Interstellar Miner

Chapter 565 Beheading

Chapter 565 Beheading
All the team members have been arranged, and in the end there is only one prince who is free, and Mo Xuan is of course the prince.

Hey, the wise generals in the team blinked in surprise, and looked at Zhuge Tianyou, Yan Yingwu, and Wei Jingshuo with some amusement.

Zhuge Tianyou touched his nose in embarrassment.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo are terribly frightened, it's really a turn of events for the two of us, you must know that the people of the entire fourth-level time and space are all paying attention to this century-old confrontation!If the two of us show our faces like this, we will definitely be super celebrities after we get out of the tower. These two key battles are enough for us to brag about for a lifetime!

Mo Xuan said to Zhuge Tianyou: "God you come here, let's discuss the layout."

Zhuge Tianyou responded, and strode towards Mo Xuan.

Mo Xuan pondered and said: "This game will probably be a protracted battle, we must control the casualties before the middle game."

Zhuge Tianyou nodded in understanding, and racked his brains to come up with an iron bucket layout.

Mo Xuan slightly nodded his head and helped to fine-tune it.

Zhuge Tianyou pursed his lips, the master's movements didn't seem to have changed much, but they were actually loose in his own layout.

Over rigidity is easy to break, and no matter how tight the defense is, there will be dead spots and loopholes. With the adjustment of the master, the loopholes become controllable loopholes, instead of just tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall, how can it be incomplete.

Gao Ming, I sincerely admire Zhuge Tianyou, I have nothing else to pursue in this life, and one day I will be content to be able to reach the strategizing realm of Master Zhang!
The opponent was super strong, Zhuge Tianyou really wanted his master to give some tips in person, so that he could have more confidence, but after the fine-tuning of the layout was completed, the master went to chat with the master and the others.

Zhuge Tianyou smiled wryly, took a deep breath, and continued to immerse himself in the study of the map. Since the master is relieved to hand over the commander-in-chief to himself, he must not lose the chain!As the master said, it is useless to think too much before the game. Only when the two sides really start to play, predicting the enemy first and seeing the tricks is the kingly way!

As soon as the map came out, Zhizun couldn't help but frowned. This map is not good for the group to advance forward, but the rivers, lakes, swamps and depressions are everywhere, and the power of the three golds will be maximized!
And in this round, how many of the opponent's three golds are genuine?Are all three genuine, or just one genuine, only two genuine, or all fake?
Judging from this map, it is most likely that all three golds are genuine, and at least two golds should be genuine, but that opponent obviously cannot be determined by common sense, and it is often unexpected!

Zhizun secretly smiled wryly, we have worked so hard to analyze the opponent's three golden ultimate moves, but in fact it didn't help us much in formulating countermeasures.

Zhizun took a deep breath, regardless of whether the opponent's three golds are real or not, anyway, our three golds must be maximized!

By the way, should we do the opposite and make one or two fakes of our team's three gold coins?Tsk, it's not so easy for the opponent to start making plans so early, so forget it!
Zhizun racked his brains and went all out to complete the formation of troops.

The game officially begins!
Both teams are extremely cautious, carefully testing the opponent's reality.

They were advancing and retreating without fighting for a long time. It looked rather boring, but the trial players who watched the game would become nervous and stiff when they saw a turmoil, and their hearts would pound like drums every time they handed over hand to hand.

Before you know it, the game has reached the middle game!Both chess pieces only suffered single-digit casualties, which is almost impossible to see in other games!
In the middle and back game, the friction between the two sides began to increase.

Zhizun has always wanted to find out the reality of the opponent's Sanjin, but it's a pity that the opponent always hides Sanjin and just doesn't attack.

It would be too passive to go on like this. The opponent, Sanjin, had already restrained his hands and feet before he attacked. This is not acceptable!Zhizun decisively mobilized the Sanjin of his team, wandered away quickly, and took some advantage.

Zhuge Tianyou frowned, Jin's mobility on this map was terrifying, and it was difficult to effectively contain it.Zhuge Tianyou made a decisive decision and dispatched Sanjin, supplemented by a small group of highly mobile troops, to encircle and suppress Sanjin on the opposite side.

Zhizun also sent a high-mobility small unit to meet his own Sanjin.

The two sides are constantly wandering in the complex terrain, and more and more small teams are joining. Once one side makes a mistake, it will be terrible!

But obviously the kings of both sides would not make such low-level mistakes. It was almost turning into a group battle, but there was still no official exchange of fire!
Neither side is sure they can beat the other!
Zhizun has noticed a little bit, the opponent's confidence seems to be lacking, or is it because the opponent has deliberately set up a suspicious formation, luring himself to make a move first, so that he can defend and counterattack?

The opponent was too old and cunning to guess his thoughts at all, Zhizun still chose not to attack, and the large force retreated temporarily to cover Sanjin.

Zhuge Tianyou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the large army to retreat temporarily.

The two sides started a new round of trials.

This is too much for the trainees watching the battle. They broke out in cold sweat and hot sweat for several times, but in the end they still have to wait patiently!

No matter how hard it is, you have to wait, you must win!

The trialists of the fourth and fifth layers of time and space gritted their teeth and silently cheered for their respective teams!

The game finally dragged to the back end.

When it comes to the back game, the situation on the chessboard will change quietly, corresponding to the vicissitudes of life in the world. Although this change is closely related to the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, it is not inevitable and has a lot of chance.

This is very particular about the general commander's layout skills.

In the second game of the quarter-finals, Mo Xuan used his ingenious layout in the early stage to show off his power at the critical moment in the later stage, and established the victory in one fell swoop!

For this finals, the seven venerables have worked hard, and they have mastered the essence of the changes in the back game!
It's now!

