Chapter 558

As soon as the round robin competition ended, the people of the fifth level of time and space soon knew the results of the battle.

There is no suspense that the team of the seven venerables is the top eight, but I never thought that there would be a team in the fourth layer of time and space that broke into the quarterfinals, and it still had an excellent record of 1 victories in [-] battles. Zun's team tied for No.[-]!
There are always three teams advancing to the top 32 in the fourth floor of time and space. The two teams outside the two teams are 32th and 1nd. The strength can be imagined. The team that tied for No. [-] is really strong, and it must not be underestimated!
Although in the round robin, the four-layer space-time team failed to collide with the team of the seven venerables, on the contrary, several of the seven venerables collided together, but in the preliminary round, that team was considered to have won Pass Yizun's team for a round.Yizun's three disciples are too aggressive and underestimate the enemy, it's not enough!
The people of the fifth level of time and space still think that the team of the seven venerables has a high chance of winning. Besides, we are 29 times three, seven times one, and it is easy to kill the team of the fourth level of time and space!
The news on the fourth floor of time and space is somewhat lagging behind.

The six eliminated teams left the Infinity Tower, the news spread, and the people who had been waiting impatiently knew the results of the round robin.

As expected of our Hua'an power, it is awesome, and the record of No.1 tied for No. [-] is definitely good in the fifth layer of time and space!

The team of Feng Jiana Golden Immortal of Qingyu Immortal Realm is No.30, and the team of Wei Zilan Golden Immortal of Baihuazong is No. 32. They barely advanced, which can only be regarded as icing on the cake, not very good!
No matter what, the fact that these three teams can reach the top 32 is the pride of our fourth-tier team, especially the powerful Hua'an team. The future games will all depend on their performance!
come on!We will cheer for you outside the tower!
The top 32 is divided into eight groups and officially started.

The three teams in the fourth layer of time and space are not in the same group, so there is no need for internal friction, and there is no way to let go of water like in the round robin.

Feng Jiana Jinxian and Wei Zilan Jinxian's team's ability to squeeze into the top 32 is closely related to their own team's release of water. Only by waiting for work can they beat more teams in the fifth layer of time and space.Of course, their team is also quite powerful, which should not be underestimated!

In the group stage, the four teams play against each other in pairs. Each team plays three rounds, a total of six rounds, and the top two teams advance to the next round.

The game is private, but both teams can videotape themselves.

The teams that were eliminated from the fourth layer of space-time or failed to advance to the top 32 all volunteered to contribute their game videos, doing their best.

Therefore, Mo Xuan already has a good understanding of the three opponents in the group stage, and it cannot be ruled out that they still have the bottom of the box.There is no weak team that can break into the top 32, so don't be careless.

After all, there are strong enemies around, and we only have three teams. Maybe we will be the only one in the top [-]. That would be too passive!The schedule after the group stage is still okay. You don't need to compete too many rounds. As long as the winning streak continues, you can smoothly reach the final championship and runner-up finals.

Mo Xuan stroked his chin, and decided to start planning early, so as to be prepared.

In the three games, there was not much turmoil. The Moxuan team easily won the opponent and sat firmly at the top of the group stage. After that, they didn't pay attention to the battle situation of other groups, and seized the time to recharge their batteries.

It didn't take long for the top sixteen spots to be announced!

Wei Zilan Jinxian's team was lucky. They played an extra game and got the second place in the group with great difficulty, earning an extra face for the fourth floor of time and space.

Feng Jiana Golden Immortal's team tried their best, but they could only win one victory, and were helplessly eliminated.

The people of the fifth layer of time and space sighed secretly. It seems that the fourth layer of time and space still has two brushes, and they are even more tenacious. They will never give up until the last moment. It is worth learning!

The people of the fourth level of time and space waited and waited, but there was still no news. The main reason was that the practitioners of the fourth level of time and space wanted to watch the game until the end, and wanted to know how far Hua'an Da Neng could go.

In the end, the team with the lowest record can only draw lots internally to select a tester to leave the Infinity Tower and send the latest battle report to the people outside the tower.

The people of the fourth layer of time and space are very happy and encouraged, that's great, it's worthy of Hua'an's great power, it's awesome!Wei Zilan Jinxian is also good, giving us a long face in the fourth layer of time and space!Even though Feng Jiana Jinxian's team was defeated, it didn't lose our face in the fourth layer of time and space!

The fly in the ointment is that everyone knows that the competition will be more exciting and intense in the future.But in our fourth floor, only three teams broke into the top 32, so we can only watch three group matches, and the remaining five group matches have no chance to watch!

In any case, as long as there is still one team that can move on, we can see more and more exciting games!

Soon, the top sixteen teams played against each other two by two, winning two out of three games, and the top eight were determined!

As everyone expected, the quarterfinals consisted of the teams of the Seven Venerables and Mo Xuan's team. They both won two games, and there was no need for a third game.

Wei Zilan Jinxian's team was powerless against the mighty Lian Zun's team, but they did not surrender. Both games were fought to the last one soldier, although the defeat was glorious.

The top eight have been born, who can aspire to the championship?
Not only the fifth level of time and space, but also the fourth level of time and space opened countless markets, just betting on how far Hua'an Da Neng's team can go?Should they stop at the quarter-finals, or be able to break into the semi-finals, or reach the finals, or even win the championship?

