Interstellar Miner

Chapter 552 Peeling the Pumpkin

Chapter 552 Peeling the Pumpkin

Seeing that Hua'an Da Neng's team was full, the other trainees could only sigh secretly and form their own teams.

Great shade under the tree.

The teams of Golden Immortal Da Neng were full soon one after another, and the teams of those big forces were also full.

The remaining unwanted testers looked at each other and had no choice but to hug each other.A group of people is always better than one person, even if they want to be eliminated, the big guys will be eliminated together, and there will be a companion on the way home.

The four inspectors swiftly counted the registered teams, and there were a total of [-] teams.The four inspectors ordered a few words, and immediately went to prepare for the arena.

The team members of each team seized the time to get to know each other, as the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood.

Mo Xuan also released a small palace that he carried with him as the place for the team's pre-war meeting.

Mo Xuan briefly analyzed the tactics and specialties of various chess pieces, and then briefly analyzed the gameplay of Tianxia Go.

The maneuverability of chess pieces in Tianxia Chess Game is very strong. It is not always that one side takes one step and the opponent takes another. This is only the way of fighting in the first game when they are testing each other; To cooperate, the positions must cooperate with each other; the king is very particular about whether he chooses to attack or defend.

Mo Xuan tapped the table lightly with his index finger, and said, "Our team has been put together impromptu, and everyone is not very familiar with each other. So the first part of this meeting is for everyone to see if there is any team based on their own strengths. There is no chess piece that is particularly suitable for me. Don’t be embarrassed to say it, just brainstorm. If our team wants to achieve good results, we need every player to contribute their best strength! I will recommend myself first, I think I I can be a king, and I can also be a prime minister and a general."

Hua'an Da Neng, if you are not king, who will be!Isn't it just for you to join us!

Yun Yuanjia Jinxian nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Hua'an, don't be modest, you will be the king. I am also good at Go. I am really confused about the game of chess today. I think I am the king. , silver are quite suitable.”

Kong Ling and Mo Que'er have done their part, we two are queens, so don't compete with us!

Xiaoyun raised his hand and said, "I have limited combat power, so I'll be prime minister."

Zhou Fang raised his hand and volunteered: "I'll be a shield." Unfortunately, his voice was too low, few people heard it, and some team members wondered why Zhou Fang only raised his hand and didn't make a sound.

Shui Wu: "I can be a shield or a general."

Kong Wuming scratched his head and said, "I'll be a prince."

The atmosphere in the venue gradually heated up, and the team members enthusiastically recommended themselves.

"I'm suitable to be a car." "I'm going to be a cannon!" "I'm a cavalryman!" "I'm going to be a governor."...

Yan Yingwu secretly thought, as far as his level is concerned, infantry cannon fodder is the life, but infantry is not so easy to be in this chess game, and it would be too slow to simply go to death, so let's be a county chief and deal with logistics .

After all the team members had spoken, Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, and said, "Everyone is very active, and our team must be so active. Everyone can say whatever they think, and don't hide good ideas, speak up bravely." Come out and study together.”

"No one has ever played a chess game today. No matter how many ideas you have, you need to practice them. Moreover, the number of chess pieces is limited, so there is no way to cover everything. Let's break up and divide into two teams, and try to simulate a few games according to the rules. Familiarize yourself with your teammates and various chess pieces, and then make adjustments accordingly."

Whether it's a mule or a horse, you'll know when you go out for a walk!The team members are gearing up one after another, ready to fight hard.

First, draw lots and divide into groups, one hundred players are divided into two groups of fifty each.

After some operations, Xiaoyun finished the simulated arena, and started directly without any ink marks.

Ideas are always good, but it is often difficult to actually implement them.After such a simulated game, the team members found that it was not what they expected. It was really difficult, and the battle situation became more and more chaotic as the battle progressed.
After a game, the team members were all silent. It was really difficult beyond imagination!
Mo Xuan clapped his hands to boost morale: "It's just the beginning, everyone must have a familiarization process, take a break first, and practice later."

Group again, and then simulate the battle; group again...

At the end of the five-round simulation, most of the players were sweating profusely, almost collapsed from exhaustion, their minds were muddled, and their heads were really big!

Mo Xuan and the others also frowned secretly, the chess game in the world is really ever-changing, and it can affect the whole body, it is complicated and difficult!After all, one person's strength is limited, and everyone must work hard!

Mo Xuan said: "Let's come here first, everyone is tired, hurry up and recharge your batteries, and wait until the official competition."

But other teams are not as united and friendly as Moxuan's team.

The Jinxian team is better, after all, it is the Jinxian Da Neng who has the final say.

In order to compete for leadership and reward distribution rights, the rest of the teams wanted to fight. If the teams had not signed up and could not be changed, they might have to disband the teams immediately.

Seeing that the big game is coming soon, and there are so many conflicts within the team, half of the team has already lost without even starting the fight!Each team had to come up with practical solutions, such as taking turns to command, or drawing lots, all kinds of things, although it was a bit messy, it was better than a mess.

A high-rise tower of the Infinity Tower.

Bustling and bustling, more than 5000 testers gathered in the square, calling for friends to form a team.

Most of the trainees were wearing novel Taoist robes, with haughty expressions, and they refused to accept each other. The team formation was not smooth, and many teams had only 30 to [-] people.

