Interstellar Miner

Chapter 577 Teaching

Chapter 577 Teaching
After spending a lot of effort and time, the log guardrail of the gorilla camp was finally repaired.

Dali's father was originally worried that even if the porcupines stopped coming to attack, the tigers and rhinos would not be idle.Fortunately, the Tigers and Rhinos just waited and watched, and did not take actual action.

After a heavy rain, the earth wall defensive circle built by Zhou Fang did not melt and soften as Dali's father expected.

The gorillas were dumbfounded. They smashed against the earthen wall, but it was still unbelievably strong. My dear, is this an earthen wall? It's too strong!

After the shock, the gorillas were even more delighted. With the log guardrail and this circle of soil, the defensive end of the station was like an iron bucket. What a joy!

And the spark seeds on the dead tree were not extinguished even though it rained heavily, and the breeze blew wisps of green smoke fluttering and dancing with the wind.Now starting a fire in the resident has become extremely simple, as long as the dry dead branch is placed on the spark for a while, it will ignite.

Simply divine!
Although the food in the resident was already in short supply, the gorillas still picked many fresh golden fruits and piled them up in front of the small palace as a gift.

Mo Xuan has not been idle during this period, he first wandered around in the station to study the golden fruit trees, and at the same time built a teleportation array beside the small palace.

Mo Xuan's intention of building the teleportation array is very simple. The rest of the team members are still practicing at the foot of the mountain. Since the situation on the top of the mountain is not too complicated, they can be directly teleported to the gorilla station through the teleporter, and the training effect will naturally be better.

However, this huge mountain is weird and has many restrictions. The ordinary teleportation array is not easy to use, and the teleportation is prone to deviation. Mo Xuan is still in the process of debugging. After the debugging is completed, he can go down the mountain to pick up the team members.

Debugging is not as simple as talking about it. This huge mountain is really weird. The power of the immortal is severely restricted by inexplicable forces or restrictions. Mo Xuan has been debugging for several days, but he has not been able to completely correct the parameters of the transmission array. Mountain limits are not static, they are constantly changing!
The person who needs to tie the bell to untie it, Mo Xuan decided to ask Dali about the daily situation of the mountain to see where the weirdness lies.

Although the resident is quite large, the gorillas are all super big and the number is small, so it is easy to find.

Seeing Mo Xuan wandering around with his hands behind his back, the gorillas stopped in their tracks, for fear that the footsteps would be too loud, and when Mo Xuan came close, they would all respectfully bow and salute.

Don't be so polite, Mo Xuan waved his hand kindly.

After a while, Mo Xuan found Dali in a large open space in the residence.

There used to be many golden fruit trees planted in this piece of air, but it was a pity that they were burned down by the fire-breathing giant tricolor bird, and such a large open space was vacated.

Dali and his brother are teaching young orangutans how to throw rocks!

There is a row of a dozen large stones, or small stone mountains, on the ground at the other end.

Vigorously demonstrated on the spot, weighed the stones in his hand, put out his posture, leaned back slightly, bent his right arm to gather strength to aim, and threw it!

The stone shell flew out like a shell, and hit a small rock mountain with precision.

Xiaoshishan exploded with a bang!
Vigorously concocted in the same way, and smashed the three small rock mountains to pieces.

cool!The little guys looked at Dali with admiration, brother is awesome!
He grinned triumphantly, patted his thick palms, and let the little ones start practicing.

Little guys, well, even the little ones are all big guys ten meters away, throwing off their arms one by one, yelling, smashing hard.

The strength is very strong, but the accuracy is not good. After smashing it, only one of the row of small rocks placed over there was hit. It is good luck in all likelihood.

Dali shook his head helplessly, the little ones still need to practice hard, they can't hit immobile targets, let alone live targets!

"Grandfather." "Grandfather is coming!" The lively little orangutans saw Mo Xuan, and immediately dropped stones and rushed over.

"Okay, hello everyone." Mo Xuan nodded with a cheerful smile.

"Engong, why are you here?" Dali looked at Mo Xuan earnestly.

"I have something to ask you."

That's it, nod vigorously, let the little ones continue training, and then turn to Mo Xuan, benefactor, just ask, as long as I know, I will know everything.

Mo Xuan didn't ask anything special, that is, he asked about the climate change on the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, the climate on the top of the mountain is extremely weird. Nearly half of the time, the weather is good, but sometimes it will be terribly hot, and after a few days, it will be shivering with cold, and there will be heavy rain from time to time, so there will be rivers and lakes on the top of the mountain. The existence of it can only be said to be unpredictable.

Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, hot and cold, and there are enough mild periods. Could it be that human factors are stimulating the growth and evolution of the creatures on the top of the mountain?There is also that weird restriction that can limit the power of immortality, the top of the mountain and even the whole mountain are not easy!

For a while, Mo Xuan didn't have any clue, he could only keep groping for the top of the mountain, peeling off the cocoon, and restoring the true face of the whole mountain.

