Interstellar Miner

Chapter 563 First Victory

Chapter 563 First Victory
Zhizun's face turned pale, knowing that the defeat is almost irreversible, and once he retreats, he will lose everything!

Fight!Fight them!As a king, Zhizun brazenly threw himself into the battle, fighting to the end with the troops.

Zhizun's two-gold troops no longer chased the three-gold troops on the opposite side, and rushed towards the big troops. Don't let the big troops fight all out, what's the point of us hanging around outside?

Mo Que'er's three golds also rushed back towards the main force. Even if the combat power is weak, it is still one residual blood gold plus four full blood pawns. Even if it is only used as cannon fodder, it is also a very strong combat power. !

The two sides will fight to the death!

The total number of chess pieces on both sides is only so many, but they fought with the momentum of thousands of troops!
The hearts of the audience are like drums, this decisive battle is really too intense and shocking!
The chess pieces on both sides decreased sharply, and neither side retreated!

The dust has settled.

Moxuan's army was left with only five pawns with blood remaining, while the opponent was completely wiped out.

Victory and defeat!

The Moxuan team fiercely won their first victory!
Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo blinked in amazement, oh, it's amazing, we actually stood at the end of the competition!This is the first time hey!Dangjin is really sour!

Won!Hua'an Da Neng was amazing, and he won the crucial first game just like that!The trainees of the fourth level of time and space are so excited that they can no longer describe their state of mind in words!
The team on the fifth floor of time and space, let you bully us, Feng Shui takes turns, now it's your turn to be bullied by Hua'an Da Neng!

This is the power of Hua'an in our fourth layer of time and space, so I ask you if you accept it?

Oops, I was so excited, I forgot to send a message to the anxiously waiting people outside the tower, hurry up!Everyone wants to stay and watch the next few games of the showdown, so who will go?
I go!A fairy volunteered to volunteer!
Countless people gathered in the square of the Infinity Tower, much more than in previous years' martial arts tournament!

People are eagerly waiting, praying, and blessing.

The team led by our Hua'an Da Neng is fighting fiercely with the opponent right now. The opponent must be super powerful. Can our team withstand it?
The teleportation array outside the gate of the Infinity Tower suddenly shone brightly!

Is there a message?What is the situation?The hearts of countless people in the square were all shaken!
Before the brilliance completely dissipated, the immortal in charge of sending the message yelled, "We won! Our Hua'an won the first game!"

Hearing that roar, the whole square boiled instantly!

Win, win so fast? !
Hua'an Da Neng is so fucking powerful, so fucking invincible!What the hell gave us a long face in the fourth layer of time and space!
People roared, roared, hysterical, and vented the excitement in their hearts!
The good news spread quickly!
The entire four layers of time and space are immersed in a sea of ​​celebration!
Ask the world who is the hero?Hua'an is capable!

The excitement has finally passed, and everyone hastened to watch the first game of the final battle!

Hey hey!what's the situation?What happened to those two golds?

Where did the two strangers come from?
Haven't they been cannon fodder all along, and they are cannon fodder who die at the first touch!Are they gold?There must be a limit to joking!
If they didn't know the result of the battle beforehand, everyone would have wondered if there was something wrong in Hua'an Da Neng's mind!
Everyone watched the game patiently, wow, wow, wow...

Wow!Huo Qingling is brave and invincible!

The two cannon fodder Jin completely deterred the opponent Liang Jin, so that the opponent did not dare to act rashly and could only do nothing!

People suddenly realized it!I see!
Surrounded by powerful enemies, they are the top 32. Hua'an Da Neng has already begun to plan for the final decisive battle, and the power of the three gold tactics is getting stronger and stronger!Who ever thought that in the first game of this crucial decisive battle, the three gold medals were just a cover!
The strength of the team on the fifth level of time and space is obvious to all, but they still got into the cover that Hua'an Da Neng had arranged long ago!
Moreover, until the final victory, Hua'an Da Neng hadn't officially unveiled the super trump card of three golds!The opponent didn't even know that Sanjin was just a cover until his death!
Mamma Mia, does Hua'an Da Neng dare to make this layout a little more fortified?

