Interstellar Miner

Chapter 560 Semifinals

Chapter 560 Semifinals

Watching the live broadcast and seeing Moxuan's team win the second round, Supervisor You Lan couldn't help laughing, sister really developed this time!

The other three inspectors were also a little dazed. Mo Xuan's team was constantly changing formations like this, and the commander-in-chief was changing back and forth. They were able to win two rounds in a row. How much potential did their team have yet to tap!
For the rest of the quarter-finals, Zhizun's team defeated Renzun's team with two wins; Xiaozun's team and Ninzun's team fought one-to-one; Yizun's team and Tizun's team also fought one-to-one.

Upon receiving the news of the defeat of Lianzun's team, the five venerables couldn't help being secretly startled, feeling like a wolf is coming!
The people who have been paying attention to the fifth level of time and space of Tianxia Chess Game couldn't help being silent after hearing this news!
The strength of Lian Zun's team is obvious to all, but even so, they still lost two victories to their opponents and entered the top four.It can only be said that the strength of the fourth-level space-time team is really strong.

After watching the videos of the two games, the people on the fifth level were even more speechless!
The commander-in-chief of that team attacked and left, but the defense was so powerful, and the strategy change was so weird; the most dazzling three-gold combination was so fierce!

No wonder Lian Zun's team has lost two games in a row. The fourth layer of time and space is really an amazing team!

The news of the fourth layer of time and space lagged a bit, but it still quickly spread throughout the entire time and space!The Hua'an Da Neng team won two games and entered the top four. What could be more refreshing and shocking news than this!
Sure enough, Hua'an Da Neng did not disappoint us, and once again shocked the entire fourth layer of time and space, I believe that the fifth layer of time and space has also been shocked!As expected of our legendary power of Hua'an!
The people of the fourth layer of time and space rushed to watch the game video.

In the first game, seeing the three-gold combination of Hua'an Da Neng, Huo Qingling Da Neng, and Wu Nianxuan Da Neng go berserk, killing a lot and securing the victory, the audience was all excited!
So awesome!So cool!

Gong Shichang's small mouth was pouting high, what, I was waiting for Que'er and the others to ask the teacher for their crimes after they returned, but I never thought that Que'er and the others would immediately enter the Infinity Tower to practice as soon as they returned. When I got the news, it was too late to rush over!In the end, there was such an exciting world chess game in the Tower of Infinity, but I missed it all my life!You have to talk about it when you look back, and never let them go easily!

The old man Qingyu drank wine, ate peanuts, watched the wonderful game, and couldn't help sighing, he was really old, this is already the age of young people!Why is it that Hua'an boy and Que'er girl are not from our Qingyun Immortal Realm!

In the second game, the three-gold combination was outrageously low-level, and it went straight to the enemy's head. Oops, they couldn't even fight to the death. The enemy's head is too tough!However, Hua'an Da Neng still has no plans to spare. A remnant blood cavalry easily harvested the enemy's head, and the enemy's head must be extremely depressed!Ha ha!

How soul-stirring is this!
Three gold strikes, sweeping everything!The golden team is famous!
What is an idol, this is an idol!

Hua'an is so handsome!Huo Qingling is powerful and beautiful!Wu Nianxuan is so powerful and cool!Love you all!

The Four Immortal Sect obviously did nothing, and the four bosses are all hands-off shopkeepers for thousands of years. After such a commotion, countless immortals took the initiative to defect, and countless forces took the initiative to show their favor!

Mo Xuan and his party were inside the Tower of Infinity, so they naturally didn't know how glorious the Four Immortals were now, and all their attention was focused on the next semi-finals!As long as they win two more rounds, they will be able to enter the finals, and they will be No.2 in the final round!
The morale of the team members was high, and they were gearing up, hoping that the semi-finals would start immediately.

Mo Xuan clapped his hands to cool everyone down: "The further you go, the stronger the opponent must be. Everyone calm down and take the time to recharge your batteries. The next game may require everyone to exert 120% of their strength to be able to compete." There is a chance."

The team members quickly calmed down and recharged their batteries.

After the third game, the two top four teams were born!

The Xiaozun team defeated the Ninja team [-]-[-] with difficulty; the Yizun team defeated the Tizun team [-]-[-] with difficulty, and entered the top four!
It's still a lottery to catch the right one, Mo Xuan has drawn the first one, and will play against his old opponent Yizun team who has drawn the first two!
In the preliminary round, Yizun's team had already lost to Moxuan's team once, so Moxuan's team had a lot of psychological advantages.
The people in the fifth level of time and space are a little worried, can Yizun's team hold up?Don't lose again!

