Chapter 568
In a flash, the third round of the World Chess Game Finals is about to begin!

Mo Xuan brought the team members to the waiting room ahead of time, so as not to be too emotionally affected by the enthusiastic audience.

Many team members still couldn't stop their blood boiling, as long as we win this round, we will all be superheroes in the fourth layer of time and space!In this life, I will be surrounded by a halo of heroes, and the flowers will bloom, and everyone will love them!
Mo Xuan didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Looking at the calm Huaan Da Neng, the enthusiastic team members gradually became more peaceful. They haven't won the final victory yet, so they don't have time to think too much.

Zhizun's team trained until the last moment, and then 100 people walked towards the teleportation array like desperadoes.

The testers of the fifth level of time and space gathered spontaneously to see off Zhizun's team. There were no cheers or flowers, only affectionate eyes with high hopes, it's all up to you!We will unswervingly cheer for you on the sidelines!
Zhizun's team became more and more murderous, boarded the teleportation array without stopping, and teleported.

Players from both sides take their positions and randomly select a map.

This time the map is very unpopular, it is windy, and the complexity of the terrain is moderate.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, it turned out to be wind attribute. Certain chess pieces such as rooks and horses will be affected by the wind. When the wind is down, they can have the same speed as gold, and when the wind is headed, they will naturally slow down.In this match, speed control is the key!
Mo Xuan immediately began to line up troops.

"Kong Wuming, you are king."

ah?Kong Wuming was startled?I'm the king, right? I'm ready to be cannon fodder, how can I become the king!

Kong Wuming stared at Mo Xuan in a daze, Master, don't scare me, I'm not prepared at all.

Mo Xuan ignored it and continued to line up troops.

"Huali, Zhou Fang, you two are the car."

"Yun Yuanjia, Huo Qingling, Wu Nianxuan, the three of you are gold."

"Eldest grandson Ancheng, Zhuge Tianyou, Peng Chengwang, the three of you are princes."

"Shuiyue, you are the general."

"Shui Wu, Shang Mengyu, Zhang Hailu, you three will be shields."

"Yan Yingwu, Wei Jingshuo, you two will be queens."

Why?We are queens again in this game!Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo blinked in amazement. Could it be that this game is another routine from the previous game, seducing Sanjin on the opposite side?In other words, the other side has already been fooled once, will they do it again this time?Soldiers never tire of deceit, since Hua'an Da Neng has arranged this way, there must be his reasons, we two should do our duty in a down-to-earth manner!In other words, the last game was too useless, and he couldn't fight off the opponent's Sanjin's blood volume. He didn't do well enough, so he must fight hard in this game!
Soon all 99 chess pieces were lined up, and only the last rook was left, and Mo Xuan was naturally in charge.

Hey?what's the situation?
The team members were all stunned. Isn't this game the same as last time?

Kong Wuming looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, Master, how should I command, I'm afraid!The opponent's commander-in-chief is so strong, how can I beat it!

Mo Xuan waved to Kong Wuming.

Kong Wuming immediately ran over, and I said, the master must be joking, or I should be the car, the master is the well-deserved king!
Mo Xuan attached to Kong Wuming's ear and whispered: "You should do your best in this round, even if you lose, it doesn't matter."

ha?Kong Wuming stared at Mo Xuan in a daze, "Master, what do you mean by this? Why don't I quite understand it?"
Mo Xuan patted Kong Wuming's shoulder and said, "Wuming, you should hurry up and set up your formation."

Kong Wuming stared at Mo Xuan in a daze, but Mo Xuan walked away and chatted with Xiao Yun.

"What have you been up to lately?"

"Busy about my business."

"Can you tell me a little bit?"

"Not much to say."