With Mo Xuan on the side, the little orangutans trained so hard, yelling and smashing, they spent a lot of energy, but the results were not good, not even one hit the small rocky mountain!

Dali could only wait on the sidelines and worry. Although melee combat is also a specialty of the tribe, but after all, the tribe is scarce and cannot afford casualties, and smashing rocks has gradually become the bottom of the tribe's bottom line. In the future, they can rely on this skill to defend their home and country , Make a living!

Oh, you guys are aiming, why are you all so stupid as porcupines, throwing things around!If it weren't for Mo Xuan's presence, Dali would have wished to kick these little fellows a few times, it would really embarrass our clansmen!

The little orangutans were also very anxious, obviously we aimed according to what Brother Dali taught us, how come we couldn't hit them with life or death!

Mo Xuan looked aside for a while, smiled, and said, "Little guys, it's hard to hit if you hit like this."

Um?The little orangutans stopped throwing and looked at Mo Xuan eagerly, Mr. Eunuch, what do you think should be done?
Mo Xuan directly drew a few pictures on the ground to explain the influence of wind and gravity on throwing.

The little orangutans, including Dali, were all taken aback when they heard this.

Dali can cast so accurately, so he naturally understands what Mo Xuan said. It can only be broadly understood as valuable experience that can only be obtained through hard training and actual combat, and there is no way to describe it in such easy-to-understand language as Mo Xuan.

Wow, that's right!
The little orangutans are not stupid, and generally understand what Mo Xuan said, but they still have a vague understanding.

After all, theory is theory, and it needs practice to prove it!Mo Xuan signaled the little ones to try to practice their hands first.

The little orangutans began to practice enthusiastically, oops, I understood one thing, why is it so difficult to actually use it?
How to measure wind speed?How should gravity be determined?

The little orangutans scratched their heads. Anyway, they were practicing, so they had to bite the bullet.As a result, the first round of stone shelling successfully hit three small stone mountains. Although the hit position was a bit off, at least it was able to hit!And the rest of the shot stones are no longer so far away from the target, they are already relatively close.

Of course, there are also those that are too crooked to be crooked, but they reverse the influence of wind speed.

Wow!It really works!The little orangutans blinked in amazement, and immediately started the second round of practice, and hit another five small stones.

In the third round, the small stone mountains lined up as targets were all smashed to pieces.

Engong's method is really good!Works so well!The little orangutans are very encouraging, Brother Dali, hurry up, set another row of targets for us!

Dali Mumu came back to his senses, closed his mouth, and hurriedly ran over to reposition the target.While working, I smacked my lips, hey, I have been teaching for so long, the little guys can’t learn it, it’s not that the little guys are too stupid, but I can’t teach well, but isn’t that what my father taught me back then, It seems that I have practiced countless times before gaining something.
It can only be said that Engong is really awesome, just teach me casually, and the little guys will get through it so quickly!

Dali sighed and sighed and set up a row of targets, and was walking back. After a round of shelling by the little orangutans, all the targets were scrapped.

Uh... Dali staggered, so he could only turn his head back, open his arms and hug a lot of targets, then throw left and right, throw back and forth, and placed more than 30 targets in one go, making it more difficult.

Dali stood aside, clapped his hands, raised his arms to signal, throw it away, it depends on how long it takes for you to clear all the targets.

To Dali's surprise, all the targets were cleared in just two rounds.

Great!So accurate!This is aiming!So it's not that we are stupid, but Brother Dali can't teach well. The little orangutans scratched their heads one by one, and their tails began to curl up.

Mo Xuan smiled faintly, as expected of the King Kong clan, the little guys who were originally in a mess have mastered the control of wind force and gravity so quickly, and their shooting talent is really not covered.

Rub your hands vigorously, since this is the case, then I will show you something difficult!

Dali shouted to the little guys: "This is where you will practice the dead target. Let's practice the live target. If I throw a rock, whoever can hit it before it hits the ground will be the real skill."

The little orangutans are gearing up, each with a stone, come on!

He threw the stone high with great force.

While the stones were rising, the little guys shot one after another, and the result was predictable, the stones shelled out fell into the air one after another.

A rock keeps decelerating as it rises and is blown by the wind. It is no joke to calculate the amount of advance.

The little guys make persistent efforts and try bravely.

The stone rose to the highest point, and then, the stone began to fall at an accelerated rate.

The little guys concentrated and kept attacking, oops, why they missed, it was really difficult!

Grinning vigorously, little kids, now you know how powerful you are. Hitting a living target and killing a target are two completely different concepts. Work hard!

With a crisp sound, the falling stone was suddenly shattered!
Dali was stunned, no, it was luck that hit it?
Hey, Mo Xuan raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and fixed his eyes on the youngest of the little guys. It was this little guy with two lines of snot hanging from his nose and looking not very clever. He shot and hit the falling stones. Quite accurate, it is not good luck!
Tsk tsk, this time it's a snotty orangutan. It seems that people with snotty noses in this universe are more blessed!
(End of this chapter)

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