Interstellar Miner

Chapter 562 Gold to Gold

Chapter 562 Gold to Gold

When Yizun saw the layout of the opposite camp, he couldn't help but clicked his tongue. Experts would know if it was there as soon as he made a move. The opposite camp seemed loose, but in fact, as long as each part moved a little, it would immediately become a piece of iron bucket, and if it was changed again, it would be replaced again. Can take the initiative to attack, retreat and defend, advance and attack, amazing!
Mo Xuan stroked his chin and looked at Yizun's layout. The opponent wanted to give up the frontal group duel and focus on small-unit multi-line duels!Hey, interesting!

At the beginning, the two sides first tested each other.

The testers who watched the live broadcast were so nervous that they were dying, but the two sides only moved a little bit, moved their positions, and there was no short-handed handover.Oops, what a waste of our expressions.

Laymen can only watch the excitement, and professionals can see the way.

The six venerables watching the battle were all terrified. Zhizun's move just now was not so simple as pretending, but to test the opponent's reality. After playing against Zhizun, he knew that once there was a gap and a flaw, Zhizun Zun's heavy punch will be thrown out immediately, and the follow-up attacks will be continuous, and he will soon take the lead!But the opponent's response was perfect, it was watertight, no matter how Zhizun punched, he was able to catch it, and he was able to counterattack.So Zhizun waved his fist, but he still didn't.

After a brief stalemate, Mo Xuan took the lead in taking action, assembled his troops, divided them into three groups, and crossed the middle boundary.

Yizun took the challenge calmly and calmly, and also divided his troops into three groups. As long as it is not a group battle, our army obviously has an advantage!

The anti-dumping forces formally engaged in hand-to-hand combat, and fierce sparks were created!

It's too late to say, then soon!
Mo Xuan commanded the three golds to rush out, using a cart, a horse and a silver as cover!
Wow wow wow, did you attack so soon?Yan Yingwu was crying. Although it is really cool to be such an important pawn of Jin, he can run like lightning and go on a rampage. There is no comparison between cavalry and infantry, but I really can't do it. I'm afraid I can't even beat the cavalry on the opposite side!Moreover, the chariot, horse, and silver used as a cover are also appearances, only the chariot is Xuanxian, and the horse and silver are all the original cannon fodder contestants!This is clearly a death in vain!
Wei Jingshuo gritted his teeth, not much better than Yan Yingwu.

coming!Yizun had already prepared, and also commanded three golds, two chariots and two horses to meet him!

This is the strategy that the seven venerables came up with together. To deal with the rampant, unscrupulous, and extremely powerful Jin, the best way is to use your own three golds to fight each other!
Gold on gold!Three golds against three golds!Needle tip to wheat awn!
Yizun specially arranged for three Jinxians in the team to be Jin, who are specially responsible for sniping the opponent's Sanjin!
As long as the opponent's three-gold combination is completely suppressed, the rest of the troops don't have to worry too much. They can exert their maximum strength and concentrate their superior forces to continuously expand their advantages. The opponent's three-gold combination can only watch helplessly.

Hmph, if the three golds on the other side dare to rush over, our three golds will immediately fight off their three golds!
Yan Yingwu was terrified, isn't it, the three golds on the opposite side rushed over, and there were two chariots and two horses to help out, but we only have Huo Qingling with a real gold here!We are not afraid of sacrificing. After so many rounds of cavalry and infantry, many rounds are heroic at the beginning, and I have long been used to cannon fodder, but I can’t do it right now. I’m gold. What a shame!

Wei Jingshuo gritted his teeth, emptied himself, and only thought of himself as a gun without emotion, and Hua An could shoot wherever he pointed!
The three teams of the two sides fought in full swing. The Sanjin of the Moxuan team was always looking for opportunities around the battlefield, but they were always watched by the Sanjin of the Zhizun team, and they dared not make a move easily.

Hey, as long as we don't stop, Sanjin on the other side won't be able to catch up with us at all, Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo blinked in surprise, so we are here to attract the firepower of Sanjin on the other side?

It turned out to be like this, the two of us cannon fodder were exchanged for the two elites on the opposite side, maybe we were still two golden immortals, this deal shouldn't be too cost-effective!Then just keep consuming it like this, and make sure you don’t lose money!
Zhizun didn't pay too much attention to the three golds running around on the opposite side. As long as our three golds are hanging on, the opposite Sanjin will not be able to win Pao'er. Zhizun concentrates on directing the battle of the three troops, relying on favorable terrain , Advancing and retreating, attacking and defending are constantly switched to minimize losses.The troops on the opposite side were not vegetarians either. They kept changing their formations and delicately controlled the losses.For a while, neither side could do anything to the other.

The trainees who watched the live broadcast were already sweating several times. The fight was too fierce. If it were them, the large force would have been wiped out by a long time, but the two teams still kept so many Combat strength, it is worthy of the championship and runner-up final battle, it is too powerful!

The six venerables on the fifth floor of time and space all looked heavy and said nothing. At this moment, the scene looked evenly matched, but you must know that the battlefield of the three battles was Zhizun's stronghold, and they had an innate defensive advantage!And that team took the initiative to launch an attack, and it was evenly matched with Zhizun's army. It can only be said that the strength of that team is beyond our expectations!

What a formidable opponent this is!The six venerables secretly cheered Zhizun, Zhizun, it's all up to you, you must hold on, and you must be careful of the three golds on the opposite side!
Sure enough, when the battle between the two sides fell into a stalemate, San Jin on the opposite side suddenly attacked vigorously and resolutely!be careful!
No, are you really going to attack?Both Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo couldn't help but raise their hearts to their throats.

Zhizun didn't panic at all, and ordered his Sanjin to intercept it!
Team Moxuan's San Jin made a detour and plunged into a large swamp.