However, the morale of each team is very high!

"A group of low-level indigenous pumpkins, let's see how we can cut them hard!"

"Hmph, the low-level pumpkins are low-quality, too unconscious! They deserve a beating!"

"Let's educate them well, the Tower of Infinity is not something that anyone can enter the trial casually!"

"If the lower pumpkins know how fierce our competition is, they will surely cry with happiness!"

"Let the lower pumpkins know how powerful they are!"


There are seven ancient palaces lined up on the square, occupying a large area of ​​the square.

The seven ancient palaces are somewhat similar in shape. There is a horizontal plaque on the main hall, and a big character is written in black ink on each plaque!It's just that time is too long, and the black ink font has turned into a light gray, which is almost unrecognizable.But those big gray characters seem to exist forever, and no one can ignore their existence!
From left to right, they are benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, filial piety, honesty, brotherhood, forbearance!

Without exception, the seven ancient palaces are full of crowds, and many testers are trying to join the ranks of the palace masters!Among them, the outside of Zhizi Palace was the most hysterical, pushing and shoving, and they were about to fight!
"Everyone, I'm afraid that you are far inferior to the immortals in the lower time and space! Hmph, how decent!" A handsome immortal in a simple snow-white Taoist robe walked out of the wisdom room with his hands behind his back. Word palace, eyes as vast as the starry sky lightly glanced at the trialists who were shoving and shoving.

Like a sudden heavy snowfall in March in Yangchun, the noisy trainees fell silent, and the whole square became audible.

The testers looked at the immortal almost fanatically, their eyes filled with admiration, longing and sincere admiration!
The master of Zhizi Palace said lightly: "The tower envoy has made it clear that there are too many backlogs of time-space trialists at the lower level, and the endless tower is overburdened, so this world chess game will be held to eliminate those who pretend to be numbers among the lower-level trialists! The sound of the outside world, our fifth-level time-space trialists are also within the scope of elimination. You are shouting loudly now, don't be eliminated by the lower-level trialists by then!"

Where can I go!Absolutely not!
If we are eliminated by the pumpkins in the lower time and space, how can we have the face to continue messing around in the future!
The eyes of tens of thousands of testers changed all at once. This is related to the face of our fifth-level space-time testers, and we can't be eliminated by them even if we die!

The owner of Zhizi Palace continued to say calmly: "Everyone, hurry up and form a team and cooperate with each other. My team still has 72 vacancies. There is no need to fight for it. The lottery is decided."

The owner of Zhizi Palace flicked his index finger slightly, and a circle of light surrounded a large group of testers at the gate of Zhizi Palace, and began to draw lots.

Oops, the testers who An Xie failed to make it to the circle sighed secretly, they would have known that we had squeezed through just now!
The owners of the remaining six palaces also showed up one after another, doing the same thing and drawing lots.

Soon, seven teams of one hundred people were formed one after another.

After this good start, the rest of the teams joined together one after another, and a team of hundreds of people was assembled like this!

The rest of the trainees also abandoned their previous suspicions and quickly formed a team!
The masters of the seven palaces smiled lightly and communicated with Yaoyao.

The owner of the Yizi Palace: "Although today's chess game is a contest between our fifth-level time-space and the fourth-level time-space as a whole, the lower-level time-space is mostly like that. It's been a long time since we have competed, why don't we take this opportunity to have a good match?" fan."

The owner of Ninja Palace: "The fourth level of time and space is not counted as the lower level of time and space. It should still be two brushes. Our team members are good and bad, so we can't be careless."

The owner of Lianzi Palace: "Even if most of our team members are selected by lottery, our fifth-level time-space trialists are generally much stronger than the fourth-level time-space trialists, plus everyone around us There are at least three Golden Immortals, and a group of disciples that we have carefully cultivated. The overall strength can definitely crush the strongest team in the fourth layer of time and space. In my opinion, there are nine out of ten teams that have reached the final sixteen. There are no teams left."

The owner of the Tizi palace: "That's not the case. There must be masters in the fourth floor of time and space. It's not easy to stay in the endless tower."

The owner of Renzi Palace: "I'm really looking forward to having a team that can compete with us on the fourth floor of time and space."

The owner of the Palace of Filial Piety: "It's because of the same root, so why be too anxious. After all, we have the advantage of high-level time and space. It's not good to suppress too much."

The owner of the Zhizi Palace: "We have drawn lots to select the players. Since it is a competition, we must respect our opponents and play normally. As for the competition, there is no need. After all, the three lords of etiquette, faith, and loyalty are not here. , let's play a friendly match, and take a look at the strength of the four-tier space-time team by the way."

Yi: "A simple friendly match would be too boring, I'm not happy."

Lian: "Why don't we give it a shot? My team won the championship."

Ti: "Lian, you are enough of a money fanatic, I won't take you to play like this."

Xiao: "Looking at the rules of the world chess game, you can see that there are great chances in the game process, and it is not certain whose team will win the championship!"

Ren: "Xiao, you have five golden immortals, no wonder you are so confident, and my side is not bad! Let's just have a competition!"

Zhi: "Okay then."

Yi: "Our seven teams failed to enter the final eight to pay the bill; if they all enter the quarterfinals, then the last one will pay the bill, and the champion team will get a bonus."




(End of this chapter)

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