Interstellar Miner

Chapter 579 The Return

Chapter 579 The Return
Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo had been vigilant for a long time, and the surrounding area was always calm, and there was nothing unusual. Just when the two were relieved, the ground shook again, this time the shaking was much stronger than the previous one!

Both Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo are crooked, what's wrong?
Not too far away, a huge mountain suddenly exploded!
Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo were taken aback, what... what's the matter?Why did the good mountain suddenly explode?The situation was unknown, Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly reported the situation to Yun Yuanjia.

Yun Yuanjia and the others were also taken aback, why there was another shock, and this time the source of the shock was nearby!Yun Yuanjia made a decisive decision and led the team to retreat from the ant nest.

Without any surprise or danger, Yun Yuanjia's team safely retreated from the ant's nest, joined Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo, and hid in a forest.

After waiting for a while, there was nothing unusual. The mountain couldn't have exploded suddenly without any reason.

Yun Yuanjia went alone and carefully inspected it. Judging from the size and distribution of the fragments that exploded on the mountain, as well as the range and angle of ejection, it was obvious that the top of the mountain was suddenly subjected to great force, which caused the sudden explosion.

Yun Yuanjia clicked his tongue secretly. You must know that the rocks here are not the ordinary rocks outside, they are really as hard as steel. It is really unimaginable how terrifying the power is to smash such a whole mountain in one go.

Yun Yuanjia went back to ask Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo, but they didn't notice anything strange.

Yun Yuanjia frowned, and couldn't figure it out, what's going on?

At this moment, the ground trembled again, but this time the source of the tremor was far away.

Yun Yuanjia connected the locations of the sources of the three vibrations together, which happened to be a straight line heading towards the top of the mountain!Yun Yuanjia's complexion changed, could it be that some strange beast was jumping up the mountain?

Impossible, each vibration source is at least tens of thousands of miles apart, what a powerful and terrifying jumping force is required to jump so far!

However, how to explain this strange vibration?Yun Yuanjia couldn't think of any other possibility.

Yun Yuanjia forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, everything is still unknown, this big mountain is a lot of weirdness, it's better not to be suspicious, and be careful in everything.

In fact, Yun Yuanjia did not guess wrong.

A slender figure whizzed from the sky and fell to the ground in a parabola, stepped on the top of a mountain with one foot, and was ejected into the sky.

With a loud bang, the entire mountain suddenly exploded, and strong vibrations swelled in all directions.

By the time the creatures in the surrounding area sensed the earthquake, the slender figure had long since disappeared. After being suspicious, they all returned to calm.

The slender figure kept bouncing and headed toward the top of the mountain rapidly, and entered the supergravity halfway up the mountain within a few jumps.

It was very difficult for Mo Xuan and his party to advance halfway up the mountain, but this slender figure seemed to have no effect at all. Instead, it was like a dragon entering the sea. The speed of jumping and climbing the mountain was getting faster and faster. In the sea of ​​clouds!
Accompanied by the continuous rumbling and loud sound of the ground breaking, a long wolf howl faintly sounded in the sea of ​​clouds.

The wind is surging, the king is back!
Gorilla Station.

The orangutans waited until the flowers were almost withering, and Mo Xuan finally came for a stroll.

"Grandfather." "Grandfather." The orangutans rushed forward.

Then one by one, the super giants, four of them squeezed together, could not fit around Mo Xuan, and the other gorillas could only take aim from the gaps in the back row.

There was a lot of chatter, and Mo Xuan didn't understand the orangutan language very well, so he tried his best to help translate it in the end, so it turned out to be the case.Mo Xuan nodded, looked at the imitation boomerang, and saw the problem at a glance.

Although the boomerang looks relatively simple, it is composed of two banana-shaped wings, but these two wings are quite exquisite.

In modern times, boomerangs have been shaped with more than two wings, some with three or more wings.The length of a common boomerang is about half a meter. If the throwing method is correct, the boomerang can fly a beautiful circular trajectory in the air and return to the original starting point, so the boomerang is also called a boomerang.

The shape of the boomerang imitated by the orangutans looks the same, but when you look closely, the two sides of the two wings are mostly the same, and this is the problem.

The wings of the boomerang have a special shape, with one side protruding and the other flat.
In other words, the speed of the air flowing through the upper and lower surfaces of the boomerang's two wings during the rotation is different, and the air velocity on the lower surface is lower than that on the upper surface. This feature is similar to that of an airfoil.

After the boomerang is thrown, while gaining the forward initial velocity, it also spins around the connecting point of the two wings.The wings of a spinning boomerang also have the same effect in the air as the wings of an airplane—they are lifted by the air.

In short, it means that the speed of the boomerang's upper and lower airfoils relative to the air is different. Obviously, the speed of the upper airfoil is much greater than that of the lower airfoil. According to the principle of aerodynamics, the magnitude of the lift is proportional to the speed relative to the air. , then the lift force on the upper airfoil will be greater than that on the lower airfoil.

When the boomerang is thrown, it is not absolutely vertical, but has a certain camber angle with the plumb line, which means that the vertical component of the lift generated by the boomerang's two wings can maintain the boomerang's level flight and even Ascent, and the component force of the lift force in the horizontal direction is an important factor in the formation of the magical route of the boomerang.

In fact, the principle of a boomerang is similar to that of a helicopter. If the three-bladed or four-bladed propeller used on a helicopter is thrown vertically, its flight path is similar to that of a boomerang.A boomerang is essentially a pair of "propellers" that are thrown in a special way, and it doesn't matter how many blades the propeller has.

