Interstellar Miner

Chapter 572 The Adventure Begins

Chapter 572 The Adventure Begins

Supervisor You Lan clapped her hands, called the testers together, and explained: "There are a few things that I need to explain in particular."

"This is the top floor of the Tower of Infinity. Originally, only the best trainees can reach this top level of experience after passing the tests. Because of the world chess game, everyone can enjoy the top level experience treatment in advance."

"Everyone, don't be too happy. This top floor can't be practiced casually. Many areas are very dangerous. I'm not scaremongering. Even if you are a golden immortal, you may not be able to retreat completely. Our tower envoys Only a small part has been explored for many years, and a relatively safe area has been marked on the map. The rest of the area is an unknown area that we have not explored. If you are not strong enough, please be conscious to avoid accidents.”

"In addition, this top-level experience has a time limit. The maximum experience is 100 years. When the specified time limit is reached, we will seal off this world and close the teleportation array. If you want to leave halfway, you need to gather ten people. Teleport It is quite resource-intensive to activate the formation once, and leaving is tantamount to giving up this top-level training opportunity."

"All the treasures obtained from the experience belong to the experiencer himself, and our tower envoys will not interfere in any way. But the areas that everyone has explored must be marked on the map and shared with our tower envoys when they leave. That's about it."

The testers immediately talked about it.

It turns out that the Tower Envoy came up with this idea, and let us experimenters help us explore this world.

In other words, the strength of the tower envoys is not weak, but the number is relatively limited, and we really need to borrow the strength of our testers to explore the world on the top floor.I just don't know if the actions of the tower envoy are considered self-stealing?
Mo Xuan rubbed his chin. In some areas, even the great power of the Golden Immortal may not be able to retreat completely, so this place is really quite dangerous!Mo Xuan asked Xiaoyun for his opinion with his eyes.

Xiaoyun didn't respond immediately, but frowned and looked at the world with some doubts, as if he had some impression, where did it come from?
Xiaoyun couldn't figure it out for a while, so he gave Mo Xuan a look, it's weird here, be careful.

Mo Xuan also thought so, and winked at Kong Ling and the others, even if there is Xiaoba at the bottom of the box, let's take it easy.

Mo Que'er shrugged indifferently. To put it bluntly, entering the Endless Tower is for experience, not for the treasures that can be obtained through experience.

After all, there are only a few people who can be as sensible as Mo Xuan. Most of the trainees are gearing up and staring at the treasures of heaven and earth all over the mountains and plains. The areas that have been explored are so unimaginable. It is conceivable that they have not explored The area must be even more amazing, what are you waiting for, hurry up!

A captain asked You Lan, the inspector: "Where are we now?"

Inspector You Lan asked him to project the map, and then pointed at the map, well, here it is.

Everyone looked at the map, the place Youlan pointed to was empty, are you sure?
The supervisor, You Lan, smiled faintly, affirming and affirming.

The captain zoomed in on the map in doubt, and zoomed in again, and finally saw a hill marked on the map.

ha?Could it be that the mountain range under our feet that stretches to the end of our field of vision and is completely invisible is just a hill on the map?So how huge is this world?

The testers were shocked again!

The 32 captains got together, discussed, and determined the exploration directions of each team to avoid unnecessary trouble.

With only a 100-year training period, 32 teams immediately split up and began to explore.

Moxuan's team and the other two four-layer time-space teams are the horns of each other, that is, they are caught in the middle, so they can take care of each other.

It’s just that you need to know that a slight difference is a thousand miles away. As the expedition team advances farther and farther, the distance from the two neighboring teams is also getting farther and farther.

In this unknown world, you can only rely on yourself after all!
Moxuan's team moved along the way unhurriedly, and they would stop and study anything they saw that was novel and interesting. The treasures of heaven and earth are really everywhere, and no matter how much they dig, they can't dig them all out.

