Chapter 584
It was none other than Mo Xuan who saved Little Six!
It's also fortunate that Mo Xuan didn't double cultivate with Que'er and the others, and kept thinking about the Gemini teleportation array, and it has come to the end of the study.

Mo Xuan, who was obsessed with research, didn't care about the strange vibrations before. The whole mountain is a volcano, and it's nothing to make a fuss about if it shakes occasionally.

knock off!Mo Xuan clapped his hands, and was about to go back to the foot of the mountain to pick up the team members to practice on the top of the mountain, when he heard Xiao Liuzi's call.

Mo Xuan didn't pay much attention, and walked out leisurely, only to see that Little Six's neck was about to be crushed.

Hey, this silver wolf has so much strength!
If it wasn't for the fact that Mo Xuan was beaten up all over the ground by Grand Master Li, and had deliberately trained hard, otherwise, he really couldn't cover it!
Good guy, Mo Xuan couldn't help but be surprised that he didn't use his full strength. He no longer used brute force to stop him, but the mighty giant palm suddenly appeared and grabbed Sirius' forearm tightly!

Seeing that Little Six was about to die, Mo Xuan said coldly, "Let go!"

Although Sirius couldn't understand what Mo Xuan said, but the meaning of this hairless monkey was nothing more than letting go, if you let me let go, I will let go, hum!A hairless monkey must have the self-awareness of a monkey. Our Sirius is one of the four masters of this holy mountain. No matter which onion you have on the ground, you dare to run wild on the holy mountain!

Mo Xuan's thick eyebrows were raised up, tears were red, and he unsheathed it!Stab Sirius in the back!

Suddenly, the hair on the back of Sirius' back stood up, it's dangerous!Sirius dodged subconsciously, and involuntarily let go of Little Six's throat.

Mo Xuan didn't make things difficult for Sirius, and let him dodge Honglei's attack, taking advantage of the situation to save Xiaoliuzi.

Honglei warned Sirius, Mo Xuan hurriedly pinched Xiao Liuzi's genitals.

Sirius wanted to attack several times, but was forced back coldly by Honglei.

Sirius was secretly startled, what kind of weapon is this?It is not comparable to that boomerang at all, Sirius has already felt the terrifying power contained in the red tears that can destroy the world!
Little Liuzi has a strong physique, although he was short of oxygen for a while, he finally recovered and woke up dizzy.

When the little six saw Mo Xuan, they subconsciously called out: "Grandfather, hurry up, the Sirius is coming!"

Sirius?It turned out that this silver wolf was Sirius, Mo Xuan glanced at Sirius, oops, the situation was urgent and I didn't have time to take a closer look, this guy is quite a horse!
Um?Mo Xuan's brows twitched, he was aware of the miserable situation in the gorilla camp, was this guy all the trouble?And those three tricolor birds?How did it all come together?

Things are a bit troublesome, Mo Xuan urgently called other people in the small palace.Mo Xuan had to be on guard against Sirius, and the only way to save the gorillas was to ask other people to help.

What's the matter?Mo Que'er pouted and kicked out of the small palace, hey, this silver wolf is so handsome, tsk tsk, Sanmao, the mount back then, has long passed, Mo Que'er has been thinking about grabbing a powerful mount , there are many magical horses and beasts on the top of the mountain, but there is really no one who can catch Mo Que'er's eyes for the time being. I didn't expect that a mount would come to the door on its own initiative today!But this silver wolf is standing upright, so it should be able to walk on the ground, it seems a bit awkward.

Kong Ling, Huali, Xiaoyun, Shui Wu, and Zhou Fang walked out of the small palace one after another, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw Sirius, what a silver wolf!

There are still so many helpers, Sirius looked at Mo Que'er and his party vigilantly, feeling a little hairy for some reason, this group of hairless monkeys is obviously very different from the group he met before, it is by no means good Compatible!
Do you want to retreat temporarily?Sirius immediately dismissed the idea of ​​retreating. In Sirius' glorious life, there would never be the word retreating!
It doesn't matter how many there are, our Sirius has always had overwhelming absolute strength, and we are never afraid to pick a group; no matter how good the weapon is, it is useless if we can't hit me, and our Sirius' steel claws are not vegetarian!
I didn't expect to meet a hairless monkey on the top of the mountain. Hmph, I happened to capture the Yahui people alive for interrogation, maybe they could learn the secrets of the hairless monkey's powerful and abnormal weapons.Mo Xuan briefly described the situation with his thoughts.