Through the game video circulated by the trial players of the Infinity Tower, anyone can see the strength of the fifth-level space-time team, especially the seven top-eight teams. There are at least three or four golden immortals in the team. There may also be Xiao Dao Zun sitting in charge, there is no doubt about the strength of the opponent!
The Hua'an Da Neng team's lineup is indeed quite luxurious, but compared with the top eight teams in the fifth floor of time and space, it is a bit stretched!

It is not impossible for Hua'an Daneng's team to miss the semi-finals!
The odds for the Hua'an Da Neng team to win the championship are ridiculously high, and there are very few people betting, but there are still people betting!Huaan Daneng, we believe in you!

Moxuan's team was holding a pre-war meeting at this time.

After watching a few video games of the other seven top eight teams, the players have already deeply felt the strength of their opponents, and the next games will not be easy to play!The team members looked dignified and made sufficient psychological preparations.

The team members looked at Hua'an Da Neng, tsk tsk, he really deserved to be Hua'an's legendary power, he was still calm and unmoved at this time.Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, and said: "This chess game is just a trial after all, everyone, don't think too much. Our ability to reach the top eight has proved our strength. We can do our best in the next game. There is no need to go Let’s fight for the victory, everyone stay calm.”

What Hua'an Da Neng said is true, how can we be vain before the battle, what is there to be afraid of, the sky is falling, and Hua'an Da Neng can hold it up, let's do our part!
Mo Xuan paused, and then said: "We have played so many games, and we have videos and materials provided by brothers and teams. We have a considerable advantage in understanding the chess game of the world. Shuiyue, please explain it to everyone in detail. .”

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes at Mo Xuan, I've sorted out all the information for you, you can't say it yourself if you have a mouth.Xiaoyun pursed his lips, and continued to talk: "As we all know, before the start of the game, the strengths of the two teams will be neutralized. According to my summary statistics, the degree of neutralization is not constant, and it will also vary according to the specific battle situation of the game. And make fine-tuning. This actually has a certain advantage for us, who are weak in overall strength of the team! Good steel is used on the blade, and only by exerting force at the right time can we achieve great results."

"In addition, the layout of the map will also change in the middle and late stages, which is very important. The bonuses of chariots, horses, artillery shields are closely related to the attack distance, and the bonuses of horned gold and silver are related to the speed of action...Okay, I want to That’s all I said, I’ll send you the specific formula for calculating the bonus, so let me be quicker.”

Wow, what a detailed information, the team members stared at it!So awesome!With these formulas, we have a bottom line in our hearts!
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and said, "I will make some adjustments in terms of formation for the next game, so that I can deal with the next game."

Hua'an Da Neng, you just give orders directly, do you need to be polite to us!

Mo Xuan didn't do anything immediately, he just took a vaccination in advance to avoid the team members making a fuss.

The seven lords of the Hall of Ten Virtues are also holding a pre-war meeting at this moment.

Ninja: "I've hit the mark with this, there are indeed masters in the fourth level of time and space!"

Ti Zun: "That's the only way to make the game interesting."

Renzun: "That team has already defeated Yizun's team before, so we can't be careless."

Yizun: "What is my team? It was commanded by my three disciples! If I commanded, how could I lose!"

Lian Zun: "That team can maintain a record of unbeaten victories. This is a proof of strength! We are seven to one, if we still can't win, then we will lose all the face of the Shide Palace!"

Xiaozun: "Joke, how can we not pinch him to death!"

Zhizun: "It's too early to say that. We haven't formally competed with that team yet, and we can't evaluate the real strength of that team yet. I think that team is very unusual, although the overall It is true that our strength is not as good as ours, but the gap is not too big. Among them, there should be several Golden Immortal-level powers, and the commander-in-chief is far-sighted and cannot be underestimated. Let's treat him as an opponent of the same level as us, and do our best go."

Renzun: "Let's put aside our competition for the time being. Defeating that team is the most important thing."



The four Ombudsmen are also meeting.

Supervisor You Lan asked with a smile: "How will the quarter-final match be played next? Is it a single round, two out of three rounds, or three out of five rounds?"

Isn't it just a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse? What's there to be proud of? The team from the fourth layer of time and space hasn't entered the semi-finals yet!The inspector You Ya pouted and said, "A single round is too random, so it's meaningless to compete too much. I think two out of three rounds is the best."

You Ming nodded and agreed: "Two out of three games is good."

Youmei: "Then it's settled."

You Lan grinned and said, "Then what about the semi-finals and the championship and runner-up match? How many games will you play?"

You Ming: "It's early, what's the rush?"

You Lan: "Old meetings are very troublesome, okay? Everyone is very busy, so let's settle down together now."

Youmei: "Four-final match wins three out of five games, championship and runner-up match wins four out of seven games."

You Lan: "Is it necessary for the same two teams to compare so many times?"

You Ya pursed her lips, you are afraid that your team is too weak to withstand the toss!But it is really boring to compete too much, You Ya suggested: "The semi-finals match will be two out of three games, and the championship and runner-up match will be three out of five games, so it's okay!"

Youmei: "That's it."

You Ming: "No."

"No change!" You Lan giggled, and the meeting ended.

(End of this chapter)

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