Interstellar Miner

Chapter 561 The Battle of Honor

Chapter 561 The Battle of Honor
Soon the five-layer space-time team was able to collect all the game videos of that team and sent them over.

The seven venerables began to study from the first round of the preliminary round. Well, the cooperation between the teams was messy, and they made many low-level mistakes, which was too fake!

The second, third, and fourth rounds gradually got better; the fifth, sixth, and third rounds were coordinated much more delicately, but the commander-in-chief's style was completely different.

This... the seven venerables couldn't help but frowned. Could it be that the team was not a team of 100 people as we expected, but a temporary patchwork?
This is unlikely!It's acting!
Eighty-nine games were even tougher, and the tenth game was against Yizun's team, and it was difficult to win.

Are they really stronger than each other?
A total of [-] video games were collected in the round robin, and there were five other internal battles between the four-layer space-time teams, which could not be collected.

After watching the videos of these [-] games, the seven venerables were speechless for a long time. The team was really improving at a normal speed visible to the naked eye. The coordination became more and more skillful, and the tactics became more and more varied. The power is growing.

After the next round of 32, everyone has watched the game several times, and it was all connected with the previous game. The seven venerables only felt that their faces were a little hot.

Even if the acting skills are at their peak, it is impossible for every detail of each scene to be so flawless!That team is obviously not a group of people, but a patchwork team. From top to bottom, every member of them is constantly growing and getting stronger. finals!
On the other hand, our team was indeed overwhelmed by strength at the beginning, but after so many games, the cooperation is much more skillful, but the tactics are always dominated by the seven of us, and there are not many changes.

The heights are unbearably cold, and the seven venerables have always been longing for an opponent who is evenly matched and can make their blood boil. They have expectations for the fourth layer of time and space, but they don't think that anyone can really pose a threat to them. Terrible indeed.Not only is he strong himself, but he can also guide the entire team to become stronger, so that every player can play his best role!Now their sincerity and confidence have reached their peak!

Such a terrifying opponent had to make the seven venerables feel terrified!
Zhizun and Xiaozun looked at each other, the winner among us will have a final battle with that team, can we hold it?The most frightening thing is that no one knows what kind of strength that team will explode in the decisive battle!
Ninja sighed and said, "Zhi and Xiao, you two still have one game left, so stop fighting each other, that team is recharging their energy!"

Renzun asked: "Which of you two has a better chance of winning?"

Who can know?
Xiaozun smiled wryly and said, "After watching so many videos, I really don't have any confidence that I can win. Now the overall strength of that team is no less than ours."

Zhizun pondered for a moment, and said: "I have some confidence, but I just need your team to synthesize, and form a lineup of Wujinxian and Xuanxian to play a simulation match with my team. In addition, you have to help me analyze which team The tactics of the team not only need to build targeted tactics in advance, but also to learn those tactics and strengthen and improve themselves.”

That is required!The six venerables nodded cautiously.

Xiaozun was secretly relieved, Zhizun is willing to take the initiative to take over this is really the best, the benefits of winning are not many, but losing will have a great impact on Zhizun Palace, it is really difficult Please!I just don't know how sure Zhizun is?
The six venerables recruited their most elite disciples, and quickly formed a super luxurious team of 100 people. The five of them took turns commanding, simulating that team, and constantly fighting with Zhizun's team.

For the simulation of each link, Sanjin focuses on the simulation, then the small battle, and finally the big battle.Based on that team, make Zhizun's team into a targeted team with conditional launch!
Success or failure is here!
Mo Xuan held a battle meeting.

Breaking into the finals like a bamboo shoot, the team members are all rejoicing, their morale is high, with Huaan's great ability, hehe, the finals should be sure!

Another semi-final score was one to one, and there was still a tough battle to fight, but we were able to sit back and reap the benefits of fishing. Hehe, it's so sour to think about it!

Mo Xuan clapped his hands and said, "Every game after game, everyone's performance is getting better and better, which is worthy of praise."

That's because you dispatched, cultivated, trained, and directed well!The team members smiled foolishly, but they didn't dare to take credit for it.

Mo Xuan went on to say: "The final final is not the same as the previous competitions. It is about the glory of the entire five-layer time and space. There are nine out of ten. Now they have decided on the team that will fight us, and they have collected all our competitions. information, get together and analyze our team comprehensively and deeply.”

The team members couldn't help blinking, so exaggerated?But it seems to be the same, our unbeaten record and reaching the finals, isn't it the same as a slap in the face of the fifth layer of time and space!The opponent's hysteria is understandable!then what should we do?All the information we can collect has already been collected, just a little, not enough!
Mo Xuan smiled faintly, and said: "It's still the same old saying, the game of chess today is just an experience, winning or losing is not important. In the final decisive battle, it's good that we can win, it will give us a face in the fourth layer of time and space, and it doesn't matter if we lose. The fifth layer of time and space is better than our fourth layer of time."