It turns out that this is Sirius!

Zhou Fang's eyes shined brightly, he stared at Tanlang and looked again and again, tsk tsk, what a silver wolf!
Mo Que'er pursed her lips, and said bluntly, "This Sirius is mine, and none of you are allowed to snatch it."

Uh...Zhou Fang lost his temper a bit, he was going to go vigorously halfway up the mountain, but this time he had to pay back the favor, that's all, there should be a Sirius on the top of the mountain, and he will find a way to catch one later.

Shui Wu smiled lightly, since you want Que'er, then let it be for you.

Kong Ling and the others are their own people, of course they all follow Mo Que'er, in fact, in Mo Que'er's animal control bag, isn't it the same as in our animal control bag!

Mo Xuan warned, this Sirius is not simple, it has infinite strength, steel and iron frame, and extremely fast speed, and there should be some magical powers at the bottom of the box that have not been revealed, so it is better to be careful.

Mo Que'er nodded, she got it, with a flip of her fair little hand, a beauty appeared in her palm.

Kong Ling, Huali and Xiaoyun went to treat the injured gorillas first, while Mo Que'er, Shui Wu and Zhou Fang helped Luezhen.

Sirius ignored Kong Ling and his party who were leaving. It was obvious that this group of hairless monkeys was headed by Mo Xuan, and from the brief confrontation just now, it was obvious that Mo Xuan was completely different from those hairless monkeys who were physically fragile. Be the real master!
However, Sirius is more concerned about the hairless monkey's forging skills in weapons. The boomerang is actually very good, and the exquisite little palace is even more amazing, and Mo Xuan's red tears and Mo Que'er's beauty exude incomparable beauty. Powerful breath.

If our Sirius Clan mastered those weapons, we would surely be even more powerful.

Kong Ling and her team hurried to the accident site, and saw that most of the gorillas were seriously injured, with blood gushing from claw marks on their chests, and many gorillas had severely damaged internal organs.

Dali's father was even more deeply trapped in the ground, and his life and death were unknown.

The little orangutans were crying loudly, and a sad atmosphere enveloped the audience.

The three women frowned secretly, that Sirius is so vicious, it's really abominable!

Seeing Kong Ling and the others coming, the gorillas whose wounds are still bleeding are anxious, why are you here? Sirius is looking for you, you should retreat quickly!

These gorillas are really loyal!The three women nodded secretly.

It's okay, Xuan is here.The three women said a few words of comfort, and immediately divided up the work.

Xiaoyun first dug Dali's father out of the ground. Although he passed out, the injury was not too serious. The gorillas who were breathing less; Kong Ling and Huali first helped the seriously injured gorillas to stop the bleeding. Oh, if they can't stop the bleeding, they should be blocked first!
Xiaoyun frowned secretly. The self-healing ability of the gorillas is actually quite strong, but there is some strange energy left in the wound, which hinders the self-healing ability of the gorillas.

But it's really troublesome, Xiaoyun has been with Mo Xuan for a long time, and she has acquired the habits of a lot of good people. Otherwise, she would not bother to care about the life and death of these gorillas, let alone give the first aid to those gorillas. A few gorillas who have stepped into the gate of hell with half a foot.

After finally expelling the weird energy from the wound and resuscitating it, Xiaoyun snorted, it's a standard loss-making business.

Other gorillas should not be able to die for a while. Xiaoyun carefully studied the weird energy. It turned out to be a combination of metal and light attributes. At first, he thought about it in the direction of the completely different dark attribute. No wonder up.

Knowing the principle, the next step is very simple.Xiaoyun was in charge, Kong Ling and Huali were assistants, and soon all the gorillas, whether they were dying or were slightly injured, were treated and rescued, and none of them could die.

The three benefactors are really living Bodhisattvas!The little orangutans kowtowed to the three girls like garlic, full of gratitude.

