Interstellar Miner

Chapter 580 Competition

Chapter 580 Competition
Although it is a competition, the orangutan tribe's resident is typically poor and white, and there are not even a few wooden houses, let alone furniture.

It was Mo Xuan who divided the judges' area, placed a row of grand master chairs, placed melons, fruits and tea on the tea table, and invited the rest of the judges to sit down.

Mo Xuan, Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, Huali, Xiaoyun, Shui Wu, Zhou Fang, a total of seven judges lined up.

Xiao Yun didn't know what he was thinking secretly, and he wasn't very interested in the upcoming game.

Kong Ling, Mo Que'er, and Huali were all in high spirits, eating melon seeds and waiting for a good show.

Shui Wu and Zhou Fang sat upright, the ancient well was quiet, it was hard to see if they were interested.

Mo Xuan nodded to Dali's father.

Dali's father waved his hand, let's start!
The first round of the competition is very simple. The contestants stand in a big circle and are not allowed to qualify.Dali's father threw a hundred targets in the air one by one. The first one to hit the target will get two points, and the last hit will be counted as one point. It will be over when all the targets hit the ground. Finally, the total score will be calculated, and the top [-] will enter the next stage.

Dali's father clenched his fists and made a crisp cracking sound, then opened his bow left and right with both hands, and scattered the piled up large and small stones to various angles like a chain cannon.

knock off!Dali's father clapped his hands and folded his arms across his chest. All one hundred targets were already in place, and the next step is to see who can be more skilled!

Xiaoyun rolled his eyes, what's so difficult about it, isn't it just shooting a flying target.

However, a hundred targets have been thrown away for a while, but not a single one has been hit for the time being!
Of course, this is not because the participating orangutans are too low-level, but because they are very skilled. All the stones that should have hit the target were intercepted by other competitors halfway.

It's fine if one or two pieces are intercepted, but at this moment, even one shot can't hit the target!This has already surpassed the level and realm of hitting the bullet!
Xiaoyun couldn't help but clicked his tongue, it's amazing that orangutans are so big and can have such precision!

Shui Wu and Zhou Fang also watched with great interest.

There are only a hundred targets in total, and each participating orangutan can get less than one target, so they can only grab one!Fight to hit the target yourself while preventing others from hitting it!

The competition is not only accurate, but also predictive and overall.

Only five out of a hundred targets were hit during the ascent, and then began to fall.

Once the target hits the ground, there will be no more chances, so we must hurry up and grab points!
All of a sudden, the orangutans erupted collectively, and they all used the bottom of the box!That is really the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Dali and his elder brother also fought hard, quietly and exquisitely cooperating, and scored a lot of points.

A middle-aged orangutan threw a discus-shaped stone in a circle. Although it was different from a boomerang, it could still move forward in a curve. It skillfully avoided several half-way interceptions, accurately hit a falling target, and then ejected away. Come on, he hit two more targets one after another, scoring six points in one fell swoop.

An older orangutan played a super-difficult alley-oop. He hit a rock first, and then hit another rock. They changed direction and each hit a target accurately.And this was just the beginning. The two targets were knocked into the air by the stones. The old orangutan calculated the trajectories of the two targets and kept hitting the stones. The two targets bounced back and forth, earning points like crazy!

A mountain is higher than a mountain!
Mo Que'er and the others couldn't help but click their tongues in amazement, these gorillas are also considered to be extremely talented!
The little six that Mo Xuan focused on never made a move. Only at the last moment, he swung a stone boomerang with all his strength, whizzed and circled, hit five targets with a single miss, and scored one two points and four in one go. One point for a total of six points.

Ouch, this little guy is quite powerful.The rest of the referees stared at Xiao Liuzi in amazement.

All the one hundred targets fell to the ground, and many orangutans failed to hit the target even once, so they could only smile wryly, their skills were inferior to humans, they had no choice!You have to practice hard when you look back!

Although there are seven referees, all of them have great powers. In the small precision shooting competition with more than a hundred contestants, the results are clear at a glance, and there is no need to neutralize opinions.

