Interstellar Miner

Chapter 557 Round Robin

Chapter 557 Round Robin

The primaries are all over!
A total of eleven teams in the fourth floor of time and space failed to win three victories, so they could only collect a small amount of rewards from the tower envoy to pack up and leave.They are not discouraged, we do have a lot of deficiencies, after returning home, we will work hard to make up for it!
The rest are not too happy about it. The gap between the fourth-level time-space and the fifth-level time-space is obvious. The preliminary round is just an appetizer, and the next battle is the real meat. The situation is still not optimistic!
Hua'an Da Neng's team won all ten games, and there are not many teams in the fifth-level space-time team that can win all ten games. I can only sigh that Hua'an Da Neng really deserves it!
After the eleven teams go back, the news that the Tower of Infinity will hold the World Chess Game will definitely spread throughout the fourth-level time-space, and the contest between our fourth-level time-space and the fifth-level time-space will definitely attract everyone's attention!
If they can show their faces at such critical moments, they will be developed. Of course, the team that gets the most attention is Hua'an Da Neng's team.It would be great if we were in Hua'an's powerful team, but unfortunately, if there is no if, we can only grit our teeth and fight to the end with the fifth level of time!

There was also a team in the fifth level of time and space that was very unlucky. They won two wins in the first round and lost all eight rounds. They could only be eliminated and left in despair.

Qiu Junxia's team still lost in the last game, winning three out of ten games. Fortunately, they were not eliminated, but they couldn't hold their heads up. The eliminated teams will not feel ashamed.

It was beyond everyone's expectation that Yizun's team lost a game, but in that round, Yizun's third disciple was the commander-in-chief, and he was too aggressive and underestimated the enemy, so he lost.But this also shows that the teams on the fourth floor of time and space are not all pumpkins and fish belly, there are still powerful masters!

In terms of time and space on the fifth floor, because there will be trialists leaving the Tower of Infinity, the whole people has long begun to pay attention to the chess game of the Tower of Infinity, and countless markets have been opened.Among them, Zhizun has the highest voice, and the other six also have a large number of fans.

Everyone is waiting to see.

The four inspectors of the Infinity Tower are also holding a meeting.

There are [-] teams in the fourth layer of time and space. At the end of the preliminary round, only [-] teams have been eliminated, which is not impressive!

In the final analysis, the Xuanxian named Hua An in the fourth layer of time and space is enough evil, the strategy formulated three times has supported the confidence and backbone of the team of the fourth layer of time and space, and almost reversed the defeat of the fourth layer of time and space team on his own!
Supervisor You Lan smiled sweetly, she had really dug up a treasure, hehe, the bet that was bound to lose finally has a certain chance of winning!Hua An, I am very optimistic about you.

The other three inspectors looked at You Lan's bright smiling face, and couldn't help curling their lips. Even if Hua An's team has a good record, this is the preliminary round, right? There is something to say about the semifinals!

You Lan put away her smile and said, "Let's get down to business, how will the elimination criteria be determined for the next round-robin match?"

Overseer You Ming suggested: "Three wins out of ten rounds have already been used once, and it is hard to convince the crowd again. There are a total of twenty rounds in the round-robin round, let's change it to four out of twenty rounds!"



Although the time and space of the fourth floor was much slower and the information flow was not smooth, the eleven teams returned at the same time, and the news they brought back set off an endless frenzy.

People in the fourth level of time and space have been idle for thousands of years. The last time the whole people paid attention to it was the Xianyuan Conference of the Four Immortals. Before that, it was the peak duel between Hua'an Da Neng and Lei Batian Da Neng. This time, the Endless Tower held the World Chess Game , It is the fierce collision of two time and space, such a scene is so lively, ordinary immortals will never come across it in a few lifetimes!
Although our fourth-level teams are generally weak, eleven teams were eliminated in the preliminary round, and it will definitely be more difficult in the future, but our fourth-level team also has a Hua'an team that has won all ten games!
Even if Hua'an's powerful team wins the championship, at least there is still a lot of hope to reach the top sixteen, eight or even four, and it may not be hopeless to hit the championship!
You know, that's Hua'an Da Neng. In Hua'an Da Neng, there is no such word as impossible!

Moreover, Hua'an Da Neng is not fighting alone. The other three legendary masters of the Four Immortals are all there, and there are such outstanding disciples. The first water dancing power, the second place in the Xuanbang Zhou Fang power, a gathering of heroes, is definitely a fight against the powerful team of the upper five layers of time and space!
Because the battle in the Infinity Tower cannot be broadcast live, the major forces can only play the video of the preliminary round in a loop, which is still exciting.

The ten games of the Huaan team were played over and over again, especially the tenth game, the opponent was so outstanding, but the Huaan team still won!

And Kong Wuming, the little guy who once shocked the entire four layers of time and space, became popular again, and many maidens have sworn that they would not marry Kong Wuming!

The enthusiasm of the entire fourth-level space-time has been mobilized, and everyone is waiting to see how far the Hua'an powerful team can go?Looking forward to it!
The powers of the four layers of time and space work together to analyze the mechanism of the chess game in the world. With a large number of people and great strength, it is really easy to analyze.

It's a pity that the Infinity Tower can only go out but not in for the time being, and there is no way to pass the information in.

After discussing with the three little Taoist Lords, Chi Min, Hei Hong, and Zhan Hongbo, Qingyu Xiaodaojun announced the latest decision soon!
In short, from now on, it is no longer an indefinite period for the trainees to enter the Infinity Tower to practice, and the number of years is strictly controlled!Our fourth-level time and space cannot be underestimated by the fifth-level time and space!

