Interstellar Miner

Chapter 576 Starfire

Chapter 576 Starfire
The sturdy porcupine warriors dispersed their formation into a semicircle in a targeted manner, holding huge log shields in twos and threes, and continued to advance towards the gorilla camp.

No matter how accurate the stones thrown by the gorillas are, they can only hit the thick shield.

The rocks are powerful, but if they are shared by three or five porcupine warriors, at most they can only stagger the porcupine tactics behind the shield, and cannot produce much effect.

Dali's father yelled to adjust and concentrate the firepower, and three or five stones hit the same shield one after another, but it was not something three or five porcupine warriors could bear, and it was inevitable that the pig would turn over on its back.

The gorillas then took the opportunity to attack the shieldless porcupines.

The porcupine fighters are also well-trained. After falling down, they immediately rolled on the ground to avoid the stones. Even if they were hit once or twice, they would be injured, their bones were broken, their heads were broken, and they would not lose their lives. .

The nearby porcupine warriors held their shields and moved over, blocking the unprotected porcupine warriors behind.

The gorillas continued to focus their fire, constantly disrupting the formation of the porcupine warriors.

As usual, the porcupine warriors would back down and retreat back to their garrison when they saw that they couldn't get a good deal.This time, he saw that the guardrail of the gorilla station was half useless, and he gritted his teeth against the gorilla's rocks and continued to push forward!

800 meters away from the gorilla station! 600 meters! 300 meters!

Dali's father was secretly anxious, it seems that the porcupine tribe is determined to capture our garrison this time!
How to be good?
It would be terrible if the porcupine tribe broke into the garrison!

There are only 63 members of the tribe with considerable combat power, and the rest of the old and weak women and children can barely entangle with a porcupine warrior.

And there are thousands of porcupine warriors pushing forward now!
This is not a question of whether they can fight or not, but once a porcupine warrior breaks through the defense line and breaks into the garrison to wreak havoc, it will add fuel to the fire, and the garrison will be completely finished!
Dali stared at the porcupine warriors who were advancing gradually with red eyes, wishing to jump over to fight with them, but he also knew that the porcupine warriors were not easy to mess with, if he could jump over, nine times out of ten he would not be able to jump back.

Brother Dali gave Dali a hard push, it's such a critical moment, Dali, you should hurry up and ask Engong and the others for help, maybe Engong and the others can find a way.

Dali was stunned for a moment, then realized, yes, I am so passionate, I forgot about my incomparably powerful benefactor!He ran away vigorously, rushed to the side of the small palace surrounded by a circle of branches, and yelled frantically: "Grandfather, Lord, help me! The porcupines are attacking! Help me!"

Mo Que'er looked around, didn't he come in yet, howling, it's so annoying!Just when I was about to fall asleep, I was woken up by your loud voice.

Mo Xuan patted Que'er's fragrant back, you continue to rest, I'll go out and have a look.

Mo Que'er pursed her lips, she was woken up, she can't sleep for a while, let's go together.

Mo Xuan and his party walked out of the small palace, and followed Dali to the side of the guardrail.

Wow, is that the porcupine tribe? It's not the porcupines that Mo Xuan and the others imagined, but they are like pigs, each of them is more than 20 meters tall, fat and strong, with thick limbs, and a huge pig's head on it. , the back is covered with spikes shining with metallic luster, which is not easy to mess with at first glance!

At this time, the porcupine warriors had already advanced to a distance of less than 200 meters from the guardrail. Instead of blindly defending, they also began throwing stones to fight back.The porcupine's arm strength is limited, but the stones thrown are still quite powerful at a distance of only 200 meters.

Those burnt guardrails in the garrison could bear it, and they broke apart after being smashed, and many holes were smashed in a short time!

Sure enough, there is a show!The porcupine warriors howled, pushed harder, pushed for a while, and then they could sprint later, as long as they rushed into the station, victory was in sight!
At such a critical juncture, Mo Que'er, who was sleepy after being quarreled, twitched her mouth, and a group of ugly fat pigs were making noise, it was so annoying!

Mo Que'er wanted to spit out fire and turn the group of porcupines into roasted pigs. It wasn't enough to follow Mo Xuan for so long, and he was also tainted with a lot of compassion.

