Interstellar Miner

Chapter 559 Golden Team

Chapter 559 Golden Team
greatly awaited!

The quarter-finals are about to start, the first is to draw lots to catch the right.

Mo Xuan has drawn B[-], and will play against Lian Zun's team that has drawn B[-].

Mo Xuan didn't bother to care about how the rest of the teams would be paired up, let's talk about the opponents in front of them.

The map of the first round came out, and it was a map with partial fire attributes.

Mo Xuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said: "Eldest grandson Ancheng, you are king."

ah?The eldest grandson An Cheng was taken aback, "I'm the king?"For such an important game, should I be the commander-in-chief?This... isn't there Shizun and Yun Yuanjia's tenth-level power, why can't it be my turn!

Mo Xuan continued to assign: "Fellow Daoist Shuiyue and Fellow Daoist Yunyuanjia, please both of you be queens."

Xiaoyun and Yun Yuanjia exchanged glances and nodded solemnly.

"Huali, Mi Yashuang and Shi Binyuan are the princes."

"Fellow Daoist Water Dance, Fellow Daoist Zhou Fang, you two will be your shield."

"Kong Wuming, Zhuge Tianyou, you two are prime ministers."

"Promise!" Kong Wuming promised with his head held high and chest out.


The personnel were assigned quickly, and there were only three Jins left who had not yet been arranged. Of course, Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling would be in charge!

Next is formation.

Mo Xuan quickly completed the formation, and then looked at his eldest grandson Ancheng.

The eldest grandson Ancheng stared at the chessboard that had been set up for a long time, hey, this is... the eldest grandson Ancheng looked at Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan smiled and nodded.

The eldest grandson An Cheng took a deep breath, my master thinks highly of me, how could I kick my son halfway!Done!
Lian Zun's side has also completed the formation of troops, and Lian Zun personally commanded them, without the slightest carelessness, and went all out.

There is one Xiaodao Lord, four powerful golden immortals, and a group of elite Xuanxians,
Lian Zun boosted morale before the battle: "Our opponent is the team from the fourth layer of time and space, and the entire fifth layer of time and space is watching us! I won't talk nonsense, let's kill them together!"

"Kill them!" "Kill them!"... The morale is boosted!
The first round officially begins!
The two sides tried a lot at the beginning, and there were wins and losses for each other, but Lianzun's team had a slight advantage.

In the ensuing tug-of-war, the grandson Ancheng does not seek merit but seeks no faults, and strictly guards against death.

Lian Zun was not impatient, he fought steadily, accumulating advantages bit by bit.

At the end of the game, the two sides started a group battle, and the chessboard was full of wars and chaos!

Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, and Kong Ling kept a low profile for a long time, and then suddenly exerted their strength. Under the cover of the eldest grandson An Cheng, they went on a rampage, and forced to fight off the opponent's two generals and a prime minister!
Afterwards, the three bloody Jin joined forces to fight off a queen, and then died together with the opponent's corner!

The three golds showed their prowess, the morale of the Moxuan team was greatly boosted, but Yizun's team was inevitably chaotic, and local control was not enough. The eldest grandson Ancheng seized the opportunity to charge the whole army, and pressed the balance of victory to his side bit by bit.

Lian Zun never imagined that the three Jin Fudos who had been beating soy sauce for most of the game were nothing more than Jin Fudo.The situation is not good!But there are still fights, as long as the opponent makes a small mistake, the disadvantage can be regained bit by bit!

It's a pity that until the end of the game, Lian Zun couldn't wait for that opportunity!Lian Zun sighed quietly, this round was lost to those three unexpected Jins!I really didn't know it before, but Jin's sudden eruption is so terrifying!The three golds work together to attack, there are almost no dead ends, and there is no way to escape!

The Moxuan team struggled to win their first victory!

The entire fifth layer of time and space was shocked. It was a game directed by Lian Zun himself, and he still lost!The opponent is really strong!
The other six could not help but be vigilant secretly. Everyone has watched the video. Lian Zun didn't have the slightest carelessness, but he still lost!The team from the fourth level of time and space is really evil, and it is really difficult to deal with every time it is unexpected!

Lian Zun was in a bad mood. He lost the crucial first round. His team had no way out. Once they lost the second round, they would be out of the game!
There is no way out, only a last stand!Lian Zun has already been so passionate!

The Moxuan team is much more relaxed, even if they lose the second game, it doesn't matter, there is still a third game!Everyone is seizing the time to recharge their batteries.

The map for the second game has been selected, a map with partial earth attributes.

