Chapter 556
Everyone knows that before the game of Chess World begins, the strengths of the two sides will be neutralized, but to what extent this neutralization will have an impact on the simulated battle between the two sides, it is not easy to know!

After winning five consecutive victories, Mo Xuan handed over the commanding power, and turned to serve as various chess pieces, so as to observe and explore the neutralization rules of the world chess game more conveniently.

The sixth round was commanded by Yun Yuan Jia Jinxian and won easily; the seventh round was commanded by Shui Wu, who defended impeccably and pushed the opponent to death steadily; the eighth round was commanded by Changsun Ancheng and won easily; The game was directed by Zhuge Tianyou, who was stubbornly resisted by the opponent, but still won the opponent steadily and steadily.

In the last round of the preliminary round, Mo Xuan planned to let Xiaoyun practice his skills, but Xiaoyun was not interested at all and didn't want to get involved.

Kong Wuming took the initiative to invite Ying, let me come, my hands are already itchy!

It stands to reason that Kong Wuming is now an Earth Immortal, how can he be qualified to fight with a group of Profound Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, and even Golden Immortals.But, Kong Wuming's fierce performance in the Xianyuan Conference of the Four Immortals was obvious to all, this little guy is amazing!
Mo Xuan agreed, take it easy, the opponent is not weak.

Kong Wuming smiled and rubbed his hands, master, don't worry, wrap it on me.

After the map was selected, Kong Wuming looked at it, but it was a chessboard with water attributes, the home field of Water Dance!
Kong Wuming then began to line up troops, first setting Shuiwu Da Neng as the general, and then the two queens. Although they are just titles, since they are queens, of course beauties are the priority. Senior sister Mi Yashuang and monk Mengyu Uncle; the three princes, let’s go to Senior Brother Ancheng, Brother Ge Tianyou, and Senior Brother Shi Binyuan!
Then there are the four governors, let the master and the three uncles be in charge; the master is a super killer, let's be the king who kills the Quartet!
Then Yun Yuan Jia Jinxian Da Neng is the prime minister; Zhou Fang Da Neng, the strongest defense, is a professional shield; the rest...

The formation of troops is completed, and the next step is to set up the formation!
Kong Wuming stroked his chin and scanned the chessboard again and again, deducing with all his strength and simulating the formation.

The team members waited patiently. The deduction ability of the Earth Immortal is still relatively limited. Of course, the little guy Kong Wuming is not an ordinary person. The ordinary Xuanxian may not be able to deduce him!

Have!Kong Wuming clapped his hands together, and the formation started, it looked a bit messy!No one felt that Kong Wuming was arranging the formation indiscriminately.

Mo Xuan glanced around for a while, and couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled. The little guy has a way. Knowing that his calculation ability is limited, he deliberately arranged a square formation. Each square has a conductor who is proficient in deduction. Just command those commanders!Moreover, the arrangement of this camp is quite ingenious. If the opponent is not cautious enough and follows his way, he will be unable to eat and walk away!

Yizun's team is also commanded by Yizun's third disciple Tian Haoqiong.

A little Daoist, four golden immortals, a large number of senior Xuanxians, a group of elite angels, such a luxurious lineup, it is really difficult to lose!

Tian Haoqiong let go of his hands and feet, and formed his troops.Hey, if you want to play, you can play big and completely destroy the confidence of your opponent!
Arranging troops like this is a little too aggressive, the powerful people in the team frowned secretly.

Yizun just smiled lightly and let the three disciples do what they want. Young people, how can you do it without any drive? Even if there is any risk, don't we still have us!
Game start.

The two teams couldn't help being stunned when they saw the opponent's camp. What is the opponent doing?
Kong Wuming touched his chin, the opponent's camp is too domineering, do you think we are Chinese cabbage, we can cut it as we want?
Tian Haoqiong was also amazed. The teams he met before were all strictly defensive, but this opponent's defense is full of loopholes. Is this clearly a stalker?Interested?Can't we change it up a bit?Forget it, in the face of our absolute strength, any conspiracy is nonsense!

Tian Haoqiong curled his lips, regardless of the opponent, and attacked directly!Why?The opponent also attacked with an army?With your loose defense, you dare to attack?Are you here to be funny?
Sure enough, the opponent rushed over aggressively, and on the way, the soldiers split into two groups and interspersed with their own base camp!Tian Haoqiong smiled coldly, ignored them, and directly directed the large troops to rush into the opponent's base camp.

