Interstellar Miner

Chapter 585 Captive

Chapter 585 Captive
Sirius swung out more than 50 all-out Sirius claws in one breath!But he couldn't do anything to that hairless monkey, this... is simply evil!

Sirius stopped panting. After so many years of experience down the mountain, it is not uncommon that he has encountered a powerful opponent who can resist the Sirius' claws. You can get down easily!But what's going on today?

This hairless monkey is too fast!You must know that this is in the space of Sirius, which is more than ten times slower!

Gasping for breath so quickly, it seems that this Sirius doesn't have enough stamina. Mo Xuan looked at Sirius indifferently, and waved his hand. If there is any pressure left, just use it.

Despise!Naked contempt!
Sirius is already out of anger, you asked for it yourself, you wanted to catch him alive, but you have completely angered me, so don't blame me for being cruel!
My father has seriously warned myself that this trick is too powerful and harmful to nature, it is best not to use it if you can, and even if you want to use it, you can't use it alone.

At this moment, Sirius no longer intends to hold back, watch me wipe you group of hairless monkeys and the gorilla camp from the top of this mountain!
Hundreds of silver chains turned back around Sirius, and the space of Sirius was interrupted. Sirius was surrounded by countless shining silver lights, his claws were clenched tightly, and his momentum continued to climb!
Sirius' eyes gradually turned red, and a powerful and unparalleled aura burst out!

Sirius' chest gradually swelled, and an incomparably huge amount of energy was constantly brewing.

Huge power came out through the body, the ground under Sirius' feet began to crack, and the atmosphere began to hum.

The color of the world changed for it!
Um?Such a big movement?Xiaoyun glanced at Mo Xuan, isn't it done yet?It's so slow this time!
Kong Ling also rescued the two giant three-color birds that had been beaten so badly that they couldn't look like birds.

The giant three-color bird whose broken wing fell to the outside was also brought back by Huali, and Xiaoyun performed the repair operation.

God, what a terrifying power this is!Is this Sirius?
The gorillas trembled, wondering how they had the courage to fight Sirius back then, that is definitely enough to brag about for a lifetime of proud capital!

The tigers, rhinos, and porcupines around the gorilla camp are all in panic. Is the end of the world coming?Or is the volcano about to erupt again?

The power of Sirius is constantly increasing, and the influence of the spread is getting farther and farther.

The powerhouses in the wide area around the gorilla station keenly sensed the terrifying power of Sirius, and couldn't help but tremble with fear. This is the overlord of the holy mountain, Sirius, showing his power!Which idiot actually dared to provoke Sirius?Don't die?
Mo Xuan, Mo Que'er, Shui Wu, and Zhou Fang who were near Sirius were also very surprised. They didn't expect Sirius to have such terrifying power.


Sirius' display of power came to an abrupt end, and the shining silver light around him dimmed. Sirius whimpered in his throat, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Mo Xuan, who suddenly appeared behind Sirius, withdrew his fist unhurriedly. I'm sorry, you are full of flaws, and you shot without knowing it!
And you are so fanatical, and obviously you can't control your supernatural power well. If you lose control, it will be catastrophic and super-destructive, so let's solve it quickly.

Suddenly the whole world is quiet!

The frightened creatures on the top of the mountain still couldn't react, huh?gone?Is it over?It's fine?Sirius has ceased fire now?

Sirius Youyou woke up, the first thing he felt was a burning pain in the back of his head, and he was a little dizzy, there seemed to be a circle around his neck, making him uncomfortable.

Um?Sirius was startled, what is this?
Sirius was extremely upset, so he grabbed the ring with his claws, trying to tear it apart, but who would have thought that the ring would not move at all.Sirius couldn't help being stunned, why couldn't he try any strength?
Only then did Sirius realize his embarrassing situation, a boxy iron cage, and Sirius was locked in this iron cage.And through the iron fence, you can see the exquisite small palace.

Contact the back of his hot head and the current situation, Sirius doesn't know what happened!Fuck, it's so despicable and shameless to actually play tricks behind the scenes!Damn it!

