Interstellar Miner

Chapter 567 Special Training

Chapter 567 Special Training
This second game has been played to such a level, not only the audience, but also the players from both sides are amazed!
Can win!Zhizun clenched his fist hard, and the shield on the opposite side only had 13.00% HP left. Even if the opponent is a golden immortal, I can fight no matter whether it is a literary or martial fight!
Shui Wu's shield came to Zhizun's king without hesitation, instead of taking the initiative to attack, he stared at the opponent's king coldly.

Is this to make me attack first?But it's something you can't ask for!Zhizun's king stepped forward immediately!
Shui Wu faced the battle calmly!
Supreme tried his best to break through Shui Wu's defense, but all his attacks were mud bulls into the sea, unable to cause effective damage to Shui Wu!This... why is the opponent's defense so strong?

Time was running out, Zhizun gritted his teeth with beads of sweat on his forehead, and exerted all his strength, but he still couldn't break through Shui Wu's defense!Why is this shield so powerful?
The time limit is up.

Shui Wu's shield stood at the end, with [-]% of its HP remaining.

Mo Xuan smiled lightly, as expected of the undefeated God of War, I admire him!

The players immediately cheered and won, and we won the second game again!
The audience on the fourth level of time and space heaved a sigh of relief, and they jumped up in joy without wiping off the sweat on their faces!Hua'an Daneng won the victory again!The opponent in this match is fierce, but it is still not our Hua'an Da Neng's opponent!

Hurry up and announce the good news to the people of our time and space!After playing this game for so long, everyone must have been very impatient!

The audience on the fifth level of time and space fell silent again!This... this... still falls short in the end!lost!

After all, the supreme king is not a god. The opponent is a super strong team that has never lost a game. All the pieces are not weak. It is also helpless!
It can only be said that it's not that Zhizun is not strong enough, but that the opponent is too monstrous!
The four inspectors of the Infinity Tower couldn't help being shocked again and again. Now who dares to say that the lower time and space are not good enough? Where can such a peerless hero be found?

You Lan pursed her lips, she was really lucky this time!
outside the tower.

What happened!It's been a long time, why is there still no one out of the tower?

The people who gathered on the square of the Infinity Tower of Time and Space on the fourth floor were a little confused. This round took too long, right?
Waiting and waiting, after waiting for two games, the teleportation array still remained silent.

Don't lose, no one is willing to come out to report, this is too inappropriate, no matter how we win or lose, we must firmly adhere to Hua'an's power!

Wait any longer!What a torment!

Finally, the brilliance of the teleportation array flickered!
What happened?Everyone is looking forward to it!

"Win! Win again!" A roar shook the sky, and a male fairy jumped up from the teleportation array, blushing and waving his fists vigorously!

Wow!Another win!The long wait finally ushered in great news!worth it!

People cheered and jumped for joy, idols are idols, Huaan Da Neng is really really awesome!amazing!
The good news spread quickly, and the fourth layer of time and space once again fell into a sea of ​​celebration!
The people in the square eagerly began to watch the game video brought by the male fairy. Oh, why is it from the third perspective, is there no first perspective?
The male fairy scratched his head in embarrassment, and was so excited and eager to come out that he forgot to ask the team members for a video.No matter, it's better to have something to see than nothing to see, so let's watch it first!
Whoa whoa whoa!He was beheaded by the opponent!Wow, in the end, there was only a shield with [-]% HP left. This round is too dangerous!

People couldn't help but become more curious, how did Hua'an Da Neng arrange his troops in this round?

By the way, why hasn't anyone come out yet?What about people?Hurry up and get one out!Uh... Don't tell me the insiders don't know that there is no live video yet!
The male fairy who delivered the good news was also dumbfounded, oh, isn't it?

In fact, it is true that the trialists of the fourth floor of the tower saw that someone had come out of the tower to deliver the good news, so they naturally wanted to stay and watch and witness the final decisive battle!That was a glorious feat worth bragging about for a lifetime!

The people of the fifth layer of time and space are silent again!

The performance of Zhizun's team is obvious to all. They have already fought to that level, but they still can't beat their opponents. What else can they say!

This time, there was no one who didn't open their eyes and threw eggs and rotten cabbage at Shide Palace. People sighed secretly, and they could only silently cheer for Zhizun's team. Now they have lost two games, but the finals are five games Three victories, there is still a chance and hope!

Zhizun's team is playing better every game. They almost won the second game, and they definitely hope to win the third game!

Moxuan team lounge.

Mo Xuan did not lead the team to triumph immediately, but made a post-war summary first.

Mo Xuan said bluntly: "To be honest, I didn't expect the opponent to be able to fight like this. I have to say that the opponent is really fighting hard, almost desperately. On the other hand, some individual players in our team are obviously not enough." Fight hard, I won’t name the specific ones, reflect on yourself if you haven’t been able to do your best.”

Kong Wuming couldn't help lowering his head. At the most critical moment, his gold didn't play much role. At the last moment, instead of attacking the powerful king on the opposite side, he might as well help a group of Shui Wu's shields. At that time, his head was hot, I couldn't see clearly the situation of the scene, and when I saw a chance to behead the enemy king, I rushed over excitedly, which was really inappropriate.