Mo Xuan began to line up troops: "Zhuge Tianyou, you come to be the king."

ah?I?Zhuge Tianyou was taken aback, wasn't he!Hey hey hey, senior brother Changsun did a good job of directing the last game, why should it be me, I wasn't even mentally prepared!
Mo Xuan gave Zhuge Tianyou a startled look, and reprimanded him, "Why panic? Didn't I already say that there will be a lot of personnel changes in the games after the quarter-finals!"

Uh...Zhuge Tianyou pursed his lips and quickly calmed down. Since Senior Brother Changsun can do it, then I can't lose to Senior Brother!

Mo Xuan continued to line up troops, the queen was Shui Wu and Yun Yuanjia; the prime ministers were the eldest grandson An Cheng and Xiao Yun; Shui Wu and Zhou Fang were the generals;

After the platoon was over, Mo Xuan continued to form the formation.

Zhuge Tianyou blinked his eyes in surprise, he understood a little bit!Brother Changsun is better at attacking, but he is more defensive. According to the master's arrangement in this game, he is indeed more effective!It's just why the master and the others are always working hard to be gold. Shouldn't the master command the battle more likely to win?
Well, the opponent team has too many high-end fighters, if they can't resist in time, there is really not much chance of winning.

Zhuge Tianyou ruled out distracting thoughts, concentrated on simulating the game, and strived to be the best. .

Mo Xuan patted Zhuge Tianyou's shoulder lightly, and said, "It hasn't even started yet, why are you so nervous."

Isn't this for being prepared!Zhuge Tianyou blinked, but he was not ashamed to say it.

Mo Xuan understood, smiled, and said, "The battlefield is changing rapidly, no amount of preparation is enough. Your opponent is a first-class master. Take it easy and wait until the game starts."

Zhuge Tianyou Mumu nodded, got it.

Lian Zun tried his best, and the formation of troops was completed!
Lian Zun carefully studied the last game, but his team was still too conservative and not strong enough to attack. It was delayed to the late stage, and after being attacked by the opponent's three golds, it messed up. This time, it can't be delayed so late. To firmly occupy the dominant position!

The second game officially started.

At the beginning of the game, after Lian Zun made a simple test, the whole army attacked.Unexpectedly, the opponent suddenly changed his character and tried his best to guard against it, but he really couldn't attack for a while.

Lian Zun frowned secretly, the opponent's commander-in-chief was really a monster, as if he had already calculated that he was going to attack aggressively in this round, he actually changed his strategy to focus on defense!Unreasonable, my own tactics were restrained from the very beginning!
Zhuge Tianyou also admired him so much that his master was really a god and man, he always expected the enemy first and waited for work with ease.

Of course, Mo Xuan is not so magical anymore, he is not familiar with Lian Zun, but seeing that the second game is a map with partial earth attributes, he wants to change his strategy, what a coincidence.

The battle situation is gradually dragging towards the middle and later stages that Lian Zun is unwilling to do.Lian Zun gritted his teeth secretly, the opponent was really tough, he felt as if the commander had changed, and his punches were always in the wrong place!
Lian Zun was secretly vigilant, the opponent's Jin Duo was about to be dispatched, so be careful.Lian Zun commanded the troops to shrink back and was always vigilant, but the opponent's Sanjin remained on hold. This is too impatient!

Lian Zun even took the initiative to seduce him several times, but San Jin just watched from the sidelines and did not move easily.

Lian Zun frowned secretly, procrastinating like this is not an option, the opponent has already taken advantage of this time to wantonly expand a circle of territory.

Lian Zun adjusted his camp, kept several high-end combat commanders at a distance so that they could respond to each other, and then dispatched the army!
The two sides fought fiercely together, and when there was a mess, San Jin was dispatched. He didn't go to trouble the general or the governor, but went straight to the enemy's base camp!
Hey, what are they?Lian Zun was startled, and suddenly realized, good guy, they actually want to kill me!How courageous!Good momentum!

Lian Zun was not confident enough to fight three against one, and hurriedly dispatched troops to stop San Jin's footsteps.

Under the cover of three cavalry, Sanjin easily broke through the enemy's defense, like three sharp arrows piercing the enemy's king!Too soon, the reinforcements will not be able to reach the Savior!

Lian Zun has only two Xuanxian queens by his side.

The two queens stood in front of Sanjin without hesitation, thinking of going over, stepping over our corpses!
Get out!Mo Que'er, Mo Xuan, and Kong Ling worked together, knocking the two queens to the ground in one fell swoop, and the three headed straight for the enemy king with a total of 180% of their blood volume!
The corners of Lian Zun's eyes twitched slightly, he would not avoid it, since you want to fight, then I will fight with you!

After the violent collision, all three Jins were killed, while Lianzun's Wang only had [-]% of his health left.

