Interstellar Miner

Chapter 566 Endgame

Chapter 566 Endgame
Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo were defeated and withdrew from the battlefield. They were still in a state of panic for a long time. The opponent Sanjin was really too strong!We are not rivals at all!There is no doubt that the opponent is the real Sanjin!
What can I do?Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo turned their heads to look at Zhuge Tianyou in a daze, we were instantly killed just like that, we are not going to lose this round, right?

Zhuge Tianyou, on the other hand, had a calm expression, observing his master's instructions as soon as he left the stage.

Wow!Wow, it turned out to be like this to form a siege. My final layout consisted of repeating a noose and a flimsy cloth bag, which couldn't trap such a powerful opponent!Even if the opponent has a lot of losses, they can still find a weak breakthrough and escape!

And after the master took over, he didn't immediately shrink the encirclement, but slowed down first, loosening a lot of ropes of the siege!

In this way, although the opponent will not be trapped all at once, it can restrict the opponent's escape route little by little, gradually kill the vitality of the opponent's troops, and then work together to firmly trap the opponent to death!High, really high!

Zhizun raised his heart that had just been let go!what happened?The opponent Wang Mingming was beheaded, but the opponent's troops did not change at all, and the cohesion seemed to be stronger. After some adjustments to the originally imperfect encirclement, it became so sharp, and the deterrent power suddenly doubled!
Not good!Not good!
Zhizun was terrified and commanded the troops to constantly move and break through, but under the siege and pressure of the opponent's troops, the space and options to move and move became less and less!Really bad!

Zhizun hurriedly transferred the Sanjin Squad to come to the rescue!Hurry up!

However, at this time, Sanjin, whose opponent had been standing still, suddenly rushed out, blocking the only way for Sanjin's small branch to pass!
Zhizun's face turned pale suddenly, and he felt that his neck was tightly strangled by his opponent!
Yizun, who just had a smile on his face, and the six of them were all stunned, this...

Sanjin can choose to detour, but the large army is already trapped by the opponent. At this moment, if you delay for a moment, the hope of victory will be lost by one point!
To fight or not to fight?
One's own side has three golds and half blood, one horse and one cart are still full of blood, facing the opposite three golds who are all full of blood and guarding the main path, even if they try hard, they have to pick out all the opponent's three golds one by one!

Whether it is to fight or not to fight, it is a disadvantage!It's just a matter of suffering more and suffering less!

At this time, I couldn't help myself being indecisive, Zhizun made a decisive decision, the large army turned around, and the Sanjin squad suddenly split into three, and took a long detour, trying to join the large army!

As long as they merge together smoothly, the total combat power of the large army is comparable to that of the opponent's army, and they can fight to the end!
Of course, this is the ideal situation.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, and with a wave of his hand, the three golds split into three tit for tat, splitting up to block the opponent's three golds.At the same time, the five ropes that had been deployed by the army immediately shrank, tying Zhizun's army to death!
Zhizun's face twitched, and he commanded the large army to struggle desperately. The formation was really poor, and the opponent had the geographical advantage. No matter how they fought, they would suffer!

The laughing audience on the fifth floor of time and space gradually stopped laughing. Hey, why do you feel that our side is at a disadvantage?Didn't we all beheaded successfully? Why is the opponent still so lively?what's the situation?
The bitter-faced audience on the fourth floor of time and space blinked in amazement, oops, our team seems to have gained the upper hand, what happened?So, all of this is actually under the control of Hua'an Da Neng?We are just worrying about it!

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo glanced at each other in a daze, and they understood a little bit. I dare to say that we are cannon fodder again this time, but they are super cannon fodder who have attracted the other party's three golds. Hehe, it's worth it!
Zhizun gritted his teeth, the battle situation in the large army was getting tighter and tighter, and there was no sharp-edged troops to lead the large army out of the conflict, that is, the Sanjin squad. take off!

