Interstellar Miner

Chapter 554 Primaries

Chapter 554 Preliminary Competition ([-])

After the lottery is completed, each team is in its place.

Even if we know that the team on the fourth floor will have to fight to the death, the team on the fifth floor is still the gods. Our team, from the king to the infantry, has such an advantage as a whole. Isn't this kind of tailwind just to cut melons and vegetables casually? What's the point? worried.

Compared with the leisurely mood of the fifth-level space-time team, the fourth-level time-space team is in full swing, racing against time to study the map, deploy troops, and not miss any tiny details, and take advantage of all the advantages that can be used.

The fourth round officially begins!
The team on the fifth floor of time and space is advancing triumphantly, let's push the pumpkin team on the fourth floor to death with a regular push!

The team from the fourth level of time and space began to play dirty according to the well-trained routine, but they did not confront the team from the fifth level of time and space head-on.

Um?What's the matter?The team at the fifth floor of time and space is a little upset. The pumpkin time and space at the fourth floor knew that they were invincible, so they deliberately retreated!What's the use of this, isn't it the difference between early death and late death!
Gradually, the team on the fifth floor of time and space realized that something was wrong!What's the matter, the team on the fourth floor of time and space is like brown sugar, we feel that we are too powerful but we can't use it!

During the game, there is no way to contact the outside world. The team on the fifth floor of time and space does not know that this is a common situation. When they encounter particularly difficult people, they can only continue to entangle.

Qiu Junxia's team is too obsessed with victory. They are full of firepower at the beginning of the game, trying to win a victory as soon as possible, but things go against their wishes. The opponent just doesn't follow your wishes.

Qiu Junxia's team had already suffered from carelessness, and they didn't dare to advance too aggressively, so they could only patiently confront their opponents, but gradually, something went wrong, and the obviously weak opponents gradually accumulated enough advantages to start a wave A powerful counterattack!
Qiu Junxia's team forcibly cheered up and resisted with great difficulty, but it was already at the end of their strength.When the opponent took a rest and launched a full-scale counterattack again, Qiu Junxia's team could not continue, and tragically lost this crucial round.

how so?The morale of Qiu Junxia's team was even lower, and he lost the fifth round in a daze, and his opponent had similar tactics.

Why!OK?Is the team on the fourth floor of time and space determined to use soft tactics?Qiu Junxia woke up with a jolt, and hurriedly mustered up his morale. As for the countermeasures, there were no particularly good countermeasures.If the opponent wants to be soft and hard, we can only be soft and hard here, and we must be more soft and hard than the opponent!
In the sixth game, Qiu Junxia's team worked desperately, and finally succeeded in grinding the opponent to death!It's really not easy, but this round of three rounds is one win and two losses, it's really embarrassing!

Qiu Junxia's team returned to the square listlessly, huh?Why is the atmosphere so bad?

As soon as Qiu Junxia's team inquired about it, they realized that in this round of three games, the records of the teams in the fifth level of time and space were not very good. There were only eleven teams that could win three victories, and a small half of the teams won two victories. A small half of the teams won one game, and even a few teams lost all three games, squatting in the corner in gloom and thinking about their past.

Qiu Junxia's team was also a little confused. The team on the fourth floor of time and space must not be all soft and hard tactics, it is indeed difficult enough.After all, the game of Tianxia Chess is not a simple competition of strength. The strength of the two teams will be neutralized first. To a certain extent, the two teams are indeed evenly matched, and no one can definitely crush the other.

The master of the Zhizi Palace came forward at the right time and analyzed: "Through the six games, everyone has already seen that, even if the testers of the fourth-level time and space are not as good as our fifth-level time-space, they are not much different. Once the enemy is underestimated, it is inevitable that there will be neglected."

The trialists of the fifth level of time and space are looking eagerly at the master of Zhizi Palace, venerable, how should we deal with it?

