Interstellar Miner

Chapter 574 1 Mountain

Chapter 574 A Mountain
After the giant bee swarm incident, Moxuan's team as a whole kept a low profile. Even if they practiced in groups from time to time, they would not be too far apart, maintaining a sufficient distance for mutual support.

Each team leader is equipped with animal control bags, and the team members will be put away first in case of danger.

Three years passed in a flash.

Moxuan's team continued to speed up, bypassing areas that felt more dangerous, and had advanced far, far, to the western area of ​​the entire map.Although there were many troubles during the period, the support from various departments was timely, and the animal harness bag was used as an emergency shelter, so no serious casualties occurred, and none of the hundred team members was missing!
The other teams have more or less downsizing, and there are not a few injuries.

This area on the map marks a large mountain, occupying nearly one-twentieth of the area on the map.

What Mo Xuan's team actually saw was indeed a mountain, but that mountain was so big that it was boundless, and it was impossible to imagine its magnificence without seeing it with your own eyes.

Mo Xuan clicked his tongue secretly, is this really a naturally formed mountain?Big as hell!It's too unbelievable!

I saw it, I saw it, Mo Xuan and his party drove non-stop towards the direction of the mountain for two full months, but they still couldn't enter the range of the mountain, but the mountain in front of them got fatter a few times.

After another month of rushing, Mo Xuan and his party finally approached the big mountain, and the number and quality of rare animals and animals suddenly rose by a big step!

It is conceivable that the rare birds and beasts on that mountain will only become stronger!

However, compared to other areas, the rare birds and beasts mainly live in groups, and when they fight, they are overwhelming; the rare birds and animals on the mountain side are more small groups of three, five, ten, twenty or thirty, fierce. Abnormally, he is not at all polite to Mo Xuan and his party who accidentally broke into the site purely passing by to get soy sauce.

Mo Xuan and his entourage entered the Dashan area in a tumultuous way without entanglement.

Huh!Mo Xuan and his party couldn't help frowning, feeling that once they entered the mountain area, the movement of the immortal power in the body was somewhat blocked. Quick!
Moreover, the gravity of this mountain is very strange, at least several times that of ordinary gravity, and it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to lift their feet and walk normally.

Mo Xuan and his party did not climb the mountain rashly. After wandering around the foot of the mountain for a month, they gradually adapted to the gravity of the mountain. However, most of the team members still had their celestial energy blocked, which seemed to be related to the mountain.

Under such circumstances, Mo Xuan formed an elite expedition mountaineering team, the members are: Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que Er, Hua Li, Xiao Yun, Shui Wu, Zhou Fang.

The rest of the team temporarily stayed at the foot of the mountain, and Yun Yuanjia led the excavation of natural materials and earthly treasures, with safety first.

The elite expedition mountaineering team took action immediately and continued to climb the mountain.Huali and Xiaoyun were surrounded by the five of them, Mo Xuan, and they also put safety first.

It is said to be mountain climbing, but in fact the mountain is too huge. The process of advancing is no different from advancing on flat ground, but the height is actually rising.

The further one advances, the stronger the gravity of the mountain becomes. Fewer and fewer of the rare birds and beasts of the mountain can fly, and most of them move on the ground.This greatly facilitated the elite expedition mountaineering team, flying directly to places where they could fly, and avoiding all dangerous and weird areas.

It has to be said that this mountain is a great treasure mountain.The density and quality of the treasures of heaven, material and earth far surpassed the areas they had passed through before, and Mo Xuan and his party all reaped a bumper harvest.

Mo Xuan smiled, in his hometown, everyone wanted to count money until their hands cramp, but here they collect herbs and get their hands cramp, which can be regarded as the fulfillment of one of life's great ideals!

There are too many treasures of heaven and earth, and it will be boring.Moxuan's team reduced the frequency of collecting herbs, and hurriedly climbed the mountain all the way. After two months, they finally reached the middle of the mountain.