Yan Yingwu booed and said: "Hua'an Da Neng has already reached the finals. Of course we are going for the championship, so you should hurry up and assign tasks! Our mentality is strong and we can hold on!"

That's right!The players booed together, we want the champion!We want to win!
The best thing is to win all three games, maintain a record of all victories and win the world chess game, so that the entire five layers of time and space have no temper at all!

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "Okay, since everyone is so motivated, let's do a good job."

That's right!The team members are gearing up and must work hard.


In a flash, it was the final day.

Much anticipation, much attention!
Two strong teams will have a peak duel!

Unlike the previous games, which were all private, the Tower Envoy is very considerate, and all the testers in the final battle of the Infinity Tower can watch the live broadcast!However, you can only see the chess pieces of both sides, and cannot see the specific strategy of the two sides, which is much better than just waiting for the result of the game.

The testers of the fourth layer of time and space are full of expectations, Warner Daqiang, it's up to you, keep winning!
And the testers of the fifth level of time and space seem to have a huge mountain on their chests, Mr. Zhizun, we must hold on, we can't lose again!

The map of the first game is a hybrid map of partial gold and wood. The terrain is much more complicated than the previous game map!
Those who have participated in the world chess game can't help but secretly frown. There are very few plains on this map, and mountains, lakes, forests, and swamps are everywhere. It is not easy to advance head-on.

Zhizun's eyes lit up. This map has a lot to offer. To be honest, the team in the second round of the semi-finals showed a terrifying command and coordination ability. Although they have simulated battles many times, they have also formulated a solid enough strategy. , but after all, the opponent is not the real team, and I have always wanted to avoid confrontation with the opponent!This first game is very important and must be won!

Zhizun took a deep breath and made the final mobilization before the battle: "The opponent is very powerful, but we practice day and night. We already know all the opponent's routines and can deal with them easily. Even if there are some additional changes on the battlefield, I will stand up. Behind you, make the most timely adjustments. I firmly believe that the final victory must belong to the better us!"

"Must win!" "Must win!"...

Zhizun smiled gratifiedly, and began to line up his troops.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, this map is interesting.

The team members looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, waiting for him to start the general mobilization before the battle. Unexpectedly, after the big guy rubbed his chin and groaned at the map for a long time, he didn't know whether he forgot or did it on purpose, and skipped the general mobilization before the battle. , Immediately began to line up troops vigorously and resolutely.

Mo Xuan's first words were: "Huo Qingling, Yan Yingwu, Wei Jingshuo, the three of you are gold."


The team members were all stunned!OK?

I?Yan Yingwu's eyes were as big as copper bells, and his mouth was wide enough to stuff an apple in. My ears heard me right!I'm gold?

Hey hey!Brother Hua An, Brother Hua An, Grandpa Hua An, Grandpa Hua An, what are you doing?Didn't I just coax me a little bit, as for teasing me like this?Stop joking, my little heart can't bear it!

Wei Jingshuo was also dumbfounded, how could I be the gold medalist?What's the situation? This is it?How can I be gold!

Mo Xuan ignored it and continued to line up troops.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo looked at each other stupidly. After so many games, they were either infantry or cavalry, and they were already quite familiar with each other.

You must know that it is Jin, the Jin who can change the situation of the battle at a critical moment, kills one person in ten steps, never stays behind for thousands of miles, the handsome Jin!

How can we, the cannon fodder professionals, be able to be gold!There must be a limit to joking!
Mo Xuan quickly completed the formation.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo, who were waiting eagerly for themselves to be re-arranged, were dumbfounded. The positions of the other chess pieces are already full, and there is no place for us. Are we really going to be gold?No way!
I'm not kidding, it's true that Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo are gold, and the rest of the team members are secretly amazed.

Xiao Yun, Yun Yuanjia, Shui Wu, and Changsun Ancheng, the wise generals, looked at Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo in deep thought, and couldn't help but think of Hua An's sentence, "The way of soldiers is strange. What is false is real, and what is real is false." It turns out that Hua'an Da Neng has already started planning for the finals!High, so fucking high!

Kong Wuming slapped his forehead suddenly, wow, it's still possible to do this, Master, this is simply a fortress!
The first-generation disciples of the Four Immortals Sect look at me and I look at you, and finally know how far the gap between them and their master is!That is the gap that needs to be pursued by oneself in this life!
Among the team members, only a few have figured it out, and they are immediately overwhelmed with admiration; while most of the team members are still confused, what's going on?

After finishing the layout, Mo Xuan clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Don't think too much, everyone, play well."

I figured it out, take it easy, we really hugged super thighs this time, I really want to keep hugging them for the rest of my life and never let go!
I didn't think I understood. I nodded, Hua'an has the power to give orders, and it is the most important thing for us to do our best to do our job well. We don't have that time to think too much!
The first game of the finals has officially begun!
(End of this chapter)

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