Interstellar Miner

Chapter 553 Primaries

Chapter 553 Preliminary Competition ([-])

The teams that signed up to participate in Tianxia Chess Game soon received the news that the venue has been prepared, and the official competition will begin next!

The opponents are all random. When playing chess, you can't see the real face of the opponent, only the representative chess pieces.To put it bluntly, the so-called randomness in the tower's mouth means that a team from the fourth floor of time and space will play against a random team from the fifth floor of time and space, that's what it means.

The chessboard is also random. The Tower Envoy divides several floors of the tower and arranges a huge chessboard. In terms of the chessboard, the Tower Envoy is not biased, and the information given is the same. The rest of the more detailed information needs each team. Constantly explore and explore during the game.

The first is the preliminary round. Each team will play ten rounds first. The team with less than three wins will be eliminated and lose the qualification for the Infinity Tower experience; the team with three wins can continue to participate in the next round robin.

Winning three out of ten rounds doesn't seem too difficult!

Most of the teams on the fourth floor of time and space secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, it is completely possible to ask the team that has already won three wins to let go. Anyway, even ten wins in ten rounds is not very useful, but it is thankless.

The four-tier space-time team with such a fluke idea was soon smashed!
After three rounds, take a break.

Four-tier space-time teams that lost all three rounds are everywhere!
Mo Xuan's team won three victories without any surprises, but they also clearly felt that the strength of the opponent's team was not weak, but Mo Xuan's team was obviously stronger.

It's the preliminary round, and Mo Xuan mainly focuses on training, getting to know the bottom line of each player in the team, and familiarizing himself with the rules of the world chess game, so as to be prepared.

The team on the fourth floor of time and space exchanged news and were all stunned!

Out of a total of 20 teams, there were only three teams that achieved three victories, and only a handful of other teams achieved two victories; there were only more than [-] teams that achieved one victory, and the rest of the teams lost three times!
No, there are so many three-lost teams, there is no reason!If there is a loss, there will be a win, but there are only so many winning teams!This... what's the situation?
impossible!This winning rate is too fake!
Could it be that the team that is playing against us is actually a team of tower envoys?That's why we're all doomed?
So, is it because the tower envoy deliberately suppressed us and deprived us of the right to try in the endless tower?too dark!
Protest, we protest!Serious protest!

The tower envoy quickly replied, the one who is playing against you is definitely not our tower envoy, it is guaranteed to be a team formed by the testers!
What?Also a tester?But aren’t the testers of our fourth level of time and space just like us? The other testers haven’t even received the invitation letter, so naturally it’s impossible to form a team to participate, so where did the team of those testers come from!
Wait!Since it's not the team of our fourth-level space-time trialists, is it the team of high-level time-space trialists?

Fuck!Nine times out of ten it's all right!It turned out to be like this!

The teams on the fourth level of time and space were all silent. Looking back on the previous three games, they couldn't help but look gloomy and had no temper.

Is the gap between our fourth-level time-space elites and the fifth-level time-space really that big?

If things go on like this, let alone three wins out of ten rounds, maybe even one win won't be won, shame on grandma's house!
no!Absolutely not!Even if it's for the face of our fourth-level time and space, we can't lose so much!

It's just...the elites on the fifth floor are really powerful and mighty, and the strength of the entire team is generally superior to ours. It's not easy to win back a city!
Under such circumstances, the teams from the fourth level of time and space didn't care about their face, so they had the cheek to ask the powerful Hua'an team, which had won all three games, how to play better in this chess game?Any tips, tricks or something?
They are all immortals of the fourth level of time and space. The chess game in the world is already related to the face of the fourth level of time and space.
Mo Xuan has nothing to hide, and publishing some of the experience he has summarized through these three rounds to the public can be regarded as selling favors to the various forces in the four layers of time and space.Now that the elites of the fifth level of time and space have emerged, the development of the fourth level of time and space should also be accelerated. After selling such a favor, all forces in the future will be embarrassed to unite to suppress the Four Immortals. For the development of the Four Immortals Still very helpful.

According to the situation of the first three games, the five-element attribute of the chess board in this world will be more or less biased, but overall it is relatively balanced!

The king commands the overall situation, and the overall planning ability is very important; the queen is at the king's side, protecting the king's safety; the prime minister assists the king; the governor is responsible for guarding one side, and must be carefully selected; You must be brave and decisive; chariots, horses, cannons, and shields must travel with the army, and you must not leave the main force to support at any time; you must use ideas in the attack of horns, gold, and silver, and you must dare to fight your opponent to the end!
Cavalrymen and infantrymen must not treat themselves as cannon fodder, even if they cannot fight one-on-one, at least one of them must be defeated if they fight together!
As the crown prince, the prince has a lot of privileges, don't let them sit idle, he can be the county magistrate, the lieutenant general, and he can use chariots, horses and cannons, go wherever there is a shortage of people!

The formation of troops before the game is very important. According to the terrain of the chessboard, the advantage of one's own team should be enlarged as much as possible.

The global iron barrel defense is easy to be opened by the opponent, so it is necessary to focus on partial defense and abandon some irrelevant positions.

Before the official game, the strength of the two sides will first be neutralized. It does not mean that the Xuanxian infantry can definitely defeat the opposing Celestial infantry.However, this does not mean that the Tianxian infantry can easily defeat the opponent Xuanxian infantry.