The three women waved their hands indifferently, and turned their attention to Xuan.

The Sirius didn't wait any longer, roared loudly, his whole body shone with silver light, and blatantly activated the unique supernatural power of the Sirius Clan - Sirius Space!
Silver lights all over Sirius burst out suddenly, turning into hundreds of silver chains to seal off the surrounding space within a radius of several thousand meters!

What's this?What a weird power!

Mo Xuan and his party were secretly startled. The silver chains seemed to have the same effect as the Taoist seal. Be careful, and they all flashed outside at the first time, focusing on vigilance.

Sirius smiled coldly, suddenly burst into speed, and rushed towards the unarmed Shui Wu!The space blocked by the silver chains actually moved with him!
Shuiwu Gujing looked at Sirius calmly, without dodging or evading, raised his two white and tender hands and gently raised them, endless waves of water rippled around his body, constantly squeezing the body that was sealed by the silver chains of Sirius. space, but the effect is not very obvious.

Mo Xuan frowned, and rushed over quickly, just in case.

Sirius sneered and rushed in front of Shui Wu, surrounded by silver chains all over his body!You are dead!Sirius sneered and waved his right paw vigorously, Sirius caught it!

The three Wolverine claws shone with silver light and waved towards Shui Wu, the continuous rippling water waves were torn apart, forming a fault!
The blow from Sirius was clearly no small matter, Shui Wu didn't intend to take it hard, but was shocked to find that her movements became very slow for some reason, and she couldn't dodge it if she kept going like this!Could it be that the silver chains around the Sirius Clan can slow down the space?

At this time, Mo Xuan rushed into the Sirius space quickly, his figure paused, his face changed slightly, hey, it turned out to be slowing down!The supernatural powers of Sirius are amazing!

Mo Xuan gritted his teeth and accelerated!
Although Shui Wu was not disturbed, she still had time to glance at Mo Xuan who was rushing over in a hurry, and a faint smile could not help showing on the corner of her mouth, I am the number one in the Xuanbang, okay, I have never encountered any kind of battle, and I need it What a fuss!

After the three Wolverine claws were swung out, the speed became faster and faster, slashing across Shui Wu's delicate body with lightning speed!Break into four!
However, Shui Wu's body that had been broken into four pieces did not spray out any blood, but only slightly rippled, and it turned into a bay of clear water.

Sirius was taken aback, what's going on?Something seems wrong, where did the hairless monkey go?Why can't she see it everywhere, she can't escape from the Sirius space in one go!
Sirius didn't know why, but Mo Xuan had already charged in front of him, so he didn't have time to think about it, so he sneered and flashed to Mo Xuan's side, and the Sirius clawed him!
With a flick of Mo Xuan's wrist, Honglei held back Sirius' claws and took advantage of the momentum to retreat, keeping a distance.

What?Once the Sirius Dimension and the Sirius Claws are united, they have always been invincible, but today they have suffered one after another!Sirius gritted his teeth secretly, I don't believe in evil yet, in the Sirius space, you can stop one Sirius claw capture, but you can't resist ten or eight Sirius claw claw captures!
look at me!Sirius Claw Claw, Sirius Claw Claw Claw, Sirius Claw Claw... Sirius started a crazy claw attack!
Mo Xuan avoids serious things and ignores them. If he can avoid them, he avoids them. If he can't avoid them, he parries them with red tears, constantly touching the bottom of Sirius.

The water waves around the Sirius space rippled slightly, and the pretty figure of Shui Wu appeared.

Seeing the fierce battles in the space of Sirius, Shui Wu couldn't help but secretly startled. Although he knew that Fellow Daoist Hua'an was extremely fast, he was able to fight on par with Sirius in the slow space with ease.This is no longer a quick word to describe it!

For immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, mysterious immortals, and golden immortals, every promotion is a qualitative leap.

In fact, after the promotion, the comprehension ability of Xianyuanli and Taoism did not have the exaggerated improvement compared with the previous rumors. After being promoted to the first level, it can be easily beaten before, relying more on the qualitative leap in casting speed!
The world's Taoism, only fast can not be broken!
(End of this chapter)

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