Different from the extremely prosperous foot of the mountain, the halfway up the mountain was suddenly empty and dead, and there was not a single living thing to be seen even halfway forward.

It's no wonder that the gravity of this halfway up the mountain has reached a terrifying situation, and even the gods will struggle to move forward, unable to hold on for too long.

Moreover, there seems to be a strange force lingering on the mountainside, constantly resisting the immortal power!
Needless to say, the strength of the Moxuan team was still greatly affected, the immortal power in the body was running bumpy, and the strength of the Xuanxian Da Neng could only display the strength of the newly promoted heavenly immortal.

This halfway up the mountain was really evil, and Moxuan's team had to stop their progress for a while, and groped around the edge of the halfway up the mountain for a month, only to find that this was not an isolated phenomenon, and the whole halfway up the mountain was so weird.

Moxuan's team discussed it. Since they are all here, they will enter the mountainside to explore, and if the situation is not good, they will withdraw.

The first few days went well, the halfway up the mountain was almost empty, just go straight ahead.

However, as Moxuan's team gradually deepened, the dead halfway up the mountain gradually became alive.

Some vines have adapted to the terrible gravity of the mountainside, lying on the mountainside in a gloomy state; there are also traces of some animals lying on the ground such as pangolins.

The Moxuan team avoided as much as they could, and moved forward all the way.Gradually, Moxuan's squad got the feeling of climbing a mountain, and the height continued to increase, entering the thick cloud zone.

It's not enough to reach out, but the vision is indeed greatly affected, and even the divine sense cannot penetrate very far in the clouds.

Moxuan's team slowed down and moved forward steadily.

Suddenly, a terrifying roar came from the thick clouds, and the ground on the mountainside trembled violently!
what happened?Is that the roar of a monster?There are still big monsters on the mountainside?Strange, where did it go?

Shui Wu's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Up."

Mo Xuan and his party were taken aback and hurriedly dodged.

There was a loud bang!Amidst the thick clouds, a gigantic object descended from the sky, and slammed into the area where Mo Xuan and his party had just settled down, smashing a huge hole in the ground!
Mo Xuan and his party took a closer look, and it turned out to be a huge dark gorilla-like monster, a full 20 meters high, with strange golden patterns printed on its body, and two extremely thick arms hanging down to the ground. It's two big hammers!

Mo Xuan clicked his tongue secretly, King Kong, this is it!

Hey, because of the super gravity, the ground halfway up the mountain is not so compact and solid. To be able to be smashed into such a big hole, this gorilla has so much strength!

Moreover, the gorilla had a red vertical eye between its brows. It should be this vertical eye that allowed him to see through the thick clouds, and when he spotted Mo Xuan and his party, he brazenly launched an attack.

The gorilla roared and beat its bulging chest, and once again rushed towards Mo Xuan and his party.

Seeing that the gorilla was supposed to be a jumping type, Mo Xuan and his party decisively lifted off and opened the distance first.

The gorilla roared and lifted boulders halfway up the mountain and slammed them at Mo Xuan and his party. The boulders smashed the thick clouds like giant cannonballs.

Good guy, those huge boulders disappeared without a trace. You must know that this is on the mountainside where the gravity is extremely amazing. It is conceivable how terrifying the strength of this gorilla is.

The field of vision was severely blocked, and it was really not easy for Mo Xuan and his party to avoid this boulder.

And the gorilla's vertical eyes seemed to be able to accurately capture the position of Mo Xuan and his party, and the boulder thrown was so tricky and precise that it chased after it.

Mo Xuan and his party exchanged glances. This gorilla is extremely miraculous, why don't we grab it and study it?
Action is not as good as heartbeat, Mo Xuan and his party did not retreat but advanced, quickly fell to the ground, scattered and surrounded the gorilla in the middle.