Master Qingyu let out a long sigh, it's always impossible to refuse!In other words, young people nowadays are too capable!Back then, if I had the ability to strategize, why wait until I became a little Taoist, peace would have been restored long ago!

Gong Shichang sighed faintly, why did she just miss it!
Ji Chengyan and Zhong Sunyao, who failed to withstand the last moment, really regretted their deaths. We knew it would be like this, and we fought hard to get the endless

The number of places in the tower!
Chess Academy.

The whole Little Immortal World was decorated with lights and festoons, and there was a sleepless carnival all night long!
With Hua'an's powerful teams winning one after another, the reputation of the Chess Academy is getting higher and higher!Countless people rushed from thousands of miles to make a pilgrimage to the Chess Academy!

Everyone in the Chess Academy is extremely proud. Our Hua'an ninth-dan and Yun Yuanjia's tenth-dan dean are really in the lead!

May I ask which high-level time-space wise general is stronger, it has to be our Chess Academy!
Yu Wenyu, Zi Cheliang and He Jiaguang regretted their deaths, why didn't we go to join in the fun, but we missed it!I'm afraid there will never be a second chance in this life!

Four Immortals.

More people went on pilgrimage to the Four Immortals Sect!

Countless immortals squeezed their heads out of their heads and wanted to join the Four Immortals Sect, embrace Hua'an's powerful thighs, and rise to prosperity together.

The immortals of the Four Immortals are really overwhelmed!Pain and joy!



The trainees of the fifth level of time and space were stunned and speechless. Even Zhizun, who we recognize as the number one wise general in the world, was defeated. How could the team of the fourth level of time and space be so monstrous?Are they still human?
outside the tower.

When the people of the fifth dimension heard the sad news of Zhizun's defeat, they were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, spinning their heads!
how so?Zhizun actually lost!This is not true, is it?
Who is the upper space-time?

The long-standing beliefs of many people in the fifth layer of time and space have collapsed!
The Hall of Zhizun was the first to bear the brunt, and countless eggs and cabbages were smashed by the extremely angry crowd!
The rest of the Hall of Ten Virtues were also blamed for their crimes, and life was very difficult.

Just when the commotion was in full swing, Aotian Daozun, the ultimate boss of the fifth layer of time and space, said: "A master fights, and the outcome is [-]-[-]. It is not surprising whoever loses wins. The decisive battle is five rounds and three wins." , This is the first match, what nonsense! If you have that spare time, why not watch that match, it is really exciting!"

Only then did the rambunctious people stop. After calming down, they carefully watched the video of the first match.

The performance of Zhizun's team was perfect. They fought bloody battles with their opponents to the end and lost in the end, but the opponents only had five chess pieces with residual blood left.

Such a defeat is a glorious defeat!

Everyone no longer blamed Zhizun, but began to delve into why this round was still so bad and lost!

Comparing the strength of the two troops, there is really little difference. The command of the two troops is almost implemented on a single chess piece. So what is the reason that caused the balance of victory to tilt?
People in the fifth layer of time and space racked their brains, but they couldn't think of a real reason. Could it be because of luck?Or is the strategy of three golds against three golds using one more important chess piece than the opponent?But the combat strength of the opposing Sanjin is obvious to all. If there is not one more piece of combat strength, it is very likely that they will not be able to suppress the opposing Sanjin, but will be eaten by the opposing Sanjin.

It can only be said that with such two teams, it is not surprising who wins and who loses!
People can only pray that Yi Zhizun's team can win back in the next second game!
Zhizun has been bored in the palace alone.

Yizun and the other six analyzed and studied the game of the first game over and over again, and the good game suddenly began to tilt. What went wrong?

