Interstellar Miner

Chapter 582 The wolf is here

Chapter 582 The wolf is here

The task of judging has been completed, and Mo Xuan and his party returned to the small palace to continue training.

Little Six lasted three full battery life this time before gently falling to the ground.

The orangutans who had been watching eagerly for a long time rushed forward and asked me to play too, and I wanted to.

In the end, Dali's father, who was the strongest, won the first place. He rubbed the iron dragonfly happily and went to play in the sky.

Dazuo, Rhubarb and Brother Dali are also envious of the flying iron dragonfly, but they got the right to practice the black iron boomerang, and immediately practiced hard day and night.

Who really knows who uses this black iron boomerang, it's amazing!The three orangutans are also like Dali's father, they are reluctant to leave their hands after eating and sleeping!

Immortals' adaptability is also extremely strong. The longer they practice at the top of the mountain, the more they will be able to adapt to the various restrictions on the top of the mountain, and their strength will gradually recover.

But it's not like staying on the top of the mountain to live in the future, just make up your mind.

Mo Xuan's main focus was still on the research and development of the teleportation array, and he couldn't solve a few problems, so he had to ask Xiaoyun for advice.

Xiaoyun rubbed his chin and said: "You don't want to use it for daily use, why is it so perfect, it can be used. Just set up a sensing system between the two teleportation arrays, and remind you when it can be used, isn't it all right?" .”

That's right, when Mo Xuan clapped his hands, he was a bit of a dead end!In this way, it will be easy to handle!

Do whatever you want, Mo Xuan quickly perfected the teleportation array, and the Gemini teleportation array was officially launched.Mo Xuan seized the time to make the final adjustments.

A few days later, the iron dragonfly fever still has not disappeared.

The iron dragonfly was kept turning around, but the owner of the iron dragonfly, Xiaoliuzi, didn't practice a few times, because he was too talkative.

No, Little Six had just practiced before he was borrowed by Dali to play again.

Little Six didn't take it seriously, although he didn't practice much, he was already able to control the iron dragonfly to fly freely.Although other orangutans have great strength and fly higher and faster, they are always in a hurry when operating, and they don't listen to them.

Dali yelled, flying crookedly, and managed to stabilize the iron dragonfly, forget it, let's just fly steadily like this, fly high and see far.

The giant tricolor bird that made a big fuss about the orangutan camp last time was very narrow-minded, still thinking about the camp, and took two helpers with it, and flew over aggressively.Hmph, this time we must completely destroy the camp of those stinky orangutans!

Soon, the camp of the stinky orangutans could be seen from a distance, and the three tricolor giant birds suddenly accelerated, trying to catch the stinky orangutans by surprise, not because they were afraid of the stinky orangutans, but because they wanted to save some time. force.

Hey, what is flying?The three giant tricolor birds looked at Dali who was driving the iron dragonfly high into the sky in amazement, this... Could it be flying?Orangutans can also fly in the air, what's the matter?

Dali also suddenly saw three giant tricolor birds, oh, isn't that the giant tricolor bird that made a big fuss last time at the resident, last time only one made the resident extremely embarrassed, this time three came, no good !Everyone must be warned immediately!
Oh, how did you get down there?Dali was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he couldn't get down after staggering, so he could only yell anxiously!

And the orangutans watching under the station only thought that the level of vigorous operation was too low, yelling and shouting, and the distance was a little far away, so they couldn't hear clearly.

The three tri-color giant birds exchanged glances, no matter what it is that can fly with the orangutan, it must be a good treasure, let's grab it!The three birds speed up and charge together!
Dali can't wait to jump directly, one is flying too high, and the other is reluctant to bear the iron dragonfly, he is extremely anxious, and he can't remember how to descend, so let's go down!
The orangutans watching on the ground were taken aback, Dali must have fallen too fast, it was dangerous!
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The tricolor bird came over again last time, and brought two of them! Get ready!" Dali shouted anxiously.

