Chapter 575

Zhou Fang shrunk the gorilla down to two meters in height, named it Dali, exchanged ideas, and learned that Dali was not alone, but a member of a small tribe who lived in a jungle on the top of the mountain.

The vigorous vertical eyes are the sky eyes gradually evolved by the ethnic group in order to adapt to this mountain. They can see through thick clouds and fog, and can also emit light, which is very powerful.

It's just that the Dali people are few in number, and they can only barely gain a foothold on the top of the mountain. They can be regarded as a small tribe on the top of the mountain, and they are not doing well.

Gorillas are not taboo about meat and vegetables, but basically they can only eat vegetarian food at the top of the mountain.Don't look at such a big man like Dali, in fact, he is not yet fully grown, and it is the golden time to grow his body, so he went to the mountainside to find some meat for a tooth sacrifice, and met Mo Xuan and his party.

It turns out that there are many rare birds and beasts on the top of the mountain. Mo Xuan grinned, so he went to catch some.

With a strong lead, Moxuan's squad moved much more easily on the mountainside surrounded by clouds. They went all the way and reached the top of the mountain smoothly.

It really is a different world!
The thick clouds are already under the feet, and the top of the mountain is really beautiful, prosperous and full of vitality!Giant trees hundreds of meters high can be seen everywhere, and birds and animals are singing endlessly, which is in stark contrast to the dead and silent halfway up the mountain.

Zhou Fang asked Dali suspiciously, why is there such a big difference between the top of the mountain and the halfway up the mountain?

It turned out that this mountain turned out to be an active volcano, and it would erupt once after a long period of time.The top of the mountain is protected by inexplicable forces and will not be harmed by volcanic eruptions. Animals and plants can reproduce peacefully, but the mountainside will suffer disasters, and a volcanic eruption will basically be extinct once.

The area halfway up the mountain is too wide, and volcanic eruptions rarely reach the foot of the mountain. Even if they do, the rare birds and animals have enough time to escape.Therefore, the top and foot of the mountain are the gathering places for animals and plants.

It has been a long time since the last volcanic eruption, so there are gradually living things on the mountainside.

Mo Xuan and his party clicked their tongues, it turned out to be like this, it seems that the top of the mountain is not easy!

The good news is that the suppression of the immortal power at the top of the mountain is much smaller than that at the middle of the mountain, and the strength of Mo Xuan and his party has recovered a lot, which is already equivalent to the strength of ordinary Xuanxian.In fact, for Mo Xuan and the others, the immortal power is only secondary, and the various supernatural powers they have comprehended are their greatest reliance!

The top of this mountain is so extraordinary, it is natural to take the opportunity to practice it.

Dali shared all the information he knew.

The gorilla family is just a small family. The jungle they live in is relatively barren at the junction of the mountainside and the top of the mountain. They live a tight life and are often bullied by the surrounding tigers, rhinos and porcupines.

The higher up the mountain, the more prosperous it is, and only the most powerful races can occupy the most prosperous area.Dali only knows that there is a powerful Sirius tribe who dominates one side, which is very remarkable.

Dali's grandfather once saw a young Sirius who went out to practice. Although he was only five meters tall, he was made of steel and iron, boundless in strength, and extremely fast.

Dali's grandfather was one of those who were raped, and he still has the huge scar on his chest that was caught by the Sirius that year. He is the most glorious capital of Dali's grandfather, and now he is the patriarch of the gorilla family.

Vigorously led Mo Xuan and his party to the gorilla camp.

A large circle of logs with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of [-] meters is inserted straight into the ground, and it is simply constructed as a guardrail for the resident!

There is still a distance from the station, and you can see fruit trees growing 50 meters away in the station inside the guardrail, and the golden fruits are shining among the golden leaves.

This is a fruit tree carefully cultivated by the gorillas for their livelihood. The golden lines on their bodies evolved from eating this golden fruit for a long time.

There is a huge half-dead fruit tree in the center of the station, and several simple wooden houses are built on the tree, and the gorillas live in these simple wooden houses.