Mo Que'er snapped his fingers casually, and a bright red flame jumped happily at the fingertips as white and tender as green onions.Mo Que'er flicked his fingers, and the little flame flew out slowly.

Dali stared at the side helplessly, wondering why, such a big flame can't even light a small firewood, so what's the use?Is it just for fun?

The corners of Mo Que'er's mouth slanted, and the little flames spread across his body immediately, like thousands of fireflies flying all over the sky. One firefly stared at a porcupine warrior with incomparable precision, and lightly landed on the short tail behind the porcupine's buttocks. Smoke began to rise.

It is the simplified version of the fire-type supernatural power that Mo Xuan comprehended back then - the thousand handprints of the rapid fire.

With the current strength of Mo Xuan and Mo Que'er, the tricks of the past can now be easily used, which can be said to be a qualitative leap.

It's close enough!The Porcupines are about to officially charge!

Um?Where does the burnt smell come from?What is burnt?

It must be the burnt smell of the gorilla camp, but something seems wrong?
The porcupine warriors looked around, oops, the tail is on fire!Um?Why is my tail on fire?All pig tails are on fire!

Wow!The porcupine warriors subconsciously wanted to save themselves, but they were so fat and strong that they couldn't reach their own little tails, so they screamed anxiously, put out the fire.

But he couldn't do without holding the shield, he couldn't free his hand, so he could only flick his tail desperately, but how could Mo Que'er's fire be extinguished so easily!
The fire on the tails of the porcupine warriors is burning hotter and hotter, like small torches flying, the scene is so spectacular and funny!

The gorillas in the station stared blankly, what... what's going on?
Dali was even more stunned, such a small flame could set the tails of all the porcupine warriors on fire, which is too unbelievable!

The porcupine leader yelled: "Pig heads, if you can't put out the fire by yourself, help put out the fire for the pigs next to you!"

That's right, the wild boar warriors rushed to help the pigs around them put out the fire, but even if they slapped their hands desperately, they still couldn't put out the fire, they were so anxious to death!

Given a rare opportunity, the gorillas used all their sucking strength and smashed at the porcupine warriors who pushed close.

Most of the porcupine warriors had one-handed shields at the moment, and at such a short distance, the shields were smashed crookedly and a large area fell down, and the excellent advancing formation was messed up all of a sudden!

smash!Smash those nasty porcupines!

The gorillas flung their arms away, and the stones roared and smashed towards the porcupine, which had no shield protection.

The porcupines were smashed to the ground, their heads were bloody, and the tail torches were blazing. The formation was chaotic and chaotic, and they could no longer organize an effective attack.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The porcupines threw away their helmets and armor, fucked up, and fled in embarrassment!After a while, thousands of porcupine warriors ran away completely, and one by one tail torches were still dangling and shining in the distance.

The crisis is temporarily lifted.

The gorillas looked at Mo Xuan and his party gratefully, and really didn't know how to properly express their gratitude.

Brother Dali directly knelt down on the ground, kowtowing to Mo Que'er like pounding garlic.

Mo Que'er smiled slightly, raised his hand, and gently lifted Brother Dali from the ground with a gentle force.

Mo Que'er waved his hand casually, and the sporadic sparks in the air converged into a weak fire point.

The small fire slowly fell to a branch of a dead tree that had been burned, and a trace of invisible blue smoke fluttered and fluttered with the wind.

Mo Que'er said calmly: "As long as this little spark is not extinguished, those wild boars dare to come again, and they will taste the taste of burning their butts again."

Vigorously translate it in orangutan.

ha?so amazing?The gorillas winked and looked at the little spark, but few of them could see it clearly, so it must have gone out, right?
Having seen the power of Little Flame just now, none of the gorillas questioned it.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Mo Que'er took Mo Xuan's arm and went back to the small palace to rest.

Dali's father continued to organize his tribe to rush to repair the guardrail. There were not only porcupine tribes around, but also tiger tribes and rhinoceros tribes.

Zhou Fang saw that the guardrail was smashed into a mess, and it couldn't be repaired in a while, so to avoid trouble, he made seals with his hands and pressed on the ground!
The whole earth roared, and a thick earth wall surrounding the entire station continued to rise!