Mo Xuan flicked his fingers, and a halo of light surrounded the middle-aged orangutan, No.1, with 25 points.

Mo Xuan flicked again, trapping the older orangutan, No.2, twenty points.

No.3, sixteen points.

Dali and his brother got nine and eight points, No.15 and No.16.

Little Six ranked No.19 with a total of six points, and was the only one among the little ones to break into the next round.

ha?Little Six got six points?real or fake?The referee is benefactor and the others, so of course they can't make mistakes!
The whole clan was stunned, staring at Little Six.

Xiao Liuzi felt uncomfortable when he was seen, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Dali blinked his eyes in amazement, so it must have been hit by Little Six during the last training, but it was really hidden!Really, if this ability is publicized, there will be a lack of a unique genius in our clan!

The other little guys looked at the little six in shock. The best score among them only got two points, and the adults fought endlessly and took the opportunity to pick up the missing points to get the points.Little Six can get six points?This is not a score that can be obtained by good luck, one must have real skills!

Xiao Liuzi used a rock boomerang to attack the target, right? The boomerang is not easy to aim at. Few contestants used boomerangs to participate in the first round, and only Xiao Liuzi passed the first round with a boomerang.

Well done little six!Our clan has finally figured out a genius!Dali's father Leha patted Xiaoliuzi on the shoulder, making the thin little Liuzi stagger, tsk, he's just too thin and weak, he needs to eat more to grow his body.

In full swing, the second round of competition has begun.

Unlike the first mixed round, this time it's one-on-one, but only boomerangs are allowed.

The rules are also very simple. Dali’s father grabs ten small stones and throws them casually. The contestants throw boomerangs according to the specific situation of the small stones and hit as many small stones as possible. One point and you have to catch the boomerang at the end, otherwise two points will be deducted.

There is only this second round, there is no third round, this round will determine the top three.

Each player has only one chance.

When fighting is life and death, there is no second chance!

Dali's father counted ten pebbles and caught them in the palm of his hand, he laughed and looked at the twenty contestants, who will come first?

The No.1 orangutan stepped forward without hesitation, here I come!

Dali's father nodded and threw ten small stones into the sky.

Everyone who was the referee watching from the sidelines couldn't help but frowned. This throw is too casual, almost without trace. Even if the boomerang can turn, it is impossible to hit many small stones, right?
The mature orangutan looked serious, his eyes fixed on the ten small stones scattered around.

Mo Que'er and the others looked a little anxious, if they didn't hit ten pebbles, they would fall to the ground!

Have!The mature orangutan waved his arm vigorously, and the boomerang flew out whistling and touching the ground, drawing a beautiful curve!

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!With six sounds in a row, the hovering boomerang quickly smashed seven small stones, and then flew back, and was firmly clamped by the mature orangutan's palms with a snap.

sharp!The onlookers couldn't help but be amazed. If it were us, it would not be easy to hit two.

Mo Xuan and the referees couldn't help applauding, it's wonderful!

The rest of the top [-] contestants appeared one after another.

Every time Dali's father throws ten small stones, he always goes with him, and he can throw them as he wants. The previous throwing rules will not apply next time.

Several players were caught off guard and only scored two points.

The older orangutan scored six points.

Dali scored four points, but his brother was unlucky and scored five points.

In the end, only the little six were left.

Brother Dali looked at Xiaoliuzi eagerly, as long as Xiaoliuzi can't get five points, then he will be in the top three, and he can use the black iron boomerang of his dreams!
Dali's father flicked it casually, and ten small stones flew out in such a straight line, almost no process of rising, and began to fall!
Oh, it's too difficult!
The orangutans watching could not help but secretly frowned, feeling that Dali's father was a bit biased, he must have deliberately increased the difficulty seeing that Dali's brother could get the top three.

Mo Xuan and his party involuntarily leaned forward.

Little Six was also taken aback, there was no time for him to grope slowly, so he could only swing the boomerang subconsciously.

This is too hasty!
The orangutans onlookers couldn't bear to look directly at them, I'm afraid that the little six would miss both of them!


Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!Six crisp sounds!

Surprised all four!
(End of this chapter)

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