Even if Xuanxian and Tianxian are at the two ends of the balance, seemingly balanced, in fact, Xuanxian's experience and experience must surpass the heavenly immortals. In a head-on confrontation, whether it is a literary or martial battle, the heavenly immortals are at a disadvantage, let alone the earth immortals.

But, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, even if you can't fight, you can still fight half of the opponent's blood.Two clips and one clip can basically clip one to death!
Of course, it is easy to consume too much if you always play two and one, and it will be unsustainable in the middle and late stages.

Our four-tier space-time team is generally weaker than the four-tier space-time team, so head-to-head confrontation is definitely not worthwhile.

Therefore, our fourth-tier space-time team must learn to be tricky and focus on defense.You can deliberately open an opening to let the opponent enter, form an encirclement, implement the local strategy of fighting more and fighting less, clench your teeth and fight a protracted war with the opponent, and attack decisively when the opponent has a void. , If you can't beat it, you will die to the end, inflicting heavy damage on the enemy.

In addition, prepare the substitute camp, and the important pieces must actively attract the opponent's firepower. Even if they are sacrificed, the command system will not be messed up, and they will take the opportunity to fight back.

Clarify the main goal, use all you can in assault warfare, sparrow warfare, mobile warfare, ambush warfare, and siege warfare, sticking to the opponent like brown sugar, so that he can't be driven away and thrown away, confuse the opponent, and seize the opportunity Just take a bite of the meat, accumulate advantages bit by bit, and wait until the advantage is large enough, then form a team to fight, constantly consume the strength of the opponent, not afraid of hardships, not afraid of difficulties, and fight bloody battles with the opponent to the end!
Even if we still lose in the end, we still have to break one or two thighs and arms of our opponents to let them know how powerful we are!

It turns out that today's chess game can still be played like this!
In the previous three games, the tactics of the teams on the four levels of time and space were similar. They tested each other's strength at the beginning, and then set up formations to face each other head-on.
When the overall strength of the teams is about the same, such tactics are quite satisfactory and worth fighting for!It's just that the strength of our fourth-level time-space team is generally weaker than that of the fifth-level time-space team. Such tactics are too frivolous and impatient!
With the weak against the strong, of course only extraordinary methods can be used!It's just that we can't think of a good countermeasure.

As expected of Hua'an's great power, he came up with a wonderful countermeasure for us so quickly. He is really the No. [-] wise general of our four-level Time Tianzi!

The teams on the fourth floor of time and space raced against the clock to catch up and practice. The routines can only be effective if they are well practiced!

At this time, the teams from the fifth level of time and space were toasting to celebrate the victory.

Compared with the dismal record of the teams of the fourth floor, the record of the teams of the fifth floor is quite magnificent!

Most teams won three games, there were only twenty teams that lost one game, and only one team lost two games.

The team that lost two games was very embarrassed.

Team leader Qiu Junxia Xuanxian analyzed the reasons for the defeat objectively. The main reason was that there were no outstanding elites in the team who could turn the tide.

However, in the two lost rounds, the first round was too underestimating the enemy, the opponent team seized the loopholes and counterattacked strongly, was caught off guard, and then remained passive and failed to pull back; while in the second round, it was really powerless Ah, from the beginning to the end, they were beaten by the opponent team. Obviously the opponent team is still taking advantage of the opportunity to train, otherwise the game would have ended long ago.

It's been a long time since the game ended, and when the players thought back on the game, they still couldn't help but feel cold all over. Whether it was the overall situation or the local area, that team was a crushingly tough team, and they chopped us up like they were playing!

Looking at the other teams' high-spirited pumpkins clamoring to continue cutting vegetables in the next few rounds, the pumpkins on the fourth floor of time and space lost all their confidence and rolled out of the Infinity Tower in despair. The team members can only complain secretly. This is you! There are no real masters in the fourth layer of time and space. If you meet that strong team, it will be enough for you to drink a pot!

It's a pity that our team has lost two games. We are the only team in the fifth floor of time and space. We have been deliberately alienated by other teams. We don't have any right to speak, so we can only sit in a corner, quietly licking our wounds, and wait for the next round. fight back.

Let's start the next round quickly!We can't lose again!
The master of Zhizi Palace walked out of the palace with his hands behind his back, and his eyes glanced around.

The noisy square fell silent, and all the trainees looked at the master of Zhizi Palace, waiting patiently for him to speak.

The calm voice of the master of Zhizi Palace spread throughout the square: "In the first three rounds, everyone's record is very good. The trialists on the fourth floor of time and space should have guessed that their opponent is us. I don't want to lose the endless tower trial like this Quan, they will definitely fight to the death, everyone should not take it lightly, and deal with it carefully. Winning is not arrogant, and losing is not discouraged."

After saying the word Zhi, the master of the palace turned around and returned to the palace.

Although it is generally not believed that the pumpkin team on the fourth floor of time and space can turn the bubble, but the dog can jump the wall in a hurry, we really can't be too careless.Venerable Zhi is worthy of being the chief wise general of our fifth-level space-time, so there is nothing to say about the overall situation of strategizing!
The team of the fifth-level time and space cleared up their mood and recharged their batteries.

The teams from the fourth level of time and space are all holding their breath, waiting for their shame to be avenged. Why are they fighting against the teams of the fifth level of time and space!
Two days later, the world chess game started again!

(End of this chapter)

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