up a team with a bit too many people, that's what it meant, a strong alliance to form a team of 100 people.Only in this way, Mo Xuan must eliminate a group of people.

Many immortals in the Four Immortals Sect's team touched their noses, feeling that they might not be able to hug their thighs anymore.

Mo Xuan bluntly declined. The so-called world chess game is just a game and a trial. There is no need to be too serious. So what about No.1, can it really win the world?

What you love and what I wish, naturally cannot be forced, Wei Zilan Jinxian left with some regret.

Just when Mo Xuan was planning to make do with recruiting a group of immortals with water and five elements attributes, a small group of immortals came out and walked towards the team of the Four Immortals.

Huh!This is... All the teams were a little dazed, staring at the small group of immortals in a daze.

The leader of the team was a female Xuanxian who was wearing a water-blue Taoist robe and possessed an alluring appearance. She didn't wear a bun, and her long black and beautiful hair was casually scattered, almost dragging on the ground like a half-length skirt. Now, the long hair didn't really drag on the ground, but actually suspended and kept a distance from the ground.

Although she didn't wear a veil, her face seemed to be covered by a water curtain, making it hard to see clearly.Even so, anyone who sees her can be sure that she must have a peerless face!Her pair of blue amber eyes are shining with stars, they are so captivating!

This is none other than his 1-year debut, without a single defeat, he has dominated the No. [-] list for a long time, and is nicknamed the Undefeated God of War's water dance power!
Yan Yingwu clicked her tongue secretly. It turned out that she was the legendary Invincible Goddess of War. Sure enough, being famous is not as good as meeting her. She is so beautiful that she is dying!
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er frowned in surprise, why did she come here?Do you want to team up with us?She is not a fuel-efficient lamp, Kong Ling and Mo Que'er exchanged glances, hurried to Mo Xuan's side, and stared at Shui Wu without giving in!

Mo Xuan was also a little surprised, but if their team of water attribute Xuanxian can join the team, it will be a timely rain!However, Mo Xuan also obviously felt the pressure from Kong Ling and the others, so he didn't take the initiative to say hello.

Shui Wu's star-shining eyes turned slightly, a faint smile appeared on her hazy face, she bowed and said, "Fellow Daoist Hua'an, eight of the ten people in my team are water-attribute Xuanxians, and two It's a wood-attribute Profound Immortal, who can just fill in the gaps in your team, how would you like it, fellow Daoist?"

Mo Xuan bowed back, and asked what Kong Ling and Mo Que'er meant with his eyes.
Kong Ling and Mo Que'er also knew that if Shui Wu could join them, the strength of the whole team would skyrocket, but they felt a little uncomfortable. The two girls for no reason just disliked Shui Wu. They felt that Shui Wu had ulterior motives and did nothing. good idea.

Xiao Yun winked at Kong Ling and Mo Que'er, what was he thinking, the No. [-] Shui Wu was willing to join, and others couldn't ask for it!Everyone is looking at you right now, you should also think about Xuan's face!

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er gave Mo Xuan a look, Xuan you can figure it out, we have no objection.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, bowed to Shui Wu and his party, and said, "Then welcome everyone to join us."

Shui Wu smiled lightly, without saying much, led the team into the camp of the Four Immortals, and stayed quietly in a corner.

Seeing that Hua'an Da Neng's team had few spots left, the other trainees were secretly anxious and strongly recommended themselves.

Mo Xuan selected a few Xuanxians who were partial to the five elements.

A squinting-eyed Xuanxian led two Xuanxian juniors over, bowed to Mo Xuan, and said, "Fellow Daoist Hua'an, can the three of us join your team?"

If it weren't for Mo Xuan's good hearing ability, I really wouldn't be able to hear what he said.Mo Xuan cheerfully returned his bow: "Fellow Daoist Zhou Fang, you are being polite, and Hua certainly welcomes you."

Yan Yingwu was taken aback, wow, Zhou Fang, who is known as the strongest defense and No. 2 in Xuanbang, is the squinting eye!
Be good, our team has golden immortal powers, the first and second super powers in the Xuanbang, Brother Hua An and the group of supernova disciples, a bunch of senior mysterious immortals, our team's camp is simply a fortress!
Mo Xuan selected a few more senior Xuanxians, and the team of 100 people was full!
(End of this chapter)

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