Moreover, the large army is besieged by the opponent's large army, and it is not easy for Sanjin to join the large army!In case of being intercepted and delayed for a moment, the opponent Sanjin will immediately pounce on him!
what to do?What to do?Zhizun had a gloomy face, only feeling that the hope of victory was getting slimmer!Zhizun scolded the three-character scripture in his heart, and wanted to directly show the cultivation of Xiaodaojun, and crush all the opponent's troops with his hands, but in the end he could only change his mind.Where is the hope of reversal?
Hey, Zhizun suddenly had an idea, by the way, the opponent's three golds may not all be true this time!Otherwise, he wouldn't have been hiding and tucking away, procrastinating until he couldn't procrastinate any longer before choosing to attack.

So is one of them fake, or two fake, or all three fake?
Although the opponent's pursuit of the three golds is more real than real, as long as there is such a guy, our three golds team here is enough to fight off all the three golds of the opponent!

It's such a critical juncture, and it's unrealistic to think about preserving combat power, Zhizun gritted his teeth hard, then let's go all out!One for another, we still have more to fight!
The troops of both sides strangled together immediately, and the situation changed for a while!

The three gold teams of the two sides played against each other interspersed.

Kong Ling's gold was knocked out by the opponent, and Mo Que'er's gold had only 30.00% HP left, while Kong Wuming's gold did not participate in the direct battle and was still full of HP.

Zhizun's three-gold team only has a gold with 20.00% HP, a rook with 40.00% HP, and a horse with [-]% HP left!However, he managed to get rid of the opponent's entanglement, and he took a detour and successfully merged with other troops!

Mo Xuan frowned, facing the opponent's reckless effort, the casualties cannot be controlled just by trying to control them!

The chess pieces on both sides quickly disappeared!
The encirclement circle set up by Mo Xuan naturally became riddled with holes, and was successfully broken out by the remaining elite troops of the opponent.

Don't chase after poor bandits, and Mo Xuan will withdraw his troops for the time being.

Zhizun's troops returned to the base camp and immediately began to rest.

The audience was heartbroken watching it, their eyes were completely overwhelmed!
In terms of the number of chess pieces, Mo Xuan still has 21 chess pieces, and Zhizun's team only has [-] left. In terms of high-end combat power and blood volume, Mo Xuan's side is not too dominant.

Neither side dared to act rashly for the time being.

Zhizun secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the terrain was complex, the opponent's troops could not spread out, and his own team generally had the upper hand. Otherwise, he would have been directly trapped to death by the opponent!
At this time, Zhizun had the time to reflect on his beheading action. It seemed to be very successful, but the effect was minimal!The opponent's successor king is really powerful, changing the formation is called a sophistication, and I am a little bit overwhelmed.

Zhizun frowned secretly, could it be that the other party king had already made arrangements?But the follow-up battles are ever-changing, no matter how powerful he is, he can't cover everything, he can only be the successor king to command according to the specific battle situation!

In other words, the opponent's king died too simply, he didn't retreat but advanced at the last moment, as if he was rushing to die!Wait a minute, could it be... Zhizun gasped involuntarily, the king on the opposite side was not beheaded by himself, but was actually a decoy?The later successor king is the real commander-in-chief?
Zhizun recalled the previous command of his opponent Wang. Although the defense was impeccable, it was also a little lacking in agility, and he caught the loophole!And the successor king's command really didn't catch any loopholes, and the layout of the encirclement had no dead ends!

Thinking of this, Zhizun felt a little cold all over. Could it be that the commander-in-chief of the other party had calculated in advance that he would behead this time? is this possible?Could he be a prophet?

Zhizun gritted his teeth, no matter what the opponent is, he is definitely the most terrifying opponent he has ever encountered!Zhizun smiled bitterly, he had always thought highly of himself, and somewhat looked down on the upper and lower time and space, but now he knows how powerful it is!

Yizun and the others also frowned frequently. They had clearly succeeded in beheading this round, but the opponent was not chaotic at all, firmly occupying the dominant position, and their own side had already fallen, so it was difficult to handle!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two sides remained on hold. This round took an unprecedentedly long time!

