Interstellar Miner

Chapter 586 Rest

Chapter 586 Rest
Mo Xuan frowned, this is a bit difficult, this Sirius has already had an enmity with the fifth-level space-time team, but Que'er wants to take this Sirius as a mount.

Mo Xuan coughed and said, "Golden Immortal is so powerful, this Sirius must be bragging, please don't take it seriously."

None of the team members are stupid, since the captain said something, then this Sirius must be bragging, and it should be other more powerful Sirius who did the team of Golden Immortals who overturned the time and space!

Hehe, if it were me, if I caught such a powerful Sirius, of course it would be impossible to hand it over for others to kill to vent my anger, everyone understands that.I always thought that the captain was selfless, so he also had selfish intentions, but this kind of captain is more humane, not a god on high.

The first generation of disciples of the Four Immortals who knew Mo Xuan well exchanged glances, and they knew that it was probably from the teacher's wife.

Sirius is so happy to be watched like a monkey, and immediately yelled, you despicable villain who sneaked up from behind, you have a fair competition for doing things, let me out, you stupid orangutan, why are you doing this, please translate it !

Dali gave Sirius a vicious look, called Mao Ming, you hurt so many people of our tribe, if it weren't for the benefactor and the others, there must have been heavy casualties, what's wrong with you, you deserve it!I'm here to translate for Engong, not for you, go and squat down to cool off, I don't bother to talk to you!

Sirius is so angry that his head is smoking, you poor orangutan, wait for me to go out, you will see me!

I curled my lips vigorously, the lord has already taught me super powerful body training techniques, and when I succeed in training, I will see who looks good to whom!

Although Mo Xuan couldn't understand the howling of Sirius, he also knew what Sirius meant. Well, this guy is full of wildness, and he still needs to temper his temper, but he doesn't know if Que'er can subdue him.

Mo Xuan led everyone to a brief tour of the gorilla's residence, which is actually fruit trees, fruit trees, fruit trees, fences, residential areas, training grounds, and a simple animal pen where three giant tricolor birds are temporarily imprisoned, and nothing else.

Except for the one with the broken wing, the three tricolor giant birds were injured, and the other two had flesh injuries. They were fine and could fly high. How could this simple animal pen stop them.

But even with the courage of the giant three-color bird, he didn't dare to escape privately. That's an adult Sirius, and they were all captured.If you can follow those powerful people, you may be able to follow suit in the future!
Seeing Mo Xuan and his party walking past, the three-color giant bird nodded and bowed hurriedly, very docile.

What kind of bird is this?Is it the flying cavalry that the captain caught on the top of the mountain? It's so huge, and the breath is not weak.

The team members were amazed.

Yan Yingwu and Wei Jingshuo clicked their tongues secretly, guessing that even if they were together, they would not be a match for a giant tricolor bird.

Mo Xuan glanced at the three tri-color giant birds. Although they looked a little ugly, they were still so-so as flying knights, so they agreed.

Mo Xuan couldn't help thinking of another one.

Xiao Ba in the beast control bag is really powerless to complain.

It has not been a day or two since the gorillas have been envious of the giant tri-color bird. They really want to eat stewed sea. The size of the giant tri-color bird must be delicious.Of course, I can only think about it. Engong didn't say anything, and none of them dared to make a decision. What's more, they have seen the power of the three-color giant bird. The three tricolor giant birds are cooked!

The gorillas welcomed the arrival of the team members, and specially held a special welcome banquet.

The training ground was cleaned up and an open space was left.

The huge leaves of the golden fruit tree were used as table seats, and the team members were divided into five teams to sit around on the leaves.

The only thing a gorilla can entertain is the golden fruit.A lot of the fruit was burned by the tricolor giant bird, and the reserves of the gorillas are already quite tight, and now they can only live on a diet, but now that the guests are coming, no matter how embarrassing they are, they can't neglect the guests!

The little orangutans were happily eating the golden fruit.

The gorillas just pretended to be happy, holding the fruit in their hands for a long time without eating a single one.

Although the golden fruit was quite big, with a diameter of two meters, Kong Wuming and his small group gathered around a fruit, even though they scooped it with a big spoon for a long time, they still couldn't finish one.However, for the super-sized gorillas, it is not a problem to stuff a few pills in one mouth.

Mo Xuan naturally saw the embarrassment of the gorillas. If he knew that he would go down the mountain, he would help the gorillas collect food. However, considering the huge size of the gorillas, it is really not easy.

It is not enough to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, Mo Xuan scanned the huge fruit trees, and soon had a general idea.

The team members quickly discovered the magic of the golden fruit. Wow, after eating this golden fruit, the whole body became warm, as if they had inexhaustible strength!
Mo Xuan said at the right time: "This golden fruit has a slight side effect, please eat it in moderation."

side effect?What side effects?I didn't seem to feel it, and the team members were all surprised.