The gorilla's resident conditions were limited, so Mo Xuan didn't tinker with three-winged or four-winged boomerangs. This kind of two-winged boomerang was enough.

After listening to Mo Xuan's request for the boomerang's two wings to protrude on one side and be flat on the other, the orangutans quickly modified it, and a boomerang that could only swing back was born like this!

The orangutans watched Dali's father play so cheerfully, and they have long been jealous and envious. With so many boomerangs, there is no reason not to play tricks!

The boomerangs whizzed and circled into the sky, and as a result, many of them collided with each other and shattered.

Oh, it hurts!

Mo Xuan looked at some orangutans who did not wait for the boomerang to slow down before catching it with their hands, and the position of the grasp was not right. Although thick skin and dry flesh are not a serious problem, it is always dangerous!

Mo Xuan clapped his hands, signaling the orangutans to stop first.

Mo Xuan said: "Boomerang throwing and catching are both particular. Relatively speaking, throwing the boomerang is relatively simple, but catching it is not easy. It requires repeated contact."

Mo Xuan taught him carefully, try not to catch the boomerang with one hand, it is better to clasp your palms together, this is a skill, even a boomerang master can't catch it every time of.

"In the beginning, everyone mainly practiced their hands. The edges of the two wings should be smoothed to avoid cutting and hurting the palms. When everyone is proficient, I will refine a few boomerangs for you."

"Thank you, Engong." "Engong, you are so kind."

The orangutans were grateful.

Mo Xuan smiled slightly and nodded, you guys continue to practice.Mo Xuan then went to study the teleportation array. Although you can't figure out the details of the mountain top for a while, you can teleport accurately within a certain time for the time being.However, the distance between the top of the mountain and the foot of the mountain is too far, and the teleportation array is not secure enough. Mo Xuan plans to study it better.

It has to be said that the orangutans' talent for throwing is really amazing. Within a few days, the whole family, men, women and children, have all mastered the throwing and catching of boomerangs.

Mo Xuan also made ten exquisite boomerangs covered with brown patterns all over the body as promised, and explained: "These ten boomerangs can only be used to defend the garrison, and cannot be used for other purposes." .”

Dali's father immediately led the whole family members to swear, if they break the oath, our family will surely decline!

Afterwards, Dali's father carefully took ten boomerangs with both hands, ouch, they are so heavy!
If it weren't for Dali's father's incomparable strength, he really wouldn't be able to hold these ten black iron boomerangs.

Brother Dali and Dali saw it, and hurriedly helped their father share two, wow, it was heavy in the hand, if this guy was thrown out, how powerful it would be!

Dali's father scolded: "Don't touch me randomly, follow me honestly, and send it to my room."

Dali's father hid nine black iron boomerangs under the bed, walked out with one in his arms, stretched his body, weighed the black iron boomerang in his hand, the weight was just right, about the length of his forearm , It's really handy!

Dali and his brother placed a circle of a dozen or so small stone mountains on the open space.

The place is not big, and Dali's father didn't use much force, so he threw it lightly.

Huh, Dali's father was startled, he just felt that some of the strength in his body was sucked away by the boomerang, and the dense brown patterns on the boomerang became darker.

The black iron boomerang flew out in a circle without making a sound, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so small stone mountains exploded almost at the same time!

All the orangutans watching in a circle were dumbfounded, this... so powerful? !

Dali's father secretly swallowed his saliva, this black iron boomerang is really powerful!

The black iron boomerang flew back in a circle, and Dali's father raised his hands to catch the dart, hey, why does it seem that his right hand has sensed the boomerang?

Dali's father waved his right hand hesitantly, but the boomerang that flew back actually changed direction, lowered its speed, circled softly and flew under the palm of his right hand.Dali's father clasped his palms together and easily caught the black iron boomerang.

This... Dali's father stared blankly at the black iron boomerang in his hand, this is clearly a divine weapon, it's incredible!
The orangutans onlookers were all suffering from pink eye disease, they rushed up, let me try, let me try too!

Dali's father was in a hurry: "Hey, hey, what are you doing, this black iron boomerang is our town's treasure, if you want to touch it... you can, but you have to have my current level of throwing first! Otherwise, it will be broken , what compensation do you get!"

The orangutans were helpless, who told Dali's father to be the patriarch, and what he said was indeed reasonable, if the level is not good, and the black iron boomerang is damaged, then the crime will be serious!There are only ten of us in the whole family!

What are you waiting for, hurry up and practice hard!
The whole family began to practice hard day and night.

Dali's father gradually mastered how to use the black iron boomerang. It turns out that the patterns on the black iron boomerang are closely related to the golden lines on his body.

And not only can you control the direction of the boomerang when you fly back, but even after flying far away, you can still make fine adjustments, and cooperate with Dali's father's precise throwing. !
Dali's father really loved this black iron boomerang, he would hold it in his arms while eating and sleeping, and would not let go even if Dali and his brothers wanted to touch it.

Under the pressure of the whole family, Dali's father had no choice but to hold a special precision shooting competition, and specially invited Mo Xuan and his party to serve as referees.

The top three in the competition can get the permission to practice the black iron boomerang. Except Dali's father who is in charge of hosting, all the rest of the tribe participated in the competition, and everyone is gearing up and fighting!
(End of this chapter)

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