A lookout room was built on top of the tree.

The observation room is very simple, with air leaks from all sides, and there are no tables and chairs in the house. There are a pile of large stones scattered on the ground, and a large iron block in the shape of a stone mill is placed on one side, and a small iron block is placed on top of the large iron block. .

A gorilla 30 meters away was bored, grinding its teeth with a thigh-thick branch in its mouth, and kept looking around the resident.

Hey, I eat fruit every day, and the birds are almost fading out of my mouth. I really envy my brother, who can go down the mountainside to find meat, but I have to stay in the garrison to help guard.This is Dali's elder brother.

Brother Dali sighed quietly, his brows flickered vertically, and he stared at a strange three-color giant bird that flew leisurely above the station in the sky.

Meat!Brother Dali rolled his eyes, licked the corner of his mouth with his big tongue, and casually picked up a big rock beside him, exercised his arm strength, and brewed for a while, until the giant three-color bird reached the top of his head, aimed at the big rock and smashed it like a cannonball go out!
The big boulder accurately sprinted under the giant tricolor bird, and it was about to hit!
As soon as the three-color giant bird's claws reached out, it firmly grasped the stone in the center of its claws, glanced disdainfully at the small station below, uttered a cry, and swooped down!
Oh no!Brother Dali hastily threw several stones at the giant tricolor bird, but the giant tricolor bird easily dodged them.

Brother Dali panicked completely, rushed to the big stone to grind the big iron block, picked up the small iron block and smashed it vigorously at the big iron rod!
There was a loud metal bang!
Sirens are sounding!Everyone in the gorilla station was on alert.

Dali's parents rushed out of the room in a hurry, their long hair was a little messy, it seemed that they were just doing a major event of inheriting the family!
"What's the matter?" Dad Dali shouted.

"Enemy attack from above!" Brother Dali roared back.

The gorillas reacted, and hurriedly launched a dense stone attack on the swooping giant tricolor bird.

The three-color giant bird was extremely fast, and avoided most of the stones, but was still hit by the stones many times, causing pain all over its body.

The giant tricolor bird uttered annoyedly, gliding sideways, made a big circle, rushed to the top of the tree, and flapped its wings!A hurricane roared past!

Brother Dali exclaimed and was swept out together with the lookout room, smashing the station into a big hole.Brother Dali's skin was thick and his flesh was dry, he just jumped out of the pit immediately and continued to attack the tricolor bird.

The three-color giant bird snorted coldly, and slapped all the wooden houses on the giant tree, and then spewed a big mouthful of fire, igniting the half-dead giant tree!
The gorillas were so angry that they jumped up and down, this damn tricolor bird is so vicious!

Brother Dali also regretted it at the beginning, why did he lose his mind and shoot at the giant three-color bird?
The giant tri-color bird took advantage of the situation and flew around the station a few times, breathing out fire continuously, igniting many fruit trees, and the log guardrail was also ignited.

The gorillas no longer have the time to attack the giant tricolor bird, jumping around to put out the fire, but the fire spewed by the giant tricolor bird can't be extinguished no matter what, the more they fight the fire, the more it grows!
The tri-color giant bird flew back and forth around the station, constantly breathing fire.

The entire station has been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames!
Is this the day that our race is going to die?

The gorillas want to cry but have no tears.

Brother Dali was so remorseful that he slapped himself a few big mouths, making you feel inferior. Now it’s all right, the resident is almost gone, and the fruit trees are almost burned. The whole family will only be able to blow the northwest wind and drink the northwest wind !
At this critical moment, Dali rushed to the station in a hurry, returned to his original figure, and shouted to help put out the fire, but it was just a drop in the bucket, useless.

Zhou Fang glanced at Shui Wu begging for help. It wasn't that he couldn't put out the fire, but if he quickly extinguished the fire, the garrison was basically finished!
It was nothing more than a little effort, Shui Wu pinched a Dao formula with his left hand, and the water vapor around the entire station suddenly rose up, turning into water mist all over the sky.