The master of Zhizi Palace smiled lightly, and said: "I have to say that the countermeasures of the fourth layer of time and space are very targeted, and they have played their own advantages as much as possible, weakened our advantages, and then formed locally. In this situation, if you are not patient enough, it is easy to get frustrated. Of course, this trick also has its own unique shortcomings, and I will give you a brief introduction."

"First of all, patience is a must. Since the opponent is determined to fight hard, then let's not try to end the battle as soon as possible, and compete with the opponent slowly."

"Then we have to focus on the key points. The opponent wants to fight more locally and less. When arranging troops, they will definitely have a focus. As long as they catch their focus and strike hard, they will naturally disrupt the opponent's deployment and seize the first place." machine."

"Secondly, the opponent always advances by retreating. We must not advance rashly. We need to fight steadily and steadily, and accumulate advantages bit by bit. When the advantages are sufficient, we can attack with the whole army, and we will not give the opponent a chance to fight against the beast!"

"In the end, the chessboard is dead, and people are alive. How to fight, everyone should think about it and brainstorm."

After finishing speaking, the master of Zhizi Palace turned around and returned to the palace.

The trialists of the fifth layer of time and space have benefited a lot. They are no longer impetuous, and they are all elite talents who are no longer impetuous and study the chessboard, tactics, and countermeasures. They really figured out a lot of good ideas.

There are still four rounds in the preliminary round. Our original intention is to cut four layers of pumpkins. If there is no impressive record, it will be a joke. We must win the championship!

At this time, the four-layer space-time teams were not idle. Although they had more or less won one or two of the three games in the second round, it was so difficult to win, and few teams had won three games.

Moreover, the team at the fifth level of time and space will definitely have some countermeasures, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to win the next game.We can't think of a good way to do it, so we can only humbly ask Hua'an Da Neng for advice. What should we do next?

Mo Xuan didn't have a good solution either. To tell the truth: "With the overall advantage of the fifth-level space-time team, we actually don't have many countermeasures, and it is even more difficult to win. In the next game, the fifth-level time-space team has a lot to offer." We may be very patient and play steadily. In this way, our previous tactics will be limited, and it will easily become a battle of trapped animals, which is thankless. Therefore, in the next game, we must also use extraordinary methods."

"I have thought of a few clever strategies for everyone. It doesn't mean that it will work if you use it. You have to adapt to local conditions and choose the most suitable one according to the characteristics of your opponent."

"First, it's a common phenomenon that our fourth-level time-space team is weaker than the fifth-level time-space team. The fifth-level time-space team will inevitably have a sense of superiority. Once they gain a certain advantage, they will open up and fight together. Confront them head-on, and once you lose, it will be the end of the world and there is no way to recover."

"So, we have to recognize the status quo, don't fight with them, we can give up the main area, break it up into parts, disperse all over the place, and use small forces to constantly harass the opponent. Fight, the enemy retreats and we chase; stride forward and retreat, lure the enemy deep, concentrate our forces, and defeat each one."

"Secondly, you can also show the enemy's weakness, turn the tiger away from the mountain, wait until the opponent relaxes, and then attack him by surprise, bite off a large piece of the opponent's flesh, and then continue to fight in a roundabout way, just to make the opponent feel better."

"Thirdly, to capture the thief, you need to capture the king. You can concentrate superior forces, destroy the opponent's command system, and even exchange your own king and queen. Therefore, our combat plan must be implemented on individuals. Even if the command system collapses, it will still be the same. They can quickly organize themselves, form a certain combat power, and fight the enemy to the end.”

"Fourth, decisively go deep into the enemy's rear and lengthen the front line, making it difficult for the enemy to take care of both ends, and chaos is prone to mistakes."

"The things I mentioned can be used in combination, and these tactics are not the only ones. The chessboard is dead, but the people are alive. How to fight specifically requires everyone to use their brains, draw inferences from one instance, and brainstorm. The enemy is very powerful, but we Not weak either! Come on everyone!"