The gorilla couldn't help being stunned, these guys who only knew how to run away dared to come back?It also saves looking for stones to throw everywhere, so get down first!

The gorilla roared and beat the ground, then rushed towards Zhou Fang, and swung its hammer-like right arm towards Zhou Fang.

Zhou Fang didn't dodge or dodge, he raised his left hand, and a golden light curtain appeared in front of his palm, hard-pressing the gorilla's attack.

There was a sneer on the corner of the gorilla's mouth, the guy who didn't know what to do, really thought he was just stronger?The gorilla yelled loudly, the dense golden lines on the hammer-like arm suddenly glowed, and the whole arm suddenly seemed to be gilded, its hardness and strength suddenly doubled, and it hit Zhou Fang's golden light curtain fiercely!
Like sparks hitting the earth!Zhou Fang gasped in surprise, his figure was crooked, and he took a small half step back.

The gorilla's hammer-like right arm was suddenly bounced off by the light curtain, and its huge body fell back, staggering and still unable to stabilize its figure, before falling to the ground.

The gorilla got up from the ground in a daze, his right arm was almost unconscious, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Fang in surprise, why does such a small guy seem to be stronger than me?

Zhou Fang also looked at the gorilla with great interest. Although his current strength was greatly reduced, but he was able to repel him by half a step. This gorilla is indeed very powerful!
The gorilla bared its teeth at Zhou Fang, and the golden lines all over its body began to shimmer with golden light, flowing like life, gradually converging to the red vertical eyes between the brows, and suddenly shooting a golden red light at Zhou Fang.

Zhou Fang had been prepared for a long time, raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and a small defensive circle was instantly constructed in the palm of his hand, blocking the golden-red light in time!

The golden-red light kept hitting the defense array, and finally shattered into flames, and the power of the defense array was almost exhausted, and it shattered!
With this move alone, Mo Xuan and the others couldn't help but admire it from the bottom of their hearts. It deserves to be the strongest defense. The defense is just right, and no cent of the immortal power will be wasted!That golden-red light is obviously the bottom of the gorilla's pressure box. If we were to defend, we would definitely be more careful. We would rather spend more immortal energy and put safety first.It can only be said that Zhou Fang is really a top expert in defense, and he is also a bold and confident man with high skills.

The gorilla was startled, this is the one that he can't hold down, and there are so many other people staring at him, it's not good, run away!

The gorilla roared pretentiously, jumped up suddenly, and rushed into the sky like a cannonball!
Mo Xuan flicked his fingers, and a red long whip was thrown out from his fingertips. The whip came first, and wrapped around the rushing gorilla dozens of times, tightly bound it!

The gorilla roared and struggled desperately, but the eggs fell apart. The more he struggled, the tighter he was bound, and finally he couldn't even move, and was dragged back to the ground by the long whip.

The gorilla's skin was thick and dry, and he was not afraid of falling. When he was about to hit the ground, the long whip suddenly withdrew, and he was gently placed back on the ground.

The gorilla stood like a stake, looking at the owner of the whip, Mo Xuan, in horror. Who the hell is this guy?
Mo Xuan tsk-tsk looked the gorilla up and down, he looked really good, like King Kong reborn.It's been a long time since I caught a pet animal, but this gorilla can be adopted as a pet animal.

Zhou Fang rubbed his hands, and asked Mo Xuan in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Hua'an, I really like this gorilla, I wonder if you would like to give up my love?"

If it wasn't for Mo Xuan's good hearing, he really wouldn't be able to hear. He smiled lightly and said, "Since fellow daoist is interested, let this gorilla be given to fellow daoist."

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for letting go." Zhou Fang bowed deeply to Mo Xuan, and happily patted the gorilla's calf, which was only enough to reach the calf.

Zhou Fang then began to try to subdue the gorilla. The gorilla refused to obey at first, but after all, his IQ was limited, and he couldn't bear the repeated big stick and red dates, so he complied!
(End of this chapter)

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