Sirius roared angrily again and again, and in the end even the roar became so weak, damn it, what is the broken ring on his neck, why can't he exert any strength!
let me out!If you have the ability to fight openly, what kind of hero is a sneak attack from behind!Sirius grabbed and kicked the iron cage angrily, but the iron cage was made of unknown material, it was extremely strong, and Sirius couldn't exert any strength, he tried his best but couldn't even get a few marks on the iron cage Leave.

The roar of Sirius attracted the gorillas, wow, Sirius finally woke up, he has been asleep for many days.

The gorillas have also changed from the whole family staring at the crowd with wide eyes at the beginning to being commonplace, and the Sirius is still the same after watching too much, lying on the ground motionless, which is boring.

However, the gorillas were still very afraid of Sirius, hiding behind the big trees and rocky mountains, and secretly looked at Sirius. Sure enough, the fainting Sirius was not the same as the alive and kicking Sirius!Sirius is so fierce right now!

The baby orangutans shrank into their parents' arms in fright.

Only Little Six looked at Sirius without fear, at that time he dared to throw stones at Sirius, but just looking at Sirius was nothing.

The gorillas gave up after seeing Sirius being fierce for a while, sitting decadently in the iron cage, and gradually became more courageous. It seems that Sirius has nothing to do with the iron cage made by benefactor and the others.

The strength of the Sirius is obvious to all. The whole clan was almost wiped out by the Sirius. It can only be said that Engong and the others are so powerful that they can capture all the Sirius. With such an iron cage, the gorillas only I feel that I was too ignorant before, but now a door is opened in front of me, and behind the door is a completely unknown new world, I am really fascinated!
Sirius also saw the gorillas sneaking around, so he really understood it.

Huh!Sirius keenly noticed that most of the gorillas were wounded, but the wounds were covered with large leaves. As long as the wounds were not too severe, they could basically move freely.This number is not right, I should have killed at least half of the gorillas at that time, how come there are not many gorillas?Could it be that it was saved by the three hairless monkeys who left at that time?

Sirius' face changed for a while, what are the origins of those hairless monkeys?How can everything!

Dali's father came over with a black iron boomerang, and shouted: "Okay, isn't Sirius just like that, what's there to see, work that should be done, work that should be recuperated, grass alliance that should be practiced, It's gone."

The onlookers dispersed.

Dali's father stared at Sirius a few times, squeezed the black iron boomerang tightly, and went back to the training ground to continue the hard training.

Last time he completely lost to Sirius, Dali's father was disheartened; but this time he completely lost to Sirius, Dali's father is no longer decadent, his whole body is full of strength!In the past, Sirius was the pinnacle of the world as he knew it, but now, when Engong and the others appeared, he realized that there are heavens beyond the sky and people beyond people in this world!Sirius is just the overlord in a corner, we are too far behind, we have to forge ahead and work hard!
Sirius just stayed so alone in the iron cage, recalling all the high spirits during the training process, and thinking about the embarrassment at this moment, he couldn't help but feel sad.

However, Sirius quickly pulled himself together, thinking to himself, those hairless monkeys are indeed evil, with such powerful weapons and strength, and appearing on the holy mountain again, they must have plots, maybe they will become our Sirius clan The huge threat of China has to be guarded against.It's a pity that I was trapped, and I couldn't warn my tribe in time, hey~
Sirius now understands the meaning of his father's warning "even if you want to use it, you can't use it alone", can't you explain it clearly, and your defense is greatly reduced when you cast it, and if you get a surprise attack, it's probably because your father thinks that it's impossible for him to go down the mountain to practice. I can't use this trick, but I still use it, alas!
At this time, Mo Xuan had already crossed halfway up the mountain alone, returned to the foot of the mountain, and met Yun Yuanjia and the others smoothly.

Yun Yuanjia and the others have been practicing at the foot of the mountain for many days, and they have always kept a low profile, and they have received a lot of money even though they are not in danger.

Mo Xuan's original intention was to ask the team members what they meant. After all, the top of the mountain is not a trivial matter, and it is not something that can be experienced casually.

The team members are full of enthusiasm, it is a rare opportunity to go to the top of the mountain, of course they will go, even if they can't have a good experience, it is good to gain experience!