Yizun has a calm expression on his face. During the preliminary round, the three disciples commanded the battle, and I didn't personally command it.After watching the recent airport video, Yizun could tell that the opponent's commander-in-chief is very powerful, but he is obviously still a little tender. Some details are not handled well, and the timing is not sophisticated enough. How could it be possible? my opponent!

It would be great to meet that team in the semi-finals, just to regain the face lost in the preliminary round!Lian Zun actually lost, but he happened to hit the opponent's three gold killers!This trump card is only good once or twice, once there is enough defense, it will be three bad cards!

What Yizun didn't know was that the Moxuan team was commanded by Kong Wuming in the preliminary round, and the last game was commanded by Changsun Ancheng, and the last game was commanded by Zhuge Tianyou, they were not the same command at all.

With preconceived notions, Yizun is actively preparing for the battle, hoping to fight a beautiful turnaround!
And the Moxuan team did not underestimate the enemy at all, and prepared for the battle with all their strength!
The first round of the semi-finals is coming soon!

The map came out, a metallic map with continuous mountains and complex terrain.

Mo Xuan began to line up troops: "Fellow Daoist Yun Yuanjia, this round is under your command."

Yun Yuanjia nodded cautiously. He only lost half of the opponent's HP in the preliminary round, and he really lost face. This time, he finally has a chance to regain his face!
"The three of us are still gold, you can arrange the rest of the chess pieces, Fellow Daoist Yun Yuanjia."

Yun Yuanjia pondered for a moment, arranged his soldiers according to his own habits and preferences, and then set up the formation again.Yun Yuanjia looked at Mo Xuan inquiringly, how about it?

Mo Xuan nodded cheerfully, first class!

The game begins!
The two sides test each other first.

Yizun took the initiative to attack, and tried to attract the opponent to take the bait several times, but the opponent was completely unmoved.Um?Could it be that the opponent's commander-in-chief wants to take strict precautions in this round?

Yizun continued to test, but the opponent suddenly sent troops, and the army was still overwhelming!Oh, Yizun was taken aback and hurriedly dispatched troops.

Unexpectedly, the opponent always attacked Sanjin, who never made a move until the critical moment, and killed a general of his own side, and then drifted away, and the army also retreated.

Yizun was a little confused. Is this still the commander-in-chief at the beginning? The timing is quite sophisticated and the details are handled perfectly. He will leave with one blow, and he will never be greedy!Could it be that the tenderness before was all pretended?Or did you change the commander-in-chief?
Yizun's previous preparations were all based on the teaching of the opponent's commander-in-chief. Suddenly, the opponent's commander-in-chief seemed to have changed, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Yizun has experienced countless storms, and he quickly calmed down and reorganized his camp. However, his opponent couldn't shrink back.
Good guy!Yizun gritted his teeth, gathered a team of superior troops, and went straight to the enemy's rear; the rest of the troops pressed forward together, two-pronged approach!

However, the opponent's response was extremely fast, and the highly mobile chariots, horses and artillery cooperated with the three golds to continuously surround and expel the superior force that made trouble;

It didn't take long for that superior force to suffer heavy losses and had no choice but to retreat!

The corners of Yizun's eyes trembled, and he really wanted to recover some disadvantages on the frontal battlefield. Who would have thought that Sanjin and Chariots and Pao would give up chasing that small team, and go straight to the main battlefield, surprise attack, and stab obliquely with a sword.

The camp of Yizun's large army immediately loosened, but was defeated by the opponent's army. Although they successfully withdrew to the base camp, they were obviously at a disadvantage.

Yizun slapped his thigh hard, damn it!The opponent's grasp of the battle situation and timing is really sophisticated, and the use of the three golds has suddenly reached a new level. I am not prepared enough, and I have suffered a big loss!

Yun Yuanjia consolidated the team, immediately mobilized the whole army, and kept advancing!
Damn it!Yizun gritted his teeth, commanding the team to fight back and forth, and finally held it up!

The opponent's San Jin rushed out suddenly, with unknown intentions, like three knives hanging above his head, and he didn't know when it would fall!
Yizun had to guard against it, but the frontal battlefield gradually became unbearable!Yizun sighed quietly, knowing that the enemy should not be underestimated, but he still didn't pay enough attention to it, the game is over!

Yun Yuanjia was not in a hurry, played steadily, kept expanding his advantage, firmly controlled the situation, and finally resisted the desperate counterattack of Yizun's team, and won the round without any danger!

