Interstellar Miner

Chapter 573 Rescue

Chapter 573 Rescue
Three years have passed, and the aftermath of the chess game in the world has not disappeared.

Regardless of whether it is the fourth-level time-space or the fifth-level time-space, people still talk about it, and it is always inevitable to chat about the wonderful chess games after dinner.

The people in the fifth layer of time and space gradually accepted the Hua'an team. This team is really a fortress. It is not shameful for Zhizun to lose. The opponent is really against the sky!

It’s just that I don’t know what’s going on, the world chess game is over, everyone is eagerly waiting for the triumphant return of idols and heroes, who would have thought that all the top 32 teams would disappear in one fell swoop.

There are different opinions, but the most popular one is that the top 32 teams all have special rewards, and collectively enter a wonderful tower world to practice.

There are also a few voices, saying that the top 32 teams were tricked into a trap by the Tower Envoy and killed.

There are a total of seven little Taoist monarchs, even if the tower envoy wants to kill him, he must first weigh himself. This statement is regarded as nonsense by the public, but there are also very few people who think it is true, thinking that it is the high-level space-time idea. Kill the peerless genius in the lower dimension, so as not to become a threat in the future.

In any case, people in both time and space are waiting for the return of their respective idols and hero teams.

At this time, many of the top 32 teams are in danger!

The team of Feng Jiana Golden Immortal in Qingyu Immortal Realm was entangled by a large group of flying mantises.

This flying mantis is no small matter, each one is more than three meters high, and its speed is super fast. The blades on the two forelimbs cut iron like mud, and they can also shoot out a series of powerful wind blades. A single wind blade can easily kill a tree. The big tree hugged by ten people was chopped off in half!

A member of Feng Jiana's Golden Immortals team injured a flying mantis that was leaping towards it with its teeth and claws outstretched while collecting herbs, and as a result, such a large group of flying mantises was attracted.

After the handover of the two sides, they found that the power of flying mantises in groups was really terrifying, and the group could only flee in embarrassment.

The flying mantises chased and fought fiercely, in an attitude of immortality.

Out of helplessness, Feng Jiana Golden Immortal had no choice but to strike hard, killing nearly one-tenth of the flying mantises.

The flying mantises bumped their heads against the iron plate, only then did they realize how powerful their opponents were, and they were afraid, and continued chasing for thousands of miles before retreating.

One wave after another, Feng Jiana's team of Golden Immortals was once again entangled by a group of three-color moths that jumped out from nowhere!
Feng Jiana Golden Immortal sighed secretly, nine times out of ten, the Flying Mantis retreated not because he was afraid, but because this is the territory of the tricolor moth.

And although the three-color moth's combat power is not good, the phosphorous powder it disperses can produce a series of super big explosions, which is extremely dangerous!

Facing the overwhelming three-color moths, what can Feng Jiana's Golden Immortal team do? Run away quickly...

Zhizun's team also ran into big trouble, a group of four-winged strange birds stared at them, chased and fled for half a month, but still failed to get rid of the group of strange birds.

Zhizun wondered, what happened to these four-winged strange birds?They have crossed the territory of several species, causing all kinds of riots, but they are still chasing after them, making it seem like we have a deep hatred, and they will not stop dying!

The situation is not right, Zhizun asked the entourage, who is it, and how did they provoke the group of strange birds?
A pale-faced Celestial team member raised his hand tremblingly. He was not sure. He stealthily collected an unknown herb on the cliff, and then the four-winged monster bird started to run away.

Zhizun asked him to take out the herb, although Zhizun didn't know what kind of herb it was, but the four-winged monster bird ran away when it saw the herb, screaming hysterically, as if the herb belonged to them The lifeblood of the general.

Zhizun frowned, and threw the herb towards the four-winged strange bird.

A super giant four-winged monster bird that should be the boss caught the herb, and then screamed, the group of four-winged monster birds stopped chasing immediately, surrounded the boss and retreated back to the base camp.

The crisis was finally over.

Zhizun reckoned that the herb was the treasure of this group of four-winged strange birds, because there are clear distinctions between the various races, and usually there will be no accidents, but I didn't expect that Zhizun's team would not follow common sense. The Tianxian team members looked at Xinqi and hadn't seen it before, so they went stealthily to collect herbs, and ended up making a big mess.

The four-winged monster attaches so much importance to this herb, which is probably related to the inheritance of the family. It may not be of great use if we take it away. It is better to return it to the four-winged monster to avoid trouble.

Zhizun specifically explained that in such a dangerous area, everyone should take it easy and not act rashly.


The most dangerous one is the Yunyuanjia squad that stabbed the hornet's nest. The giant black bees bombarded the defensive circle formed by the squad like black cannonballs, and they even dared to attack from time to time. Self-detonation, no matter how powerful the defensive circle is, it can't withstand such a dense and massive artillery attack!
Even with Yunyuanjia Jinxian present, the defensive formation that can be constructed will not last for an hour.Earlier, the defensive array was shattered, but a few black giant bees rushed in and exploded.

At the critical moment, if there wasn't a senior brother of heaven who stood in front of Yan Yingwu, Yan Yingwu, who was not well cultivated, would probably be unable to eat and walk away!

The self-destruction of the giant black bee was really hard to guard against, and several of Yan Yingwu's seniors were seriously injured.

