Interstellar Miner

Chapter 583 Sirius

Chapter 583 Sirius
Sirius ignored the group of gorillas who were staring at him, and looked at the dark iron boomerang in his hand with a faint smile. Such a heavy black iron boomerang is really a superb forging skill!

In the past, Sirius never felt that weapons were useful. After so many years of experience down the mountain, he used his fists to beat invincible hands all over the world.Who would have thought that on the way home, they encountered a group of hairless monkeys with strange shapes. Their own strength was not very good, but their weapons were really powerful, but it was still him who was even more powerful, killing them all.

Later, the boss of the group of hairless monkeys rushed over, good guy, a square seal smashed over his head and face, he couldn't stand it with such great strength, and was almost smashed into the ground.Fortunately, he already knew that the hairless monkey's body was fragile, so he used the supernatural power that Sirius was proud of to rush up to the head, and cut him into four pieces with one claw.

Who would have thought that he was still alive like that, brazenly commanding the big seal to fight back, and he was caught off guard by his shoulder. If it hadn't been for so many years of uninterrupted training of his steel frame, his shoulder might It has been smashed!

Then the group of hairless monkeys commanded their weapons to self-destruct without fear of death, and they themselves had no choice but to avoid their edge and retreat first.

Sirius originally wanted to find an opportunity to regain the position, but he never thought that several groups of hairless monkeys rushed over one after another, defending so tightly that he was almost trapped.

The Sirius no longer loves to fight, so it's time to return to the mountain in a hurry. You hairless monkeys are not the only ones in numbers. Our Sirius clan is not a vegetarian, and our Sirius clan's artifacts are even more powerful!

Along the way, Sirius thought to himself, the weapons of those hairless monkeys were really powerful, if he had a weapon in his hand, he would definitely be able to kill them all in a daze.

Seeing the bustle and bustle of the gorilla camp from a distance, and some strange weapons flying in the sky, Sirius decided to go there to find out, and sure enough, he received the goods. This strange weapon is really good.

It's just that compared with the weapons of those hairless monkeys, it still feels a bit incomparable.But since this group of orangutans can have such weapons, maybe they can forge even more powerful weapons.

With this in mind, Sirius patted the black iron boomerang lightly, and asked Dali's father who was obviously the boss in the common language of the mountaintop: "Where did you come from?"

Dali's father spent some time outside, and he could still understand it, but the black iron boomerang was bestowed by Lord Engong, so how could he confess his benefactor, Dali's father immediately put on airs, what are you talking about, I don't understand ?The idea was good, but Dali's father really overestimated his poor acting skills.

Sirius smiled coldly, but he also knew that this weapon was no small matter, and it was only natural for the gorilla to hide it, so it seemed that he had to use some means!

Sirius looked around coldly for a week.

The gorillas who were swept by Sirius' eyes were all chilled all over, and their hearts were involuntarily jumping.

In the end, Sirius fixed his eyes on the big foot holding the boomerang, and decided to use him for surgery.

"Bigfoot be careful." Dali's father exclaimed, but it was still a step too late.

Dazu didn't need to remind his father vigorously, he knew he was going to suffer if he was stared at by Sirius, he set up a mental alert of 12 points immediately, and put the black iron boomerang across his chest, but only an afterimage was caught in the corner of his eyes, it was not at all. It was too late to react.

Sirius quickly cut to Bigfoot, grabbed the corner of the black iron boomerang, and waved it lightly!
The big foot holding the other corner of the black iron boomerang only felt a huge force coming, and the palm could no longer catch the boomerang, and the next moment the boomerang hit his chest hard.

The big foot was sent flying with a groan, and fortunately the black iron boomerang was relatively close to his chest, and its strength was limited, otherwise it would not have been as simple as being smashed into the air.

This happened suddenly, none of the gorillas could react in time, and they all shouted angrily when their big feet were blown away, how daring!
But the strength of Sirius is really astounding. The gorillas felt a chill in their hearts. They finally defeated the giant three-color bird. They were just so happy that such a powerful guy came. Is our station down? What mold!
"Everyone, don't shoot!" Dali's father shouted loudly, and said to Sirius in a deep voice in the common language, "Noble and noble Sirius, we do not intend to offend you, these boomerangs are mine in a tree hole at the foot of the mountain I found it by accident, if you are interested, just take it away."

The two Dali brothers, who knew some common languages, were horrified. It turned out that this was Sirius. Judging from his size, he should be an adult Sirius.
Sirius smiled coldly and said: "Don't pretend to be deaf and dumb now! Your so-called boomerang still can't catch my eyes, I just want to know who forged this boomerang? You tell me the truth, I will never It’s hard for you, I will do what I say.”

Dali's father was still very loyal, and he spread his hands and said, "I really don't know. I only found a few boomerangs in that tree hole, and I didn't meet the owner of the boomerang."

Sirius said coldly: "Don't you know? We Sirius clan are born to be able to discern lies! If you offend me, I will erase you and your residence from this mountain! You may not be afraid of death, but you Think about it for your people too!"

Dali's father said angrily: "It turns out that the Sirius whom I have always respected would attack the old and the weak, women and children, so I am blind."

Sirius said coldly: "Stop talking to me, what about the old and the weak, women and children, the weak live in this world and can only be dominated by the strong, if I let you live, you can live, if I want you to die, you can only die If you disobey me, your entire clan will perish!"