Zhizun frowned, counting the time, will the chessboard undergo a second change?
There is really no such information!If the chessboard changes again, how will it change?

Originally it was water, and the change was carried out according to the water giving birth to wood. Isn't it changing again that wood gave birth to fire!Oh no, the opposite is the most powerful fire attribute!It's no wonder that the opponent has been standing still. It's not just that they don't have enough confidence to eat us, but they are waiting for the chessboard to change again. Once the fire starts a prairie fire, it is a sure win!
attack!Zhizun no longer waited, and launched an attack brazenly!Even if the entire army is annihilated, we must fight for the other side!

How can we be timid to fight against each other!Mo Xuan waved his hand, and the whole army attacked!

The final decisive battle of this round begins here!

The hearts of the audience were tugged again. After the decisive battle, the winner of this round will be announced!
Come on!Must win!

The surviving pieces of the two sides fought bloody together, and each piece became torn apart and exited the chessboard!
The battle situation is extremely tragic. At this time, all conspiracies and tricks are nonsense, and the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road!Moxuan's successor king and Zhizun's king also rushed to the front line to fight bravely!

Before he knew it, there was only Mo Xuan's half-blood successor king left, Mo Que'er's residual blood gold, Shui Wu's half-blood shield, Kong Wuming's most half-blood gold, and Huali's half-blood horse.

And Zhizunfang also has a half-blood king, a gold with residual blood, a half-blood car and a half-blood queen.

At this last moment, the chessboard quietly changed!Wood starts to make fire, and the fire attribute starts to become stronger!

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, and together with Mo Que'er's remaining blood and gold, they fought in front of Zhizun's king!
At the critical moment, the remaining blood gold of the Zhizun team arrived in time to join the battle group!

Kong Wuming's half-blood gold is on its way!
The two sides, one king and one gold, collided fiercely!Both sides were very cautious, they didn't just attack with one blow, but proceeded with the imitation battle of Taoism in a safe manner!

When Kong Wuming arrived, the other party's residual blood gold and Mo Que'er's residual blood gold were almost destroyed together.

The two kings are still fighting!

Kong Wuming immediately sent reinforcements to join the battle, and together with Mo Xuan, they fought against Zhizun!

Wow, what level of Taoism and law duel is this?It's too high-end!Kong Wuming stared blankly, realizing that there was no room for himself to intervene!You can't just sit idle, that would be a delay, Kong Wuming hastily launched the most violent Taoist attack on Zhizun, not seeking to defeat the enemy, but to distract the enemy.

This Jin is indeed a Xibei product!Zhizun completely disintegrated Kong Wuming's Daoist attack without any hassle, and he will not rush into a Daoist battle with Mo Xuan!The level of this successor king is quite good, but it's a pity that at most it is at the Golden Immortal level, and there is still a big gap with this little Daoist himself!

In the fierce battle on the other side, the half-blood car and half-blood queen of the Zhizun team fell one after another, Shui Wu's shield still had 13.00% of its health, and Huali's horse still had [-]% of its health left.Dun and Ma rushed towards Zhizun's king immediately!

The duel between the two kings finally came to an end. Mo Xuan's king and Kong Wuming's half-blood gold were sentenced to fall!
Zhizun's king still has 13.00% of his health left, and he calmly faces the opponent with a shield with [-]% of his health and a horse with [-]% of his health!
Zhizun mighty!The audience on the fifth level of time and space are all excited, and the opponent has only two chess pieces with residual blood left. Zhizun is powerful, you can definitely win it!

Oh, why is the opponent's king so powerful, the audience on the fourth floor of time and space are extremely worried, maybe at this last moment, they will be overthrown by the opponent!Don't hold back!
Huali's horse rushed in front of Zhizun's king first, jumped on it fiercely, and then died.

Zhizun's king still has [-]% of his health left!
Both sides have only the last pawn left!
(End of this chapter)

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