Yun Yuanjia Golden Immortal organized several times to break out of the siege, but failed. He was still besieged by the giant black bee swarm, without even a chance to catch his breath!
The situation was really critical, so Yun Yuanjia had no choice but to ask for advice.

Yun Yuanjia was secretly anxious, the giant black bee had already found a way to break through the defensive circle, and concentrated fire to attack a few small areas. If this continues, the time for the defensive circle to support will only get shorter and shorter, which is not good!
Yun Yuanjia is a great power of the Golden Immortal, it is easy to bring three or four people to break through, but at the moment there are more than [-] people around him, once he leaves, the rest of the people will basically be wiped out!

However, Ping Futing was very resistant to beast control, so Yun Yuanjia and his disciples did not have a beast control bag. If there was a beast control bag, all the disciples would be stuffed into it to make do, and then Yun Yuanjia would force it Breakthrough is also good.No matter how high-quality storage magic weapon is, it cannot store living things.

Yan Yingwu's face turned pale, and he looked at the endless darkness of terrifying giant peaks in all directions. I'm sure I'm about to fall here, right?
At this moment, a terrifying sonic boom shook the whole world, and the black swarm of giant bees retreated suddenly.

It's Hua'an Da Neng!Hua'an Da Neng is here to save us!Yun Yuanjia's team couldn't help but cheer up.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly. It turned out that Yun Yuanjia's team was three miles away, and they were so harassed by the giant bee swarm that they couldn't find it.Mo Xuan dashed into the defensive formation, and with a glance, three team members were seriously injured and needed immediate medical treatment.

With a flick of his sleeves, Mo Xuan put the three team members into storage bags first.

Yan Yingwu looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, "Hua'an is great, please take me in too, I'm afraid."

This is also a rare opportunity for experience. Mo Xuan ignored Yan Yingwu, and had a quick discussion with Yun Yuanjia, and decided to break out together first, and if it was impossible, put them in the animal control bag to break out together.

After such a delay, the giant bee swarm that was pushed away by the sound wave was relieved, and rushed over fiercely again.

Mo Xuan adapted to local conditions, formed seals with both hands, and drove the bee array with six awns.A constantly rotating hexagonal circle surrounded everyone.

Mo Xuan snapped his fingers, let's go.

Wow, what kind of defensive circle is it?It can be rotated to avoid the fire of the giant bee swarm, and it can be moved at will, so high-end feeling!
Yunyuan Jia Jinxian couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise.

The giant swarm of bees stalked, no matter how Mo Xuan and his party moved, they were always densely surrounded in the middle!

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the giant bee swarm still hadn't dispersed.

The six-pointed bee-repelling array was extremely tough, and it did not allow a giant bee to break through the defensive array and rush into the array.

Mo Xuan already knew the attack pattern of the giant bee swarm, but it was really not easy to break through.

Mo Xuan asked curiously: "How did you provoke these giant bees?"

Yan Yingwu scratched his head awkwardly. At that time, when he saw the strange huge beehive, his brain got hot and he had a whim, wanting to eat some honey to nourish him, and it turned out like this.Sure enough, a hornet's nest cannot be poked!
Mo Xuan gave Yan Yingwu an angry look, and you are the only one who is greedy, and you don't even look at where this is.

The Water Dance Squad and the Zhou Fang Squad rushed over one after another.

The team members were a little dazed when they saw the giant bee swarm that was as terrifying as a sandstorm, and they were afraid to avoid it.

But Zhou Fang rushed into the giant bee swarm without saying a word, not to rescue Yun Yuanjia and his party, but to practice his hands.

As expected of the strongest defense, without even touching the defensive cover, just rushing into the giant bee swarm defenselessly, there is nothing to describe it except a word of bull!

Mo Xuan converted the six-pointed bee-repelling array into a stronger and tougher seven-star bee-repelling array, making the defense more stress-free.

The members of the small team did not sit idle either. While inputting immortal energy into the seven-star bee-repelling array, they also learned to manipulate the seven-star bee-repelling array to deal with the attack of the giant bee swarm.

This is the best experience!Yan Yingwu was amazed, Brother Hua An is really a fortress!
Mo Xuan gradually felt a little bored, the giant bee swarm tossing and turning is just a little tricky, nothing new, why don't we get this far?

The team members are full of enthusiasm, don't tell me, we have just started to become proficient, and we will practice for a while.

Mo Xuan smiled and handed over the seven-star bee-repelling formation to the team members to operate, while he broke into the giant bee colony alone to find the queen bee who was in charge of the battle.

Oops, the queen bee is quite smart. Mo Xuan missed it a few times, but in the end, Mo Xuan found her trace by reverse-engineering the command system of the giant bee swarm.

Tsk tsk, what a big black bee!It is ten times the size of an ordinary giant bee!

Mo Xuan looked at the queen bee with a slight smile.

Mo Xuan looked at the queen bee with horror, and wanted to run away, but how could she be faster than Mo Xuan.

When Mo Xuan flipped his palm, the queen bee was knocked out.

The command system of the giant bee swarm became disordered, and the giant bees danced around in a daze, what should they do next?
Hey, Yun Yuanjia and the others saw that there was a gap, and rushed out of the encirclement smoothly with the seven-star bee-repelling array.

Zhou Fang also felt a little bored, and flew out on his own.

Mo Xuan didn't make things difficult for the queen bee, and after shaking her to wake up, she warned her and released her.

The queen bee commanded the giant bee swarm to escape in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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