Kong Wuming scratched his head. Seeing everyone looking at him, his scalp couldn't help but feel numb. How could it be my turn for such a crucial match? If I lose completely, or lose too badly, How can I have the face to continue messing around in the future!
Time is running out. Kong Wuming took a deep breath. Didn't he direct a game in the preliminary round? Even though he had bumps and bumps, he won in the end!Since the master has arranged this way, there must be his old man's reason, maybe I just restrained the opponent when I commanded this round!
That's right, Kong Wuming clapped his hands, and the newborn calf's unafraid of tigers jumped up immediately!This is done!
Kong Wuming geared up and began to set up the formation, tsk tsk, with so many good cards in his hand, he must have a head start!

Hey, done!Kong Wuming ran up to Mo Xuan, Master, what do you think of my formation?
Mo Xuan looked at it, nodded, yes.

Kong Wuming blinked, master, you should take a closer look, to be honest, I'm still a little uncertain, is it really okay?Oh, I don't care anymore, if you lose, you can't blame me, I'll be your teacher this time, you want to give way to the other side, so as not to embarrass you in the fifth layer of time and space, hey, maybe it's really like this!
Kong Wuming no longer relied on Mo Xuan, walked back and continued to ponder over the map and formation by himself, um, the lake can be adjusted slightly, and it is best to place a cannon on the mountain...

Zhizun team lounge.

The players seized the last moment to rest.

Zhizun quickly completed the formation of troops. There is no way to retreat in this round. If he loses again, he will always bear the infamy. Therefore, Zhizun has no choice but to break the boat and prepare a super killer weapon. If he fails, he will be benevolent!

Zhizun let out a breath, secretly thinking about the opponent's formation in this round.Zhizun secretly smiled wryly and shook his head, forget it, opponents are always unexpected, it's useless to think too much.Zhizun closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking the last time to rest.

When the time is up, the third game officially begins.

Hey, what kind of formation is the other party doing?Although Zhizun knew that the opponent was always unexpected, he was still taken aback and looked at the opponent's layout in surprise, the more he watched, the more terrified he became.It's not that the opponent's formation is so powerful, but that the big killer that he carefully prepared was restrained by the opponent's formation.

This... Zhizun couldn't help but twitched his cheeks a few times. Could it be possible for the opponent to predict whether the opponent will succeed or not?In the situation where the strength of the two sides is almost the same, a little preemptive restraint can be fatal!
Before the confrontation between the two sides started, Zhizun felt a little cold in his heart!

Kong Wuming rubbed his chin and looked at the layout on the opposite side. Hey, the other party has a lot of ideas, but it's a pity that they just hit the muzzle of my gun, haha!Master is so wise and powerful, this can be calculated accurately!

The other side didn't move, and Kong Wuming didn't move for the time being, patiently waiting for the opponent to make a move.

Zhizun took a deep breath, no matter what, even if we are targeted, even if we can't fight, we have to fight for a future!Fight with you!
Zhizun summoned up the momentum of seeing death as home, and began to dispatch troops.

Kong Wuming was not in a hurry, he patched up the weak side, and loosened the thick side, he was very willful.

Zhizun's forehead was gradually sweating, what happened to the opponent's commander-in-chief today?The response is either slow, or quite advanced. It is really unpredictable what the opponent is planning. It is like a ecstasy array. I can't find a breakthrough. It's too weird!
Zhizun gritted his teeth, and if we drag it on, our morale will be low, we must fight!Regardless of whether you are a prophet or not, I will beat the head office indiscriminately!charge!
Kong Wuming cheered up, the opponent finally attacked, let's go too!

The troops of the two sides fought together, and the fight was in full swing.

Wow!The fight started now, and the audience was terrified, staring at the battle group's atmosphere, not daring to let out a breath.

Kong Wuming rubbed his chin. It was a mess, and he couldn't direct it even if he wanted to. There were too many chess pieces and it was difficult to direct. It would be easy to direct when half of the chess pieces were spelled out.

We have a little less chess pieces here, so Kong Wuming sent Wei Jingshuo's queen to the front line, leaving only queen Yan Yingwu by his side.

The corners of Zhizun's eyes trembled, he ignored Kong Wuming's king, you are running naked, and I don't have time to take care of you here.

After the chaotic battle, only about half of the pawns on both sides were left, and they both called for money for the time being.