The game has been over for a long time, Yizun is still sitting quietly by himself, reviewing the whole game, the opponent team's commander-in-chief is stable, sophisticated, and the defense is impeccable, the offense is overwhelming, and the use of the three golds is even more sharp!His team was crushed from beginning to end!
Yizun laughed at himself. It turned out that he looked down on the team of the fourth layer of time and space from the bottom of his heart. He didn't care too much about losing a round in the preliminary round, but now he was slapped in the face!
Yizun thought of Lianzun who had already been defeated, and he really felt like a brother in distress!
Lost the first round, the second round has no way to retreat, only to fight to the death!
Yizun cheered up and cheered up the players. I was too careless in the first game, but our team still has a great advantage, so we have to believe in ourselves!
Xiaozun's team and Zhizun's team finished the first match with difficulty, and Zhizun's team won by a small margin. As soon as the results came out, they received news that Yizun's team had lost.

Both Zhizun and Xiaozun couldn't help frowning, is the team on the fourth floor really so evil?Since the preliminary round, they haven't lost a game!

Could it be that who among them can predict the future, so they can always predict the enemy in advance and formulate targeted strategies in advance?impossible!

The people of the fifth layer of time and space fell silent again, and even Yizun's team lost. This time, Yizun personally commanded it!
After watching the video of the game, the crowd became even more silent. There is no doubt about the strength of the opponent. Yizun lost this round really simply and simply, there is nothing to say!
The opponent's three-gold combination is really sharp, how to block the three-gold combination?If you can't come up with a good solution, the second game will probably be suspended!

The teams watching the battle on the fourth floor were all excited. Hua'an Da Neng is really amazing. He can win as he wants!Yun Yuanjia is worthy of being the dean of the Chess Academy, and it is really a fortress to plan a strategy!
It was supposed to come out of the tower to report after the semi-finals, but a tester voluntarily left the tower to share this exciting news with all the people in the fourth floor of time and space!
The fourth layer of time and space is boiling again!Have you seen the lofty five-layer time and space, this is our Hua'an power!Who among you can stop our Hua'an power!

The second round of the semi-finals has begun.A map of partial wood properties.

The team members all looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, Hua An Da Neng, who will be the commander-in-chief again this time!

Mo Xuan smiled, pressed his fingers, and said, "I'll be directing this game, I have to warm up for the final."

The team members' hearts suddenly burst, and the blood rushed to their heads!With Mo Xuan Da Neng's words, this game is a sure win!
The calmest Shui Wu among all the team members is also full of blood, and his heart beats faster. How many years has it been since he felt this way?When was the last time you came here?It's really been so long ago that I can't remember it at all!

Shui Wu stared at Mo Xuan in a daze. Usually, Hua An is just an ordinary immortal, and he gathers together with immortal cultivators and ordinary immortals. He is so easy-going and low-key; But it was so shining that I could hardly look directly at it!Only such a character can defeat Lei Batian and be famous in the entire four layers of time and space!

Mo Xuan's formation was quite satisfactory, not much changed from the first round of the semi-finals, mainly because Mo Xuan became the king and Yun Yuanjia became the gold.

The whole team of Yizun's team felt as if they had been beaten to death, fighting, fighting with them!We must win, we must win!
Yizun tried his best, used all his strength to line up troops, maximized the advantages of his team, and showed his teeth and claws!Come on, this time, we must find our way back!

The game officially begins.

After a simple test, Yizun chose to go out with the army, and he and the two queens also went out with the army.

Yizun's countermeasure is very simple, no longer divide the troops, but hit all the superior forces and go straight to Huanglong. In the face of the strength of the opposite side, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!I admit that your team's three-gold combination is strong, but we have gained enough advantages in the main battlefield, no matter how good your three-gold combination is, you will be powerless!

With a light wave of his hand, Mo Xuan also chose to dispatch the army.

Um?On the contrary, Yizun is a little confused. Is the opponent wanting us to head-on?Then I really wish for it!Yi Zun still felt that the opponent would have some kind of conspiracy in all likelihood.No matter how you plot and trick, even if I give up the entire base camp, I will eat your base camp, even if
After a brief confrontation at the middle line, they collided violently!
The flames of war are raging, and the situation of the battle is changing rapidly. Both sides suffered heavy casualties!
Yizun gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he continued to issue orders one after another, but the situation of the army on the main battlefield was getting worse and worse. could it be?
Our team is obviously stronger than the opponent, but why is it still no match for us!what on earth is it?

Hold on, everyone must hold on!Don't mess!withstand!
However, the large army still couldn't stand it anymore, and if they didn't want the whole army to be wiped out, they had to retreat!

Yizun watched helplessly as the opponent's team didn't stop for a moment, and immediately pursued with the whole army. Under the pressure of such a strengthened pursuit, the retreat of one's own troops could not be retreated in an orderly manner, and could only be defeated for thousands of miles!
The general situation is gone, and there is no way to turn back the sky!
lost!Completely lost!