Mo Xuan coughed and said a few words.

Dare to love is this side effect!The team members all laughed happily. We are all immortals, and immortals themselves are immortal. I have never heard of a high-level immortal couple giving birth to offspring. This kind of side effect is almost non-existent for us immortals!

But the captain hardly ate. Could it be possible that he wants to have a future with some Taoist couples?It's not completely impossible!

The team members only dare to turn their minds around, stop thinking about it, and eat more if you know that the golden fruit is a good thing!

In the middle of the banquet, Dali performed a wrestling match with his brother to add to the fun.

The team members enjoyed watching it, and they were full of energy, wishing to find an opponent to wrestle with.

It was rare to have a safe place to stay, so the team members gradually let go, took out the wine and drank it, and generously shared dozens of large tanks of wine among the gorillas.

The gorilla carefully picked up the big vat, like holding a small and exquisite cup, poured the wine into his mouth and tasted it, and fell in love with the taste of the wine immediately, which was incredible!There is such extreme delicacy in the world!Is there any more?With such a small amount, one mouthful for each of us is not enough to moisten our throats!
After the banquet, the team members had already had a heated fight with the gorillas. If it wasn't for the huge difference in size, the two brothers would have hooked up shoulder to shoulder!

What made the team members feel a little sad was that the hoarded wine was all drunk by a large number of gorillas, and there was no wine for a long time.Forget it, on this perilous mountaintop, wine is not allowed to touch forbidden items. If it is gone, it will be gone. Just make room for more top-quality natural treasures. Any natural treasure here is enough to exchange for several time-honored wineries that's it!The players can only comfort themselves in this way.

The team members took a rest in the gorilla camp, and around Moxuan's small palace, there were all kinds of convenient space magic weapons for home and travel.

Sirius in the iron cage was secretly startled, the threat from this group of hairless monkeys was probably far greater than he had imagined!

After Meimei took a break, the team members were refreshed, and it has been a long time since they have had a good night's sleep!Comfortable!
The gorillas were much more diligent. Before their injuries were fully healed, they had already started practicing boomerangs.

Oops, what is that?Will it fly back?

Wow, what is that, it can even carry a gorilla to the sky!
The team members were stunned for a moment, and when they inquired, they turned out to be the boomerang and iron dragonfly created by the captain!The captain is also very versatile, he can tinker with it.

Not to mention, this boomerang really matches the gorillas!

Hey, what is the captain up to?The team members looked at Mo Xuan in a daze, flying back and forth among the golden fruit trees like a hardworking bee.

Mo Xuan waved, you guys came just in time, hurry up and help.

With one more helper, Mo Xuan's work efficiency suddenly doubled, and he quickly completed the preliminary process.

Mo Xuan sorted out all the golden fruit trees in the residence, and then classified them according to the quality of the golden fruits, and selected [-] of the best fruit trees.

Then, it is grafting and planting.

Mo Xuan planned a sapling cultivation area in the resident, arranged a lot of formations, and adjusted the climate and temperature to the best.

Then, the wood attribute team members acted as sapling cultivators to quickly spawn, and soon the first batch of saplings grew.

Next, Mo Xuan handed over the work of planting saplings and fattening to the gorillas. After all, we can only help for a while, but not for a lifetime. It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish.

Gorillas can live comfortably in the future only if they have mastered the technique of grafting and breeding.

However, there is still a problem to be solved. The side effects of the golden fruit are purely tasteless to the immortals, but to the gorillas, it is a huge problem related to the continuation of the race.

As the saying goes, there is no unparalleled road, and there is often a cure for poisonous snakes and poisonous weeds.

Sure enough, Mo Xuan found grass stems in the ground around the golden fruit tree that could properly resolve the side effects of the golden fruit.

Then it will be easy!
Moxuan organized the gorillas to dig the ground, dug out a lot of grass stalks, cleaned them and dried them in the sun to be used as pickles.In the future, if you eat golden fruits, you have to eat a few pickles like this. If you keep it, you can have a lot of children and grandchildren, and the race will prosper.

Since benefactor let us eat, then let’s eat, benefactor said yes, then we can do it!Gorillas are just that straightforward.

Mo Xuan didn't dare to be sure, he observed carefully for several days and confirmed that it was indeed effective, so he smiled slightly.

What about Little Six?Mo Xuan looked around, but couldn't find Little Six in the resident, did he take the iron dragonfly to the sky to play?
Huh!Little Liuzi did go to the sky to play, but it was not the iron dragonfly he was riding, but the giant three-color bird he was riding on. Kong Wuming and that little guy unexpectedly got together with Little Liuzi.

(End of this chapter)

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