Interstellar Miner

Chapter 564 Evil Charm

Chapter 564 Evil Charm
Five layers of time and space.

An incomparably huge and prosperous Great Immortal World is quietly suspended in the endless void.

In the middle, a majestic giant tree covered with purple and gold dazzling patterns stands proudly on the ground. It is so huge that its open canopy is one-third the size of this Great Immortal World!
It seems that there is only such a giant tree in the entire Great Immortal Realm. The mountains, rivers and lakes on the surface can be completely ignored, and there is no human habitation at all.

Just above the huge canopy of the giant tree in the sky, a large city was built that covered a quarter of the canopy.

From a distance, the shape of the city is very strange, like a big oval bird's nest; from a closer look, it is a whole made of extremely solid black meteorite, with steel forts all over the body, countless black paint The painted muzzle is facing in all directions, like a hedgehog armed to the teeth, so ferocious and terrifying!
That's not to mention, the steel city is full of dense defensive circles, reflecting each other with the golden lines on the giant tree in the sky; the steel city is a layer-by-layer ring structure, like a huge maze!

This arrangement is really appalling!

There are not many people in the entire giant city, and only a few remote corners can be seen with human residential buildings. Compared with the entire giant city, it is not even a sesame seed.

In the very center of the city, there is a huge palace decorated with countless diamonds, gold, and emeralds, which is extremely luxurious.

The main hall of the palace is really big, even bigger than the usual Little Immortal Realm, and the layout is extremely luxurious. It cannot be described in detail in three to fifty thousand words, so I won't waste time on words.

The most peculiar thing is that there are tens of thousands of pure gold cages floating in the main hall.Each golden cage was wrapped in hazy mist, making it impossible to see the specific situation inside.

A man with a jade tree facing the wind and a face like a crown of jade raised his head slightly, his body was straight, his hands were behind his back, and he walked into the hall with rhythmic steps.

He was wearing a cloak woven from pieces of dazzling colorful feathers, and he was so graceful.

He has a pair of fiery red bewitching eyes, and the deepest part of the fiery red is a little bit of extreme darkness!

The man glanced lightly at the pure gold cages floating in the hall, and the corners of his mouth slanted slightly, showing a playful evil smile. He walked straight to the huge purple gold throne inlaid with countless top-quality black stones, and sat down gracefully. Erlang raised his legs casually.

The man pondered for a moment and snapped his fingers.A two-meter-high golden cage slowly floated in front of the man.

The hazy mist dissipated, and what was locked in the cage turned out to be a naked and beautiful woman. She sat with her knees hugged in the empty cage, her long hair in the shawl lightly covered her slightly trembling snow-white body, shrinking back and forth. Looking at the man intently, there was no trace of blood on his pretty face, and his beautiful big eyes were full of mist, so pitiful.

The man looked at the woman with a wicked smile, and whistled softly.

The beautiful woman shuddered violently, bit her lips with her silver teeth, and still struggled to stand up from the ground, with her left arm across her chest and her right hand covering her under, took a deep breath, cleared her throat, and began to concentrate Singing, the voice is so soft, like the sound of nature.

The man squinted his eyes and dangled his legs while listening to the woman's singing.

After the song was over, the beautiful woman secretly breathed a sigh of relief, curled up, and looked at the man in fear.

The man was intoxicated for a moment, glanced at the beautiful woman lightly, and rewarded a fist-sized black stone casually. The black stone passed through the gap of the cage and hit the base of the cage, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

The extremely beautiful woman didn't look at the profound stone, and begged in a low voice with trembling lips: "Can you give me a Taoist robe?"

The man glanced at the woman coldly, snapped his fingers, and the cage was immediately wrapped in mist and flew back.

Another golden cage ten meters away slowly flew in front of the man, the fog cleared, and inside the cage was a golden monkey that was six meters tall and tall.

When the golden monkey saw the man, it screamed and jumped up and rushed towards the man. There was a loud bang, but it was blocked by the fence of the golden cage!
The golden monkey's thick arms swelled, and it tried its best to tear at the fence, but it couldn't do anything about it. It could only growl and show its fangs, and stared at the man fiercely. The golden pupils in its eyes almost burst into flames!
The man glanced at the monkey coldly, flicked his fingers, and a jet of black lightning struck the golden cage!
The golden monkey screamed and fell to the ground in convulsions, black smoke rising from its body, rolling its eyes and foaming at the mouth.

After quite a while, the golden monkey finally recovered and tried to sit up, still glaring at the man with its teeth bared.

The man flicked his fingers again, and a jet of black lightning struck. The golden monkey fell to the ground convulsing again, rolling all over the ground in pain, and then passed out.

The man snapped his fingers and replaced it with a one-meter-high golden cage, inside which was a human child with a thick gold collar around his neck.

The child was naked, lying on the ground like a dog, and when he saw the man, he immediately half-knelt on the ground, sticking out his tongue like a dog, panting, smiling flatteringly, shaking his buttocks and bowing to each other.

The man casually rewarded the child with a meaty bone.

The child cheered, caught the fleshy bone, and began to gnaw it.

The man's figure was tilted, his left hand was dragging his lower handle, his legs were dangling, and he was watching the child gnawing on the meat and bones with evil spirits.