Yizun stood there slumped, neither surrendering nor resisting, allowing the opponent Sanjin to rush over and harvest himself!
The second round ended so quickly that the teams on the fourth and fifth levels of time and space in the Tower of Infinity were caught off guard!

What?It's all over?So fast?real or fake?

Can Hua'an win?Did you really win?

Fuck!Fortress, Hua'an can make it to the final finals!

And the teams on the fifth floor of time and space were all stunned.

lost?How did you lose so quickly?How did you lose?No way, Yizun has already lost twice, has that team really made it to the finals?

The whole explosive news quickly spread from the inside of the Tower of Infinity to the outside of the tower, shaking the entire fourth and fifth floors of time and space!

The planets and fairy worlds of the four layers of time and space have begun an extreme carnival!Red flags fluttering, gongs and drums blaring...

One restaurant after another provided free food to the people who watched the two semi-final matchups in the square all night long!

In the first game, the Hua'an Da Neng team won wonderfully; in the second game, it was really a beautiful win. It was done in one go, with one effort, head-to-head, and directly overturned the opponent, winning completely!
Haha, the people of the fifth level of time and space are all dumbfounded right now, this time you have nothing to say!Our Hua'an Da Neng is so powerful, such a fortress!You have to obey even if you don't!
In fact, the people of the fifth layer of time and space were really dumbfounded. In the first round, they could barely talk about it. In the second round, the opponent was completely open and direct, and beat Yizun's team head-on. thousands of miles!Really can only be speechless!

Zhizun's team and Xiaozun's team finished the second game with difficulty, and Xiaozun pulled back a victory, the score was [-]-[-].

What happened to Yizun? After leaving the arena, Zhizun and Xiaozun immediately asked about the results of the battle, and the result...

Zhizun and Xiaozun were speechless, but Yizun lost again, and he lost so fast!The two venerables gritted their teeth fiercely, and asked Yizun together what was going on?

Yizun replied helplessly: To be honest, I also want to know how I lost.

Yizun has watched the video many times over and over again, and he still hasn't fully figured out why his own army is no match for the opponent's army. It is obvious that his own team is more powerful. , It wouldn't be so bad to lose!

Zhizun and Xiaozun cleared up their mood, and quickly watched the video of Yizun's second game. The video is very short and will be finished soon.After reading it, Zhizun and Xiaozun were also silent. It wasn't that Yizun was not working hard enough, but that the opponent was really evil enough!

How exactly did Yizun lose?Zhizun and Xiaozun didn't have a clue for a while, so they could only urgently hold a joint meeting of the seven venerables to discuss and study together.

The seven venerables divided the chaotic decisive battle into seven parts, one person was in charge of one part, disassembled and disassembled, thoroughly studied each one, and finally found some discoveries!
Ninja said in a deep voice: "The opponent's large army seems to be disorganized and chaotic, but in fact it has a clear hierarchy. Many soldiers and cavalry were seriously injured but survived. They retreated in time and accumulated advantages little by little."

Ren Zun sighed in admiration: "In the group battle, the coordinated operations of chariots, guns, shields and gold and silver horns are perfect, constantly consuming Yi Zun's important chess pieces. Halfway through the battle, the troops of both sides still seem to be evenly matched, but in fact Yi Zun The team has already lost the wind. But the opponent has been holding back, controlling the situation, and waited until Yizun's team was completely behind, and then launched it brazenly, and there was a big defeat later!"

Xiaozun was shocked and said: "Look, this is the streamline diagram of the opponent's command system. The king sends orders to the heads of each area, and then the heads of each area issue them to the subordinates. , In the ever-changing battlefield, it is possible to maintain an effective command rate of more than 90.00%! On the whole, it is a smooth command! The opponent's team of 100 people is a group! The players we selected by lottery It is impossible to achieve this level, hey, we are too underestimating the enemy!"

Yizun smiled bitterly and said, "Let me tell you about my feelings. When I met this team in the preliminary round, I felt the same way. The commander-in-chief was a bit jerky and tender. And in the first game of the semi-finals, not only the general team Commander, the whole team has been replaced, I was stunned in the second round of the semi-finals, the opponent seems to be much stronger than in the first round of the semi-finals!"

Ti Zun frowned and said: "The opponent is deliberately hiding their strength. They don't want to attract enough attention from us, and wait until after the quarter-finals before they suddenly exert their strength? What a team that pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

Zhizun was speechless for a long time, and finally said: "This is no longer our personal matter, but a major event in the entire five-layer time and space! Collect all the game videos of that team, and we will analyze them comprehensively and thoroughly. Finally In this decisive battle, we must not lose!"



(End of this chapter)

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