At the beginning of the training, Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo, who are relatively low-level players, will dig hard when they see valuables. No matter how thin the legs of mosquitoes are, they are still meat. What's more, these super outstanding natural materials and earth treasures are sent outside the tower. An auction house can sell a good price, I would rather miss it than let it go, dig!

Unknowingly, Yan Yingwu and the others were carrying more than half of the magical artifacts they were carrying!At this rate of digging, in another half a month, we will have to dig out one plant and discard the other. There is no place to store it!

I regret it at the beginning, if I knew it earlier, I would have carried more storage artifacts with me, even the inferior Na Baozhu would be fine, but if I continue digging with this momentum, no amount of storage artifacts will be enough!

Getting used to seeing the treasures of heaven and earth, everyone has been able to calm down, and no longer yells for a while when they see a treasure.

Mo Xuan and the others didn't have much feeling for the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and they cared more about those strange and various rare birds and animals.

Nourished by such a large amount of natural materials and earthly treasures, these rare birds and beasts are all powerful. The last ones I have encountered so far have cultivation bases above the Nascent Soul stage, and the powerful ones can rival the heavenly immortals.

With such a large group of people like Mo Xuan able to get together, those rare birds and beasts can only stay away from them. Even if there are some who are not open-eyed, they will be honest and run away obediently after being slapped lightly by Mo Xuan .

Mo Xuan and his party gradually accelerated their progress. After three days, they finally figured out this mountain range. A vast grassland appeared in front of everyone. The fertile green grass was 20 meters away, and all kinds of precious fairy flowers and grasses It was everywhere, and the strange-shaped birds and beasts suddenly increased by an order of magnitude.

In such a comparison, the mountain range just passed is relatively barren.

Yan Yingwu and the others still couldn't help being amazed, now that they have really learned a lot, this scene was really unimaginable even in dreams before!
Year after year, three years have passed in a flash.

Moxuan's team finally came to the edge of the area that the tower envoys had already explored, and in front of them was a vast and dense forest, which was an unknown area!

You must know that Moxuan's team has been advancing from the safe area marked on the map by the tower envoy in the past three years, and has encountered hundreds of troubles, large and small. If the team lineup is not very luxurious, it is really not easy to settle.

It is conceivable that those unknown areas are by no means friendly!
In the past three years, the team is still very united and friendly. Even if they encounter a particularly good talent, everyone is very humble and courteous. All the way forward, every team member has gained a lot.

But with the passage of time, the selfishness of the team members became a little troublesome. After all, everyone wants to get the best baby in their hearts.

The bosses in the team don't take it lightly because they know that the best treasures in these explored areas must have been poached by the tower envoys, and the real good treasures are all in the location area!
Mo Xuan held a team combat meeting in due course.

"In the past three years, we have traveled to many places and have a certain understanding of this world. But those are relatively safe areas after all, and no one knows what is in the unknown area. The words of the tower envoy It can explain everything, and the problems they can solve by themselves will definitely not bother us testers."

"Safety first, this is the main premise! No matter how good and powerful the treasures of heaven and earth are, you must have that life to enjoy! After entering the unknown area, everyone must remember to shrink the formation, and it is strictly forbidden to act alone until safety is confirmed. Wait. After getting familiar with an area, everyone can form a team and spread out to explore each area. Before that, no one is allowed to lose the chain, do you hear me?"

"I heard you, captain!" The team members responded with a loud voice.

Mo Xuan nodded, waved his hand, and set off!
After exploring for half a month, Mo Xuan and his party confirmed that the risk factor in this unknown area is not too high, so they began to group.

To be on the safe side, the 100 people were first divided into four groups.

The Four Immortals belong to a team, Ping Futing a team, Shui Wu and Shan Kangyu, Shang Mengyu and Zhang Hailu a team, Zhou Fang and Yan Zhengxin, Wen Renjian and Fang Yang and the rest of the team members Group.

Each group has top players in the formation, and the safety factor is still very good.

Everyone agreed to meet up after a month, and the four groups of people dispersed.