Wow, what is this?The gorillas were dumbfounded again, they have learned a lot today, it's really amazing!

Zhou Fang clapped his hands, called it a day, and went back to rest.

The gorillas looked at the huge earthen wall 50 meters high and [-] meters thick, which suddenly rose from the ground. How did this happen?

Dali's father tried to test the hardness of the earth wall, and punched the earth wall, but the earth wall did not move at all, only a slight dent, but his arm was a little sore from the shock of the earth wall.

This... is it true?Dali's father changed another place and punched hard again, but the earthen wall still remained motionless!

The rest of the gorillas followed suit, and after testing it, it really is such a terrifying hardness for a whole circle.

Fuck!The gorillas couldn't help being dumbfounded at the bunker-like earthen wall guardrail.

Do we still need to repair the guardrail?
Dali's father had seen the world after all, he was the first to recover, and yelled that the earth wall is extremely strong, but the earth is afraid of water, and once it rains, it will soften in all likelihood, everyone should take this opportunity to rush to repair the guardrail.

The gorilla continued to work in a dull manner, and looked back at the huge earthen wall and the dead tree with the little sparks from time to time. We are not dreaming, are we?

On the other side, the porcupine warriors howled and fled with their torch-like tails, and finally got away from the gorilla camp. They didn't have to worry about the gorilla's stone attack, so they hurriedly started to fight the fire.

Crazy beating, rolling on the ground, nothing works!
A burst of barbecue aroma drifts with the wind!The tail must have been roasted, but the fire is still very strong, if it continues to burn, the buttocks will also be roasted!
water?Find water quickly!Put out the fire with water!

The porcupine warriors howled wildly and rushed towards a big river, thumping and jumping into the big river, the fire that could not be put out was finally extinguished!

Finally freed!The porcupine warriors had tears in their eyes, feeling like being reincarnated as pigs.

A few impatient porcupine warriors were about to go ashore immediately, but just as they climbed ashore, sparks appeared from the tail emitting the smell of barbecue, and then they lit up again, screaming strangely and jumping into the river again, squatting in the water for a long time. Dare to go ashore!
What kind of fire is this?It's too evil!The porcupine warriors couldn't figure it out, where did the gorillas who always smashed stones come from this evil fire?

Originally, we were about to break through the gorilla camp, but in the end, we were thrown away by this evil fire, and the whole army was defeated.

The porcupine leader soaked in the water for a while, climbed ashore, flicked his tail, and didn't catch fire again, so he was fine at last.

The rest of the porcupine warriors went ashore one after another, but they still stayed on the bank, not daring to leave the river.

The porcupine leader ordered five soldiers and asked him to go back to inquire about the situation of the gorilla station.

The five porcupine warriors reluctantly sneaked back, and saw a large circle of majestic earthen walls in the gorilla camp from a long distance away. What the hell is that?It was clearly not there just now, but today it is so evil!
Um?Why is it smelling burnt again?A little familiar taste!
The five porcupine warriors looked at each other dumbfounded.What the hell, isn't it?Why is the tail on fire again?Help, put out the fire!

Howling, the five porcupine warriors turned back and jumped into the big river, never daring to go ashore again.

After listening to the report of the five porcupine warriors, the porcupine leader looked disbelieving. Can you guys talk any more?What kind of bullshit is this huge earthen wall, you five people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, what are you making up!
If it wasn't for the fact that their five tails got angry, it didn't look like a fake, the porcupine commander would definitely deal with them severely.

The porcupine commander personally took five porcupine fighters back to inquire about information, but there was an earthen wall here, what... what's going on?
Then, the familiar burnt smell wafted up.

Uh... Commander Porcupine and his party howled again and again, rushing to the river desperately...

The porcupines had to give up the idea of ​​​​taking over the gorilla camp.

The Tigers and Rhinos, who watched the fire from the other side and watched the tigers fight from the mountain, saw that the Porcupines had returned in vain, and that a large earthen wall suddenly appeared in the gorilla camp, and they all chose to stand still.

The crisis in the gorilla station is resolved this time!
(End of this chapter)

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