Lian Zun sneered, as the king sitting in the base camp, there is actually no difference between [-]% HP and [-]% HP!The opponent Sanjin has already been eliminated, and this round can be won!
Um?Lian Zun was startled, but he saw a cavalry soldier with only 20.00% of his first HP charging forward fiercely!this……

This cavalryman is none other than Yan Yingwu. After being cannon fodder for so many rounds, it is the first time that Yan Yingwu is so close to the opposite king, and there is only one bald king. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a fool will not be able to grasp it. !Go, kill!Enemy king, where to run!
The corner of Lian Zun's mouth twitched violently. It was very clear that Wang's speed was almost the same as that of infantry, and it was impossible to escape the pursuit of cavalry!He never imagined that he, who was unable to fight off the opponent's three golds, was actually taken down by a bloodless cannon fodder cavalry!

With a wry smile, Lian Zun arranged the candidate for the successor king, and then his remaining blood was wiped out by Yan Yingwu's cavalry.

Wow, you are indeed the king of the enemy army!Yan Yingwu secretly clicked his tongue as he looked at his remaining [-]% HP, but he still successfully beheaded the king of the enemy army, and he was ready to retire!Wa hahaha!

It was true that he had successfully retreated, and the chasing silver general Yan Yingwu's cavalry kicked off his horse and withdrew from the chessboard.

"Brother Hua An, buddy, can I help you?" Yan Yingwu raised his eyebrows at Mo Xuan in shock.This is also the first time that Yan Yingwu has called Brother Moxuan Hua'an again after a long time. Previously, he always called Hua'an Da Neng weakly, or promised.

The brothers and sisters in Pingfuting who had left the stage stared at Yan Yingwu in a daze, "Brother, did your brain suddenly twitch? Didn't you just pick up a loophole? It was arranged by Hua'an Da Neng in advance, and any cannon fodder can be wiped out." Lost the king of the enemy army, what are you doing, you dare to call Hua An Da Neng Brother Hua An, our Golden Immortal Sect Master still calls Hua An Da Neng a fellow Taoist!How dare you call yourself a brother?

Mo Xuan smiled cheerfully, raised his eyebrows at Yan Yingwu, and said, "Your brother Yingwu is wise and martial, I will credit you for this time."

On the contrary, Yan Yingwu felt embarrassed, wiped his nose, and said in embarrassment: "Oh, I was just joking, Brother Hua An, don't take it seriously."

Mo Xuan nodded with a smile, and continued to pay attention to the next game.

Why?what's the situation?The brothers and sisters in Pingfuting looked at Yan Yingwu in a daze, "Brother, do you know Hua An Da Neng?"
Yan Yingwu smiled, raised his eyebrows at his seniors, and told the glorious deeds he and Hua'an Da Neng had experienced together. Isn't it just calling them brothers and sisters? It's very common and nothing to say!

Wow!Brother, why didn't you say it earlier!The senior brothers and sisters are all jealous, the fate of the junior brother is too unbelievable, why don't we have such a good fate!
Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, using three golds to fight off the opponent's king may not be a good deal, but the opponent had taken precautions, and the three golds could not play the best role, so they changed their minds temporarily.

The fight was over, Mo Xuan stopped thinking about it, and focused on the opponent's successor king. The enemy's king fell, and the morale of the team was inevitably low, but the successor king's command was orderly, and he was soon encouraged Morale, unhurried, steady and steady,

Mo Xuan glanced at the strength of the two teams, and the opponent still had a slight advantage. The next thing to do was to see Zhuge Tianyou's performance.

Lian Zun, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but sweat secretly. The successor king is his most trusted disciple, and he is very stable, but after all, he has always lived under his own wings and has never experienced a truly tragic battle!This time he was ordered in danger, I don't know if he can withstand it.

The second game dragged from the back to the endgame!

Troops from both sides are engaged in arduous offensive and defensive battles in several major areas!

At this time, the situation on the chessboard quietly changed, corresponding to the vicissitudes of life in the world.Mo Xuan's previous layout really showed his skills, and the team got an extra bonus!
But Lian Zun wanted to win the opponent in one go, but didn't think about it for so long, and the team's bonus was weaker instead.

With such a contrast, there is no more suspense in this game!
Lian Zun couldn't help being absent-minded for a moment, and had a real respect for his opponent!It's really not wrong to lose, the opponent is so powerful!It's a pity that there is no third round, it really seems to be playing against the opponent again!
Mo Xuan's team was invincible, winning consecutive battles. Although the battle was horrific and they kept exchanging lives for lives, they made great progress all the way. Even if there were only five remnants left in the end, they finally had the last laugh.

The Moxuan team won two games and advanced to the semi-finals!
(End of this chapter)

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