This opponent is really reckless, he got into the cloth cover without even trying to seduce him, Kong Wuming smiled, then we will not be polite!
The large army divided into two groups immediately killed the carbine, trying to rely on favorable terrain and formation to encircle the opponent's large army.

It turned out that the opponent had this intention, Tian Haoqiong curled his lips in disdain, the tactics are quite good, this encirclement is enough to trap the general five-layer space-time alignment, but it's a pity that you met us!

Tian Haoqiong commanded the troops to divide into two groups, charging towards two directions!

Kong Wuming frowned slightly, the opponents are so bold to attack, if they fail to attack, they will be surrounded by us, but they still attack so decisively, either because they are blindly confident, or they really have two brushes!

Hmph, it's better to cut off one finger than to hurt the enemy's ten fingers!Kong Wuming combined a large force and pursued fiercely towards the enemy!
Zhou Fang led the team to rely on the terrain to block the enemy, and the leader of Shui Wu set up a net to pursue!
One part of Tian Haoqiong's army slammed into Zhou Fang's defensive formation without stopping!
As the saying goes, an expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move!

Tian Haoqiong was taken aback, the opponent's defensive camp was so-so, but one of them didn't break through the opponent's defense line at once, the opponent is really not a vegetarian!
Kong Wuming was also taken aback. If he hadn't had the strongest defense and his defenses were still strong, the defense might have been smashed by the opposing army in one fell swoop!

On the other side, the second division of the enemy army has begun to aggressively attack the city, and the local troops are no match at all!

Fortunately, Shui Wu's troops have already caught up with the enemy's army. As long as they severely injure the enemy's army, it will not be a loss!

Tian Haoqiong took his time and commanded a part to disperse into five teams to break through the encirclement separately.

Kong Wuming also commanded the army to trap all the enemy troops to death as much as possible!
The two sides fought fiercely!
A total of three teams in Tian Haoqiong successfully broke through the siege, and the two teams were besieged to death, and the loss was not small.Tian Haoqiong frowned, this opponent is not weak, he is a bit underestimating the enemy, but the two consecutive victories have brought back the disadvantage of the first one!

Kong Wuming gritted his teeth. Although he managed to eat two teams of the enemy's first team, the price was not small. Moreover, three teams of the enemy's first team successfully broke through and converged in the direction of the second team.This battle was tactically successful, but it didn't gain much practical benefit!The overall strength of the opponent team is so strong!
Thinking of his bragging before the game, Kong Wuming took a deep breath and gritted his teeth secretly. He must not let his bragging become a joke. The opponent team is very strong, but our team is also very strong, who is afraid of anyone!I still have a lot of trump cards that I haven't used yet!

Kong Wuming immediately commanded the troops to attack, on the one hand to hinder the offensive of the second enemy army, and on the other hand to cut off the escape route of the remnants of the first enemy army, preventing the two enemy troops from converging together and destroying them one by one!

Looking at the overall situation, Mo Xuan found that his side was still a little weaker, but he did not interfere with Kong Wuming's command, and it was not easy to interfere.As gold on the chessboard, Mo Xuan is a chess piece that unilaterally accepts and executes orders. Only the king can command overall, and the rest of the prime ministers, generals, and governors can only command a certain number of troops and cannot overstep.

The tug-of-war between the two sides went all over the place!
Tian Haoqiong's forehead was slightly sweating, the opponent's strange layout gradually became weird, and the space for his own troops to move around was getting smaller and smaller, it would be too bad to go on like this!The situation is not good, what should I do?

Tian Haoqiong sighed secretly, um, I didn't want to take advantage of our team's high-end combat power, but now I can't use it!
Master, brothers and sisters, please attack!
Everyone in Yizun is calm and composed, it's boring to be idle all the time, it's rare that we need to be dispatched.

Kong Wuming wiped the sweat from his brow, the opponents are so tough, if they rush out, the situation of closing the door and beating dogs that has been created with great difficulty will be in vain!Master, Master Uncle, Master Master, please.

Mo Xuan and his party also dispatched together.

In the four key areas, the high-end combat forces of the two sides collided fiercely!
Jin vs. Jin, although Mo Xuan has eaten his opponent hard, Mo Xuan's HP is only 20.00%; Mo Que'er only has 17.00% HP; Kong Ling only has 5.00% HP ; Yun Yuanjia was eaten by the opponent, and the opponent still had a full 40.00% of Wu's HP left!
This collision was like sparks hitting the earth, and both sides were shocked!