Most of the team members were also silent, the joy of winning quickly faded, the opponent has already caught up to this point, if we still do not improve as usual, then the next game will be dangerous!We are two victories, we must not be satisfied, there are still three rounds to come!If the opponent reverses and wins, then all our efforts will be in vain!

Mo Xuan said: "Everyone will rest for half a day after returning home, and then start training immediately."

"Yes, captain!" The team members responded in a loud voice.

Zhizun team arena lounge.

When the team members saw that the opponent had only a shield with [-]% HP left in the end, they were really so angry that they jumped up and down. It was only a little bit, just a little bit, we lost, and the opponent took To the second win.

As long as one of us fights harder, won't we win this match!
Zhizun was silent for a long time, then raised his head to look at the players, they had really tried their best, and most of the players performed super-level, but this round was still a failure!Zhizun is also a little annoyed, if he performs super-level in the end, maybe he can turn defeat into victory.

Zhizun regained his composure, coughed lightly, attracted the attention of the team members, and said, "Everyone performed very well in this round, which is worthy of praise. I have to say, this round was really enjoyable!"

Fun?The team members blinked in amazement, put aside the victory and defeat, and carefully recalled the whole game. It was exciting, hearty, and really enjoyable!It's just that I lost in the end, I'm super upset!
Zhizun sighed and said, "I really want to play a few more rounds in such a match where we are facing each other! But the chances are running out, if we lose one more round, there will be no more fights!"

The team members smiled awkwardly and bitterly. If we lose another round, we will be eternal sinners in the fifth layer of time and space. I am afraid that we will not be able to lift our heads in this life!

Zhizun said in relief: "Everyone, don't have any extra mental burdens. This world chess game is just a trial of chess. We have always underestimated the lower time and space. We should have this report. If we put aside the constraints of various rules of the world chess game, Let's let go of our fists, and the team from the fourth layer of time and space will definitely have to run away when they meet us."

That's true, the team members couldn't help laughing, but they also laughed a little forcedly.

Zhizun said solemnly: "I know everyone is working hard, and they are even exhausting their energy and vitality, but the world chess game is not over, we still have at least one more game to play! No matter what, we must insist on finishing the third game Otherwise, we will definitely regret it for the rest of our lives!"

That is required!The team members gradually raised their heads, their eyes became more and more determined, we can still continue to fight!
"Time is running out, so I won't talk too much. After everyone goes back, take an hour's rest, and then start the special training immediately!"


After Mo Xuan and the three Taoist couples practiced together for a long time, they recovered all their spirits.There was still plenty of time, and the whole family rested on the big warm jade bed.

Mo Que'er changed into a more comfortable position, and asked casually, "Xuan, how sure are you that you can win the next third game?"

Mo Xuan pondered for a while, and said: "It's hard to say, it is closely related to the map and the performance of the players on both sides."

Mo Que'er gave Mo Xuan a blank look: "You omitted the commander-in-chief?"

Mo Xuan smiled and said, "It's like playing a game of Go between me and Daoist Yun Yuanjia. In the end, it's just half an eye away. It's not surprising who wins and who loses. So this world's chess game is still people-oriented, no matter how good it is." The command also needs the strength of the players, otherwise the collapse of one link can lead to the collapse of the entire game. We have also deeply experienced the strength of the opponent team, and there are no mistakes in the comparison. In the end, there are nine out of ten Only one chess piece with residual blood can survive. That's why I made the layout in advance, won the first game first, and took the lead."

Kong Ling frowned and said, "Then the next match will be difficult!"

The corner of Mo Xuan's mouth slanted, and he said: "That's not true. We are taking a leisurely rest right now. The opponent must have been working overtime and doing hard special training. This kind of fatigue combat can certainly improve ourselves in a short time, but it is too energy-intensive. Even if they survive the third round, they will inevitably make mistakes in the next two rounds. Even if the opponent's commander-in-chief knows this will happen, there is no other way but to grit his teeth and fight to the end."

The three women couldn't help but blinked in surprise. In this way, as long as we don't make mistakes in the next game, the opponent has almost no chance of winning!

"Of course, no one can figure out the details of the competition in advance. Only after the competition can we know."

The three women couldn't help but smiled, "Okay, okay, I know Xuan, you never talk too much, we just need to understand it in our hearts.

The three women stopped talking about the game, and they should relax when it's time to relax, so the three women began to discuss with great interest the generous rewards after winning the World Chess Championship, and maybe there may be one or two powerful treasures.

Mo Xuan quietly listened to the three girls' chat, and smiled slightly.

The happy time always flies by quickly, and the break time is over soon.

Mo Xuan and the three girls washed and changed their clothes, walked out of the bedroom, and turned to the hall.

Except for Xiaoyun, who was busy busy in the room for some reason, all the other team members were present.

Mo Xuan looked around, nodded to everyone with a slight smile, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's start training."

As for Xiaoyun, this aunt is already giving her face by being able to show her face at the end of the training. No one will make irresponsible remarks to her. She is Master Shuiyue, and it is necessary to have privileges!
(End of this chapter)

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