Mo Xuan's team is slow here, and the rest of the team has already broken into the unknown area and implemented grouping.

High rewards also mean high risks. Many trainees have encountered various dangers. Those who can save the day can only be masters. Most of the weak ones are injured. Teammates took care of it, and for the time being, none of the testers had fallen.

But the world is not only threatened by those powerful rare birds and animals, but also has many natural dangers and weird areas.

An earth fairy's arm was broken by an inconspicuous vine; a fairy's sole was pierced by a sharp stone; a female fairy was almost disfigured by the juice of an inexplicable plant; So, a fairy went to smell the fragrance of a flower and fell into a coma.


Although the testers all know that they must be careful, but some dangers are impossible to guard against, so they can only be more careful!

Mo Xuan and his party were wandering in the dense forest, digging treasures, it was a bit boring, and it felt more interesting to do tasks.

The grotesque birds and beasts in the forest are hiding and watching the swaying Mo Xuan and his party. Every time they can't hold back and want to rush over, there will be a flash of cold light. Although I don't know what it is, the hair on the back suddenly stands up. Get up!That business is definitely not easy to mess with, so don't play it to death!
The leisurely Mo Xuan and his party suddenly received a distress signal from Yun Yuanjia's unit.

Mo Xuan and his entourage hurried over, and saw the overwhelming black clouds from a long distance away, and took a closer look, where there were black clouds, they were clearly black and bright giant bees as big as calves, swarming in groups, forming a mountain of bees. The sea of ​​bees, the wind and the rain, the whole world went dark, extremely terrifying.

And Yun Yuanjia's unit was trapped in the center of the swarm, unable to escape no matter what.

Although Yun Yuanjia was a golden immortal, the disciples who followed him were not very strong. Facing such a huge swarm of bees, he was really helpless. He led the crowd to break through several times but ended in failure, so he had to ask for help.

Obediently, such an exaggeration!Mo Xuan couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, why couldn't the dean think about provoking those giant bees?
Those giant bee swarms are no joke, Mo Xuan asked the girls to lead the disciples to move to a safe distance first, while he rushed to the bee swarm with red tears on his feet, waved his sleeves, and collected a dozen giant bees. The bees quickly retreated to a safe distance.

Mo Xuan hastened to study the giant bee. It is of fire attribute, and its charging speed can reach three times the speed of sound. Its huge body is as solid as a rock. The poisonous needle at the tail is a full two meters away. It is as black as bamboo charcoal, but its hardness far exceeds that of diamonds. Individual strength Generally, a few dozen or so don't pose any threat to the immortals, but once they form a group, well, the team of golden immortals will be trapped!

To deal with the fire attribute, the water attribute is naturally the best, but the water dancing team is still a little far away, and it won't be able to catch up for a while.Saving people is like putting out a fire, Mo Xuan stopped dawdling, greeted all the girls, and directly stepped on red tears into the bee swarm!
Facing Cheng Yaojin, Mo Xuan, who came out halfway, the bee colony would naturally not ignore it, and immediately organized a frenzied siege.

Mo Xuan just stepped on the red tears, without using any defensive magic weapon, only a thin layer of air mask wrapped around his body.

It happened to be such a thin air mask, all the attacks of the giant bee were bounced off.

Mo Xuan went straight, ignoring the crazy siege of the giant bees, and rushed into the center of the bee colony. The surrounding area was full of black giant bees and buzzing and harsh noises, and there was no trace of Yun Yuanjia and his party.

Mo Xuan urgently contacted Yun Yuanjia, but the buzzing sound of the giant bee could actually interfere with the transmission of the signal, and the contact was intermittent, making it impossible to determine the exact location of Yun Yuanjia.

Mo Xuan snorted coldly, and the thin air mask surrounding it suddenly trembled violently, and suddenly produced a huge sonic boom, crushing the buzzing sound of the giant bee swarm.

The powerful air waves pushed the giant bee swarm back in all directions!
(End of this chapter)

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