Mo Xuan couldn't help smiling when he saw that the team members' opinions were surprisingly unanimous, and immediately began to set up a twin star teleportation array in a hidden valley.

It turns out that the top of the mountain is so magical. The team members felt like cats scratching their heads. Seeing that Mo Xuan's arrangement was completed, they walked up the teleportation array.

Mo Xuan stopped me, what's the hurry, I still need to debug, this is not a joke, if the teleportation array goes wrong and randomly teleports us to Gada, the danger is second, if we can't find the way back That's the real trouble!
Well, the team members can only wait patiently. After finally waiting for Moxuan to be debugged, it turns out that there is still no way to use it for the time being, and we still have to wait!
I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, just wait!
Just when the team members were bored, a piece of news that had gone through thousands of mountains and rivers and various barriers and obstacles was finally successfully delivered, which made everyone explode!

What?The team of Huijinggen Golden Immortals in the fifth level of time and space encountered a strange silver wolf, and almost wiped out the entire army. Even Huijinggen Golden Immortals were seriously injured, and their bodies almost collapsed!
Fortunately, the surrounding teams rushed over to rescue them in time, otherwise Hui Jinggen Jinxian's team might have been completely wiped out!

The news did not elaborate on the process of Hui Jinggen's Golden Immortal team fighting the silver wolf. It mainly transmitted the image of the silver wolf to warn other teams to be careful when encountering this kind of silver wolf.

The picture was a bit blurry, but it was still possible to tell that it was a huge silver wolf ten meters away!

My God, what kind of wolf is that, it can't even match the mighty Jinxian!The team members were secretly shocked, but at the same time they were very thankful that they kept a low profile as much as possible, otherwise they might not even know how they fell!
Look at the date when the message was sent, dizzy, many days have passed, and it is really difficult to deliver a message in this world!
Mo Xuan glanced at it, hey, isn't this the Sirius, it seems to be similar to the one I caught, and it can surpass the power of the Golden Immortal?
Mo Xuan rubbed his chin, well, if Jinxian Da Neng was negligent for a while, and was launched by Sirius to slow down the space and get close, it would be quite embarrassing!Even if you are a golden immortal, you have to be careful to sail for ten thousand years!
The teleportation array is ready.

Mo Xuan clapped his hands and signaled everyone to calm down, and while the teleportation formation was working, he would teleport to the top of the mountain first, and then make plans.

Finally, the team members hurriedly stood on the teleportation formation. It was a bit crowded, but they could barely stand.

Mo Xuan pointed towards the Gemini teleportation array, and with the flickering brilliance of the teleportation array, there was a violent bump, and the teleportation was finally completed.

The team members grinned for a while, so uncomfortable!

Mo Xuan frowned. It seems that the teleportation array has not been well adjusted and needs to be improved.

The team members turned their necks and twisted their waists, looking at the gorilla's residence, as if suddenly breaking into the giant country, everything is so huge!

Sirius looked in amazement at the 90 or so people who suddenly appeared on the teleportation array not far away. Why did so many hairless monkeys suddenly appear?How did they appear?what's the situation?
Yan Yingwu was the first to stare at the Sirius locked in the iron cage. This silver wolf looks familiar.Yan Yingwu tsk-tsk flew down in front of the iron cage in surprise, looked up and down at Sirius, oops, isn't this just...

Yun Yuanjia and the others couldn't help being stunned, they went around and looked at Sirius for a while, and compared the image of the silver wolf in the news, except for an extra iron ring around the neck, everything else was really the same!

Mo Xuan called Dali and asked him to act as an interpreter, and asked if Sirius had fought Hui Jinggen Jinxian and the others before.

Sirius was very stubborn, and confessed, that's right, it was Lao Tzu, those hairless monkeys were like cowards, they were chopped melons and vegetables by Lao Tzu, but the boss was quite powerful, he got his square seal, and his shoulders hit It still hurts now.

It really is this product!
Uh... The team members didn't know what to say for a while, the terrifying silver wolf who almost wiped out the entire Golden Immortal team, came to the captain's side, and was caught and locked in a cage!
Team members, you look at me, I look at you, apart from admiring Huaan's legendary power, what else can you admire!We are really lucky to be part of the team!

(End of this chapter)

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