Oops!The orangutan resident suddenly exploded, and the damned giant tricolor bird came again, this time there were still three of them, and our resident finally regained some vitality. The fruit trees were seriously insufficient, and the whole family was struggling. The pervert is still here!It's really deceiving!
Dali's father clamored for some arrangement, and the orangutans all hid behind the tree.

Dali's father tightened the black iron boomerang in his hand, since the tricolor bird is here to attack the garrison, then this black iron boomerang can be used!

Bigfoot, Dahuang, and Brother Dali exchanged glances. Last time we had nothing to do with the tricolor giant bird, but this time it’s different. We have black iron boomerangs. If you dare to do evil again, we will let you know sharp!
It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, three giant tricolor birds roared and rushed to the top of the garrison, seeing that the garrison was on alert, but they didn't take it seriously. Last time, one of them almost turned the resident upside down. This time, the three The generals go out together, and it's easy to catch!
The three giant tricolor birds immediately dispersed and swooped down.

Dali's father gave an order, and suddenly stones roared and smashed towards the giant three-color bird!

Cut, nothing new, the giant tricolor bird curled its lips in disdain, deftly dodged most of the stones, opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of fire, igniting several fruit trees at once.

Damn broken bird!
Dali's father let out a loud shout, and shot a black iron boomerang together with Dazuo, Dahuang, and Dali's brother!
What is this thing?The three three-color giant birds were startled, and vigilantly chose to dodge in the face of this unknown Dongdong.

But the speed of the black iron boomerang is really fast, the other two dodged, and the one that made a big fuss last time was attacked by brother Dali and father Dali, and failed to avoid it. It was hit on the left wing, and immediately His body was tilted, and he fell to the ground, making a big hole!
You are in the sky, we really have nothing to do with you, but when you are on the ground, that is our territory!

The gorillas howled and swarmed him, beating him!
Although the giant three-color bird was much taller than Dali's father, it was also considered strong and strong, but after all, it specialized in martial arts, and after two spouts of fire, it forced a few orangutans back.

Vigorously rolled sideways and protruded forward with both arms, and tightly hugged the throat of the giant tricolor bird, telling you to breathe fire, you can spray again!

Several orangutans teamed up to lock the two feet of the tricolor giant bird, and then grabbed the wings and tails, and punched and kicked the rest together.

Although the giant three-color bird struggled desperately to resist, but it was no match for a group of gorillas. It was soon covered with bruises, and the pain made tears flow down. Help, come and help!

The other two tricolor giant birds circled a small circle, avoided the stone attack, and rushed to rescue them.

Who would have thought that the boomerang that had already dodged circled around and came back again. When he realized it, it was too late to dodge. He was hit hard, one wing was injured, and he had no choice but to step down from the giant tricolor bird. follow suit!

The last one was hit on the body. Although the mouth and nose were bleeding, at least it could still fly. It was so frightened that it quickly flew high into the air, and could only watch helplessly as the two giant tricolor birds were kicked and punched by the gorillas. He screamed anxiously.

The two three-color giant birds that were besieged and beaten quickly fell silent, but they were beaten and passed out.

The gorillas made several more punches, and then guarded the last giant tricolor bird together.This one can't be let go, or else it will attract a group of giant three-color birds!
The four black iron boomerangs attacked together, and the rest of the orangutans also threw stone boomerangs one after another, and the boomerangs that shuttled back and forth joined together to block the sky above the station.

The giant three-color bird was in a panic, and it couldn't do anything about the weird boomerangs flying around. Fortunately, the power of the stone boomerang was average, and it didn't matter how many times it was hit, but the black iron boomerang It's too powerful, it hurts a lot after one hit, but don't get hit again!

At this moment of commotion, a long and slender figure descended from the sky at a super-speed roar. He was going to continue up the mountain, but he saw the movement from the gorilla camp, stepped on the ground with one foot, and the ground trembled. Jumped directly towards the gorilla station.

After a while, the slender figure came roaring closer.Hey, what kind of weird weapon is that?It's interesting to be able to block the sky!The slender figure didn't stop, and flew directly above the gorilla's camp. When it reached out and grabbed it, it accurately caught a black iron boomerang hovering at high speed. On the ground, smoke and dust filled the air.