A colorful emerald green peacock with incomparable feathers flapped its wings and flew into the hall, swooped gracefully, and landed lightly in front of the purple-gold throne, bowed gracefully to the man, and said crisply: "My lord, there is some interesting news oh."

The man snorted with interest.

Peacock immediately began to twitter and narrate: "The Tower Envoy of the Endless Tower organizes a world chess game competition. There are seven palace masters participating in the world chess game..."

"Now the Hall of Ten Virtues has lost all face, and I also joined in the fun and smashed a hundred rotten cabbages in the Hall of Zhizun. I will rush back immediately and report to you, my lord."

The man smiled wickedly, and said with a sneer: "The fifth layer of time and space is amazing, but Yelang is arrogant. Those super powers in the universe have climbed to the top step by step from the lowest layer of time and space!"

The peacock laughed and said: "How can those ordinary people have a master, you are knowledgeable and knowledgeable!"

The man waved his hand disapprovingly, and said, "It sounds interesting to play chess that day."

Peacock immediately explained the rules of the world chess game, and then packed and sent the recorded game video to the man.

The man flicked his fingers, and the golden cage that held the child flew back again, and the game video was released in this hall.

Hey, the game of chess is quite particular these days, the universe here is small, and there are quite a lot of strange things.

The man watched with interest.


In a blink of an eye, the second game of the World Chess Game is coming!
The trialists of the fourth level of time and space spontaneously gathered in the square, looking eagerly at the small palace of Hua'an Da Neng, our team of kings should be coming out soon!
Inside the palace, Mo Xuan glanced around with a smile, and said, "The finals are great. Three out of five rounds, we can play a few more rounds. Today is the second round, everyone has to work harder."

That must be done!The team members looked at each other with a faint smile. Hua An Da Neng is too humble. If he were replaced by another team commander, no matter whether he could beat or not, he would definitely have to shout before the game that we must win this round or something. !But Hua'an Da Neng didn't talk nonsense after winning consecutive victories.It is a great honor to be a part of this team!

Mo Xuan waved his hand: "Let's go."

Mo Xuan took the lead and led the team members out of the palace in a leisurely manner.

Out!Hua'an Da Neng and the others are coming out!
The trainees of the fourth layer of time and space were all heartbroken, and they rushed forward eagerly, and the cheers and roars that had reached their lips somehow couldn't come out!
Everyone seemed to be infected by Hua'an Da Neng who was walking in the front row of the team, and the extremely turbulent mood suddenly calmed down a lot; or they were shocked by the momentum of Hua'an Da Neng's entire team.

After recovering, the testers hurriedly made way for the Hua'an mighty team!

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and nodded to the testers, and led the team straight to the front of the teleportation formation without stopping.

Inspector You Lan had been waiting for a long time, and she walked forward with a smile.

Mo Xuan seemed to be practicing closed-mouth meditation, but nodded slightly to You Lan, without saying a word.

You Lan didn't take it seriously at all, and waited until all one hundred team members had stood on the teleportation formation, and activated the teleportation formation with a single finger.


Although Zhizun's team lost the crucial first game, the trialists on the fifth floor of time and space spontaneously gathered to see Zhizun's team off.

Walking in front of the teleportation formation, Zhizun stopped, turned around, glanced deeply at the team members behind him, and said word by word: "This battle is very important, I need everyone's strength!"

Then Zhizun bowed deeply.

How dare!You are so disgusting to us!The scalps of the team members almost exploded!
Seeing this scene, the body of the trialists on the fifth floor couldn't help trembling slightly, praying, and watching Zhizun's team board the teleportation array.

The teams of both sides are in their positions, and a map is randomly selected.

Oops, Mo Xuan raised his eyebrows, but it was a map with a water-like attribute, full of rivers, lakes, swamps and depressions, and the terrain was very complicated.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin and pondered.

The wise generals in the team couldn't help but secretly frowned. The map is so complicated that it is difficult to advance forward. It can only be a small group of troops fighting in multiple lines, which is a bit of a disadvantage.

The rest of the team members took a quick look at the map. With Hua'an's great ability here, we don't need to worry too much at all.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo looked at each other, can we be gold again this time?It was so refreshing to be gold in the last game!
Mo Xuan pursed his lips and smiled, and began to step forward: "Zhuge Tianyou, you are the king."

Zhuge Tianyou was startled, this is the finals, am I the king?This is not good, the opponent's commander-in-chief is an absolute wise man, although I am very confident in myself, I am obviously not his opponent!Only you, master, can handle it!

Mo Xuan continued to follow suit: "Yan Yingwu, Wei Jingshuo, you two will be the queen."

ha?Even the queen!This is also a very important chess piece!Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo immediately responded with their heads held high.

The rest of the team members were a little stunned. Is Hua An Da Neng going to hold back some big moves?By the way, Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo are so lucky!After being cannon fodder for so many rounds, he was reused in the finals!
"Shui Wu, Zhou Fang, Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu, Yun Yuanjia, five people will be shields."

Wow, what a strong defensive camp, is this round going to be defensive?

"Huo Qingling, Wu Nianxuan, and Kong Wuming, the three are gold."

Am I the gold this time?Kong Wuming grinned and wiped his nose, this time he has messed up!

(End of this chapter)

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