At the delicate moment when the chessboard was about to change, Zhizun decisively attacked with the whole army, one by one troops entered the opponent's base camp from multiple routes, and a fierce confrontation began!

The most critical moment has come!Zhuge Tianyou put up 12 points of energy and went all out to deal with it!He is good at defense, but he is not in vain, the offense and defense of the two sides have fallen into a stalemate!

Then when the fierce battle was in full swing, the chessboard quietly changed!
After all, Zhuge Tianyou is still a little tender. Although he tried his best to adjust the formation to adapt to the changes of the chessboard, he was still a little slower than the old Zhizun, and some gaps appeared in the perfect defense line!
Not to be missed!

Zhizun has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!And Zhizun's team members also waited too long!
All troops charge!

Zhizun commanded the troops to crazily charge Zhuge Tianyou's defense line with gaps exposed, tore open those gaps, and rushed into the enemy's base camp!

Naturally, Zhuge Tianyou's defensive line would not be broken through so easily. Relying on favorable formations to constantly change formations, it was just that the opportunity was lost and he was passive everywhere. If this continues, he will suffer!
Zhuge Tianyou commanded the five-shield team to insert into the most critical point of the battlefield, resisting the enemy while trying to minimize the loss.

However, Zhizun's true intentions at this moment were revealed, and the Sanjin squad rushed forward like a wild horse that had run loose!

Wow!This is to be beheaded!
The hearts of the audience almost burst!
At this moment, the audience with a little discernment can judge that all the large forces of time and space on the fourth floor are restrained, and Sanjin's path is also blocked, and there is no time to rescue them!

All the space-time trialists on the fifth floor cheered and jumped up, Zhizun is so powerful!

Not only the opponent team will use the three golds, our three golds are also unambiguous!

Come on Sanjin, kill the king on the opposite side!You must know that the team of the fourth layer of time and space has won all the way to the finals, and Wang has not died even once!

Facing the impact of the three golds at this moment, the king has only two queens by his side!
The king and the two queens were able to block Sanjin's suicide attack, and they would definitely not be able to withstand the horse and cart following Sanjin!
The king is almost doomed to checkmate!

The testers of the fourth layer of time and space were extremely nervous, my God, what should they do!The opponent is so treacherous, he even stole our tricks, damn it!
How will Huaan Daneng respond?
Even if Hua'an is powerful, he probably won't be able to resist it!
Perhaps the two next to Wang will be the two most powerful in the team in the future, and they can stop it!Even if the rescue arrives, that person is Hua An's legendary power, he will definitely find a way!

Hurry up, it's too late!

At this moment, Zhuge Tianyou was relieved, and at the same time, his heart was so shocked, did he still hope to catch up with his master in this life?
Whoa whoa whoa!The opposite Sanjin is coming, what shall we do?

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo couldn't help but raise their hearts to their throats. They looked around, but they were all bald, and the reinforcements were too late!How could the two of us cannon fodder be able to stop Sanjin!

Yan Yingwu looked at the menacing Sanjin team on the opposite side, and thought to himself, Brother Hua An, who has always been relentless, must not be negligent. In this way, Sanjin on the opposite side is also cannon fodder Xibei, just pretending Pretend to divert the attention of the large army?But this time the commander-in-chief is not Brother Hua An, but Zhuge Tianyou!Oh, never mind, just do my part!
Zhuge Tianyou didn't mobilize any reinforcements. While moving to try to delay the time as much as possible, he dispatched troops to surround Zhizun's troops who had lost the three golds and suddenly weakened by a big level!
Zhizun exclaimed, this is definitely the most correct choice!However, I have already prepared for it!The troops quickly transformed into a defensive formation and retreated in an orderly manner!

As long as the three gold beheads are successful, it doesn't matter if all the assassination squads are wiped out. As long as the large army is preserved enough, the opponent's dragons have no leader, and no one can replace Wang's perfect command. There will definitely be flaws in the command system, then this game will be won. up!
Sanjin finally rushed to Wang's approach!
The hearts of all the audience were tugged!
Zhuge Tianyou issued the last order, charge!

The king and the two queens rushed forward instead of retreating, and rushed towards San Jin!

At that moment, Zhizun's heart trembled suddenly, and he felt a trace of extreme danger!Could it be that the opponent's three golds in this round are all Xibei products, and the real three golds are the king and the second queen, right?

But the defense commanded by the opponent's king is impeccable, it can't be Xibei's product!Now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, even if it is true, we will beheaded successfully!
It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, the three golds and one king and two queens collided fiercely!
At this time, time is life!All three golds only made one move, risking their lives!

Ordinary chess pieces fight, no matter whether it is a literary fight or a martial fight, they have to fight fiercely for a long time.But before the audience can fully react, the battle is over!

One king and two queens were all wiped out, and all three golds had more than 50.00% of their HP remaining!Let's judge!

good!Very good!The audience on the fifth level of time and space howled wildly, the king who had never died before was wiped out by our three golds!Let you be arrogant, now that the commander-in-chief is gone, let's see what you can do to be arrogant!This round is won!

The audience on the fourth level of time and space were all stunned, and there was no sound. Our Hua'an Da Neng stopped cooking like this?Not even able to fight off a piece of gold on the opposite side? is this possible?

Only then did Zhizun let go of his gripping heart, it seems that the opponent's king's combat power is very ordinary!

At this point in this round, after all, it still developed according to Zhizun's script!
Zhizun did not relax in the slightest, and hastily mobilized the Sanjin team to retreat, and the large army suddenly broke through. As long as enough combat power is preserved during the short chaotic period after the opponent's king's fall, the game will be sure!

This round should be settled, Yizun and the other six breathed a sigh of relief!

(End of this chapter)

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