The six venerables couldn't find the specific reason. They only vaguely felt that the opponent kept a hand, and Zhizun should have kept a hand, but obviously the opponent's hand was even more terrible!Which one is it?The battle situation is too chaotic, it is really difficult to capture!
No matter how difficult it is, you have to find it!The six venerables fiercely disassembled the battle situation bit by bit, analyzing fragment by fragment, and finally found the most critical points!But it was four cavalry with full blood!
After the four full-blooded cavalry entered the front line, they erupted with strength far exceeding that of the cavalry, gradually causing the balance to become unbalanced.

This... this is not right!How did the opponent hide these four cavalry until the last moment?

Is it because the opponent has been hiding his strength in the previous games?What is the reason?
The six venerables immediately informed Zhizun of this discovery.

In fact, Zhizun has been studying the first round of the game over and over again. He really can't find a breakthrough. It is difficult to fight the frontal battlefield. Even the defense that has the home court advantage can't stand up, so this game is simply impossible to play. !
Zhizun already regretted accepting this final decisive battle, but someone must stand up!Don't let the people of the fourth-level time and space underestimate our fifth-level time-space!

In fact, Zhizun was behind, but he was still lost!

Zhizun has come all the way through ups and downs, and has experienced countless blows, but this blow is really hard to bear!

I can't find it, I really can't find an opportunity for victory!How can I do?
Just when Zhizun was slumped, he received a message from the six venerables.

What?Are those four cavalrymen? !

Zhizun got up suddenly, and turned to the side where the four cavalry brazenly threw themselves into the battle, that's right!
Yes!right here!I see!The opponent can really hide and tuck!
But that's not right, where did the opponent come up with four high-end combat powers?

Zhizun and the six venerables combined their opinions, and finally withstood the opponent's two golds, one horse and one silver that had been full of blood, no more, no less, exactly four high-end combat powers!
Just a coincidence?How can there be such a coincidence in the world!

What's the matter with feelings!The seven venerables couldn't help but gritted their teeth secretly, you opponent, you have already started to set us up from the top 32!
What the hell are you!It's so cool!
The seven venerables thought that their hair would turn gray in order to deal with their opponent Sanjin before the match, but the result was...

The seven venerables smiled wryly and shook their heads, but they had to admit that such an opponent is the real opponent. Losing to such an opponent is not a disgrace, but an honor!

Even if you already know the opponent's tricks, the situation is still not optimistic!Who knows whether the opponent's three golds in the second game are real or fake!
Even if it is still the same routine, whoever dares to ignore the opponent's three golds before being completely sure is an act of death!In an evenly matched situation, the power of one gold is enough to control the entire battle situation, let alone three golds!

What will be the opponent's strategy in the second game?

None of the seven venerables can figure it out. Instead of being suspicious, it's better not to think about anything, and wait until the game officially starts before dealing with it in a targeted manner!
There are still three days before the second round, and we must race against time!
Zhizun summoned 99 players.

Even though they tried their best, they still lost the crucial first game. The confidence of the team members was already on the verge of collapse!

Zhizun, who has always been gentle and calm, with red eyes, shouted at the 99 players: "We lost the first game! If you lose, you lose! I don't have time to talk nonsense! I know everyone has We tried our best, but it is obviously not enough! We must become stronger if we want to win!"

"This has nothing to do with the face of the fifth layer of time and space! It's our own face! The face we lost must be regained by ourselves!"

"Anyone who thinks they can't win can quit now, I have no second choice!"

The team members' eyes were red, we haven't won it yet, we will never quit!
"Okay! Since everyone has decided to stay, let's fight together until the end! Time is running out, so start special training now!"

The team members suddenly responded!It's time to fight hard!
And Mo Xuan was crossing Erlang's legs at this time, and lazily said to the team members: "What are you doing in a hurry, it's still early, give me a good rest for a day, get enough energy, and then start training again .”

The blood-boiling team members who couldn't settle down looked at each other helplessly and dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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