The fire, which the gorillas couldn't put out no matter what, subsided so quickly, leaving only steam bubbling around.

The tricolor giant bird was taken aback, what the hell is this?

The gorillas were all stunned, what's going on?Why did the fire suddenly go out?
Dali looked at Mo Xuan and his party in astonishment, it should be the lord and the others who helped put out the fire, it really is amazing!

Mo Xuan looked at the gorillas loudly, these big guys are really burly.Comparing Dali with other gorillas, he is really a small boy!

This is clearly the Vajra clan!
Whoops, the 50-meter-tall man with three deep sloping claw marks on his chest should be Dali's father, he is really huge!
Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, looked at the three claw marks, the speed and strength of that Sirius' attack were really not covered, is that a juvenile Sirius?Mo Xuan couldn't help being full of curiosity about the Sirius Clan, so he would study it carefully if he had the chance.

The three-color giant bird hesitated for a moment, then swooped down again, wanting to continue setting fire, when a cold snort suddenly sounded in the ear, the three-color giant bird trembled all over, and flew into the sky in horror, glanced at the station for a while, and finally stared at it. Mo Xuan and his party came.

Could it be these little ones?impossible?
Mo Que'er gave the giant tricolor bird a cold look.

The giant three-color bird's heart twitched violently, and its feathers stood up involuntarily. Mamma Mia, the giant three-color bird screamed and fled in a hurry, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

The fire was extinguished, but the fire had been burning for a while, and the station still suffered heavy losses!
All the wooden houses that were finally built fell apart. Although the fruit trees were not burned to death, most of the branches, leaves and fruits of the fruit trees were burned, and nearly half of the log guardrails were burned.

The gorillas looked bleak, and they were already living a tight life. What should they do if they are so angry?
Brother Dali sat down on the ground, crying loudly, blaming me for being greedy and cheap, why would you provoke that tri-color giant bird if you have nothing to do!
He patted his brother on the shoulder vigorously and reassuringly, and shouted to introduce Mo Xuan and his party to the clansmen, and they who put out the fire in time.

It turned out to be benefactor!

Dali's parents yelled to organize it, and the gorillas lined up to welcome Mo Xuan and his party. Unfortunately, there was no decent wooden house in the resident, so they could only pick dozens of fresh golden fruits as entertainment.

After all, it was the gorillas' intentions, so Mo Xuan put it away and released the small palace he carried with him as a rest.

Wow, what a delicate house, what kind of craftsmanship is this?The gorillas are amazed, but they are too small, and if we are not careful, we can step on them.

Dali's parents picked up some branches to surround the small palace, so as not to accidentally step on it, and then immediately organized the clan members to repair the log guardrail, and the Dali brothers also went to help.

Women and children who could not do heavy work were not idle, tidying up the messy residence.

Mo Xuan studied the golden fruit in the small palace, and found that the fruit contained wonderful energy, which could strengthen the body and soul to a certain extent, and was the source of strength for the golden lines on the gorilla's body and the vertical eyes between the eyebrows.

But this golden fruit obviously also has some side effects. The specific manifestation is that it is not easy for gorillas to reproduce. No wonder the tribe is so rare.

Mo Xuan touched his chin, is there any way to neutralize it?Mo Xuan originally wanted to ask Xiaoyun for advice, but Xiaoyun buried his head in the room again, hung up the sign for exempting guests, and didn't know what he was up to.

Mo Xuan pondered slowly by himself, he couldn't bother Xiaoyun whenever something happened.

The house is overcast and rainy.

The surrounding porcupines saw the flames on the gorilla camp, and knowing that there was a big fire in the gorilla camp, they immediately assembled troops to grab the site.

Porcupines are average in strength individually, but they are in groups, and the gorilla resident usually only relies on the original solid wooden fence to resist the aggression of the porcupines.

The log guardrail was burned by fire and wet by water vapor, so it was no longer strong.

The gorillas have only completed a small part of the repairs, and at least one third of the guardrail has little defense.

The station is in danger!

(End of this chapter)

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