Tian Haoqiong's eyeballs bulged all of a sudden, what the hell?The three Jinxian brothers were all defeated by their opponents?Even Shizun lost more than half of his HP!How can this be?

Kong Wuming was also taken aback. Uncle and Master had lost some blood, and Master only had a little HP left. Not only was Yun Yuanjia Golden Immortal's power eaten, but the opponent still had nearly [-] blood left. Half health!
Good guy!It is impossible for Yunyuanjia Jinxian to underestimate the enemy, it only shows that the opponent is really inhumanly strong!
In any case, Master and the others' attack still had a miraculous effect, and if the opportunity was not lost, Kong Wuming immediately changed his formation and tried his best to trap them to death!

However, Tian Haoqiong's reaction was a little slower. In the end, only the team led by Yizun successfully broke through, while the rest of the troops were besieged.

Tian Haoqiong's face turned livid. Comparing the remaining strength of the two sides, one's own side is already at a considerable disadvantage, after all, there is still work to be done!Tian Haoqiong commanded the troops to return to the base camp to rest and build a defensive front.

Yizun's face was not very good-looking, and the three Jinxian disciples were all defeated by the opponent. Even if the opponent had the advantage of the local terrain, it was impossible for all three of them to be Jinxian-level powers!Maybe, the team from the fourth layer of time and space is the strongest one!However, Tian Haoqiong's apprentice was a little reckless at the beginning, which gradually led to a disadvantage.If our team loses to the team of the fourth layer of time and space, then the face of our Yide Hall will be lost!

Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help but secretly frowned, good guy, there are so many masters in the opponent team, if we fight off those three, they might all be golden immortals.Tsk tsk, as expected of the fifth layer of time and space, golden immortals are worthless!Fortunately, the strengths of the two sides have been neutralized, otherwise the three of us may not be able to defeat our opponent Jinxian Da Neng!Although Yun Yuanjia's tenth stage is a low-rank Jinxian with mediocre combat power, how can he be a Jinxian, and he only lost half of the opponent's HP?
Didn't the Tower of Infinity not allow Mr. Xiaodao to enter the experience?Is it allowed to enter on the fifth floor of Time and Space Xiaodao Lord?It's not impossible!

Regardless of whether that master is Xiaodaojun or Jinxian Daoist, it is absolutely no small matter, and we will definitely be tough enough to face him!

Kong Wuming consolidated the team, did not give the opponent a chance to build a good defense line, and directly attacked with the whole army, fighting the opponent to the end.

Tian Haoqiong gritted his teeth and commanded the troops to fight steadily. It's just that he was used to playing in the advantageous round, so it would be awkward to play in the disadvantaged round!

Kong Wuming touched his chin, hey, the opponent's defensive ability is obviously a bit weak, here's a chance!Fuck him!

The two sides fought fiercely.

The veins on Tian Haoqiong's forehead were throbbing, but he could only watch helplessly as the great rivers and mountains were continuously occupied by the enemy, and the final desperate attack failed to achieve results, even the master was pinched to death by the opponent with three clamps!
Tian Haoqiong persisted until the last moment, but what's the use of it, if you lose, you lose!

Tian Haoqiong's face was ashen, and he lowered his head, really ashamed to see his master and his brothers.

Yizun was silent for a moment, and said: "Although this round is training, but Haoqiong, you are too aggressive and underestimated the enemy. After you go back, reflect on yourself. Losing a game is not a big deal. The opponent's team is quite good. Sooner or later We will meet again, and then we will find the place again."

Tian Haoqiong raised his head and gritted his teeth in response, but he also knew that he had been defeated this time. What Master said in the end was that we should get back the game, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to get back the game that I lost!I regret it!
Kong Wuming wiped off the sweat on his face, and claimed the credit with a pompous air: "I'll just say it, wrap it on me, won't it be taken!"

Kong Ling gave him an annoyed look, "Go, go, fight like this, what's so great about it, if the opponent didn't take the enemy too lightly, you would have taken advantage of him at the beginning, and you would have firmly occupied the ground, The outcome is unpredictable!
Mo Xuan smiled and said: "The opponent is not weak, Wuming, you can win if you are strong, this time I will credit you!"

Kong Wuming smiled innocently, thank you Master!
(End of this chapter)

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