What?what is this?
Few of the gorillas saw the movement of the slender figure clearly, and their eyes only vaguely caught a figure descending from the sky.

Brother Dali's complexion changed drastically. The black iron boomerang that was captured was his. After several days of polishing, he already had a certain induction with the black iron boomerang. He wanted to move and dodge at the first time, but it was still too late!Who is it?

Dali's father was suddenly startled, why did this slender figure seem familiar?Not good!

Dali's father hurriedly took back the black iron boomerang.Although Dazuo and Dahuang didn't know why, they also took back the black iron boomerang.

Just when the gorillas were stupefied, the giant tricolor bird in the sky saw a gap, and immediately rushed out of the blockade with its head buried, and flew away without looking back.

Oops, the tricolor bird is gone!The gorillas were in a hurry, but Dali's father just looked at the slender figure looming in the smoke and dust with great vigilance, and didn't say anything. The gorillas could only follow along and restrain the slender figure. This guy was only ten meters long. How tall, even the thinnest little six among us can't compare, it shouldn't be a big deal, why is the patriarch still so close to the enemy?
Just when the giant three-color bird had already flown far away, the slender figure in the smoke waved his hand, and the iron boomerang flew out quickly. In a blink of an eye, the black iron boomerang flew from the three-color The giant bird swished past, but unfortunately the trajectory of the boomerang was a circular arc, and it failed to hit the giant three-color bird.

The tricolor giant bird was startled, what the hell?
The gorillas were also startled. The weight of the black iron boomerang is no joke. Even the strongest Dali father would never be able to shoot the black iron boomerang at such an astonishing speed. How scary is it?

A disdainful snort came from the smoke, and the black iron boomerang suddenly circled back and hit the giant tricolor bird!
Although the three-color giant bird tried its best to dodge, the speed of the black iron boomerang was too fast. Just as it turned its body, the iron boomerang was already in front of it.

Cut melons and vegetables!

The left wing of the giant tri-color bird was completely cut off by the black iron boomerang, and the giant tri-color bird fell to the ground screaming in pain. If it fell from that height, it would be seriously injured even if it did not die.

The black iron boomerang cut off a wing of the tri-color giant bird, flew back without stopping, shot into the smoke and dust, made a loud metal clang, and was firmly caught by the slender figure.

Then the whirlwind brought back by the black iron boomerang blew away the smoke and dust, revealing the true face of the slender figure of Mount Lu.

The silver hair is spotless, the slightly arched upright body, slender limbs, bulging chest, pointed head and palate, long face, protruding nose, pointed and erect ears, and fierce eyes shining fiercely. A silver wolf!
The only fly in the ointment is that there is a large black charred stone on the right shoulder of this silver wolf, which destroys the overall beauty.

Dali's father's heart suddenly twitched violently, there was no mistake, it was a Sirius, and it was an adult Sirius!The three deep slanted claw marks on Dali's father's chest suddenly ached. Could it be that this adult Sirius is the experienced juvenile Sirius back then?

Sirius glanced disdainfully at the gorillas who were much taller than him, and held the black iron boomerang in front of him for a closer look, it's really good!
This black iron boomerang is our town's treasure, the gorillas are ready to go, no matter how powerful you are alone, we are a group, let's get down on you!

Dali's father yelled in a hurry, don't move!
Back then, Dali's father went out to practice, ambitiously climbed to the top of the mountain, made many friends, and wanted to defeat a Sirius to make a name for himself. As a result, he only found a juvenile Sirius who went down the mountain after thousands of miles, and the encounter began.

A large number of people is nothing but a chicken and a dog in the face of the right strength, which is completely vulnerable.

The juvenile Sirius, who was only five meters tall, turned over a large area in a blink of an eye, and flew away.

Dali's father left three deep and slanted claw marks permanently on his chest, and he also recognized his own strength, and returned to the station and stayed honestly until today.

I didn't expect to meet the same Sirius again after so many years, it's really fate.Dali's father kept smiling wryly, now that this Sirius is an adult, he must be far stronger than before, absolutely invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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