Interstellar Miner

Chapter 578 Vibration

Chapter 578 Vibration
Dashan, the foot of the mountain.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo sat on the edge of a cylindrical mountain cliff, with a piece of grass in their mouths, dangling their legs, chatting idly.

It's not that the two of them really have nothing to do, but they have accepted the lookout task assigned by Yun Yuanjia. Who makes them the weakest in the team.

Meanwhile, Yun Yuanjia led the team members to sneak into the giant mountain-like ant nest while the group of super-large ants were looking for food. The target was a strange herb growing in the nest.

The super-sized ants turned a blind eye to this herb, and it was overgrown like a weed.Yun Yuanjia accidentally discovered that this herbal medicine is extremely effective, and it can replace the rare and rare main medicine that is urgently needed in several precious elixir prescriptions, so it should not be missed.

The herbs in the outer area of ​​the ant nest have been mined long ago, and once you enter the ant nest, you will always encounter ants, and then they will be regarded as intruders. The ants attack wildly, and they are really in groups.

Compared with the swarms of ants before, the swarms of giant peaks really pale in comparison!
Fortunately, ants can't fly, otherwise Yun Yuanjia and his party would be in trouble.

However, once it goes deep into the ant's nest, it is easy to be blocked, so Yun Yuanjia deliberately waited patiently until the army of ants went out to look for food, and decisively entered the nest to collect herbs.

There are still some ants responsible for guarding the nest inside the nest, but Yun Yuanjia and the others are superior in strength, and it is still very easy to suppress a few ants silently.

The herb collection went fairly smoothly. Yun Yuanjia and his party seized the time and collected as much as they could. There was still a lot of risk in going deep into the ant's nest, so it had to be resolved quickly.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo, who were in charge of the lookout, had nothing to do and could only chat to pass the time.

Huh!Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo suddenly felt the mountain below their buttocks tremble, what's wrong?

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo looked around vigilantly, and found nothing unusual.

Yun Yuanjia and the others who collected medicine inside the lair also felt the vibration.

Yun Yuanjia frowned. Although the origin of the vibration was quite far away, it was obviously unusual!

Yun Yuanjia asked Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo, the watchmen, to keep them vigilant and report immediately if there was any trouble.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo spat out the grass in their mouths, stood up quickly, and looked around vigilantly with their backs to their backs.


King Kong training ground.

Wow!Hit, who hit it?The little orangutans were also startled, look at me, I look at you, it's not me, the stone I threw was obviously off.

"One more!" Vigorously throwing a small rock away again, it was a little stronger than before, and the throwing angle was also wider, making it more difficult.

The little orangutans shelled again, although it was much more accurate than before, but it was obviously not enough to hit the moving small rocky mountain.

Dali watched the small boulders whizzing past around the small boulder mountain, and couldn't help but secretly nod, this evolution is really nothing to say, the next time the porcupines attack our garrison, the little guys will probably be able to help.

Just when the small stone mountain rose to the highest point and was about to fall, a small stone hit it accurately, but this time the distance was a bit far and the force was not strong enough, and it only cracked a piece of the small stone mountain.

Dali was stunned, hey, is it true?Who?Which little guy hit it?
Mo Xuan smiled slightly, and it was that slug-nosed orangutan again.

The little orangutans whispered to each other, who, who is it?

Rubbing his hands vigorously, he threw a small rock mountain again, this time with greater force, and the small rock mountain circled at a high speed.

The little orangutans shot, wow, Xiaoshishan is flying too fast, and it is still in an arc, it can't be caught at all, it's so difficult!

With a crackling sound, the small rocky mountain circling at high speed shattered.

Mo Xuan nodded approvingly. While aiming precisely, the little guy can also strengthen his strength by running the golden lines, which is not bad.

ha?This can hit, who is so powerful?The little orangutans looked around to see who hit it, but there was a squeak!

"Hey, little six, did you hit it?" A little orangutan asked the little slug orangutan.

The slug orangutan sniffed his nose and replied, "I don't know."

"I looked like you were hit by a rock you threw."


Is it really Little Six?The little orangutans stared blankly at the slug-nosed little orangutan, isn't the little six the thinnest and least favored among us?It can't be him!
Dali was also a little tongue-tied, could it be that there is such a rare genius among the little guys?That is a great joy, how many tribes have gradually become prosperous and prosperous because of the emergence of a peerless genius!
Come again!Vigorously tossed a small rock mountain again, this time the trajectory of the throw was more tricky.

The little orangutans shot one after another, and as a result, Xiaoshishan finally landed, and no one could hit it.

Scratching my head vigorously, could it be that the three times just now were just luck?It's still too difficult for me, that's right, everything has to be done step by step, one step at a time!
However, Mo Xuan knew that Little Six hesitated for a while this time, but in the end he still didn't make a move. It didn't seem like he wanted to keep a low profile, and he probably didn't want to hit other little orangutans.

Vigorously continue to throw the small stone mountain, reducing the difficulty a lot.The little orangutans aimed more and more accurately, and more and more small rocky mountains were hit.

Mo Xuan watched with interest.

Gradually, gorillas came to watch, tsk tsk surprised, what happened to the little guys, did they suddenly become enlightened collectively?

Wow, it turned out to be the credit of benefactor, worthy of benefactor!

We also have a rough idea of ​​the influence of wind and gravity, and we can only rely on continuous hard work to accumulate experience points and gradually become more accurate.

We also have to learn how Engong's method was obtained, and gain insights.

The little orangutans were chattering, and the gorillas were confused. Finally, Dali told the story in detail, and the gorillas suddenly realized that it was so!
The truth is actually that truth, but our ancestors have explored for so many generations, and still can only rely on intuition and experience. How can there be such a detailed system? This is the gap.