Golden Immortals can experience up to 2000 years, Xuanxian 1000 years, Immortals 500 years, Immortal Cultivators are limited to less than 300 years!Although you can't control the inside and outside of the Endless Tower, you can only rely on the self-awareness of the tester, but if any tester exceeds the [-]% limit, someone will talk to you after leaving the tower!

This decision has won the support of almost everyone in the fourth level of time and space. Even if there is a little opposition, the four little Taoists are the heavens of the fourth level of time and space, and it is their four masters who have the final say!
The four little Taoists are also full of expectations. Boy Huaan has brought us many surprises. This time it is about our face in the fourth layer of time and space. Boy Huaan, it is all up to you!
Tower of Infinity.

The four inspectors jointly announced the competition system for the next round robin.

Round robin is truly random.There are 94 remaining teams in the fourth layer of time and space and 51 teams in the fifth layer of time and space. A total of 140 five teams are all broken up and randomly selected opponents.

Each team will play a total of 32 rounds, and the top [-] will be selected according to the winning percentage to advance. The team that has played [-] rounds but failed to win four games will lose the qualification for the Infinity Tower Trial.

After all ten battles and three victories in the fourth level of time and space, the remaining teams couldn't help but roll their eyes. In the end, we are still in danger of being eliminated!But with four wins in [-] rounds, as long as you are not too unlucky, you can still fight for it!

The entire four layers of time and space are paying attention to us. If we are eliminated, we will lose all face!Nothing to say, fight!

There were twenty rounds of games, and the interval between each round was not long.This is not a joke, it is a great challenge to the physical strength and energy of each team!

Most of the teams in the fourth layer of time and space have no requirements, and ensuring four wins is the first priority, and then talk about other things!

There's nothing to be ashamed of, the team of the fourth level of time and space routinely ask Hua'an Da Neng for advice.

Mo Xuan analyzed: "The performance of the fifth-level time-space team in the preliminary round was not satisfactory, and they will definitely find their way back in this round-robin match. Therefore, if you encounter a fifth-level time-space team in the first few rounds, you should focus on defense. It doesn't matter if you lose. Constantly consume their energy and vigor, and start to exert their strength in the middle and late stages, stalking, and winning a game is a game. Cough, if our own team hits it, don’t die, try to make a quick decision, everyone got it."

Must understand!

Although the opponents of each team are randomly selected, and the opponents only display chess pieces throughout the whole process, without revealing their true faces, it is not clear which team the opponent is in which layer of time and space, but well, there are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom. There is no need to elaborate, anyway, our own team should not fight internally!

After half a month of simple rest, the intense and intense round-robin competition officially started!

One round a day, the first round of five rounds will soon be over.

The teams in the fifth layer of time and space have pretty good records, their morale is high,

Zhizun came forward and said that everyone performed very well, don't be paralyzed and careless, and make persistent efforts.

The trialists of the fifth-level time and space are deeply convinced that there are only five rounds, and our goal is always the same: to eliminate as many teams as possible from the fourth-level thinking!

The teams on the fourth floor of time and space are not in a hurry, take the time to rest and recharge their batteries.

In the next round of five games, the team on the fifth level of time and space will not be so relaxed, so they gritted their teeth and held on!
After ten rounds of hard work, the team on the fifth floor of time and space is a bit strenuous, exhausting a lot of energy, so take the time to rest.

The third round of the five-game game is here again.

The team at the fifth level of time and space forcibly cheered up and fought to the end.

They had been waiting for work at ease, and the timing was just right. The teams on the fourth floor of time and space sounded the horn of a big counterattack one after another, and began to explode collectively.

The record of the four-tier space-time team jumped up immediately!
The fifth-level time-space team finally figured out the strategy of the fourth-level time-space team, but they had more than enough energy and were helpless.

In the last round of the game, both sides used their breastfeeding strength to fight to the end, each winning or losing.

As more and more games are played, each team's understanding of the chess game in the world is getting deeper and deeper, and the tactics are becoming more and more varied, and many wonderful games have been played!

The final score came out.

Six teams from the fourth layer of time and space have won three wins, and the rest of the teams have won at least four wins, which is not bad.

One of the teams in the fifth layer of time and space was unlucky, and only won two wins, and the total record was the last.

The highlight is the top 32!

The Moxuan team ranked first with a record of [-] wins in [-] matches.

The top eight and the remaining seven are from the team of the Venerable Ten Virtues Hall.Among them, the teams of Zhizun and Xiaozun also tied for first place with a record of [-] victories, and the other five teams all won [-] of [-] games, tied for fourth place.

On the fourth floor, apart from the Moxuan team, only two Jinxian teams broke into the top 32, one 32th and the other [-]nd, with less than one-tenth of the shares.

It is conceivable that in the next match, our three teams on the fourth floor of time and space will face all kinds of pincer attacks, and it will be very thankless.

Thinking about our round robin competition, we have achieved not a bad record. If our three teams are besieged, well, except for Hua'an's team that can break out of the siege, the two Jinxian's team will probably be able to break out of the siege early. have to be eliminated.In the end, it still depends on Hua'an's ability!

The four inspectors are meeting again.

The round robin is over, and only seven teams have been eliminated in total, which is not impressive.It is really unreasonable to adopt an elimination mechanism for the next top 32, so let's compete seriously!
Of course, it is impossible to play a chess game today just to simply eliminate someone, and more importantly, to screen out the talents of generals!

The four supervisors finished their discussions and announced the next competition system together.

The top eight teams are selected as seeds and dispersed among eight groups, and the rest of the teams are randomized. The top two teams in each group will advance to the next round; then they will play against each other, and the winner will advance to the final championship and runner-up match!

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, isn't this similar to the football World Cup system, what a joke!
(End of this chapter)

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