Dali's father grabbed the black iron boomerang tightly, and the golden lines all over his body began to shine brightly. He said in an extremely firm voice: "None of our clansmen are cowards, you can try it."

"Do you really think I'm afraid? I'll ask you one last time, will you say it?" Sirius was already very impatient.

Dali's father shouted loudly: "What the hell, I just don't tell you, you left these three claw marks on my chest back then, now I want to find my way back!"

Dali's father roared and rushed towards Sirius.Seeing the patriarch attacking, the rest of the gorillas rushed over together and did it!

The old and the weak, women and children were very aware of how much they weighed, so they hurriedly backed away so as not to get in the way.Little Six quietly ran towards the small palace, wanting to tell Engong that they should evacuate first.

Um?It turned out that he was the defeated opponent back then, tsk, I don't even remember that an orangutan like you, who is unknown, is worthy of being my opponent?

Sirius smiled coldly, and shot in a flash!

A large circle of gorillas rushed over, spraying blood and flying backwards, only Dali's father barely blocked Sirius' claw attack with a black iron boomerang.

There was a loud bang, Dali hit his body, and the tiger's mouth burst open. Dali's father almost couldn't catch the black iron boomerang, and his feet stuck into the ground but he kept retreating. He retreated a full tens of meters before stopping. There were also three deep claw marks on the iron boomerang.

The blood-spraying gorilla fell to the ground, slid a long way and hit a tree or something before it stopped, and only a handful of them could struggle to stand up, but they could only hold their chests with their arms for three Dao deeply saw the bones and the claw marks that sprayed blood.

The gorillas were all horrified!
fear!What a terrifying speed and what a terrifying power!Simply invincible!
Hey, they're still not dead yet?Sirius was a little surprised. It seems that the gorilla system of this race is not bad. It should be that the number is too rare, so they can only make a living on the edge of the mountain.

Hmph, our Sirius clan is also very small in number, but we are the supreme royal clan that leads one side, after all, their strengths are vastly different!
Sirius glanced contemptuously at Dali's father, and said, "My patience has a limit, if you are stubborn, I am going to kill you!"

"No way!" Dali's father gritted his teeth and shot a black iron boomerang at Sirius.

Sirius shook his head speechlessly, and caught the boomerang with one claw. I already know the trick of your so-called boomerang.

Dali's father also knew that he was no match for Sirius, but he had to try his best to buy time for his benefactor and the others to escape. Dali's father gritted his teeth and threw himself at Sirius without risking his life!

Life and death things!Sirius snorted coldly and knocked Dali's father to the ground with a paw.

With a loud bang, Dali's father smashed deeply into the ground.

Sirius jumped lightly, stepped on Dali's father's neck with one foot, and stepped on it!
With a roar from the ground, Dali's father was almost stepped into the endless abyss!

Sirius glanced around coldly, hey, the news from the original place disappeared in an instant.

"Engong, it's not good, you guys go!" The little six finally rushed outside the small palace and shouted anxiously.

It turned out to be here, Sirius appeared in front of the small palace in an instant. It was such an exquisite building. It turned out that the answer was inside the residence. It was so small and covered by trees, so I didn't even notice it at the first time.

Little Six stood on the spot blankly, staring at Sirius in a daze, why did he come over so quickly, where is the Patriarch and the others?
Sirius grinned at Little Six, little guy, thanks to you, I found this place.

Little Six suddenly felt so regretful that his intestines turned green, he picked up a stone from the ground, and stared at Sirius threateningly, "Dare you try to get close to the small palace."

ha!Sirius grinned with extreme disdain, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, you little bastard, how dare you threaten me?It's just a big joke!Forget it, ignore him, Sirius walked directly towards the small palace.

Little Liuzi smashed out the stone with a whoosh, and hit Sirius precisely on the back of the head.

Sirius stopped abruptly, turned around coldly, and looked at Little Six with dead eyes, since you intend to die, then I will send you to die!Sirius rushed to Little Six in an instant, grabbed Little Six by the neck and lifted him up.

Sirius looked thinner and thinner than Little Six, but carrying Little Six who was obviously much heavier than him was like lifting a straw.Sirius grinned grimly and kept increasing the grip of his claws!
Little Six held onto Sirius' arm with both hands, struggling desperately, the golden patterns all over his body kept flashing, but no matter how hard he tried, it was like a mayfly shaking a tree, and he couldn't move Sirius' arm at all.Xiao Lizi's eyes soon turned red, but he still remained silent, and finally kicked Sirius with his kick, and his arms fell limply.

How dare you!Sirius immediately became angry, and if he didn't want to dawdle, he was about to end up with the little six!
Sirius captured!

But Sirius expected that the cracking sound of the neck of the little six was not heard!

A white and tender hand that looked like a small leaf compared to Sirius' arm grabbed his wrist, and the explosive force of Sirius' grasp was forcibly blocked by this hand.

Um?Sirius couldn't help being startled, and resisted the owner of the tender white palm, hey, isn't this the hairless monkey?It turned out to be a hairless monkey!How dare you even dare to come to our holy mountain, but you really don't know how the word "death" is written!

Do you want to save this little guy?Just by you?ridiculous!
The Sirius continued to burst out of power, and he was going to kill the little six sons on the spot!But no matter how explosive the power is, it can't be transmitted to the claws through the wrist!
Good guy, there are two brushes!Sirius let out a roar, and the silver hair all over his body danced without wind, and the dazzling silver lines came out from under the hair, and the power of Sirius suddenly increased exponentially!

(End of this chapter)

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