Kong Wuming took a look, and found that the cannon fodder was almost gone, the important chess pieces were basically still there, and so was the opponent.

Hehe, Kong Wuming rubbed his hands, the next step will be easy!Kong Wuming immediately began to mobilize troops to condemn the generals, divided the remaining chess pieces into five small teams, dispersed them and entered the opponent's base camp.

To attack at this time?Zhizun was startled, and hastily divided the army into five small teams, one team staring at the other and the other taking the initiative to attack.

Relying on the terrain, the troops of both sides continued to move and move, and there was constant friction back and forth.

It's not a problem to go around all the time. After finishing the fight early, Kong Wuming found a gap and commanded the troops to launch a general attack.

Attack so quickly?Zhizun was taken aback again, and hurried to fight.

After this round of brazen confrontation, both sides had only chess pieces left, and before the end game, this game had already turned into an endgame!

Haha, why didn't the opponent play cards according to the routine at all? Zhizun looked at the remaining seven and a half blood chess pieces, three gold pieces, two rooks, one dime and one cannon, and his full blood king only had eight pieces. I want to cry but have no tears.

Kong Wuming took a look at his remaining combat power. Three pieces of gold and three chariots were all about half blood. His king and a cannon fodder queen were all full of blood. There were nine pieces in total, which were equal to the opponent's. The king on the opposite side was particularly fierce. The outcome is really unpredictable.

The audience was extremely nervous, and the remaining combat power of the two sides seemed to be almost the same. Which side will win in the end?

Kong Wuming rubbed his chin. Right now, the chessboard is still biased. Once there is a change, the advantage of the rook will be much smaller, so hurry up!attack!
The surviving high-mobility chess pieces on both sides shifted and changed positions in a dazzling burst, and fell one by one.

The audience was heartbroken watching it. If one of their own chess pieces fell, they would beat their chests and feet, and their hearts would be extremely painful.

In the end, the three golds on Mo Xuan's side were more powerful. After fighting all the three golds on the opposite side, there were still two residual blood golds left.

Kong Wuming also ranked Yan Yingwu's queen out. At this time, even a cannon fodder queen is an important force that can change the situation of the battle!

Zhizun's team only had one full blood king left, while Mo Xuan's team had Mo Que'er's residual blood gold, Mo Xuan's half-blood car and Kong Wuming's full blood king.

Did the three of Mo Xuan take Zhizun's full blood king wheel together, or Zhizun's full blood king against three?

Both sides did not take any action, separated by the middle boundary, and stayed in their own base camp honestly, because there was a little bonus in their own base camp, and the difference in combat power between the two sides was such a little bonus.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, just the three of us may not be able to rush to the opposite camp to win the full blood king.

And Zhizun's full blood king didn't dare to rush to the opponent's base camp to fight three.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move!
Even if the enemy moves, I still don't move!
The fierce battle between the two sides continued like this, the chessboard changed twice, and both sides remained motionless.

The practitioners of the fourth level of time and space still think that Kong Wuming's full blood king is Hua'an Da Neng, and think that this round can be won nine times out of ten, but Hua'an Da Neng just stands still. What's going on?

The audience waited and waited, but the two sides just didn't move. Hey, what's the deal?Is it a draw?

Just when the chessboard changed for the third time, the four inspectors came forward together and asked both sides what they meant.

Zhizun: Anyway, I am determined not to attack!
Kong Wuming: We are also determined not to attack!

The four inspectors exchanged opinions, and they could only suggest that this round should end in a draw.

Zhizun was extremely hesitant, and the opponent had never dared to take the initiative to attack. In all likelihood, the full-blooded king didn't have much combat power, and he might be able to fight against three, but he was afraid of everything, and he really couldn't afford to lose. Ah, Zhizun still agreed to a draw.

Kong Wuming asked what Mo Xuan meant.

Mo Xuan pondered for a moment, then nodded, then let's draw, we must save some face for the fifth layer of time and space, so we can meet each other in the future.

Ever since, the third round of the World Chess Game finals became a draw for the first time ever!

(End of this chapter)

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