The trialists on the fourth floor of time and space nodded viciously. You have Hua'an Da Neng to help you make suggestions. We are not elm-headed. We already know how to deal with powerful enemies. , It is even more about our face in the fourth layer of time and space, fighting with the team of the fifth layer of time and space!
The third round of the preliminary round started again!
Both the teams from the fourth and fifth levels of time and space gathered their strength, and with the belief that they must never lose, they collided fiercely!
The team at the fifth level of time and space is fighting steadily, expanding their advantages bit by bit. They can't help but secretly admire it. As expected of the wise venerable, the strategy they formulated is too targeted. Pumpkins at the fourth level of time and space, you have nothing to turn over!
The team on the fourth level of time and space also admired secretly. As expected by Hua An Da Neng, the opponent wants to play steadily. Hehe, we have practiced many times in simulated duels, let's start now!

Qiu Junxia's team was secretly delighted, the random opponent this time was obviously not very good, as long as they played steadily, they should be sure to win this game.Who would have thought that just after he breathed a sigh of relief, the opponents would start to make dazzling changes, hey hey hey, it's such a mess, what are they trying to do?
No matter how flexible they are, let's continue to fight steadily!

However, as the camp gradually deepened, the situation became complicated and confusing, and it felt like wars were raging everywhere on the chessboard.

The commander-in-chief Qiu Junxia was dazzled, often just after the combat order in one direction was issued, the enemy on that side had already retreated, and the other side started fighting again, which was simply unresponsive!

Helpless, Qiu Junxia can only focus on the key points and find the opponent's loopholes, hey, there it is!The opponent team is playing in full swing, and their king's defense is very lax. Capture the thief first, and kill their king!

Qiu Junxia's team paid a certain price and finally defeated the opponent's king. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Qiu Junxia, ​​the king, was also surrounded by the opponent unknowingly. Although he resisted desperately, he was still defeated by the opponent regardless of consumption. up!
This... Qiu Junxia left the team in a daze, and could only watch the next game. Hey, what's going on?The opponent's Wang Mingming is gone, but the coordination of the whole team has not been affected. On the other hand, his own team is in a mess, and the successor king is completely confused and attacks indiscriminately.Originally had a certain advantage, but failed in these few attacks, it turned into a disadvantage!

What's the matter!Qiu Junxia was secretly anxious, our team has lost enough, we can't lose any more, please, don't mess yourself up!

No matter how anxious Qiu Junxia was, he had left the team and could only watch.As the saying goes, the viewer is clear, Qiu Junxia has a little understanding of the opponent's strategy, and the previous king-for-king is probably the opponent's deliberate move.Oops, they are going to repeat the old trick again, don't be fooled!

It's a pity that the succeeding king thought that his opponent finally showed his weakness, so he attacked decisively and defeated the opponent's king, and he himself was also defeated!
The successor king was teleported to Qiu Junxia's side, took a breath, and asked Qiu Junxia: "Captain, I killed the opponent's king, our team's disadvantage should be restored!"

The corner of Qiu Junxia's mouth twitched, and he said bitterly, "You can see for yourself."

The successor king's heart skipped a beat, and after watching the ensuing battle for a while, his face suddenly turned pale, it's broken!

Sure enough, the ensuing battle was completely one-sided. The teams from the four layers of time and space quickly assembled. The chaotic Qiu Junxia team was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

Lost, lost again!The morale of Qiu Junxia's team, which had finally been built up with great difficulty, suddenly fell again.

Qiu Junxia took a deep breath, clapped his hands, and impassionedly boosted morale: "Everyone, don't be confused, I have seen through the strategy of the fourth-level space-time team, that's what it is, as long as I don't fall for it, they will have nothing to do with us! Lose one The game is not terrible, but I am afraid that even the morale will be lost! Everyone cheer up and win the next round!"

The low morale finally roused again!

(End of this chapter)

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