Not long after, Dali's parents were also alarmed, and almost all members of the family gathered here.

Dali's father yelled: "Little guys cheer me up, whoever hits the most will get an extra meal at night!"

The little orangutans cheered up and geared up for preparation.

Vigorously throwing ten small stone mountains into the air in one breath, the heavenly maidens scattered like flowers!
The little orangutans yelled and kept shelling, and finally only three small rocky mountains fell to the ground, and the other seven were all smashed to pieces.

The gorillas secretly nodded in admiration, they are all doing well!We didn't have such precision when we were so young, En Gong's method is really awesome!

In the next few days, the entire orangutan family practiced frantically, the unfamiliar ones gradually became proficient, and the powerful ones became even more powerful.

A young orangutan with good talent can basically hit every shot.

It can be said that the overall combat power of the whole clan has skyrocketed a lot.

Mo Xuan spends some time every day going to the training ground to watch the orangutans' training. Although the accuracy has improved a lot, the attack method is too simple. Even if the veteran orangutan is proficient in controlling the curve throw, it is still too limited.

If the porcupines continue to push forward against the shield again, the orangutans still have no choice but to smash the shield desperately, thankless.

Have!Mo Xuan raised his thick eyebrows, quickly cut stones and quickly ground out a dozen oversized boomerangs, and distributed them to the little orangutans.

The little guys are playing with the boomerang in surprise, what is this?Bent stick?This bend is too weird!
Mo Xuan giggled, demonstrated live with a small boomerang, and said, "Everyone hold one side like me, tilt it slightly, and then throw it out like this."

The small boomerang flew out in a circle.

Wow!Why is it still turning?Oh, why did you fly back by yourself?The little ones exclaimed incessantly.

Dali was also taken aback, this... what is this?
Mo Xuan caught the boomerang that flew back with a smile, and said: "This is called a boomerang, and it's not easy to operate. If you miss the target, you can circle around and come back. If you want to catch it, you need to practice hard. After mastering it proficiently, you can perform many kinds of curved attacks. For example, the porcupines hide behind the shield, and you can still attack with the boomerang."

Wow, it's amazing!cool!
The little orangutans practiced enthusiastically, but there were a lot of problems. They got used to the daily throwing, and the force was wrong, which made the boomerang unable to spin. It flew a little distance and then stuck on the ground; there were also some angles that were wrong, and it fell to the ground after flying. or fly high and then fall straight down.

Mo Xuan demonstrated again, and the little orangutans gradually grasped the essentials, and could make the boomerang spin around, but if they want to catch the boomerang, they have to run around, which is really hard to catch.

Little Six mastered the skill after throwing a few times. He kept throwing and catching, and the radius of the clothoid curve became bigger and bigger.

Mo Xuan nodded approvingly, and went back to continue studying the teleportation array system.

The gorillas soon learned about boomerangs, and practiced them enthusiastically. It feels so high-end.It's a pity that there are only about a dozen of them, and one of them hit a fruit tree and was damaged. It's not enough!
The gorillas scrambled to play the boomerangs, basically grabbing one and throwing the other. When they came back to catch the boomerangs, they were always preempted.

Dali's father has spoken, what to grab, what is there to grab, let me have a few fun first, and then make dozens or hundreds of them like this later!

This boomerang will be the bottom of our resident's press box from now on, if the porcupines dare to come over, we'll hit them with boomerangs!
The imitation boomerang was completed soon, and it was also ground by cutting stones, but after throwing it out, few of them could spin. What's going on?Could it be that only those made by Engong can be turned around?Or where did we make it wrong?
Comparing it, it seems that the one we imitated is somewhat different from the one made by Engong.The gorillas imitated a lot more, but it was still not enough.

Helpless, Dali's father asked Dali to ask his benefactor for advice.

Dali wandered around outside the small palace for a long time. Last time, his loud voice abruptly yelled at Engong and his party. This time, it's better not to, and I will ask when I see Engong next time.

He folded back vigorously and told his father this, and his father thought about it too, so just wait patiently.

The gorillas played happily with the boomerangs made by Mo Xuan. They were lavish, and the boomerangs broke one by one.

Dali's father is so distressing, this is the treasure of the township that benefactor gave us, you prodigal sons, clumsy ones, don't play tricks, just look at me!
Dali's father snorted, confiscated all the remaining three boomerangs, picked one of them, swung his arm, and swung it vigorously. The boomerang flew into the sky with a whistling sound, and circled back in a big circle.

Dali's father caught the boomerang steadily, and raised his head nervously, did you see that, this is the real way to use the boomerang, what are you throwing blindly.

Father, let me play around too, Brother Dali looked at him with envious eyes.

Dali's father glared, the previous boomerang was spoiled by you, dodge it.

Brother Dali sat down on the ground with his head drooping, drawing circles with Dali in a boring way.

Dali's father threw the boomerang again. It was fine at first, but suddenly a gust of wind blew up the boomerang, and it hit a fruit tree head-on and shattered.

Uh... Dali's father rolled his eyes and coughed in embarrassment. It's because the wind is bad, and it's none of my business.

The gorillas groaned and rolled Dali's father's eyes, twitch, keep twitching!
Dali's father tried his best to justify himself: "One township treasure is enough, and there is no point in having more."

Dali's father sent a boomerang back to the wooden house he had just built, and then started playing boomerang again.

Dali's father practiced carefully, not to mention, it didn't take long for him to play more and more slippery.

The rest of the gorillas looked at it and were really envious and jealous!
(End of this chapter)

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