The swamp has a certain slowing effect, the speed of the horse is reduced more, but the influence of gold and carts is not great.

Zhizun frowned, but still resolutely commanded Sanjin to rush into the swamp. At this time, the opposite Sanjin must not be let out of control, even if they all died together, it would be worth it!
The Sanjin of the Moxuan team did not rush out of the swamp, but divided into three groups and outflanked the Sanjin of the Zhizun team!This is going to be hard work!

The audience were all sweating, their hearts were in their throats, they held their breath, and they didn't dare to blink, for fear of missing the most exciting showdown!
The three golds on both sides moved in a daze for a while, and finally had a hand-to-hand battle!
Mo Que'er's one gold and one car collided with the opposite one gold and one car without fancy!
Mo Que'er, who took the lead, naturally chose to fight, and the beauty tried her best to stab her!That's the only way my aunt did it!
The opposite Jin catches it, even if Mo Quer's Jin loses the battle, if he fails to catch it, then Mo Quer's Jin wins!
Although Jin on the opposite side is a genuine Jinxian power and a top-grade Jinxian, but this is a simulated battle, and his strength is greatly reduced, while Mo Que'er's strength has been raised to the level of a Jinxian!

That seemingly unremarkable stab landed in front of the golden fairy, but it was extremely terrifying!
There was no way to avoid it, the golden fairy had no choice but to grit his teeth and resist Mo Que'er's thorn, but he tried his best but couldn't withstand it, was pierced through the heart by the sword, and was eliminated.

The results of the simulation battle came out, the gold pieces of Zhizun's team were torn apart, and Mo Que'er's gold still had 20.00% of Qi's HP left!
At this moment, the slightly slower car on the other side finally rushed over, and rushed straight towards Mo Quer's Jin!
And the car behind Mo Que'er was not slower than the opponent's car at all, and blocked in front of Mo Que'er in time!

Two cars collided to the death!

After all, the car on the opposite side was even better, with 30.00% of Wu's HP remaining, and continued to charge towards Mo Que'er's gold!

Mo Que'er let out a cold snort, and charged forward directly, chopping down the bloody chariot with his sword!Mo Queer's Jin still has 19.00% HP left!
Mo Que'er gave a cold glance at the enemy Liang Jin who was rushing forward desperately, and retreated leisurely.

Zhizun frowned, good guy, Jin on the opposite side is really fierce!
The Zhizun team's other two gold medals were caused by a toothache. The third junior brother is the most powerful among us, and he is no match for him!How fierce is Sanjin on the opposite side!
Wow!All the testers of the fourth layer of time and space are boiling, our golden heart is a fortress!It should be Huo Qingling's power!

The testers of the fifth layer of time and space hammered their thighs fiercely. Why is Jin on the opposite side so powerful? It's too powerful!
The six venerables smiled wryly, the three golds we simulated don't have such a strong fighting power!

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo are also passionate, and Huo Qingling is brave and invincible!Then the order came down, and the two immediately went to meet Huo Qingling's powerful Jin!
In the swamp, Team Moxuan lined up with three gold medals, one horse and one silver behind, staring coldly at the two gold medals, one chariot and two horses on the opposite side!
Facing the fierce Jin on the opposite side, Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo didn't have much fear. They stood on both sides of Huo Qingling Da Neng with their heads held high, wishing to shout at the opposite side, come here if you have the guts!

Zhizun gritted his teeth, he really wanted to command two golds, one chariot and two horses to rush over and die with the opposite party, but in all likelihood, he couldn't fight!

The gold teams on both sides did not move, just confronting each other like this.If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

The battle of those three battlefields is still going on, and the stalemate battle situation has gradually changed!Moxuan's team gradually took the lead!
Zhizun's brows trembled. During the battle, the opponent's troops did a better job in details, and gradually gained advantages like that!If the fierce fighting continues, the casualties of our own troops will be uncontrollable!Zhizun had no choice but to command the troops to fight and retreat.

Mo Xuan commanded the troops to take advantage of the situation to pursue and continue to expand the territory.

The balance of victory gradually tilted towards Mo Xuan.

Zhizun hesitated for a while, but decided to use his trump card. This first round is very important, and it is of great help to improve morale and suppress the opponent's arrogance!
Zhizun waved his hand fiercely, it's done!
The three troops immediately merged into two, shifted their positions with one pass, and formed a brand new iron barrel defense camp. All the combat power in the base camp was devoted to the front-line combat troops.

Mo Xuan commanded the troops to stop temporarily, and the finished characters confronted the opposing troops.Carefully looking at the two camps on the opposite side, tsk tsk, the opponent does have two brushes!

Mo Xuan made a decisive decision and mobilized the remaining idle troops in the base camp together with him, the king, to the front line, joined three troops, adjusted the attack formation, and then brazenly launched a general attack from three directions.

The flames of war raged, and for a while, both sides suffered heavy casualties!
Mo Xuan commanded the troops to attack, attack and attack again.

Zhizun commanded the troops to strictly guard against death, and never retreat half a step until the last moment!

This is a hard battle of spear and shield!Did the spear penetrate the shield, or did the shield block the spear?No one knows yet!

The three gold troops of Moxuan's army suddenly moved, and the two gold troops on the opposite side followed without hesitation!In this way, the gold of both sides gradually moved away from the main battlefield.

The audience was extremely nervous, staring at the main battlefield without blinking, fighting everywhere, their eyes were too busy!
Mo Xuan smiled and waved, let's go!The four full-blooded high-end cavalrymen that Mo Xuan had been hiding from the beginning brazenly threw themselves into the battlefield, and suddenly exerted their strength!

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the stalemate gradually tilted!

(End of this chapter)

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